Boys That Tease: A Bully Romance (Lords Of Wildwood Book 1)

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Boys That Tease: A Bully Romance (Lords Of Wildwood Book 1) Page 6

by Betti Rosewood

  I bit my tongue before I spoke up, but when she sneaked a look at me, my expression told her volumes.

  She sighed, adding, "See, I knew it."

  "She's just protective of me and a little prejudiced." I rushed to my friend's defense. "I'm sure if you had a chance to get to know one another better, you'd be friends in no time. Actually, Estella said we can all get ready at her place before the party."

  "Does that include me?" Andromeda asked doubtfully, and I was quick to nod; even though, I wasn't sure how Estella would act with my new friend around.

  "Yeah, you, me, Estella and her friend Inca. Is that okay?"

  "I guess," she muttered, but I didn't miss the bright smile that took over her face.

  We pulled into the school's lot, and she parked close to the building where we both had classes that morning. We said goodbye with a quick hug, and I rushed to my classroom. As soon as I walked into the room, I remembered this was another class with Professor Mulroney, which meant...

  The sound of his laughter confirmed my thoughts.

  God, another class with Crispin Dalton. Another hour of pretending I don't care about him. That he doesn’t affect me at-fucking-all.

  He raised his eyes, furrowing his brows when I walked in. I didn't dare look at him. Instead, I rushed to my assigned desk, right in front of his. I'd worn my hair loose and straightened to avoid a repeat of the previous day. I refused to let him humiliate me again.

  Professor Mulroney was nowhere to be seen. I got out my textbook and notebook, lining them up on the desk and praying the lesson would start soon. The longer without the professor, the more time Crispin had to taunt me.

  I closed my eyes, crossing my fingers, and hoping there would be no time for torture. Just then, something swished by my shoulder, and when I looked down, there was a paper plane on my desk. My fingers shook as I took the paper, unfolded it, and stared at the crude words written in red ink.


  I fought the urge to rip up the paper. Instead, I folded it back carefully, and got up, feeling calmer than I should. Of course, the exact moment I decided to run off, Professor Mulroney appeared in the doorframe, glaring at me.

  "Miss Sullivan," he said. "Causing trouble yet again?" He must've seen the trace of tears in my eyes because he didn't stop me. He even stepped aside as I ran out of the room at full speed, leaving my things behind, withdrawing his gaze. At least I wasn’t in trouble yet.

  The hallways were deserted, not that I noticed the lack of students. All I focused on was trying to catch my next breath, and it didn't seem to be coming. I was suffocating in that building, trying to breathe in but instead filling my lungs with toxicity which only made my chest constrict more. I kept running until I burst past the security guard and found my way to the bathrooms. But when I heard voices in there, I hid behind some lockers.

  I half-tripped, half-fell to the floor, crawling against a locker and holding my knees close to my chest. I inhaled, and this time, it worked. My lungs filled with much-needed oxygen, and I hiccupped from the overwhelming sensation. I couldn't have stayed in that classroom, no matter how much damage I did to my reputation or my future at Wildwood.

  Homewrecking slut!

  The words echoed in my mind. It wasn't the worst I'd been called, but it hurt the most because it came from Crispin.

  The tears started to drip from my face, and I shut my eyes to block out all thoughts of a certain bully, squeezing them tight. Subconsciously, my fingers pushed the sleeves of my blazer up, up and up, exposing inches of my flesh. My fingertips rubbed at the skin, wanting the long-since discovered pain that made this hurt so much less.


  I opened my eyes, half-sure the voice was just me imagining things. But there he was, kneeling next to me, pushing my bag toward me awkwardly.

  "I... I brought you your bag. Mulroney asked me to check on you.”

  God, he couldn’t have sent someone else?

  I snatched it out of his hands.

  "Leave me alone, Crispin," I demanded. "I don't want to talk."

  He seemed torn, getting up and smoothing down his slacks. His tie was askew, and he wasn't wearing his school blazer.

  "What? Did Mulroney tell you to baby me?" I scoffed. "I'll be fine. Just stay the hell away from me."

