Craft Coffee

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Craft Coffee Page 1

by Jessica Easto

  Copyright © 2017 by Jessica Easto

  Illustrations © 2017 by Morgan Krehbiel

  No brands, companies, or products mentioned in this book have endorsed the information contained herein.

  The pie chart on page 107 was created by Christopher H. Hendon, and the coffee bag labels on page 164 were adapted from a design by Kamila Krauze for Halfwit Coffee Roasters. Both are used, gratefully, with permission.

  Craft Coffee: A Manual

  eISBN13: 978-1-57284-804-7

  First Edition: November 2017

  Surrey Books is an imprint of Agate Publishing.

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  How to Use This Book

  The Many Waves of Coffee

  Specialty Coffee versus Craft Coffee

  CHAPTER 1: Brewing Basics


  Strength and Yield

  Brew Ratio and Dose

  Grind Size and Contact Time




  Dialing It In

  CHAPTER 2: Choosing Hardware

  Full-Immersion versus Pour-Over Brewing Devices

  How Do Filters Factor In?

  Full-Immersion Devices

  Pour-Over Devices



  Kettles and Thermometers

  Brewing Vessels, Servers, and Thermoses

  CHAPTER 3: The Coffee


  Varietals and Cultivars





  CHAPTER 4: Buying the Coffee

  Where to Find Craft Coffee


  Deciphering the Coffee Bag Label


  CHAPTER 5: The Flavor

  Acids and (Perceived) Acidity

  (Perceived) Sweetness




  How to Assess Flavor

  CHAPTER 6: Brewing Methods

  The French Press (Press Pot, Coffee Press, or Cafetière)

  The AeroPress

  The Abid Clever

  The Siphon (Vacuum Pot)

  The Melitta

  The BeeHouse

  The Walküre

  The Kalita Wave

  The Chemex

  The Hario V60

  APPENDIX: Troubleshooting, Tips, and Tricks






  CRAFT COFFEE CAN BE A POLARIZING SUBJECT. In the United States, coffee has had a long history of being made poorly and conveniently—and bought and sold cheaply. For many colonial settlers, coffee was liquid fuel, something that got their gears going in the morning and made them forget, if only for a moment, that they were slowly and murderously humping (European) humanity westward. It wasn’t supposed to taste good, and for a while in the 19th century, it couldn’t taste good; there were no adequate tools. People would burn coffee beans in a frying pan and then boil them with water (enter sugar and cream). In the later part of the 1800s, manufacturers started making fake coffee from various grains, which people continued to buy, despite being aware of the con, until they realized the additives usually included actual poisons, like arsenic and lead. Later came convenient preground coffee and later still, because ground coffee goes stale quickly, vacuum seals, both of which were, more or less, marketing gimmicks. The expectation that coffee is gross, convenient, and cheap is deeply engrained in the American psyche, and some people get prickly when others start talking about good-tasting, mildly inconvenient, relatively expensive coffee.

  Let them prickle. Read this book. Make great coffee.

  My coffee journey did not start out as a deliberate quest for the perfect cup. Instead, I found my way to craft coffee via a circuitous road largely paved with ignorance and pragmatism. My parents never drank coffee, and I had little exposure to it growing up. In high school, I ordered my first cup of coffee black—at a local diner—because I didn’t understand that many people expect coffee to be vile and rely on cream and sugar to help them suffer through it. I accepted the thin, bitter brew without question. I had become a black-coffee drinker. Without the sweet embrace of cream and sugar, it didn’t take me long to realize that different coffees have different tastes. I knew that diner coffee was markedly different from Starbucks coffee, and Starbucks coffee was distinct from my local independent café’s coffee—but I never thought to ask why.

  I also never lived near a café that offered manually brewed coffee—I didn’t even know such cafés existed or that manual brewing methods had qualitative differences from machines. When I purchased my first pour-over device in graduate school, it was only because a machine seemed extravagant and unnecessary for the single cup I brewed each morning. I figured out how to work it well enough, but only occasionally did I brew significantly better coffee than that diner back in high school did. Then one day my friend Andreas (who is now my husband) came over and saw I had a manual coffeemaker. He happened to be a barista and seeing that I had never invested any time in learning how to use the device properly, he showed me a couple of easy ways to improve my brew. As it turns out, coffee—when brewed manually—can be controlled and even manipulated for best results every time. For me, this was a revelation.

  By the time Andreas and I moved to Chicago after graduate school, independent roasters and cafés had been thriving for years, and it was easy to sample coffee made with high-quality beans from around the globe and brewed on any of several different devices. This coffee was flavorful, smooth, and full—a far cry from my first black cup.

