Pretend You’re Mine: A curvy girl romance

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Pretend You’re Mine: A curvy girl romance Page 7

by Laurent, River

  I decided to find a spot for us to sit down. When I found two chairs that were pushed together, I laid a towel out on the chair and settled onto it. I sighed content and happy.

  It was still hard not to stare at him in his swim trunks. His hard chest on display while his thighs and calves were just as toned. It was clear he took care of himself and worked out every part of his body too. I noticed more than one extra thirsty woman as they checked him out. I narrowed my eyes at them, like a good fiancée, and watched satisfied as they quickly returned to chatting, reading or talking to their significant others.

  “What do you think?” Dane asked as he took the seat next to me and glanced at everyone in the pool.

  “I think I could kind of get used to this.” I laughed.

  “Hey!” Dane lifted a brow at me. “Are you going to take your clothes off or what?”

  The way he said it made the hairs at the back of my neck stand, but I ignored it and nodded. “Sure, gimme a sec.” I stood up, tugged off my top and threw it over the back of the chair. My shorts joined it before I adjusted the chair and laid it down flat. I climbed on top and stretched out. I had to admit, the sun felt great on my skin. “All set. Could you put this sunscreen on my back please? I did what I could earlier, but I really don’t want to get burned.”

  I called to Dane when he didn’t start applying the sunscreen right away, “Are you there?”

  “Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “Yeah, let me get your back.” The second yeah sounded a lot deeper.

  I smiled and relaxed into the chair. My heart pounded in my chest. Dane really had his moments. Moments when I wasn’t sure if I ever wanted to go back home and live without him.


  Fuck, this is going to be a problem.

  I had stared like some kind of ravenous pervert when she took off her clothes and all she’d been left in was the itsiest, bitsiest little bikini. So much smooth soft skin was exposed as I felt like I might have had a minor heart attack. She had run her fingers in her hair before she laid down and showed it all off for the world to see. Those breasts that I had sucked on a very, very long time ago, and yet oddly remembered the taste of too clearly.

  I became stuck for a minute in a mindless gawking of that beautiful body of hers. Well, I asked for it, didn’t I? I could kick myself for reminding her that she still had her clothes on.

  Her ass stuck up, firm and round as she waited for me to apply the sunscreen to her body. Just how far down did she want me to go? I need to take my hungry gaze off her ass. Well, that was hard to do when Savannah’s ass peeked out of her swimsuit. Each fabulously silky, full cheek was on display. I wanted to touch them so badly, I felt like I would go insane if I didn’t touch them.

  “Dane?” she called, glancing over her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded quickly and hid the ravenous expression on my face. “Of course. I was just about to apply it to your back. Hold still.”

  She smiled. “Okay. Thank you. I really do love the fact that I have someone else to do this for once.”

  “You always do it yourself?” I asked trying to explore more about her. I had avoided asking her directly.

  “Well, not always,” she chimed in. “When I hang out with my friends, they do it for me, of course.”

  “Friends?” I asked curiously. “What friends? Guy friends?”

  Savannah glanced over her shoulder and lifted a brow. “What does it matter?”

  “It’s a simple question,” I mumbled as I rubbed my palms to warm up the sunscreen then smeared it down her back and over the backs of her toned thighs.

  “Why do you want to know,” she asked.

  I realized that she was grinning. “Right, I’m done.”

  Savannah reached over and grabbed my arm. “Come on, baby. Do the rest of me too. Please?” She batted those impossibly long lashes at me.

  My cock stirred. Did she have to say it like that? I let my eyes slide away from hers, but squeezed more of the sunscreen into my palm and slathered it onto her body.

  Savannah sighed happily, as she relaxed against the towel.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of her body. The bikini was so small I could see every bit of her flesh as it was offered up on display. Every part of me wanted to reach down and stroke it until she squirmed underneath my touch. It really wasn’t fair how much I wanted her.