  "I... wish I could." He scratched his head and pushed his hand into his pocket. "Tinsley, I didn't send you that message."

  I gave him a doubtful look, but he seemed to be telling the truth, so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. "What do you want?" I asked. "Just tell me and then leave me alone."

  "I just wanted to say..." He tried to force something out, but it wasn't happening. "I'm sorry, Tins. I know I was a dick yesterday. This is all kinds of fucked up."

  "Too little, too late," I muttered, getting up and putting my bag over my shoulder. I rummaged in it, letting out a bitter laugh when I pulled out the paper plane. I glared at him. "You really thought I'd want to keep this?"

  "Just... look at the other side," he muttered. "I tried to pass you a note, but Earnshaw grabbed it off my table and drew on it before he tossed it to you."

  Doubtful, I flipped the piece of paper over and stared at the writing, which was unmistakably Crispin's. I still remembered his awful, barely legible script.

  So, crybaby, you dropping by the party tonight?

  "Why would you care if I'm coming?" I ground out. "And the answer is no."

  "Well, I think you should." His voice was gruff. "It'll stop the rumors."

  "I don't give a shit about the rumors. I just want you to leave me alone."

  "See, that's going to be a problem for me," he muttered, making me angrier.

  "Why? Why the hell can't you just back off?"

  "Because…You…fuck with my head."

  "Not on purpose," I rolled my eyes. "Not because I want your attention if that's what you think."

  “I have a reputation here, Tins. Everyone wants me to hate you.”

  “But do you?”

  He flinched as if I’d hit him. “No. I want to. But I don’t.”

  “Good,” I said. “That’s good, right?”

  "Maybe," he muttered, running his free hand through his floppy hair. "I just…can't seem to leave you alone. It's like you were made for me to tease. I lov-like your reactions."

  "Jackass." I crossed my arms indignantly. "So, you've been teasing me, torturing me, just so you could see me react?"

  He remained quiet, so I walked up to him and jammed a finger in his chest.

  "Leave me alone, Crispin," I hissed. "Grow some balls and get a life. Pick on someone your own size. I’m not here so you can have fun torturing me. I’m here to learn, and you need to let me get on with my life.”

  "Then stop doing whatever the hell it is you're doing," he growled, extending an arm and blocking my way as he leaned against the locker. "Stop fucking with my head."

  "I'm not doing anything," I said, crumpling up the paper airplane and throwing it at his face. We both stared at it as it fell to the ground, the torn paper sad and all ripped up. “I haven’t done anything since I got here. All I want is to be left alone. Can’t you just fucking do that?”

  "No," he ground out. "Not before you see what you do to me."

  "Me?" I rolled my eyes again. "I told you, Crispin, I'm not doing anything. It’s all in your stupid head."

  "No?" he hissed. "Think again." It was then that I realized how close together we stood. That his lips were inches away from mine. He couldn’t take his eyes off me, and I seemed to be in the same predicament.

  “Let. Me. Go,” I hissed. “Right. Now.”

  “Not until we find a solution. Not until you’re…fucking…off my mind.”

  “Am I on your mind?”


  “Do you like it?”


  We glared at one another.

  “I think you do.” The words sounded more confident than I had ever felt. “I thi
nk you’re looking for excuses to talk to me. Spend time with me.” I motioned to his arm preventing me from leaving, only inches away from me. “Touch me.”

  He lowered his arm as if my mere presence had burned him, but I wasn’t done. I advanced on him, and he backed up until his back hit the locker on the other side of the hallway.

  “Stop,” he growled. “Don’t get yourself in trouble.”

  “You stop,” I demanded. “Stop making my life miserable. Stop following me around. Stop inviting me to stupid fucking parties.”

  His eyes blazed with silent fire as I inched closer. “Or what?” And just like that, the ball was back in his court because I didn’t have an answer to his threatening question.

  “Or else…” I struggled to finish my sentence, and he laughed in my face.

  “Silly crybaby,” he grinned. “You think I’m actually going to do what you say? God, can you just stop acting like a little bitch and come to my party?”