  Most people recognize that diner coffee often leaves much to be desired and turn to chains like Starbucks and Peet’s for better alternatives. For many people, their first exposure to smooth, flavorful, high-quality coffee takes place at a small independent café. They then try to make the same coffee at home, but somehow, it never tastes as good as it does at the café. From there, it’s hard to know where to turn. The internet, with its depths of overwhelming, conflicting information, can make it difficult for home coffee brewers to learn how to improve. Then there are baristas, who can cause a different kind of hesitation. The coffee world uses a lot of jargon, and as in any new community whose members talk to each other in code, it can be intimidating to approach a professional with questions—especially in the coffee industry with its unfortunate (although often undeserved) reputation for snobbery.

  Today, many baristas are working to change this perception. Still, certain assumptions are often made in the professional coffee realm: this is the way coffee should taste, this is the way to make it, and this is the way to think about it. In reality, there is no one right way for any of it, and insisting that there is doesn’t do curious home brewers like us much good. We all appreciate good coffee, but we don’t have to appreciate it in the same way.

  That being said, some professional brewing tactics may not be a good fit or even necessary for the home kitchen. Because we collectively know relatively little about why coffee does what it does on a scientific level, a lot of misinformation is out there—often in the form of techniques and practices that have little or no rationale behind them—and baristas aren’t necessarily immune to it.

  This book is not written from the perspective of a coffee professional. It’s written from my perspective, as a coffee lover and home coffee brewer who has heard it all from the coffee professional who lives with me. I don’t make assumptions about your coffe
e knowledge, budget, or level of fervor. Instead, I realize that coffee enthusiasts exist on a spectrum, and that you will need to (1) figure out where you fall on the spectrum and (2) make coffee decisions that reflect that. This book explores the full body of coffee knowledge and offers guidance, perspective, practical advice, and a healthy dose of my own (informed) opinion to help you make those decisions and develop your own preferences. My goal is to provide you with at least the baseline of knowledge you will need to forge a path toward your own perfect, delicious cup. Take what you want and leave the rest.


  This book is organized a bit differently than other coffee books. Chapter 1 contains what I consider to be the most important information when it comes to improving your brew at home: a solid grasp of the science of extraction and the factors that affect it. Understanding why coffee behaves the way it does means that when it comes time to brew, you will know how to troubleshoot less-than-stellar cups and replicate desired results day after day. You can manipulate the fundamentals of brewing coffee depending on what equipment, brewing device, and beans you decide to use, which is why I think you need to read about those fundamentals before you ever pour water over grounds. This is a book about making coffee, after all, and there’s no reason to get distracted by how beans grow until you understand the basics of brewing.

  Chapter 2 is all about guiding you toward the coffee equipment that is right for you. Like any hobby, coffee making requires a certain amount of gear. The coffee industry loves gear—new devices and contraptions hit the market all the time. Are they all necessary? No. The reality is you will likely brew on only one device (even if, like me, you own a dozen), which is why it’s crucial that you purchase the device that best suits your lifestyle, taste preferences, and budget.

  Not all brewing devices work the same way or produce the same coffee, however; each one brings pros and cons to the table, including how they affect the qualities of the cup. This chapter outlines the two major methods of brewing (pour over and full immersion) as well as 10 different manual brewing devices, paying particular attention to the factors you will likely care about the most when selecting your device: how easy it is to use, how easy it is to find, and how much money it costs. Brewing devices, however, don’t exist in a vacuum. To properly brew café-quality coffee at home, you also must consider the other equipment involved—such as filters, grinders, scales, and kettles—that may or may not be required to optimally brew on a certain device and/or achieve your coffee preferences. Chapter 2 assesses those gadgets as well.

  Only after you have selected your device and other coffee hardware should you start thinking about beans. Chapter 3 explores the complex world of high-quality coffee beans, which can taste quite different from each other depending on what kind of coffee they are, where they were grown, how they were processed, and how they were roasted. In my experience, the knowledge gap between coffee professionals and enthusiasts is often widest with regard to the beans, so this chapter tells you what you need to know and builds your bean vocabulary. Once you have an idea of what kinds of beans you might like, chapter 4 takes things a step further by explaining how to actually find and purchase high-quality beans, which can be a challenge if you don’t know where to look or what to look for. When you finally get your hands on a bag, deciphering the label ushers in a new set of challenges, so this chapter ends with a section that teaches you how to decode coffee-bag jargon as well as how to store your carefully selected coffee once you get it home.

  Next, I talk about coffee’s flavors and how to develop your palate in chapter 5. I view the information in this chapter as bonus knowledge. You will know whether or not you like a cup of coffee simply by tasting it—it doesn’t matter whether or not you understand why. But, developing a knowledge of coffee flavor and how it works can help you better identify the coffee you are most likely to enjoy and communicate your preferences to others, which can be fun. It also gives you a sense of what you should be looking for flavorwise before you starting brewing and evaluating cups at home.

  Once you have your device, your coffee, and a grasp of what you like, you are ready to brew! The last chapter provides kitchen-tested instructions and specifications for the 10 brewing devices outlined in chapter 2. Some devices have multiple methods, and each method is labeled with icons that show what type of additional equipment I recommend for best results with that method. With your newfound coffee knowledge, you’ll be on your way to making consistent, replicable results every morning.

