The Skull King

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The Skull King Page 17

by Penelope Sky

  He stilled in the doorway like he couldn’t believe what I’d just said.

  The words were out of my mouth, and they couldn’t be taken back now. I’d agreed to be his obedient wife, but I never agreed to be his obedient dog. I’d probably get a smack across the cheek, but I didn’t care. He wanted me to look perfect for tonight, so he wouldn’t want to mark me.

  Lucian slowly stepped back into the room, his oily black eyes locked on me. His footfalls were quiet and slow as he proceeded toward me. Without blinking, he stared me down like I was his enemy across the battlefield. “That gown is worth ten thousand euros, and you choose to be so ungrateful?”

  “I never asked for this gown.”

  He came closer. “You’re covered in diamonds from head to toe. Your wedding ring is worth more than—”

  “I don’t care about money, Lucian. Your wealth doesn’t impress anyone, least of all me.”

  Now he was directly in front of me, and his eyes were black as coal. Both of his hands rested in his pockets as he stared at me face-to-face. We were the same height in my heels, and that probably infuriated him even more. “You will be my quiet bitch because that’s what you are. You’re nothing but a dog, nothing but a show breed. You will be silent and obedient because that’s your purpose—to please me.”

  “Fuck you—”

  He fisted me in the stomach hard, hitting me with enough force that I keeled over because the air escaped my lungs with a harsh gust.

  I crumpled to the floor, my hands hitting the hardwood with a loud thud. My vision was blurry for a moment because the pain was so extreme. I thought I might vomit all over his shoes. It took a few seconds for the world to become clear again, for the pain to pass so I could process reality.

  “Get your ass up.”

  I preferred the ground to being eye level with him.

  “Get your ass up, or I’ll kick you.”

  My shaky arms pushed me back to my feet. I rose to my knees then my heels, refusing to show the pain in my expression. I lifted my chin and gave him a fearless look, to make it clear that painful slug didn’t break me.

  My resilience annoyed him, so he grabbed me by the neck. He squeezed me hard, his disgusting fingers testing my pulse. It wasn’t the sexy and territorial way Balto did it. This was abuse—plain and simple. “We have an arrangement. You do as you’re told so that piece-of-shit boyfriend of yours can live to see another day. Or have you forgotten?”

  I was tempted to spit in his face.

  “Things have been going so well, Beautiful.” He pressed his face closer to mine. “Why get fired up now?”

  Because I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “I let you live a life of luxury. I let you have your freedom. But we’re descending into my world now—and you will play by my rules. When I tell you to do something, you do it. Tonight, you will carry yourself like a queen but speak to no one. You will hold me tight and pretend the other men don’t exist. Those are my orders. Now, apologize, and we’ll be on our way.”

  I almost laughed in his face. Apologize? No way in hell was I going to apologize.

  “Beautiful.” He squeezed my neck a little tighter.

  I couldn’t do it. There would be a harsh punishment, but I’d rather suffer through that than feel the humiliation of surrendering. I should never apologize to a man who treated me like a dog. I’d prefer internal bleeding.

  His eyes narrowed when I refused. “Alright.” He gripped me hard and held me in place as he shoved his other fist into my stomach.

  This time, he hit me twice as hard.

  Fuck, it hurt.

  My back couldn’t bend forward because he held me so rigidly. My neck strained from the cruel way he kept me in place. My lungs gasped for air, but I struggled to take in enough. I was too proud to let my eyes water, to let a groan escape my mouth. So my mind disassociated from everything to protect myself.

  He released my neck. “Let’s go.”

  I watched him walk out, my stomach tight with pain. Once his back was turned, I allowed myself a breath in privacy, a moment to let my weakness show. But I quickly covered it up before I smoothed out my dress and followed him.

  My brothers would be livid if they knew. I always told them Lucian treated me well, which was mostly the truth. If I remained obedient, he usually didn’t strike me. But being treated like a dog was just as bad as being struck.

  Then I thought of Balto. I still knew very little about the man, but I knew he never would have struck me.

  And I knew he would kill Lucian if he found out what just happened.



  In my black tuxedo, I stood in the lobby of the opera house. The floor was littered with aristocrats and socialites, elites of high society. Some of them had famous faces, people who made their fortune in plain sight. But anyone was who was truly rich made their money illegally.

  It was the only way it could be done.

  I slipped farther into the shadows as I waited for the right moment. Lucian would step inside shortly, escorted by his men and his wife. He had a secluded balcony at the top, which would make a perfect place for such a clandestine meeting. It was private, but it was also public.

  Because I wasn’t afraid to provoke my enemies out in the open.

  Heath spoke over the intercom into my ear. “Balto, Lucian just arrived.”

  “Good.” Lucian was too dense to figure out my plan. He would see Heath first and have his men tail him. Then I would strike when he least expected it just as Heath disappeared. Lucian would never conclude I had a twin. More likely, he would remember I was out of his league—and he shouldn’t have fucked with me.

  “You aren’t going to believe this…” Heath chuckled into the intercom like this was some kind of game.

  “What?” I leaned against the pillar and stared at the bar. Men and women collected their drinks before they made their way to their seats in the theatre.

