Phoenix (The Colton Cousins Book 1)

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Phoenix (The Colton Cousins Book 1) Page 23

by Rebecca Rennick

  “Raven,” he growls out and starts out after her. She shrieks and begins to run away. Nix pursuing her. She doesn’t get far and tries to hide behind Zander and Sebastian. They neither attempt to protect her nor to obstruct Nix’s pursuit of her. They just stand still, watching the back and forth going on around them. Eventually, Raven gets caught by Nix’s long arms, and he lifts her up by her waist from behind. Her laughter is warm and wholesome, and it’s been a long time since I heard laughter as light as that. Happy. It’s infectious, and I try to cover my smile with my hand as Nix hauls her back over to us.

  “We’re going to have to have a serious talk about what you can and cannot tell my female friends,” Nix scolds her.

  “Well, considering this is the first female friend you’ve ever let us meet, what did you expect from me?” She emphasizes his own term for me right back at him. Am I really the first woman he’s ever invited to a family event? If I wasn’t sure before, the sheepish blush on Nix’s cheeks confirms it. He tries to avert his eyes from mine, but flicks them up quickly to see my reaction. Honestly, I have no idea what my face is doing right now. I’m too shocked by Raven’s unexpected revelation. Rosie had said he never invited anyone, but I didn’t believe her. Cousins don’t always know about these things. Apparently, she was spot on.

  No one answers Raven’s question, and I’m sure there are more than one set of curious eyes on me right now. But I can’t take my eyes off of Nix. Watching for his every reaction and waiting to see if he says anything more. He busies himself, straightening his shirt and avoiding all eye contact. When he clears his throat, I expect him to say something to explain his behavior. Instead, he says, “Why don’t we all get some food. I think Pop is done barbequing the burgers and steaks.”

  “Wonderful idea, sweetheart, I’m starving. Let’s all get some food.” Delila steers the others toward the grill and table, set up with all the fixings and sides. Leaving Nix and me behind.

  “I’m sorry about them. Ya know how family can sometimes be.” He says, rubbing the back of his neck. As soon as he finishes, he seems to realize the implication of his statement and starts to try and backtrack. “Ah shit, I mean. It’s just little sisters can be annoying sometimes. Sorry.” His face falls mortified at his apparent lack of sensitivity.

  “It’s ok, Nix. I understand. Family likes to butt into everyone’s business and tease them. Just because my family is all gone doesn’t mean I don’t understand.” I try to ease his self-mortification. He has no reason to feel bad talking about his family in front of me. I don’t want him to feel bad about it. They’re amazing people, even if they do illegal things.

  His relief is evident by the relaxing of his shoulders and the lighter tone in his voice. Nodding, he says, “Do you want to get something to eat? My pop is an excellent cook.”

  Placing his hand on the small of my back, he leads me over to the grill, and I pick out a tender-looking steak. Nix stays by my side as we pick our sides, his hand on my lower back the entire time. He then leads me to a large glass table where Zander, Arrow, Emerald, and his Aunt Cherry sit. We take side-by-side seats between Cherry and Emerald.

  The conversation for the rest of the night is filled with stories and laughter. As well as a vast array of desserts from Cherry’s bakery. Nix is relaxed and open around his family. Smiling, joking, and unguarded. Sometimes I just sit and watch him interacting with his cousins and family. There’s no scowl or pinched brow all night. A warm feeling fills my chest every time I see him smile and laugh. It eases the fear I have about him and me.

  “He’s much more fun to be around when he’s smiling, isn’t he?” A man’s voice from my right makes me jump and reach for my chest. Catching sight of the man sitting right next to me. When the hell did he get here? He doesn’t look like anyone I’ve been introduced to yet. His shoulder-length hair falls around those strong Colton features I’m coming to learn all the men in this family possess. The green eyes tell me he’s most likely one of Beau’s brothers.

  I must have been making a face of complete confusion because he chuckles and continues.

  “Sorry, I’m Magnus, and you’re Clover.” He extends his hand to me, and I take it—Yup, Beau’s brother.

  “Yeah.” Is all I manage as I stare at the handsome man. He inclines his head toward Nix.

