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Bonded Page 9

by Jessie Rose Case

  Bill and Ben came back. “They hit the club downtown. Set fire to it. Lucky, it was shut. Vamps got out no problems. The humans and Pete and Charlee’s teams are dealing with it. Too close to sun rise.” Ben told her. “That was deliberate. They knew vamps would not be able to stay long.” She told him as she punched in Pete’s ID and plugged into his communications to him and Charlee. “Pete, Charlee, the raid was a bust and staged, knew we were coming, keep an eye on your men, this was deliberately late, too late for vamps, they could be after something.” “Yeah, on it Luce.” Charlee told her. “You ok baby girl?” Pete asked her as she watched him call in his guys. “I’m good, the boys have me covered.” She told him. She heard him chuckle. “Those boys Luce are probably a hundred years old.” He told her. Luce knew her boys could hear the conversation. Dam vamp hearing. She looked up. They were grinning at her. She rolled her eyes. “Don’t care, they’re still my boys.” She told Pete. “Watch out ok.” She told him and cut off the link and checked in on the monitors. This shit was getting serious.


  Regin came in her door. “How you holding up?” She asked her. “Yeah I’m good. I could probably get up but,” she pointed to her mother hens, “they won’t let me.” Regin smiled at her. “Well, that’s not a bad thing.” “Did you see the vids?” She asked Regin sadly. “Yes and I don’t have words to explain that other than I want his head on a plate.” Luce agreed with her. “Well no security issues here so far.” She told Regin looking at her watch. Sun up in 20. She looked over at her boys. “You need to take off, sun up in 20”. She told them. Chris came in and pulled a face, or maybe a grin, who could tell. “Not leaving till day security gets here.” He told her. “Seriously?” Luce huffed in Regins direction. “Like I’m in trouble in this bed?” Regin squeezed her arm. “He’s right. Let’s not take changes ok. We’ve had enough surprises lately.” “Did Arturo let Brandan know about his kin?” Luce asked her. “Yes. He’s pissed and wants payback and Marcus’s head too.”

  Luce felt confused. “That male is making a lot of angry people.” Mumbled Luce her mind racing. Looking at patterns and trends. “You know, I don’t get this. Don’t you think that all this seems kinda stupid if he wants to rule a territory? I mean, no matter how much of a nutter he is, he must know he still has to make the territory work and to do that he has to work with others or chaos ensues, nothing works and what’s to be gained? With no commerce or trade, he’s got nothing but human blood bags and that, humans will not tolerate, he’d be fighting on several frontiers and have a territory others will continue to fight him over. I don’t get it. It makes no sense. Even if he is a murdering bastard with no conscience. Even he must know that. If he wanted to take over, wouldn’t it be done ….smarter? I just can’t see the logic. If we were back in the middle ages, yes but now….” She told the room leaning back and looking at the ceiling. She turned to look at Regin. It didn’t make sense. “I think your right. I need to talk to Arturo.” Regin told her and patted her arm and walked out.

  Pete’s team came in to take over shortly before sun up. Bill and Ben left with Chris not before giving her a lecture on not leaving the bed. Alex was still in the chopper on his way back. Luce felt tired. She ran diagnostics on the systems and forwarded vid’s to Arturo’s mail box. She also told him about the security back up she held and that it should be passed to someone else as well. Closing her lap top she placed it to one side. Her door was closed and Pete’s team outside. She yawned. Suddenly feeling very tired. She snuggled down and drifted off.

  A warm embrace encircled her. She sighed and curled into it. A feeling of contentment assaulted her emotions. She grasped his hand and held on. Here now, nothing else mattered. He was here, safe and with her. The world could go to hell. She had what she needed right here.

