Boys That Tease: A Bully Romance (Lords Of Wildwood Book 1)

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Boys That Tease: A Bully Romance (Lords Of Wildwood Book 1) Page 18

by Betti Rosewood

  “Just don’t feel like a princess tonight.” My own words ignited the spark between us. "Estella didn't make it.”

  "I noticed." He came even closer, stopping a few steps away from me and making me stare even harder.

  "Anything you want to tell me?"

  "Like what?"

  "Like..." The fact that he broke up with her. Was he going to make his move now? Didn’t he want me? Didn’t he need to feel my lips on his? "Like where you've been? You're late."

  He grinned, running his fingers through that mop of dark brown hair. "I'm sorry, crybaby. Had some other things to take care of before I showed up. But you're glad I'm here?"

  "Yeah. Very glad."

  "That's good."

  "It is."

  We looked at one another until I felt a smile tugging on the corners of my lips, and unable to hold it, I laughed. Crispin joined in. I felt silly standing there giggling with him, but at the same time, my heart was beating so fast that butterflies had taken flight in my stomach.

  "I got you something," Crispin told me, motioning behind his shoulder. "It's with the rest of your presents. Wanna open it?"

  "I..." Yes, I did. But not in front of everyone. "Can we go somewhere more private?"

  In an instant, his eyes darkened with need. He nodded, coming up to me and taking my hand in his. He held on firmly, not letting me disobey, and I followed him into the house. As we walked, I felt several pairs of eyes on us, following our journey.

  We came to a stop in front of the dining table, and he motioned to a small gift, wrapped in a signature robin's egg box with a white bow on top.

  "Oh, you didn't!" I could barely hold my excitement as I grabbed the box off the table.

  "Let's go to your room."

  The suggestion sucked the air right out of my lungs, and I stared at him, eyes wide and unblinking.

  "Okay.” And just like that, I’d sealed my fate.

  I took the lead and walked out of the room, taking the stairs two at a time until we were both behind the door. He'd been here only a week ago, but now I was much more nervous.

  "Can I open it now?"

  He took a seat on my bed, checking out the book on my nightstand and grinning when he saw it was another one of my smutty romances. "Sure, crybaby, go ahead."

  I lifted the lid of the box and gasped when I saw what was inside. It was a delicate silver bracelet, with three charms dangling off the chain. "A moon," I whispered, touching the pretty half-moon.

  "For Devin Mooney," he said, grinning. "I thought it was fitting."

  "It is." I swallowed thickly. "And a sundae?"

  "For the ice cream we always had after filming.”

  "Yeah." God, he made me so weak. I touched the last charm next, the heart with a small crystal in the center. "And this? Why the heart?"

  "You can guess the answer to that one."

  I looked up in time to see him move away from the bed and approach me. He stopped a step away, his eyes hungrily devouring me.

  "You like it, Tins?"

  "I love it. You must've spent a fortune. You really didn't need to do this."

  "I wanted to. It'll make me happy seeing you wear it."

  "Will you help me put it on?"

  He nodded, and I stretched out my arm. He took the delicate chain in his strong fingers and wrapped it around my wrist. I felt butterflies all over, tingling, shivers as his fingertips brushed my skin. I had been waiting so long for this. A single touch from him meant more than a kiss from anyone else. I craved more. I needed more. He made sure the bracelet was on properly before flicking the heart charm, making it dance on my wrist.

  "Which one's your favorite?" he asked.

  I looked into his eyes, swallowed, and managed to get out the truth. "The heart."


  We looked at one another for a long time. There were so many unspoken words between the two of us, so many things I wanted to say but had been too afraid of for the past few years.

  "Are you..."

  "Is she..." We spoke up at the same time, laughing nervously.

  "Sorry," Crispin shook his head. "Go ahead."

  "You first."

  "Okay." He stared right at me. "Are you glad I came?"


  "I am, too."

  "Good." A small pause followed, and then, before I could stop myself, I blurted out my next question. "Do you ever think about doing it?"

  "Doing what, crybaby?"

  "Kissing me." I licked my lips, my eyes never leaving his.