  The words stung, but not as much as the ones he’d thrown in my face the previous day. Not as much as the ones on the torn-up paper airplane. Whatever he thought of me was still better than the whole wide world’s opinion. I’d rather be a bitch than a homewrecking slut.

  Just then, the bell rang, and in a matter of seconds, we were surrounded by students. The tension was still there, but neither of us was going to act on it in front of other people.

  “I’ll see you at the party tonight, Tins.” Crispin tossed a wicked grin my direction before moving away and walking off.

  “Don’t count on it!” I shouted after him.

  Chapter Four


  "Welcome. Are you ready to party?" Estella pushed her heart-shaped sunglasses down the bridge of her nose and squealed.

  I gave her a non-enthusiastic smile. I didn’t want to do this. Especially not after my talk with Crispin. But Estella had spent all day convincing me to come anyway, and she’d managed to persuade me.

  "Well, come on in," she insisted, stepping aside to let Andromeda and me in. "We're all alone tonight except for my older sister, Romilly. But she's studying, so I don't think she'll bother us."

  Her pale blue, faux fur jacket stood in stark contrast to the squirming white puppy she held. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, and she looked as gorgeous as ever.

  Crispin would never even look at me with her around. I didn’t stand a chance against Estella Hawthorne.

  "Come in," she urged again.

  Andromeda and I exchanged glances before following her inside. I'd been to Estella's place before, but its grandeur never failed to impress me. From the entrance hall’s sprawling staircase to the impossibly high ceilings with an opera-like chandelier, the home impressed. I’d just never envisioned it belonging to a preacher.

  Estella's dad was famous for his sermons. His career had started when she was a baby and had since gained national recognition. He’d had his own TV show in the 00s but was now retired. Although, he still brought in good money from reruns and the books he wrote. Estella and her sisters lived a life of luxury, but I knew what the pressure of being perfect did to my friend.

  She constantly stressed over looking good—maintaining a persona. She never knew when a camera would be waiting, or when a scandal would be painted from something innocent she'd done.

  Her dad was very strict and incredibly overbearing. I was a little—okay, a lot—intimidated by him, so I was relieved he wasn't home.

  "Inca and I are in the living room," Estella said, setting down her puppy. "Come join us. Harley, would you stop that?"

  The dog lapped at my ankles with excitement, and I giggled, scratching him behind his ears. I glanced at Andromeda, who seemed frozen in the expansive room. Estella headed for the bathroom, and I elbowed Andie, giving her a reassuring wink.

  "Don't be nervous," I said. "I promise Estella is super nice."

  "Yeah. Maybe to you," she sighed. "She hasn't even looked at me twice. It's like I'm not even here."

  Knowing she was right, I wasn't sure what to say. Instead, I just offered her an apologetic smile as we went deeper into the Hawthorne mansion. As we walked, Andromeda's shaky hand found mine, and I gave her a reassuring squeeze while Harley ran beside us.

  We followed Estella down the hallway into the vast living room that opened into a sun room at the back of the house. Floor-to-ceiling windows gave us a view of the pool area outside. It got dark sooner these days as fall was in full effect.

  In the living room, Inca sat on the cream leather couch surrounded by clothes. They were everywhere—strewn all over the floor, the settee, the armchairs, and even a rogue bra on the huge TV.

  “I brought some hair stuff with me. Who's going first?" I offered.

  "I'll go," Inca said shyly, and I motioned for her to follow me into the sun room.

  I glanced over my shoulder, nervous about leaving Estella and Andromeda alone. But they barely acknowledged one another with Stells scrolling through her phone and Andie sitting stiffly on the couch.

  God, I hopes those two didn’t kill each other tonight.

  In the sun room, I sat Inca at the vanity table and plugged in my curling iron as I examined her hair. "It's gorgeous." I told her after she let down her tight bun. "Why do you always wear it up?"

  "I don't know. I’m not used to having it down, I guess. I do jazz ballet. It has to be up for that. But thank you." She couldn't fight off her pleased grin.