  “Much easier to handle when he’s not trying to beat the shit out of someone, isn’t he?”

  “Um, I guess so.” I look toward Nix and try not to stare, even though I’m sure Magnus caught me staring at him for who knows how long.

  “I can tell you like him.”

  “What?” If he was trying to catch me off guard and embarrass me, he is successful on both fronts. I am full-on blushing and stumbling through how the hell I should respond to that.

  “It’s okay, you don’t have to admit it to me. But I can see it in the way you were watching him.” I reach up and try to cover my cheek with my hand, hoping he doesn’t see the deep pink my face must be turning.

  “He likes you too, you know.” He whispers as he leans in closer to me.

  “He does?” My head shoots up reflexively. Giving away any nonchalance I was hoping to pull off.

  “Yes, he does.”

  “How do you know?” My eyes turn back to watch Nix chatting with his sister sitting on a nearby couch.

  “He told me.” Magnus leans back in his chair, relaxing as if Nix admitting that to him is an everyday occurrence.

  “He did?” I did not expect Nix to confide in anyone about something so personal.


  Magnus is silent for a while, while we observe Nix.

  “Nix is a very complex guy. He doesn’t often admit to having feelings, let alone act on them. He’s afraid of hurting people, so he distances himself from them more often than not. Don’t let his harsh nature and lack of relationship experience push you away.”

  I turn to look at Magnus, taking in his serious jade-green eyes.

  “Nix would probably kill me if he knew I was telling you this. But from what I can tell, you’re a really good person, and he isn’t versed in handling his emotions well. I don’t want you to give up on him if he’s too afraid to act on his feelings.”

  Guess Magnus didn’t know about Nix and mine’s romp in the sack a few days ago. Because Nix was not afraid to act on his feelings then. In fact, I think he was giving in to them and letting them take over—the carnal need and passion imbuing every kiss and thrust. Further proving to me Nix’s true intent. Then why am I still reserved over getting in deeper with him? Oh, that’s right, because he’s slept with every woman east of the Mississippi River.

  Still, I can’t deny what happened and his subsequent behavior. I take in everything Magnus is telling me and store it away for later middle-of-the-night pondering.

  “Thank you. I won’t tell him you told me anything.” I don’t admit anything else to him. He obviously already knows more than me.

  Later, after most of the family has left, I’m inside helping to clean up and put all the leftovers in the fridge when Nix comes in carrying a stack of dirty plates and silverware. Setting the stack down on the counter, he comes up right behind me and just barely brushes his chest against my back. His breath is hot as he whispers into my neck.

  “Can I speak with you in the pantry, please?”

  Heated chills shoot through my body and settle right between my thighs at his words.


  Nix’s house has a large walk-in pantry just off the side of the kitchen. Holding my hand, he leads me in and shuts the door behind us. Switching on the dull light illuminating the cereal boxes and canned goods.

  Nix has placed himself directly in front of me, so close I can feel the desire radiating off his body.

  “I have been dying to get you alone for days,” He practically moans into my hair. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since we were together the other night.” He pauses in the middle, taking in a breath to stabilize his rapi
dly beating heart that I can hear thumping in his chest.

  My entire body is on fire, being so close to him again, hearing the strained desire in his words. I can’t say anything. I don’t know what to say. I can’t even move.

  “Please tell me you’ve thought of me, too.” Sounding pained, he runs his nose along my exposed neck. Sending goosebumps all the way down to my toes.

  “I have,” I whisper. Nix lets out an audible breath.

  “I need to touch you. Right fucking now. I can’t take it anymore. It’s torture to watch you and picture you naked underneath me, me buried inside you, and not be able to kiss those sinfully dirty lips of yours.” Brushing his finger over my parted lips, I gasp and can feel the touch everywhere. Specifically, my nipples that pucker under my light sundress. I didn’t wear a bra because of the design, and he can easily see the hardening peaks through the pale-yellow material.

  Nix growls and continues running his fingers down my throat and over the swell of each of my breasts. I let out a soft moan when his fingers graze over my pierced nipple. That is apparently the last straw, and Nix crashes his mouth into mine. Hard and hungry. Pulling my body flush against his. Pressing that delicious erection of his against my stomach.