  His expression turned thunderous. His eyes were ablaze with silent fire. "I can't kiss you, Tinsley."

  "Why not?" My stubbornness was getting the best of me. "You're not with her anymore, are you?"

  "You know why," he ground out. "It would be wrong."

  "But you want it."

  "That doesn't matter."

  "Actually, it does." I took a step closer, making him recoil. I hated seeing it. I hated that he was so scared of me like I was a bomb waiting to go off. "It matters because it's my birthday."


  "So, I want my wish to come true."

  "What's your wish?"

  "I can't tell you. You can guess."

  "I- Tins, I can't." He looked so troubled, and I hated myself for doing this to him, for forcing him into something he was so very obviously trying to fight. "I can't do that."

  "Please, Crispin..." I took another step towards him, dangerously close now. I ran my fingertips up his arm, feeling his strong muscles under his lacrosse jacket. "It's all I think about. It's all I want. It's the only thing that will make me happy. One kiss."


  "Just one," I begged.

  "No." He shook his head, glaring at me. "God, stop fucking tempting me.”

  "Fine." I pushed him away, feeling tears prickle my eyes. "Just go, Crispin. Forget I said anything."

  He hesitated before sighing, running his fingers through his hair again and getting to the door leading into the hallway.

  "I'll never be good enough for you, will I, Crispin?" I called out after him, venom making my words more vicious than I had intended. "You're the golden boy. You can't be seen with a homewrecker's daughter."

  "You know that's not it," he ground out.

  "Then what is it?" I was losing my patience. A few tears escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. "Why don't you want me? Why do you want her instead? Why am I not fucking good enough for you, Crispin?"

  He was on me in a second, walking me up against the wall, his strong body pressed against mine. His cock was hard, throbbing, and digging into my thigh. "You don't need my mess," he growled, his lips inches from mine. "Stop fucking begging for it, crybaby because you don't need it."

  "That's where you're wrong." I looked right into his eyes, wondering whether he could feel how hard my heart was pounding. "You think I don't need you, Crispin? You’re the only boy on my mind. The only one I can think about."

  "Don't lie." His fingers wrapped around my wrist, toying with the charms. The waiting was unbearable. "Don't lie to me, crybaby."

  "You're scared," I spit out. "Scared of actually having feelings for someone. That's what makes you weak, Crispin. Weaker than anyone else I know."

  He slammed his fist into the wall next to my head. I was so shocked I could barely breathe. His glaring eyes turned back to mine, staring, unwavering.

  "Ask me to kiss you again," he demanded, withdrawing his hand from the wall.

  I glanced at his bleeding knuckles before shaking my head. "No." I glared back. "I've been humiliated enough. Just go."

  "No." He grabbed my hands, wrapping his fingers around my wrists and holding me in place. "Not until you apologize."

  "Apologize?" I laughed bitterly, at the same time painfully aware of his strong body against mine, of his cock that was still hard against my leg. "I'm not apologizing to you, you fucking bully."

  "You have no idea what a bully is," he hissed. "You have no idea of all the things I've
done to make your life here easier."

  "Then stop!" I cried out. "Stop fucking helping me. I don't need it."

  "You'd be a mess without me."

  "I'm a mess because of you!" I jammed my finger in his chest, and when that didn't work, I ripped my other hand free and slammed my fists against his pecs. "You're the one making me like this, and I hate you for it!"

  "No, you don't."

  "Yes, I do!"

  "No. You. Fucking. Don't."

  I stopped. The helplessness I felt was final, complete. I let my arms drop to my sides, releasing a sob. Before I could start crying though, his fingers wrapped around my throat, gently holding me against the wall, but making sure I couldn't move.

  "You want a kiss that fucking bad?" he whispered, and I looked up at him, and nodded. "Just one."

  "Just one," I nodded. "I swear."

