Ruined by Blood (The Vampires' Fae Book 3)

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Ruined by Blood (The Vampires' Fae Book 3) Page 15

by Sadie Moss

  The smell of smoke, spice, and leather swirled around me, mixed with the heady scent of their arousal and the tangy scent of their blood. I needed it all.

  Unable to help myself, I pulled my lips from Jerrett’s demanding kiss and dropped my mouth to his neck, sinking my teeth into the flesh just alongside his tattoo. He stiffened and groaned, his hard cock grinding into my hip as I drank from him in greedy swallows, rivulets of blood escaping my mouth to trail down his chest.

  One of my hands clutched at Jerrett’s powerful back, and my other found its way to Malcolm’s cock, my fingers wrapping around his swollen member. Precum beaded at the tip, and I spread it across the velvety skin, eliciting a groan from him. He thrust into my grip, his breath quickening. His fingers on my nipples moved more roughly, twisting and pinching the hard nubs as lightning bolts of pleasure shot through me.

  I unlatched my teeth from Jerrett’s neck, lapping up the trails of blood that escaped as the wounds closed. I teased his nipple with my tongue, and he growled low in his chest.

  Sol never stopped his exquisite torture, working me over until my legs shook with the need for release. When the orgasm finally hit me, I hauled the blond vampire to his feet, biting his chest as waves of pleasure washed over me. The tangy, spicy taste of his blood flooded my mouth, mixing with the flavor of his brother’s on my tongue.

  “Oh fuck, Willow tree.” He grunted, threading his fingers through my hair as he let me drink from him.

  When I pulled away, he drew my face toward his, branding me with a searing kiss. Then, in a flash, he lifted me into his arms and carried me to the large bed set against one wall of the hut. He tossed me down on the soft mattress, and I bounced gently. “Turn over, sweet one.”

  I scrambled to obey, my mind and body blazing with need. I’d already come once, and I’d sated my hunger with Jerrett’s and Sol’s blood. But it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.

  Jerrett and Malcolm appeared beside me, hands and mouths resuming their worship of my body. Sol crawled up on the bed behind me, his hands gripping my hips, pulling me back toward him. With one long thrust, he entered me from behind, and all four of us groaned.

  I felt exquisitely full, my breasts heavy as they swayed with each thrust. But I still needed more, craved more.

  “Drink from me.” My voice was low and breathy, a pitch I hardly recognized. “Please. I want you all to drink from me.”

  Malcolm’s body stiffened beside me. I felt him start to pull away, but I used one hand to draw him back. He wouldn’t deny me. I wouldn’t let him.

  “Please.” It was hard to form a rational argument with Sol’s thick cock driving in and out of me. But I had to make them see how badly I—we—needed this. “I know you can handle it. Because it’s not just fae blood. It’s my blood. And I know you’d never hurt me.”

  “Wildcat, no. We—”

  I silenced Malcolm’s protests by tugging him toward me, rising up into a kneeling position and kissing him desperately. The change of angle made Sol’s thrusts hit delicious new places inside me, and I gasped into Malcolm’s mouth.

  “I know you can do it, Malcolm. I trust you with my life. I love you.”

  Something shifted in the air as those whispered words lingered between us. Sol’s pounding thrusts slowed, and he wrapped his arms around me from behind, pressing my body tight to his, one hand circling my clit slowly.

  “Do you truly love him, Willow tree?”

  “Yes.” I answered Sol while staring into Malcolm’s deep chocolate eyes.

  “Is he the only one you love?”

  “No.” Another orgasm was coming, working its way through my sensitized body.

  “Who else?” Sol’s voice was soft but commanding. Jerrett licked his lips as he pulled my hair to one side, draping it over my shoulder to expose the length of my neck for his brother.

  Before I could answer, I felt sharp fangs drag along my shoulder, not biting, but piercing the skin in two thin lines. Pain flared as blood welled, and all the brothers froze, breathing heavily.