  Luce woke up alone. She turned not really expecting to see him. He clearly didn’t need as much sleep as she did. Stretching she reached over for her phone to check her emails. She had four interesting ones. Her team were coming in house. Wow. Now she’d have to make that work. Which meant she couldn’t keep working out of Arturo’s secretary’s office or whatever it was. But the room across the hall would work. With more energy than she should have Luce got up. She was excited. This was a challenge and could be great or a complete disaster. She walked into the bathroom and ran the shower. Did she have any clothes here? Opening drawers and cabinets she found some spare sets of clothing. Ewww. Someone again going through her stuff. Really? Couldn’t a girl get a break. Luce headed into the shower resolved. This was her life. Strangers riffled through her clothing on a regular basis and she lived with vamps. She just had to suck it up. Clearly, privacy did not exist in vamp world. Luce frowned. They had better not have been in her room last night. She needed to talk to Alex. And that spurred her on into the shower. They needed a chat.

  Luce came down the stairs and headed to dining room. She could hear breakfast being served. Well what passed for breakfast at 4 in the afternoon anyway. She walked in and Regin waved her over. Luce took a seat next to her. Arturo and Alex were in heated conversation. Carol came over and poured her some coffee. Luce stifled a yawn. “Thanks Carol. I’m starving, could I have the works please?” “Of course, I’ll let Alice know.” Luce watched her walk away to pick up the house phone. Her attention was dragged back by her name being mentioned by Arturo. “I think Luce is right. Marcus is a lunatic but he always picked his battles and this is just crazy.” Alex pulled a face full of distain. “He’s an animal.” He told him. “Worse than I have ever seen him if that show is anything to go on.” “But that’s the point.” Luce butted in leaning forward. “It did seem like a show. Was he a self-destructive showman previously? Even if he was crazy looney tunes now and I get he was the devil incarnate and did some unspeakable things, might still do, but look at what has happened here rationally, take away the emotion you are both riding. Does it feel like Marcus or something else?” She asked them both.

  Alex sat back in his chair and looked over at Luce. She looked lovely. A hint of sleep still surrounded her. But her mind sharp, looking for the angles. He contemplated what she’d said. It did feel extreme even for Marcus. Did feel way over the top. “Who gains, if Marcus and Arturo go to war and burn themselves both out?” Luce asked him. “I do.” He told her lifting a shoulder. Luce shook her head. “No, you don’t count, you’ve already declared yourself with Arturo. Someone else.” Alex looked to Arturo. “The Council would gain.” Arturo told them. Alex agreed. “We need to find Marcus.” Alex told him. “He is either a puppet or a puppet master, either way, we need to find him and fast.”

  Arturo nodded. “Agreed. There are no other compounds between last nights and here.” Arturo mused. “If he’s on the run, from you or someone else, he’s going to ground. What would be the most unlikely place he would go?” Luce asked them. “He’d need space. Room for his people. It would have to be appropriate and something we would not expect.” Arturo stated. Alex knew he was right. “Jazels compound. It’s still standing in parts after you cleared it out. No one would think of him going back there.” Regin said as Carol brought in Luce’s breakfast and placed it before her. Luce picked up her knife and fork and tucked in. “Thanks Carol.” “True.” Arturo told Regin. “We need to check out any large empty buildings and Jazels place.” “You’ve only got two days Arturo.” Alex reminded him. “Any news from the Council on if Calvius has accepted your invitation to your celebration and challenge Saturday?” Arturo shook his head. “Nothing yet, but I’m expecting it.”

  “I wonder if your friend is still in charge or if he even knows what’s going on here?” Luce mumbled between bites. Arturo looked over to her. “That is the question isn’t it. O and we moved you into the room across the hall. I understand you will need a bigger room and that you’re not a secretary.” Arturo looked questioningly at her rather indulgently. Luce smiled. “Nope, defiantly not a secretary, but you do need one.” She told him cheekily. “Yes I know, it’s been menti
oned a few times”, he told her looking at Regin. Luce sat back. “I have a friend, way too organised but is meticulous and loves a challenge.” Regin sat forward, “could she do this?” She asked her. “Well, her experience is more PA than secretary, she stopped working to look after her father but he passed a few months back and I know she has struggled to get back into work, but don’t let her know I told you that ok.” Regin looked at Arturo. “Have her come in Regin will see her.” Luce smiled. “You’ll love Liv, she’s great.” Regin nodded. “I send a car for her tomorrow around 3pm ok.” “That’s great I’ll let her know.”