  “Hmm…I’ll let you see for yourself.”

  “Anytime someone builds something up, it’s always a letdown.”

  He chuckled again. “I don’t think that will be the truth in this case.”

  I didn’t pry for more information because I would see Lucian with my own eyes soon enough. I glanced at my watch then stepped out from behind the large pillar. My eyes moved to the door as more guests arrived.

  Lucian stepped in, flanked by four men who barely hid their weapons in their jackets. On his arm was a woman, but no ordinary woman. Like a living statue that was so perfect it seemed unreal, was the woman who’d occupied all of my nights for the last month.


  Her arm rested in the crook of his, and she carried herself like a queen. Perfectly straight back and smothered in diamonds, she looked like the richest woman in the building. Her teal dress fit her curves perfectly, and she exposed the cleavage of her gorgeous tits as well as her right leg. The slit went so high, it revealed the very top part of her thigh.

  Heath spoke into the intercom. “Told ya.”

  I’d never imagined the woman I was fucking was married to that piece of shit.

  It only infuriated me more.

  She called him a powerful man. I called him a fucking pussy.

  I knew her well enough to see how miserable she was. She smiled when others smiled at her, and when people engaged her in conversation, she always seemed polite. But inside, she was dying a horrible death.

  She hated him more than I did.

  Motionless, I stood there and watched the torture. My body leaned against the pillar as I felt the rage build in my gut. Every night when this woman left me, she returned to him—a man who didn’t deserve her.

  Heath made his move. He came from the opposite direction and stopped directly in front of Lucian, his hands in the pockets of his tuxedo.

  I should have looked at Lucian, but all I cared about was Cassini.

  She was shocked.

  She stared at my brother with visible stiffness, her entire
body tightening as her expression hardened. Her eyes were wide open, and her chest rose and fell rapidly as the panic settled in her veins. She probably thought I was there for her—not Lucian.

  Heath nodded to Lucian. “Lucian.” Then he turned to Cassini—and winked.



  The second my eyes noticed Balto, I stopped breathing.

  Over six three and all muscle, he was threatening even in silence. He looked at Lucian as if he weren’t the least bit scared of him. On the contrary, it seemed like he enjoyed catching my husband off guard.

  He gave a gentle nod before he turned around to enter the theatre. “Lucian.”

  When he winked at me, I was even more surprised.

  Seemed out of character.

  It was obvious Lucian was affected by the interaction because he didn’t move. Frozen in place like a scared little girl, he didn’t know how to overcome his shock. He must have known Balto because he didn’t question me about the wink. When he finally recovered, he turned to his men. “Keep your eyes on him at all times.”

  Two men dispatched into the theatre.

  Lucian took me into the right hallway and up the stairs with the remaining two men.

  My heart was beating so fast that I could barely hear the music coming from the speakers. My pulse was just too loud. I held on to his arm for balance, but I could feel how weak he was. His forehead had a sheen of sweat, and his eyes darted back and forth like he was thinking a million miles a minute. He was definitely unnerved.

  More unsettled than I was.

  We reached the private balcony and took our seats.

  Lucian immediately looked into the audience, probably trying to see exactly where Balto was.

  Now I wondered if Balto has known I was Lucian’s wife the entire time. When did he figure it out? Why didn’t he tell me? Was he there now because of me? Or was it just a stunning coincidence? Did this have something to do with the diamonds they both possessed? “Who was that man?”

  Lucian ignored me.

  The lights were lowered, and the show began.

  I didn’t pay attention to the performance because my eyes kept scanning the audience, searching for the handsome face that was in my dreams every single night. My stomach was still in miserable pain, but when I saw Balto, there was a jolt of hope in my heart. I didn’t expect him to save me—but it made me feel less alone.

  Halfway through the performance, one of his men came to his side. “He just left out the back, sir.”

  “Good,” Lucian said with a noticeable sigh. “His pathetic attempts to intimidate me are pointless.”

  The man walked back to the hallway.

  I heard the words that were said, and I deduced the two men had a past. Lucian was a criminal, and that meant Balto had always been a criminal. They were clearly enemies. If Lucian found out I was sleeping with his enemy, he might actually kill me.

  The show continued, but I didn’t pay attention to it at all. All I could think about was my rapidly beating heart, how my fingers were slick with sweat. Danger seemed to be imminent now that Balto was gone. Would he really make a quick appearance then leave like that? He didn’t seem surprised to see me. Maybe he was sending a message to us both.

  The lights were off, so the balcony was in the dark. There was a table between Lucian and me, so there was some space between us. It was filled with drinks that neither one of us touched.

  Out of nowhere, a hand touched my right shoulder and gripped me tightly.

  I didn’t move. I didn’t even take a breath. I didn’t need to look behind me to know exactly who it was. That touch was innately familiar because I’d experienced it so many times. It was the same palm that squeezed my tits and ass as he fucked me. It belonged to a man who naturally brimmed with power.

  The hand slowly moved to my neck and rested right against my pulse. He felt my reaction to him, felt the electricity in my veins. He took it one step further and leaned his head over my shoulder and pressed a hot kiss to the skin.