  Then Sol’s lips were on me, closing around the wounds as his tongue swirled across my skin, drinking every drop. I felt his body shudder with ecstasy against mine, and I turned my head, wanting to see his face. His beautiful green eyes were half-lidded, his nostrils flared.

  “You, Sol,” I whispered, my walls clamping around him as if trying to keep him inside me forever. “I love you.”

  He drew out and slammed back into me, his cock pulsing as he came. The feel of him coming inside me, mixed with the overwhelming sensation of sharing my blood with him, brought me over the edge again. We clung to each other, riding out our shared pleasure.

  I collapsed forward onto the bed as Sol pulled out. A moment later, Jerrett turned me over onto my back, settling between my legs. The thick head of his cock nudged my entrance.

  “As fucking happy as I am to hear you love my brothers, I’m feeling a little left out here, Will.” He grinned cheekily at me. “Is there, I dunno, anybody else in this room you love?”

  Despite the haze of desire I floated in, his words drew a belly laugh from me. I reached up to stroke his cheek, enjoying the way his ice-blue eyes dilated at my touch. “I motherfucking goddamn well love you, Jerrett. And your foul mouth.”

  His grin widened, and his cock pushed deeper inside me. “Makes sense. That is the most lovable part of me.”

  Then he drove all the way in, and speech became impossible. Our gazes locked together as he rode me slow and hard, each thrust an unspoken promise of devotion. His jaw muscles ticked as he neared his breaking point, and when he was close, he dropped his head to my breast. He bit down, making four perfect puncture marks, and I clenched my jaw against the pain-edged pleasure.

  He lapped at the welling blood like a cat, his tongue piercing dragging over my stiffened nipple. I jerked at the sensation, another orgasm taking me by surprise as it tore through me. The feral grunt that fell from my lips tipped Jerrett over the edge, and he drove into me hard and fast before burying himself to the hilt, his cock pulsing as he emptied himself inside me.

  He collapsed on top of me, his tongue darting out to catch the last few drops of my blood as he groaned with satisfaction. Then he pulled out, leaving me sprawled on the mattress.

  I was boneless. Exhausted. But not finished yet.

  Sol and Jerrett lifted me up, situating me on top of Malcolm so I straddled his hips. His dark eyes watched me intently as, with the help of his brothers, I slowly rose up, sliding back down to impale myself on his cock. It was almost more than I could take. My body had been through so much already, an overdose of pleasure.

  But I needed this. I needed him.

  I rolled my hips slowly at first, watching every reaction that passed over his face as I did. Jerrett and Sol kept their hands on me, peppering kisses over my skin. Under their worshipful touch, my body came alive again, fire licking beneath my skin as I began to ride Malcolm harder, running my fingers over the hard planes of his chest and stomach.

  “Malcolm,” I whispered, the words hardly more than a breath. “Please. I need you so much.”

  His hands came to my hips, guiding my movements. The rippling muscles of his abs contracted as he fought off his release. “Willow…”

  I saw the struggle. I saw the fear and doubt and desire swirl behind his eyes.

  And I saw the moment he gave in.

  He pulled me down hard on his thick length, sitting up to wrap his arms around me. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and bit down hard. Pain and pleasure sang through my body as I mirrored his action, biting down on his neck. We drank from each other as his hot come flooded my womb, and I shattered around him.

  It felt like he was consuming a part of my soul, not just my blood. Malcolm took two long pulls, his cock twitching inside me with each one. Then, with a deep, shuddering breath, he pulled back. His dark brown gaze met mine, sparks of red dancing in his irises. He brushed my hair back from my face and kissed me deeply. />
  When we broke away from each other, we collapsed on the bed. Jerrett and Sol joined us, the four of us wrapped up in a tangle of limbs, hands, sweat, and blood.

  For a moment, nothing but our heavy breathing filled the space. The air was heavy with the scent of blood and sex.

  “It was just the three of us for so long.” Malcolm’s voice was deep, and his hand stroked my hair. “And I thought that was all I needed. I trusted my brothers with my life, and I loved them with my soul. But it wasn’t enough, wildcat. None of us knew it, but all this time, we were waiting for you.”