  Luce excused herself from the table having finished her meal and headed to her new ‘office’. Coming down the corridor she could hear a number of voices she recognised and quicken her step. As she rounded the corner, her boys and Bits were arguing over the best way to network their systems. It was getting heated. Luce whistled. They stopped and turned in her direction and several laughs and calls out came her way. Luce grinned. “You guys couldn’t get on in collage and it looks like time has not greased those wheels.” She told them. “No we’re good. Just need to iron out a few details but we’re cool.” Bits told her. Luce looked at Pierre and wondered what he was doing here. Okkkkk thought Luce. Plenty going on here.

  “Ok let’s get this hooked up and running.” Luce noticed a number of boxes. “What’s all that?” Luce felt a presence behind her and a warmth as a body came in contact with hers and an arm snaked round her middle pulling her into it. “That, my prickly pear.” He whispered into her ear, “is your new equipment. Like it or dump and return it, up to you. But, your guys stated what they needed to come ‘in house’ and I provided it.” Luce turned around looking at Alex. Luce gave him a lopsided grin. “Can’t buy me you know.” Alex gave a moc shocked expression and shuddered. “I know, but I can buy them.” He told her proudly indicating her friends with a nod. “Yeah ok. They’re not as mean as me.” Alex laughed and hugged her tighter. He bent for her ears only. “I can be very determined Luce.” She tingled all over as he whispered this to her. Luce swallowed the lump in her throat and pulled away. “Right, work to do.” She told him and walked to her friends who were all standing there with open mouths. She stared at each one. “Ok Ok he looks good but let’s get some work done.” They all closed their mouths and turned around nudging each other. Shit thought Luce, this was getting complicated.

  Alex watched her pull away from him. She was running again. It dawned on him that the only time she didn’t was in bed. Alex grinned as she took some light-hearted jibbing from her friends. Maybe he needed to up his game he thought as he turned away from Luce and headed back to Arturo. Plans to make.

  Arturo was in full flow. “We need to find Marcus. I want all our resources pulled in, everything. Pete, Charlee can you double up on day walkers, we need to pull in more and support the teams.” Both nodded at him. “Alex, with your team can you check out Jazel’s old compound, take the choppers and scan the area, Val and Pete, join him. Every nook and hole between here and Marcus’ compound I want checked. Any of those we have that are Marcus’s and not ash, tell them new game plan, we want to talk to Marcus. We are now concerned for our old pal.” He said grinning round the room. “They won’t believe you, make um.” Everyone round the table were on the same page. “We think that Marcus might be a puppet on this venture not the puppet master, we need him to figure it out and fast. Get moving.”

  The table broke up. “How long before Luce and her team are set up Alex?” Arturo asked him. “I’d say a couple of hours. Luce can run what she already has and I imagine that they can patch and work through the new connections as they come up. So might there might be a bit of interruption throughout. I’d give it an hour and then get an update.” Arturo nodded. “You good to go my friend?” Alex reached out and touched his friend on the shoulder. He could feel his worry for his old master. “I do not believe that Calivus is to blame for this. He was close to you for many years Arturo. This does not feel like him.”

  Arturo sighed. “We know only too well how power corrupts, he may not be the same male I knew. And the European Court wants this territory. We know that. If he is losing ground or is under threat for his position, then this would give him the boost he needs to stay in power.” Alex understood that. “What if that is the case and you offer an alliance without the fear of destruction. It would be a feather in his cap and it would bolster his position. If he seeks more power, it would give him an edge without full out war.” Arturo nodded. “I’d thought of that. I’ve sent a message through unofficial channels offering our special friendship due to our special bond. If we get an answer, we’ll know.” “If he turns up Arturo you can expect him from tomorrow. European Court etiquette requires that you house the leader of the Council and his entourage for several days.” Arturo nodded. “We’re ready for that.” Alex smiled at this friend. “Then we are ready no matter what.” Alex turned and walked to where his men would be waiting.