  He lowered his lips, not closing his eyes. He bit my bottom lip. Teeth digging in, pulling it out like I was a toy for him to do with as he wanted. I mewled, and he deepened the kiss. His tongue was in my mouth, his fingers finding my pulse and massaging the spot in my throat where it pounded. His free hand went behind my back, grabbing my ass and pulling me to him. If I'd ever prided myself on being independent, it all went out the window the second Crispin Dalton got his hands on me. I needed him so much I wasn’t sure how I’d even stand up without him holding me in place.

  He kissed me like it was our last kiss, not our first one. He stole things. Thief. And I needed that. I lived for it. I couldn't get enough. I let out another sob, and he kissed me deeper. Just one kiss. I needed to make it last as long as I could. He grabbed my ass and pulled me up. My legs wrapped around his waist, my lips never moving from his as he carried me to the bed, bumping into things because he didn't want to take his lips off mine. My heart was pounding, my body reverberating with the need for him to do more to me.

  "Don't stop," I whispered against his lips.

  "That was more than one."

  "Don't stop. Please, Crispin. I'll do anything you want; just don't stop."

  He laid me on the bed, looking down at my body. My cheeks flushed, and my dress rode up on my thighs. I must've looked a mess, but his eyes were hungry like a wolf watching his prey.

  "You'll do anything," he repeated. "Anything for me?"

  "Anything for you." I got on my knees, begging for more, not caring how pathetic I looked. "Anything. Please. Please."

  He took off his jacket, looking calmer than I'd felt all day. He folded it. Put it on my desk. Then he was next to me on the bed, getting on top of me, peppering my skin with soft kisses that made me so deliriously happy I giggled.

  "Thank you," I whispered in his ear. "It's the best birthday I've ever had, Crispin, just because of you."

  He didn't say a word. There was pain in his actions, a deep ache in every move he made to cage my body beneath his. I felt like I was punishing him, but I knew the truth every time I felt his hard cock press against me. He wanted this, too. But he wasn't done fighting it.

  "I need you," I confessed, my voice heavy, my mind elated. "I need more."

  "Shut up," he growled against my skin. "You'll take what you get and be grateful."

  In a split second, my body succumbed to his demands. I didn't give a damn about anything but him. I would've done it all just to get one word of praise from him.

  The sounds of the party were loud outside, and though I'd managed to drown out most of them, I couldn't ignore the steps on the stairs.

  "Fuck," I muttered just as Crispin heard them, too. There was a sign downstairs saying the first floor was inaccessible. "I need to check who it is."

  "Don't," he said, his voice rough with need. "I don't want to stop."

  We stared at each other, hearts beating in unison, knowing how much trouble we'd get in for what we were doing.

  "Tins?" There was a timid knock on the door. I recognized Andromeda's voice, and hurried getting off the bed.

  Crispin's hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me back, and my eyes found his, silently agreeing that this wasn't over.

  "Coming," I called out. I rushed to smooth down my dress and open the door.

  Andie stood on the doorstep looking pale. "Um, Tins," she muttered. "You'd better come downstairs." Her eyes went to Crispin behind me, but she didn't comment.

  "What is it?" I asked.

  "I, um... I think Estella's here," she confessed, swallowing thickly.

  "W-What?" I felt blood rush to my cheeks as we stared at one another. "Okay. Let me just— I'll be down right away."

  "Okay," she nodded, her eyes wide as she went back down the stairs.

  I closed the door and leaned against it with my back. I took a deep breath before opening my eyes to find Crispin grabbing his jacket and putting it on.

  "You better go down first," he muttered. "I'll come a few minutes later."

  "Okay," I nodded numbly, my eyes dancing over his features, but he wouldn't look at me. "Crispin?"

  "Yeah?" He still wouldn't meet my gaze.

  "Are you sorry we did this?"

  The silence lay between us and he finally grinned, kissing the top of my head. "Never, crybaby."

  It was all I needed to know. With a big grin plastered over my face, I left my bedroom. As I walked down the hallway, I could already hear the commotion in the house. What the hell was happening down there?

  I reached the bottom of the stairs in time to see the chandelier fall.