  So far, the entire weekend had been very trying. Every time Savannah talked or moved, I wanted to devour her. I had to remind myself over and over again that we were only working together. No matter how much I wanted to drag her into my bed, I realized that she didn’t want that. Even if she felt amazing in my arms when I held her and we drifted off to sleep together. When she’d leaned into me as I’d kissed her I had to force myself not to forget it was all an act.

  My hands shifted directions and slid between the creases of her shapely thighs. She shivered at my touch and widened her legs a little more for me. I licked my bottom lip and shook my head. Come on. How is this fair? I wanted to throw her over my shoulder like some caveman and take her back to the cottage. Did she even know what she was doing to me?

  “Can you rub right there?” she mumbled with a slight moan at the end that made my swim trunks feel very uncomfortable.

  I wanted her to ride me. I could still remember her that long hot night when her legs were opened wide on either side of me as she bounced up on down on my cock. Her hair would fall in her face and she’d have to push it back while she panted on top of me. I’d reach out to caress and tease her nipples until she was so close to the edge she couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Harder,” Savannah instructed.

  It yanked me right back to reality. “What?” I asked stupidly.

  “Harder. There’s a knot right there underneath your palm. Feel it?”

  I swallowed the frog in my throat. “Yeah, I feel it. I’ll work it out.”

  “Mmm…thank you,” she purred.

  Yes, it was official…I’m going to lose my damn mind. There was no way I could keep touching her and stay sane. I wanted every part of Savannah to belong to me. Part of me no longer cared what I had to do to make that happen.

  “Dane?” Savannah’s voice cut in.


  “Your hands are getting a little high, aren’t they?” she whispered.

  I could hear the way her breath caught in her throat as she swallowed and bit her lip. I glanced down. My hand was so close to heaven I could reach out a finger and brush her into an orgasm with it. I felt sorely tempted to do just that and watch as she shuddered with delight.

  Or get pissed and never talk to me again.

  She’d made the rules very, very clear but the look on her face made me question everything. Something in her eyes begged for her body to be caressed and strummed. Conflicted, I decided to slowly pull away. If I fucked everything up, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself no matter how badly I wanted her. I cleared my throat as it had swollen up for some damn reason. “Why don’t I go and get us some drinks? Do you want anything in particular?”

  Savannah had closed her eyes and she nodded softly. “I’d love something fruity. I don’t know what that would be, but…”

  “I’m sure the bartender can come up with a drink you’ll like. Relax. I’ll go get something to cool us down.”

  “That would be great,” she said as she opened her eyes and I read the relief there. “Thank you, Dane.”

  “No problem, baby.”

  Savannah smiled as I pushed up and walked over to the bartender. I now felt glad I hadn’t pushed things. Especially, considering the fact that we were in public. I knew I would have to go back to the cottage once everything was done and jerk off furiously if I wanted to be able to calm the fuck down when I was around her.

  It was more than her body that attracted me. Savannah was the total package. The way she walked, the way she could talk about anything easily, her sense of humor, and the confidence that just poured out of her made her co
mpletely irresistible. I couldn’t believe I had given her up for ambition. It was completely my fault and my loss because she was a hell of a woman.

  “What can I get you?” the bartender asked, as I realized the people in front of me had long gotten their drinks and moved on.

  I ordered drinks for both of us and walked back towards the pool only to stop mid-stride.

  At some point, Savannah must have gotten into the pool because she was standing at the edge of the pool dripping water and pushing back her wet hair. Some guy was standing about two inches away from her nearly naked body. He was talking to her, but there was a stupid smirk on his stupid face.

  His smirk pressed all the wrong buttons with me. Clearly, he was flirting with her. There was no way in hell I was going to let that happen. As I marched up to them, I could hear what he was saying to her.

  “Why don’t you come over to the hot tub with me? Or better yet, let’s wait until after dark and come back when everyone’s gone.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m here with my fiancé.”

  “So what? I’m not jealous. You’ll love it. Come on, just one little late night dip,” he insisted as he reached out and touched her arm.