  As he came out of the house approaching the men waiting for him. Pete walked over and joined him. “Alex,” he said quietly for his ears only, “need to know what your intension are towards Luce.” This males interest in Luce annoyed him. “If I read you correctly Pete, it is the same as you for Val.” Pete nodded. “Fair enough. She’s been let down and through enough. Her past not pretty. She could have easily let it ruin her.” Pete told him looking squarely at him. Then turned and walked back to Val who was waiting for him. That was interesting thought Alex. And would explain her prickles that he loved so much and her reluctance to accept him. Now he had something to work with.

  “Ready?” He asked walking up to his men. His First and Second came forward, Steven and Craig. “All ready sir, our men are at the strip ready for departure.” Alex looked over at Pete and Val. “Good to go?” “Let’s do this.” Pete told him. Alex gave one nod and everyone piled into the 3 SUVs sitting in the driveway and headed to the chopper area. It was a 2 hour ride.

  “Come on guys, I can only monitor what I already got without you connecting those sections. We have 12 screens’ here that we can split, giving us 48 views, so let’s use them.” She told her group. “We’re going as fast as we can Alex, but we have to sort out the bridges or it’s just gonna crash.” Bits told her. “I know I know. Sorry,” she told them edgy, “but I’ve now got 20 different teams out there and I can only monitor half of them and security here. I need eyes guys.” “Yep on it.” Brian told her. “O and don’t forget to go down to the gun range at some point and do some weapon training, you’ll each have a weapon so make sure you can use it.” They all stopped to look at her. “A gun. A real one?” Asked Brian. “Yep a real one. I’m sure Alex told you they are at war. It can come to the house at any time and already did so man up and take the gun ok.” “OMG.” Said Brian, “real life Halo, way cool,” Dave cut in. Brian and Cade gave a high five and turned back to wires. Boys, thought Luce shaking her head, they were all the same.

  An hour later and Luce was looking at 12 split screens showing both internal and external security in the house, a system running the software on ID and movement, and teams both in search patterns and border security. It looked good, hell, it looked impressive. Alex had done her proud. “Ok, who wants to take what? We have several systems running, I need someone to check the systems operation and make sure there are no glitches, I need someone to man internal and external security, two others to split the field teams with me.” Everyone went with their speciality. Luce gave a short tutorial on using her ID equipment and communications to the team’s personal mic’s and phones, then split off the groups under each of her group. Luce punched in Arturo’s ID. He picked up almost immediately. “All up and running boss.” She told him. “Excellent work Luce. Keep in touch.” “Yes sir.” She put the phone down and turned back to her team. “Ok, we’re up. Don’t fuck up, I know you won’t. It’s our people out there working for us so let’s give them our best.” They all nodded. They didn’t need the pep talk they knew what was
at stake.

  Alex sat in the chopper and listened to the voices around him. He’s men were expecting a battle. If they found Marcus there might well be one. Marcus had always been complex. Before his turn, he had been vicious and deadly and listened to no one. He had been ruthless and to the sacrifice of those around him, he had seen many victories in battle. Alex thought the cost had been too high. Marcus had lost good men and women without much regard for anyone. He used his people to achieve his outcome with little concern for their wellbeing or welfare. He’d left many on the battle field in need of him and he walked away. Good men. Men like him.

  Alex recalled he had been lucky. A Prince in his own time, he had a good sense of self preservation and had made plans to remove himself from Marcus’s circle. He had not liked the way the warrior treated people. It was only time before Marcus turned on him or left him for the vultures. It had been a good decision. And when Marcus had been turned, a man with little control in human life had no control in Vampire blood lust. He allowed it to rule him and he devastated large areas of land and people. He’s lands became blood baths. Thousands of humans killed brutally by him and his men. Only being stopped when he threatened the exposure of their kind because of his actions. The Council had stepped in. That turned his stomach. The Council would not have intervened or cared if the threat had not been enough to expose them. They would have left him to carry on. The Marcus then, would have. He would have taken what he wanted, played with it and killed at will. Like he did her.


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