  I brushed through her thick locks. She was a natural blond, one of those lucky ones who are blessed with platinum, nearly white locks. My own hair was blond underneath the purple dye, too, but not the same shade as Inca’s. Mine was more of a golden wheat.

  It was then that I heard the shouting from the living room. "Shit," I muttered. "Give me a minute, okay?"

  Inca nodded, her eyes wide in fear. I set down the hairbrush and rushed into the living room where Estella and Andromeda were having a full-on shouting match.

  "You never really knew her," Andie spat. "You don't know anything about Pandora!"

  "Oh yeah?" Estella laughed. "I know more than you do, you fucking imposter."

  "Then why not help?" Andromeda insisted. "You haven't done anything to help us find her."

  "Maybe she doesn't want you to find her," Estella taunted. "Maybe she prefers staying in the shadows. Have you ever thought of that?"

  "Can you please stop?" I interrupted, making them both face me. "This is supposed to be fun. How the hell is anyone supposed to enjoy it if you two are fighting?”

  "Maybe if Miss imposter here would get off my goddamn back we could get a move on,” Estella hissed, glaring at Andie over my shoulder.

  "Maybe if Miss bitch princess ate fucking shit," Andie rolled her eyes. Wow, Andie. Savage.

  I gave Estella a long, warning stare. She was picking at a wasp’s nest with this Pandora stuff. It was the one way you could rile up Andromeda almost instantly, and she seemed to know that very well.

  "Well, I don't want to hear it," I said firmly. "Calm down and come in once you've made up." Since when was I the sensible parent around here? Goddamn, high school is messed up.

  With those words, I walked away, back to Inca whose eyes were still wide and scared. Let them deal with one another. I wasn't there to babysit that was for damn sure. "I think we should do some bouncy waves," I said as the other two girls strolled into the room, Harley running beside them. The fight was seemingly forgotten—at least for now. "Really voluminous. Andie, do you want to get started on her makeup?"

  "Sure," Andromeda gave me a strained smile.

  Good. Looks like we’re past the bickering stage. Thank fuck for that.

  While Estella put on some music, Andie got out her makeup. From the spark in her eyes, I could tell she was in her element. "You have such a pretty face." Andie took off Inca’s glasses. "Can you see without these?"

  "Yeah, my vision isn’t that bad, I just see better with them."

  "Ladies," Estella cut in, waggling her brows. "W
hat do you say to a celebratory glass of bubbly? This is the first party Tins and Inca have attended, and I think we should celebrate!"

  "Are you sure your parents will be okay with that?" I asked nervously, wrapping a thick strand of Inca's hair around the iron. Just thinking about Estella’s Dad finding out about this made me squirm. "My mom will be pissed if anyone tells her."

  Estella waved her hand dismissively, saying, "What they don't know won't hurt them. Romilly brought back some Veuve Clicquot from a promotional event she went to. So, you wanna?"

  Romilly, Estella's sister, was an influencer and often got to attend lavish parties and product launches. I hesitated before finally nodding with a cheeky grin. Estella squealed and ran out of the room while Andie and I busied ourselves with Inca's hair and makeup.

  "I think it’s really freaking obvious Estella hates me,” Andromeda whispered in my ear. "Do you think I should leave? I feel so awkward being here."

  "No, don't," I insisted. "She's just a bit... hard to get along with sometimes. I promise she's a sweetheart once you get to know her."

  "If she lets you that close," Andie sighed. "I feel like she's decided to hate me, and I'm never going to get past this."

  "Just give it some time," I said just as Estella strolled back into the room.

  Estella came back carrying a wobbly tray of glass flutes and a pink bottle of champagne. She set them aside and joined us in front of the vanity table.

  "So, Andromeda," she said. "I feel like we didn’t get to talk about your tragic life enough yet. Still as depressing as ever?" Right away, the tension in the room became palpable.

  "Estella," I warned, but my friend waved her hand dismissively.

  "I really want to know," she purred. "I'm worried about Pandora, just like everyone else. Since she was so popular and all."

  “Yeah, she was,” Andie sneered. “Before you came along and ruined everything. She’d still be here if it weren’t for you.”


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