Seduced by a SEAL

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by Makenna Jameison

  Seduced by a SEAL


  Makenna Jameison

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2018 by Makenna Jameison.

  All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

  Table of Contents

  About this Book

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Rescued by a SEAL Excerpt

  Books by Makenna Jameison

  About the Author

  About this Book

  Sleeping with the enemy never felt so right...

  When Navy SEAL Colton “C-4” Ferguson’s flight gets grounded in Miami, he’ll stop at nothing to get the gorgeous brunette he meets at the airport into his bed. He’s smitten from the moment her dark eyes meet his, but their steamy affair is only meant to last one night.

  Camila Rodriguez never expects the American man she has a passionate night with in Miami to show up weeks later in Colombia—along with his entire Navy SEAL team.

  Her father is one of the most notorious drug lords in Bogota, and when she’s kidnapped by a rival cartel, it’s Colton who rushes to her rescue.

  The dangerous streets of Colombia are nowhere to start a life together—but is she willing to leave everything behind and trust the man who’s stolen her heart?

  SEDUCED BY A SEAL, a standalone novel, is book ten in the sizzling Alpha SEALs series.

  Chapter 1

  COLTON “C-4” FERGUSON grumbled under his breath as the security line at Miami International Airport inched forward. He shifted his duffle bag onto his broad shoulder and took a swig from his bottle of water before tossing it into the nearby trashcan. Scrubbing a hand across his jaw, he blew out an irritated sigh as the woman at the front of the line pleaded with the TSA agent to let her keep the iced coffee she was holding.

  Good grief.

  Like she couldn’t just buy another drink once they cleared the TSA checkpoint.

  Glancing at his watch, he wondered if he’d be able to intercept the target before catching his flight back to Little Creek. It wasn’t exactly the usual Navy SEAL MO to go after an individual on U.S. soil, but he’d happened to be down in Miami on R&R when his CO had notified him that a high-value asset was flying out of the airport at the same time he was.

  Colton had immediately agreed to assist and garner any intel he could.

  Hell, he’d miss his flight if need be. Anything to make their upcoming op run smoother.

  After a brief meeting with some guys who wouldn’t say what agency they were from, he’d gotten some small electronic devices to bug the target’s belongings. The men he’d met with had assured him they wouldn’t set off the airport metal detectors.

  And naturally, he’d picked the slowest moving line on Earth. It wouldn’t do him a hell of a lot of good to be in the airport at the same time if he was stuck in the damn security line while she hopped on her flight and flew out of the country.

  The crowded airport and never-ending lines almost made him miss the naval base hangars and C-17 cargo planes his SEAL team flew on. Almost. Because sitting in an uncomfortable seat, headphones on to drown out the noise on a nonstop flight across the Atlantic wasn’t exactly a vacation. Then again, not dealing with the TSA and travelers insisting on doing things their own way made up for the discomfort, he thought with a smirk.

  A toddler cried in line in front of him, her mother looking frazzled as she attempted to haul her little girl, luggage, and baby gear forward as the line finally moved.

  “I got it,” he said, easily lifting the car seat she was pulling around the airport onto the conveyor belt to go through the x-ray machine. He dropped his own duffle bag down beside it before toeing off his boots and putting them alongside his watch, wallet, and cell phone in the bin.

  An overstuffed diaper bag and collection of blankets and stuffed animals filled the bin in front of his. And that was in addition to the car seat and luggage the woman had.


  At least being single he could travel light.

  The young mom shot him a grateful look, anything she said as she tried to thank him drowned out by her child’s cries.

  Colton’s gaze swept around the other lines: an elderly couple was inching along, holding up the line to his left. Three teenagers were laughing hysterically on the other side of them as one girl jumped up and down, trying to put her shoes back on. A few business travelers shot annoyed glances at the cell phones, irritated by the entire scene.

  And then his eyes locked on a stunning woman two lines over.

  She had long, dark hair, skin the color of smooth caramel, and curves that would make a grown man weep. The sexy little red sundress she had on barely covered her nicely rounded ass, and he admired the swells of her breasts as she turned to the side, hands animatedly flying around as she argued with the TSA agent.