  I closed my eyes and silenced my moan.

  This man didn’t care if Lucian saw or not.

  He squeezed my neck harder as he continued to kiss me, my husband completely oblivious to what was happening.

  Once Balto’s touch was on my body, I felt safe. He offered invisible protection against Lucian, a way out if I really need to take one. He was a man who could make Lucian uneasy with a simple look.

  He suddenly let me go then moved behind Lucian.

  I hoped he killed him.

  Balto stopped his stealthy movements and loudly pulled up a chair beside Lucian, being as disruptive as possible.

  Lucian flinched noticeably once he realized he was alone with his enemy. He immediately glanced behind him for his two armed men.

  I noticed them both dead on the floor, their guns beside them.

  I faced forward again, swallowing the lump in my throat. Balto really was a dangerous man.

  Balto faced Lucian, the back of his chair facing the edge of the balcony. The opera continued on in the background, the singers projecting their voices to unbelievable decibels. Balto’s knees rested apart, and he pulled out a cigar from his front pocket. He lit it with a lighter then got comfortable, as if he knew no one was coming to save Lucian.

  Lucian was still, but the beads of sweat on his forehead suggested his terror.

  I knew I wasn’t in imminent danger, but even I was scared.

  Balto stared at him for a long time, smoking his cigar casually as the music played loudly around all of us. The smoke drifted toward the ceiling as he released from his sexy lips. His eyes seemed to be focused on Lucian instead of me. “You need to get better men.”

  Lucian stared at him coldly, doing his best not to fidget in place. “What do you want, Balto?”

  “Let’s not play games.” He set the cigar on the table next to Lucian, letting the ashes fall onto the cocktail napkin. At any moment, it could catch fire, but he didn’t seem to care. “You know what I want. It’s the same thing I’ve wanted all these long years. I’ve given you the opportunity to do the right thing on your own—but you’re too stupid to figure it out.” He stared him down with that ice-cold gaze.

  The tension was so palpable, I could barely breathe.

  Lucian barely turned to me when he addressed me. “Leave us.”

  I didn’t question his command—not this time.

  “No.” Balto’s command made me go rigid. “She stays.” He turned his eyes on me for the first time, a possessive sheen noticeable. “Sit.”

  I slowly lowered myself back down to the chair.

  Lucian turned to Balto. “Leave her out of this.”

  “Why?” Balto asked. “Don’t want her to end up like your brother?”

  I knew his brother was dead, but I didn’t know what had happened to him. Now I wondered if Balto had killed him.

  Lucian held his gaze, but the rage entered his look. “I’ve got fifty men outside the building. It won’t take them long to figure out what happened. And when they do, you’ll be dead.”

  “Is that supposed to scare me?” Balto asked, that arrogant smirk on his face. “They chased me out the back way like two dogs looking for a treat. You employ a million imbeciles because you’re too cheap to pay for someone decent.”

  Lucian didn’t have a comeback to that.

  I watched Lucian treat his men and employees like shit every single day. It wouldn’t surprise me if they betrayed him so they wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore. I didn’t know Balto well, but he seemed like he had a lot more integrity.

  Balto grabbed his cigar then leaned forward, coming close to Lucian. “Give me what you promised. Maybe I’ll let you live. Tormenting you all these years has been fun, but I don’t want you to have a heart attack on me.”

  “You give yourself too much credit.” Lucian spoke through clenched teeth, powerless to do anything other than sit there and talk.

  “I saw the way you almost shit yourself w
hen you saw me. It’s the same look you have every time I catch you off guard—like your heart just fell into your ass. We could end it now if you just grow some balls.” He lowered the cigar to the top of Lucian’s hand, the hot ash almost coming into contact with it.

  Lucian didn’t move, but his hand trembled.

  “What’s it going to be? The diamond, or all of your explosives?”

  Lucian cocked an eyebrow. “All of them? That’s a little—”

  “A little what?” Balto pressed the hot cigar into Lucian’s flesh.

  Lucian clenched his jaw and groaned under his breath. He tried to pull his hand away.

  Balto snatched it back. He looked his enemy in the eye as he kept the cigar in place, letting the hot ember burn into his skin and leave a permanent mark. Once the ashes finally burned out, he dropped the cigar on the table.

  There was a noticeable scar on Lucian’s hand, a burn that would never fade.

  Served him right after hitting me in the stomach.

  “I’ll give you time to think it over.” Balto grabbed the glass of scotch and poured it over Lucian’s hand. “Give me what I asked for—or I’ll demand something more valuable than both. Last time, it cost your brother’s life. Who will it be this time?” His eyes moved to mine, a special quality in his gaze. He could examine Lucian with such coldness, but then look at me like he wanted to fuck me right against that wall.

  It was the first time I really saw Balto for who he was. He wasn’t just the mysterious and sexy stranger who kept the sheets warm. Now he was in his element, thriving under the aura of pain and corruption. He’d put Lucian in his place in a way no one else ever did. And like a predator, he preferred to stalk and play with his food for weeks before he actually killed it. He could kill Lucian right now if he wanted to, but he needed him for something. “It was lovely to meet you, Mrs. Salazar.”


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