  Throughout the book, I have also provided tips and tests designed to help you troubleshoot your cup, but to make things even easier, I have included an appendix at the end that outlines common coffee-making mistakes and how to correct them for your next brew.

  Where’s the Espresso?

  Most coffee books have sections on espresso and milk. I have deliberately excluded that discussion from these pages. Why? Well, the point of this book is to show that ordinary people can make extraordinary coffee at home, no matter their budget, skill set, or level of enthusiasm. I just don’t think you can make extraordinary espresso at home without expensive equipment. Even the $500 espresso machine models you can get online don’t really cut it, and professional-grade machines are well out of reach of most people’s pocketbooks. Espresso machines are also more vulnerable to scale, so if you don’t have some kind of pricey filtration system, you are either going to ruin your machine, make bad espresso, or both. Lastly, great espresso is all about fine-tuning. Tiny differences can make or break a shot. Professional shops fine-tune their shots throughout the day, and it doesn’t seem practical for someone at home to pull a bunch of shots each morning until they get it right. Besides, this book has a lot of words in it already.


  According to a 2014 report by the National Coffee Association, a whopping 61 percent of Americans drink coffee on a daily basis. Though we may not always think of it this way, coffee is woven throughout much of the United States’s history. It likely played at least a small part in colonial life since the earliest days of British settlement, as England had been introduced to coffee in the 16th century. But the beverage didn’t become popular until the Boston Tea Party in 1773, when politics encouraged our citizens to turn their backs on Earl Grey and fall into the arms of coffee. Eighty-eight years later, the New York Times reported on a similar proposed tax, this time on coffee imports, designed to fund war efforts, saying, “All patriotic citizens feel that it is a sacred duty to support the Government in this trying hour, and to submit to any sacrifices that may be necessary to maintain the integrity of the Union.” By that point, the United States was already consuming more coffee than any other nation—a quarter of the world’s production, according to that same article.

  Industry professionals often describe the history of US coffee consumption in three waves. The first wave of coffee started in the 1800s, when global coffee consumption exploded and big coffee outfits like Maxwell House, Hills Bros., and Folgers started growing to prominence—at least here in the United States. In general, market share—driven by speed, convenience, and caffeine—was more important than quality during this period. For the most part, these companies sold commodity coffee, that is, coffee that is bought and sold on commodity markets, as wheat, sugar, and other standardized “soft commodities” are. One way this is done is through futures on exchanges, such as the New York Mercantile Exchange and the Intercontinental Exchange. Commodity coffee, both then and now, involved a complicated web of exporters, importers, investors, buyers, and sellers, as well as prices that were subject to huge variations for a number of reasons, including those related to politics, weather, and speculation. The commodity coffee sold to the masses was not (and is not) always of the highest quality, but for much of coffee’s history in the United States, quality considerations were, frankly, beside the point.

  Eventually, enough people decided that the mass coffee product available to consumers did not pass muster.
Growing antipathy toward low-quality coffee inspired the second wave of coffee, led by companies, such as Peet’s Coffee & Tea and Starbucks, that valued something new: quality and community. To give you a sense of the timeline, Peet’s opened its first store in 1966 in Berkeley, California; Starbucks opened its first store in 1971 in Seattle, Washington; and in 1978, the legendary Erna Knutsen—a secretary turned coffee broker who specialized in selling high-quality beans from specific origins to independent roasters—coined the term specialty coffee to better communicate the goal of her trade: to recognize the special qualities of individual beans. Achieving this goal required placing new emphasis on proper processing, roasting, and preparation—that’s specialty coffee in a nutshell.

  From there, the philosophy and language of specialty coffee grew increasingly popular. In 1982, the Specialty Coffee Association of America (now known simply as the Specialty Coffee Association) was founded to help set standards for this burgeoning industry and to help its members communicate, innovate, and grow and market high-quality coffee to consumers. Along the way, specialty coffee establishments sold the idea and the experience of specialty coffee to a demographic—a large one, as it turns out—that was willing to pay a premium for it. Between 1987 and 2007, Starbucks opened an average of two new locations a day.

  Significantly, specialty coffee has changed the way some coffee is bought and sold. A sizable portion of specialty coffee isn’t sold or traded on commodity markets. Instead, large specialty coffee companies often contract directly with producers, and smaller roasters sometimes use importers that specialize in sourcing the highest-quality beans available. Specialty coffee shops are extremely popular (recent research estimates that there are more than 31,000 specialty cafés in the United States today compared with 1,650 in 1991), and from a consumer perspective, the beloved coffee-shop experience has arguably played a significant role in this growth. But somewhere along the way, the importance of the experience of specialty coffee had started, to some, to supersede the importance of quality.


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