  “It’s just cleanser,” she said, throwing her arms up in exasperation. Her voice carried over the people around him, and Colton noticed a slight Colombian accent. “It’s for washing my face—add a little water and scrub. Want me to demonstrate?”

  The TSA agent looked unamused and radioed for backup. A female agent guided the gorgeous woman aside for a pat down, and Colton felt his cock swell as he took in her shapely form. His chest tightened as he watched the female agent’s gloved hands move over the mystery woman’s ribcage and hips.

  Instantly, his protective instincts surged.

  He didn’t want some strange woman touching her.


  He didn’t want anyone touching her.

  Except maybe him.

  At that moment, he’d never wanted to be a TSA agent so badly in his life. Never mind that the monotony of standing around in an airport all day was nothing compared to the life and career of a Navy SEAL. He’d never envied someone so much as he watched the female agent pat her down.

  The woman in the red sundress pouted in exasperation as the other agents examined the container that had been brought into question, and Colton drank in her red lips, high cheekbones, and chocolate brown eyes. She caught him watching her for a split second, her fiery gaze almost daring him to do something, but then her eyes landed back on her luggage.

  “I already told you there’s nothing in my luggage that could be considered harmful.”

  “Next!” the agent in Colton’s line called out.

  Colton’s eyes swept back to him, and he stepped forward, handing over his ID and boarding pass.

  The photograph he’d tucked into his pocket was slightly grainy, but there was no mistaking her. The woman he was targeting was stuck in security just like him.

  His jaw ticked as he saw two officers with bomb-sniffing dogs now converging on the scene.

  How exactly was he supposed to bug her belongings if she was intercepted by airport authorities?

  The woman began rapidly talking again, looking more and more irritated. Colton cleared the metal detectors and grabbed his gear from the bin, sliding his phone and wallet back into his pockets and putting on his boots in haste. His metal watch went back around his wrist, and then he was
grabbling his duffle bag and dodging other travelers to get to the woman.

  “It’s an exfoliator,” she said in exasperation to the bomb techs.

  “A what?” one of the men asked, holding the container up for closer inspection with gloved hands.

  “A cleanser. For washing my face. I already explained it earlier—you add water to it. People use soaps and cleansers, no?”

  Colton opened his mouth, ready to speak, when the dumbfounded agent to the right glanced up. His eyes widened in recognition when he noticed Colton heading their way. “C-4!” he said with a grin.

  He stepped aside and held out a hand to Colton. “What’re you up to, man? Visiting Miami? It’s been years!”

  Colton shook hands with the man he’d gone through explosives training with many years ago. “Headed back to Little Creek,” he said, unable to prevent his gaze from drifting back toward the stunning woman. “Just here for a little R&R.”

  “Well shit. I could go for a vacation.”

  Colton chuckled. “Our entire team got some time off after our most recent op. It was hell, so we all appreciated the break. Probably won’t get another breather for a while. You know how it is—on duty 24/7, at Uncle Sam’s beck and call.”

  “Understood. Can’t say I miss life in the military at all. You know her?” he asked, watching the scene around them. The woman had backed away from the agents and was mouthing off to them, her hands on her hips as she tapped her foot impatiently on the ground.

  Colton’s eyes slid back up her toned legs, appreciating the curve of her ass, and quickly skimmed over her full breasts before he eyed his buddy again. “Not yet.”

  His buddy laughed. “She’s a handful. Probably harmless. Don’t know what the hell she’s got in that container though. I’ve never seen powdered soap before. Face wash. Whatever the hell she claims it is.”

  “Women,” Colton said with a smirk. “They can line the entire bathroom counter with beauty products and still need something new. A good old bar of soap works just fine for me.”

  “She looks high maintenance all right. Pretty damn fine though,” he chuckled.

  “All right, ma’am,” one of the agents testing the woman’s luggage said. “You’re free to go. Next time consider checking that in your luggage.”