  My hands find their way into his hair, and I feel the edge of a shelf press into my back as Nix forces me up against it. One of his hands finds its way up my dress and around my ass. Hitching my leg up on his thigh. Bending down, Nix brings himself low enough to press his hard cock into my aching core.

  “Nix,” I manage to breathe out in between the unrelenting face sucking.

  “Yes, sweet cheeks.”

  “Your family is still here. What if they walk in on us?”

  “I don’t really give a fuck.” Slamming his lips back to mine, shutting up my protests. Grinding his rock-hard erection against me feverishly seeking the friction we both crave.

  I can’t believe Nix is basically dry humping me in his pantry while his family is just outside. It’s insanely hot, and my panties are soaked under the feeling of him pressed against me. I’m not sure how long we continue like this, but a call from Rosie snaps us out of it.

  Leaning back, Nix is panting, his chest rising and falling sharply. He’s so affected by me, and I never knew it.

  “Clover? You in here?” Rosie calls out.

  Shit, I’ll never hear the end of it if she finds me in here making out with Nix like a horny teenager. Pushing Nix away, I slide my leg off his and readjust my dress. Smoothing it down in the front.

  “You stay here. I’ll go see what she wants. Don’t come out till I tell you or you hear us leave.” I whisper command. Forcing a little distance between us.

  “Or what?” He teases. Trying to press me back up against the shelf. Erasing the space, I just placed there.

  “Or I won’t let you finish what you started.” Lifting an eyebrow, I challenge him to test me.

  “Fine,” He mumbles, giving in and rolling his eyes at me. But before I can make my way to the door, he places his lips over mine again. This time gently, tenderly, intimately. I don’t expect such a sweet kiss from him, and it makes me light-headed. Blurring my vision and making me sway. He backs away, giving me space to leave. But I don’t want to now, not after that kiss. I want more of those. But I can’t right now. I can still hear Rosie in the kitchen looking for me.

  Straightening my hair and taking a deep breath, I face the pantry door. Before I open it, Nix gives my ass a firm swat, and I swear I almost come right then and there. Goddamn, that felt good. We didn’t partake in any spanking before, but we might have to try it now. Kissing my shoulder, Nix sulks back deeper into the pantry so Rosie doesn’t see him when I leave.

  “Hey, Rosie. I’m here.” I say, exiting the pantry and quickly closing the door behind me before she can see Nix. “I was just putting some stuff away.”

  “Hey, there you are. Me and the girls were wondering if you would be cool with us crashing here tonight and having a little girls’ night.”

  A large grin is plastered on her face. Thank goodness she doesn’t seem to notice my swollen lips from Nix sucking on them. As she munches on a few grapes from the bowl on the counter.

  “Yeah, that sounds great. I would love that.”

  “Awesome!” She exclaims, clapping her hands and hopping up and down. “Now I just need to find Nix to make sure it’s cool with him. Have you seen him?”

  Shit, did she see us go into the pantry together? Is she messing with me? Rosie just looks at me expectantly, waiting for a response. Letting out a small sigh of relief, I come up with a lie to get her to leave the kitchen.

  “I think I saw him heading toward the bathroom down the hall.” That should get her away long enough for Nix to slip out of the pantry unnoticed.

  “Oh, okay. I’ll go see if I can find him.” Without another word, Rosie twirls and skips toward the back hall that leads to the downstairs guest bathroom.

  Opening the pantry door, I gesture frantically for Nix to exit. He gives me a sexy grin and saunters to the door.

  “Dammit, Nix, come on before someone sees you.” Pulling on his arm, I force him the rest of the way out. His hands are in his pockets, and he is wearing the most satisfied grin on his face.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re so calm about this. I almost had a heart attack. I thought she knew you were in there.” I’m panicking, but it’s really pointless. There’s no one in the kitchen with us. Everyone else is still outside.

  “Calm down, little chipmunk. No one saw us.”

  He’s so damn cocky. But it’s that same smug cockiness that turns me on.

  “You should go find Rosie before she sends out a search party.” I push him toward the back hall.