  I charged over and I stepped into the man’s face. “Did you miss the big ass ring on her finger?” I growled.

  “Relax man, I was just being friendly,” the guy said.

  I could smell the alcohol on his breath as I shook my head. “Get the hell out of here.”

  “Calm down, man. All I did was flirt with her a little. Anyone would. Look at that tiny little bikini, I mean…come on.”

  This was the last straw. Calmly, I put the drinks I was carrying on the low table, then I turned around, balled up my fist, and pulled it back.

  Savannah grabbed my arm tightly to hold me in place and she wouldn’t let me go. “Dane, don’t,” she breathed. “You’re causing a scene and about to screw up your friend’s party for this guy? Get it together. Let him say whatever he wants.”

  I wanted to do the complete opposite of that. He didn’t deserve to basically call her a slut in so many words and then walk away without a scratch.

  The guy smirked at me.

  It took every ounce of my willpower to step the hell away.

  Savannah relaxed a bit as I did and wrapped her arms around mine. “Let’s go back to the cottage and cool down,” she said, leaning against me.

  “Fine,” I grated.

  I was still pissed off and I knew why she really wanted me to go to the cottage. Around us, people’s eyes followed me. I ignored them as we gathered our things and returned to our cottage. Once we were inside, I slammed the door.

  Savannah jumped. “Can you please calm down?” she scolded.

  “Calm down?” I scoffed. “You were just smiling in that guy’s face and flirting with him—”

  “I wasn’t flirting with him,” she cut in. “He was flirting with me and I was just being polite.”

  “Being polite? What a fucking load of bullshit.”

  Savannah narrowed her eyes. “I suggest you watch how you speak to me,” she snapped. “Why would I lie? And even if he did flirt, why would that be such a big deal? It is what guys do.”

  “Not when you’re supposed to be engaged to me. How do you think that makes me look to everyone if they see my fiancée flirting with another man? I thought you said you were a professional?”

  “I am!”

  “Then don’t fucking flirt with other men in front of me.”

  Savannah frowned. “You’re being an asshole. I told him no and I told him I was there with my fiancé what more do you want me to do? I don’t know why you’re acting like this.”

  I understood. Anger rolled in my belly the more I thought about his smug smile when he talked to her. The way she’d smiled back was what had wrecked me. I couldn’t imagine her smiling for anyone else the way she did for me, especially when I knew how easy it was to fall for her. Jealousy consumed me and it irritated me even more that she didn’t understand what was going on. “Whatever,” I muttered. “I’m done with this conversation.”

  “Um, no you’re not,” she said as she followed me down the hall to the bedroom and slipped in after me while I rifled through the drawers. “What are you looking for?”

  “Clothes. I need to take a walk.”

  “I think it’s best if you stay here for a while, Dane. You almost punched that guy in the face and you’re still pissed off for God knows what reason.”

  I turned on her. “You want to know why I’m pissed.”

  Her arms folded over her chest. “No shit, that’s why I’m asking. What is going on with you?”

  I grabbed Savannah’s arms.

  Blinking her eyes, she gazed at me as she tilted her head.

  I couldn’t get the words out that I wanted to say. How do I tell her I’d been going crazy to fuck her and I couldn’t stand to see anyone else even have the chance? She was perfect for me and I wanted her so fucking bad it hurt. I crashed my lips against hers.

  She tensed, but did not try to release herself from the grip I held on her arms. Slowly, her body relaxed underneath my touch and she pushed against my body. Her mouth parted and my tongue darted inside to claim it for myself.

  Savannah moaned against my body and I echoed her sound. I cupped the back of her neck and pulled her even closer to me. My heart pounded as she trailed her fingers up my arms and held onto me tightly. I was wrong about her. She wanted it just as badly as I did and neither one of us seemed to give a fuck about the consequences at the moment.