  “We fucking love you, sweetheart.” Jerrett pressed a sloppy kiss to my stomach. “Always will.”

  “Thank Fate, we found you.” Sol’s fingers trailed up my arm, eliciting a wave of goose bumps.

  Too overwhelmed by emotions to speak, I just nestled deeper into the nest of warm, hard bodies surrounding me, feeling utterly safe despite the dangers waiting outside this hut.

  Something had changed between us. Whether it was the declaration of our feelings, the sharing of our bodies, or the blood that had passed between us, I could feel the bond between me and the brothers almost as if it were a physical thing. It would connect us for eternity; there was no going back.

  They owned me as much as I owned them. We had ruined each other.

  In the best possible way.



  Nahini had made good on her promise to sunlight-proof the hut we slept in. So good, in fact, that when a knock came at the door, I had no idea if it was day or night. The brothers and I had passed out in a pile on the bed, and it was the best sleep I’d gotten in my entire life.

  The knock came again, and I grumbled as the three warm bodies cradling me moved quickly. By the time I roused myself, blinking in the dim light of the magic-lit lanterns that hung on the wall, all three men were up and dressed. Malcolm tugged his shirt down and walked to a small basin filled with water. He wet the cloth that sat beside it, then returned to the bed, sitting down beside me as he gently cleaned the streaks of blood from my face and body.

  Maybe I should’ve been embarrassed to wake up looking like such a mess, but where these men were concerned, I was done feeling embarrassed about anything. They’d seen me near death and in the throes of ecstasy. They’d told me they loved me and accepted my love in return. I had nothing to hide from them, now or ever.

  Malcolm dropped a kiss to my lips, and Jerrett handed me my clothes. I stood to slip them on as another knock rattled the door.

  “Vampires!” Nahini’s husky voice called. “It’s night. You can open the door. And you’ve got two seconds to do that before I break it down.”

  Suppressing a laugh, I hurried to the door and tugged it open. Nahini stood outside in the dim twilight glow, flanked by several fae guards. As she looked past me at the brothers, her nose twitched. I was sure even a non-vampire could smell the scent of arousal that still hung in the room. Her assessing gaze flashed to me then back to the brothers, but she didn’t comment.

  She jerked her chin in my direction. “You come with me. You three”—she pointed to the brothers—“are to see Queen Tiorelle. We’ll move against the witch sisters soon.”

  My heart clenched. I was actually excited about the prospect of spending time alone with a fellow fae; there was so much I wanted to learn. But the thought of leaving the brothers behind filled me with worry—not for me, but for them.

  “We’ll be all right, Willow tree.” Sol brushed a kiss against the side of my head, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I trust them.”

  That made one of us. The fae might be my people, but entrusting them with three parts of my soul wasn’t easy.

  Nahini’s silvery eyes warmed for a moment as she watched the way Sol comforted me. But when she caught me looking at her, she hardened her expression again, pursing her lips.

  “Come on,” she repeated, before turning and marching away.

  I shot one last glance at my men then followed her, hurrying to catch up. As we wended our way through the village hidden within the foliage of the jungle, the warrior fae shot a sidelong glance at me.

  “So. You and the bloodsuckers?”

  She seemed curious more than openly antagonistic, so my response wasn’t defensive.

  “Yes.” I shook my head, almost not believing it myself. “It may seem strange, but it doesn’t feel that way. They’re the best men I know.”

  She pursed her lips. “They do seem surprisingly honorable for vampires. And they haven’t killed you yet.”

  I almost laughed at her use of the word “yet,” but my humor died as I remembered why she thought that. Every fae here probably felt the same way—that it was only a matter of time before the visiting vampires tried to kill them. That was how it had been for so long.

  “They won’t.” We entered a small clearing where slips of moonlight filtered through the thick foliage above, dotting the rich earth with silver shapes. I turned to face her when she came to a stop. “They would never harm me. And I truly believe they would never hurt anyone here. They’re not monsters.”