  “Okay, okay. I’m going. But I fully expect you to finish this later. You can’t leave me like this.” Nix eyes me seductively. Sucking on his bottom lip, he’s pouting about his unsatisfied boner.

  Nix pouting is the cutest fucking thing.

  “Only if you’re a good boy,” I whisper erotically with a wink. Letting out an aggravated growl, Nix visibly restrains himself from crossing the kitchen and taking me right here on the counter. I’d probably let him, too. It’s hard to say no to Nix touching me.

  Chapter 32


  I nviting Clover to our family get together was risky, but, luckily, most of my cousins behaved. I’m sure more than one of them wanted to interrogate Clover to find out the meaning behind me inviting her. I played it off to those who asked as being polite since she lived here and all. But certain people either knew the truth or guessed at it: I fucking wanted her there. I wanted her to meet the rest of my family. Some long thought dead part deep inside me told me I need their approval of her. To know that she is welcome among them. To know that she is comfortable around us.

  She is more than I could have hoped. Smiling, laughing, and becoming fast friends with my little sister. Surprisingly, my mother had been on her best behavior and approved of her. Which was a complete fucking surprise. I hadn’t asked her if she approved of Clover, but she felt the need to tell me anyway. I played dumb, pretending to have no fucking idea what she was talking about. I don’t think she believed me for a second.

  What Clover and I have is too new to tell anyone about it yet. I haven’t even talked to her about it. She’d been avoiding me, and I don’t fucking blame her. She probably thought I wouldn’t want her again after one night since that was my rule. But she is oh so fucking wrong.

  I want nothing but Clover. That small taste only whetting my appetite for her. I had planned to take her again last night, but my sister and cousins insisted on spending the night. Affectively cock-blocking me. Now that they have left for their respective homes, I go in search of my girl. Whom I was told was still in bed, fast asleep by Rosie before she left. She also winked at me when she said it. Had Clover told her something? I didn’t ask.

  Sneaking into Clover’s room, I shut the door quietly behind me. Turning the lock in the handl
e just in case. We don’t need Beau walking in on me buck-naked and balls deep in her from behind while I slap that sweet ass. Which is exactly where I hope to be in five minutes.

  Removing my shirt, I drop it to the floor before crawling into her bed. Only wearing my pajama pants, sans boxers. Clover was apparently hot during the night because she kicked the blankets off her and wrapped her leg around them like a body pillow. Her bare legs and white cotton panties on display for me.

  God, how I wanted to smack that perfectly pert ass of hers right now. Get a good wind up and leave a handprint that would last a week. But I don’t want to scare her away when we’re just getting started. Choosing instead to kiss my way up her thigh to the apex of her ass cheek. She makes sweet groggy noises but doesn’t wake. So, I continue my leisurely exploration of the sweet cheeks I adore so much. Running my tongue along the edge of her, I’m a good girl, but I still want you to fuck me in a public bathroom panties. Trimmed with delicate lace, these are new too. She must have gone shopping. I wonder which lingerie she would choose if given the pick of the store? Or if I asked her to wear something special.

  A sleepy groan comes from Clover as she rolls onto her back, exposing her front to me. She’s wearing a white t-shirt that says; I’m sorry. Did I roll my eyes out loud? In black block letters. I smile the fucking sarcastic shirt describes her perfectly. It has also ridden up to her navel, giving me a perfect view of her pretty white panties covering that pussy that I crave.

  Licking my lips, I move in between her parted legs on my hands and knees. Running my nose along her inner thigh, I suck in a deep breath of her scent. It goes straight to my hardening dick. I can smell her sex, and it calls to me. Asking me to partake in its juicy sweetness.

  Skimming my nose over her heated center, I inhale again for good measure. Memorizing her smell. Clover stirs quietly at my touch, arching her back the tiniest bit and moaning. Even in her sleep, I can arouse her. So, I continue. Softly gripping one hip, wrapping my fingers around her soft flesh, I press a soft kiss onto her swollen mound. Another soft moan escapes her, curling my lips into a grin. I press a firmer kiss on to her clit this time. She moans again, her eyes remain shut.


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