  I’d lost my mind. Clearly, I must have hit my head sometime during the day without realizing it and lost my goddamn mind because I couldn’t stop kissing Dane. The way his mouth moved on mine, wild and feral made my body tremble. His hand traversed the curves of my body on its way down.

  He gripped my ass. I pushed back into his hold and panted against his mouth. I wanted more. It wasn’t enough. When I thought about doing things with Dane, I’d pictured a million scenarios and each one was dirtier than the next. I wanted him. I couldn’t stop myself anymore.

  Dane pushed me back and I flopped down onto the bed. His hands touched and trailed my skin as he gazed down at me with those intoxicating blue eyes. My brain screamed I shouldn’t be doing this, but I couldn’t stop myself. I wanted him so freaking bad. Every touch dragged me down further until I wanted nothing more than to give in to him.

  He climbed on top of me and every thought of protesting flew out of my head. Dane’s fingers gripped the bikini top and he pulled it over my head not even bothering with untying it first. My big breasts popped into view.

  “Jesus, Savannah,” he uttered, his eyes greedily roving over them.

  He slipped down and removed the bottoms before he tossed them over his shoulder. Once I was completely naked, he leaned down and kissed me deeply.

  I traced my tongue over his before he sucked in my bottom lip and nipped it with his teeth. My back arched and my breasts pressed against him. He licked a path along my jaw, down to my throat. He peppered little kisses along my bare skin. I knew what was coming. I shivered as he buried his teeth in my neck.


  “I know, I know,” he muttered.

  I moaned as his tongue rolled down my skin. He kissed and licked every inch along the path he created on my skin…as if he couldn’t get enough of me. It made me feel special that he had as little control as I had. That he’d gotten so jealous he’d been ready to punch some stupid guy all because he’d flirted with me. I didn’t want to encourage that, but it was hot just knowing how much he wanted me. I needed more of him.

  I’d always needed more of him.

  Dane’s hand dipped down and I gasped as the heel of his hand ground against my pussy. He rubbed his palm against my clit back and forth, as I rubbed myself against him.

  “Fuck, Savvy,” he cursed as his lips wrapped around my nipple. He sucked it into his mouth.

  My b
ody went on high alert at being given so much insane attention after not having anything for months.

  His teeth grazed my nipple as he came up for air and blew a warm stream of air over my flesh. I wanted to drown in the feeling. I felt goosebumps cover my arms.

  Dane placed a soft kiss on my skin before he sat up and locked his eyes with mine. His tongue dragged over me before his palm twisted and shoved against my wetness until I shuddered.

  “You taste so amazing.” His eyes burned with lust. “I can’t stop licking you.”

  “Don’t say things like that. I’m already on edge,” I almost wailed.

  “It’s true. Every time I taste you I want more and more.” He rocked against the bed. “I’m so fucking hard for you right now. You have no idea.”

  Just hearing that he was hard for me made me want to spread my legs and wrap them around his hips. I tried to shift but he grabbed my thigh and pushed it back down to the bed. He growled. “I’m not done yet.”

  I blinked. “What are you doing?”

  “Enjoying you completely.”

  How the hell was I supposed to fight that? I didn’t even want to. Dane kissed down along my body before he disappeared between my thighs. He licked one before he bit the soft flesh of my inner thigh and I shivered in response.

  I could feel how wet I was and how desperately I needed relief. “Dane please,” I whimpered. “I’m going crazy.”

  He lifted his head and grinned. “Say please again. Hearing you beg makes me feel like a king.”

  I groaned. Why did he have to say shit like that? His head lowered again. I shivered as his tongue swiped up along my slit and collected my juices.

  He licked his lips. “Fuck, you taste even better here,” he said as he rubbed my clit with his thumb.

  “Then keep licking,” I mumbled.

  Dane pushed my legs apart and buried himself between them.

  Pleasure shot up my spine as his tongue pressed against my clit and rolled in circles. He hooked his arms around my thighs, yanked me closer to him and sucked on my clit as he growled. The feeling of his growls vibrated through me until I was sure I couldn’t take another second of it.


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