  The fae shrugged, looking unconvinced. Then she smiled, shaking out her arms. “Queen Tiorelle will be the judge of that. In the meantime, I’m supposed to help you with your fae powers. That glamour you cast last night was pretty good, but I can show you how to use it as more than just a party trick.”

  My brow furrowed. “What do you—?”

  A massive beast charged out of the forest toward me, cutting off my words.

  It had rough, pink-gray skin and huge tusks and horns, like a cross between a wooly mammoth and a rhinoceros. It flattened trees and plants as it thundered across the clearing, moving faster than such a large creature had any right to.

  Instinct unfroze my petrified limbs, and I threw myself to the side just as the thing reached me. I wasn’t quite fast enough though. One of the monster’s tusks caught the back of my leg.

  But no pain flared. I felt nothing.

  I landed in a roll and leapt to my feet, turning just in time to see the creature barreling toward me again. Gritting my teeth, I stood my ground, holding my breath as the massive animal passed right through me. I watched it charge halfway across the clearing before it disappeared like a wisp of smoke. Then I turned back toward Nahini, my eyes wide.

  She nodded. “Well done. I gave him extra speed, but you still managed to dodge his first attack. Mostly.”

  “What the hell was that?”

  “A figment of my imagination. Glamour made it manifest.”

  I stared back at the empty space where the rhinoceros-like creature had last stood. “It seemed so real.”

  Nahini’s silver eyes sparkled with pride. “I’m good. A powerful glamour can include sounds and smells as well as images—though you can never give your illusions physical form. Changing your own or other people’s appearance is one thing, and can have many uses. But this kind of glamour is a powerful tool in a fight.”

  “I bet.” I turned back to her. “I did something like this once, when I was hunting a deer with Sol and Jerrett. I glamoured a wall of blackness in front of it to confuse it and send it back toward us.”

  “This is the same principle.” She grinned, her strong features fierce. “But decoy glamours are even more effective when they move. You try.”

  Shit. I’d known this was coming. I squared my shoulders and shook my head to clear it as Nahini stepped back, watching me intently. I was tempted to close my eyes to concentrate, but I resisted the urge. I needed to learn how to do this with my eyes open, or it’d be useless in a fight.

  Not quite ready to tackle something as big as the beast Nahini had created, I decided to draw on what I already knew. A moment later, a second Nahini walked out of the forest, striding toward us.

  The real Nahini beside me barked a laugh. “I’m flattered, half-blood. If I hadn’t seen you disappear into your hut with three vampires last night, I’d think you have a thing for me.”

bsp; A blush rose in my cheeks, but I kept the glamour going. “I didn’t think you’d love it if I replicated one of them.”

  “Ha!” She clapped me on the shoulder. “I like you, half-blood.” Then she waved a hand through the torso of her ephemeral twin. “You can get rid of this. There’s more I could teach you, but we don’t have time. We need to find the sisters before they complete their spell.”

  I let the glamour drop, and the fake Nahini faded out of sight. My sharp ears picked up the sound of movement in the jungle around us, and a few moments later, the scent of fae blood hit my nose. Several more people stepped into the clearing. I shot a questioning glance at Nahini as they gathered in a circle around us.

  “What?” She arched a brow. “You’ve never heard of a fairy ring?”

  Actually, I had, although I never in my wildest imaginings believed they were real. But I wasn’t quite sure what a fairy ring entailed. Were we all supposed to dance naked under the moonlight or something? What would that accomplish?

  “You told us your Sight brought you visions of the sisters, Neoma and Samira, but not their location.” Nahini’s face grew serious, and she took my hands. “Send out your Sight again. We’ll support and amplify your magic, so you can find out what we need to know. Where are the witches?”

  “Where are the witches?” The gathered fae repeated her question in one voice, pressing their palms together and arching their backs as if offering up their hearts to help me.

  I felt the magic radiating from them, and this time, I did close my eyes. I’d never been particularly good at summoning visions. Usually, they slammed into me at the most inopportune times—though thankfully, none had stolen me away from my men last night. But today, surrounded by the magic of my fellow fae, I had no doubt a vision would come.

  And it did.


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