  The chandelier was a present from none other than Crispin’s Dad when I got the role of Devin Mooney. Mom had cherished it all these years. Since her affair with Cristofer Dalton, I’d been waiting for her to take the goddamn thing down. But no such luck. The stupid work of art had stayed in place, taunting me from its prominent position in the hall every time I came down the steps. Staring at it shattered on the floor made me feel vindicated.

  “What the hell is going on?” I shrieked when I saw the mess.

  Nobody even replied. The party was in full force. Nobody gave a shit that the birthday girl was upset. As long as there was free booze and good music, they couldn’t care less about what happened to me.

  I walked into the living room, fury leaking from my pores when I locked eyes with Estella and that Earnshaw boy sitting on the cream-colored couch, shoes messing up the leather.

  “Estella. How nice of you to show up.”

  She lifted her head. The moment our eyes connected, I knew she’d done something fucked up. Her pupils were huge. I wasn’t a saint—I’d shared the odd joint with Estella during the show, but this was something else entirely.

  “What did you fucking take?” I questioned her, coming up closer. “Fuck, Stells, your Dad’s going to blow a coronary when he sees you like this.”

  "So you just need to make sure he doesn't see me," Estella purred, getting off Natan's lap to approach me. Her pupils were fucking enormous, and my gut feeling told me this was bad, bad, bad. She’d taken something at my party, and I would blamed for it. I didn't even want to know how her super-strict preacher dad would react.

  "What happened to the chandelier, Estella?" I asked coldly, pointing to the shattered remains of the light fixture on the floor. "That thing costs thousands."

  "Sorry, hermanita," she shrugged carelessly. "Accidents happen, I guess."

  I felt my blood boil, but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of the fight she was so desperately trying to pick with me. "Fine," I muttered. "I think it's time you leave, though."

  "You're kicking me out?" She laughed as if the mere idea of it were pathetic. "I don't think so."

  "Excuse me?" I widened my eyes at her. "As far as I know, this is still my house."

  A moment later, I felt a hand settle on the small of my back, and I looked up into Crispin's eyes. He gave me a reassuring look before turning his attention to Estella, who stared at us with blinding fury.

  "Watch it," she told Crispin in a low, threatening tone.

  "Why would I?" he asked, pulling
me towards him. "You aren't watching it, are you? You're here with Natan, after all."

  She glanced at the guy behind her. The air in the room was thick and tense as she shrugged, saying, "I deserve a rebound."

  The room took a collective gasp. This was probably the first they had heard about Crispin and Estella breaking up.

  "Estella, I think we should get you home," I managed when she wobbled on her feet. "Or call a doctor. Please."

  "No," she said, shaky. "I don't want a doctor."

  She was stubborn as ever, but I was worried as hell. I wasn't about to let her go unsupervised. Even when she waved us off, I followed her to the bathroom where a line of girls waited their turn. Estella pushed past them all and barged in. I followed, and before she could shut the door, I joined her and locked us inside. I showed her the key to the door, then shoved it on a shelf she couldn't reach.

  "Unfair!" she called out.

  I shrugged, saying, "Short people problems."

  She glared at me when I sat down on the bathmat, and a moment later, her face turned so green I barely got there in time to hold her hair back before she got sick in the toilet.

  "Oh God," I groaned, trying to hold her still. "It's okay. It's okay, just let it out."

  She started sobbing moments later, and the sound tore me to shreds. Part of this was my fault. Even though I had a feeling Estella knew she wasn't going to end up with Crispin, she was hurt by the turn of events, and, worst of all, I'd betrayed her in a horrible way.

  I poured her a glass of cold water and helped her drink it before gently asking, "Do you want me to get you a ride home?"

  "No." She shook her head vehemently. "I need to sleep over, please. My dad will freak otherwise. And I..." She glanced away, embarrassed. "I don't have anywhere else to go."

  "Okay," I whispered. "Of course, you can stay." My mind spun in circles around the party outside, around Crispin, around the fact that it was my birthday, and my friend was center stage yet again. I smoothed her hair down in the back and asked, "Do you want me to kick everyone out? It can be just the two of us. Like the good old days."

  She raised her eyes to mine, and I recognized the spark in them. She used to have it every time we hung out. "Okay."


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