  “It’s about time,” she said, flipping her long, dark hair over her shoulder and nailing him with a glare. “I nearly missed my flight thanks to you.”

  “It’s standard procedure, ma’am,” the agent replied. “Anything brought into question needs to be fully inspected.”

  “Standard. Right,” she said in her Colombian accent. “I think you just wanted a chance to pat me down. Thankfully another woman did the job instead,” she added, her voice doing strange things to Colton’s libido. “I certainly don’t need your hands all over me.”

  Colton smirked.


  Another man on their Delta SEAL team, Hunter “Hook” Murdock, had just ended up with a British chick he’d rescued while in London. She’d been on the run from terrorists, and Hunter, along with their teammate Mason “Riptide” Ryan, had just happened to be in the right place at the right time. He’d rescued her from a pub, and they’d temporarily holed up in a hotel room together.

  And the rest was history.

  The fact that his rough-and-tumble friend, the guy who once practically had a different woman in his bed every night, was now in a committed relationship had their entire SEAL team ribbing him.

  What were the chances that Colton would be practically drooling over a woman who wasn’t American either?

  Not that he planned on settling down with the daughter of a notorious drug lord. Or settling down period.

  Hunter’s woman, Emma, had ended up moving to the U.S. with him. The woman Colton was eyeing in the sexy red dress very clearly intended to get on the next flight back to Colombia. He wished he didn’t have to make a run for his own flight after his brief intercept. Wouldn’t he love to buy her a stiff drink at the airport bar and let his gaze linger on her sumptuous curves. Long, sexy legs. Full breasts. Curvy hips.

  Hell. He’d be sporting a hard-on all the way to the gate at this rate.

  Still, he couldn’t resist but to linger around as she collected her things. He could easily be on his way, but where would the fun in that be?

  His buddy called out goodbye as he moved off toward another line needing bomb techs.

  “Going my way?” Colton asked the gorgeous brunette, nodding the direction he was headed. “Maybe I could give you a hand with your luggage.”

  “Not unless you’re headed to international departures,” she said, those chocolate brown eyes twinkling with mischief.

  “I could make a detour,” he suggested.

  “And what makes you think I’d want your company?” she asked seductively, her eyes raking over his torso. As a Navy SEAL, Colton was in excellent shape. He was used to women staring at him and his teammates everywhere they went. But something about this particular woman set him on fire.

  Her dark eyes skimming over his broad shoulders, chiseled abdomen, and very pointedly landing below the belt as she eyed his package felt almost as if she were running her hands all over him.

  And hell if he wouldn’t love to make that a reality.

  His cock twitched as she licked her red lips and innocently glanced back up at him.

  If only he had a few hours to kill.

  Hell. He wouldn’t mind a few days alone with this woman. Exploring her curves. Moving over her gorgeous body. Teasing and tasting and caressing her everywhere until she was crying out beneath him.

  Making her beg for release.

  Colton chuckled. “I’ve never had any complaints before. And with the way you were eyeing me a moment ago, I thought you might be interested.”

  She laughed, a low, husky sound, and instantly his groin tightened. The last woman he’d dated was more of a girl than a woman—innocent. Inexperienced. Willing to let him take the lead both in and out of the bedroom. He had a feeling this woman knew her way around a man’s body. Hell, he’d happily let her take control if it meant a night in his bed.

  A loud crash of thunder sent his gaze flickering toward the far windows in the airport terminal as the woman at his side jumped in surprise. Pouring rain began hitting the glass sideways, the wind whipping leaves around, and Colton muttered a curse.

  He might just get his wish after all—hours alone with nothing to occupy his time but this woman.

  The loudspeaker crackled a moment later. “Attention all passengers,” a female voice said. “All flights in and out of Miami International Airport have been canceled until further notice due to the severe weather conditions. I repeat, attention all passengers—”

  “Unbelievable,” the woman in the red sundress exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. Colton caught sight of her manicured nails, painted a bright shade of red. She began speaking rapidly in Spanish as Colton watched in amusement.

  “Let me buy you a drink,” Colton suggested, his voice low. “Unless you have other plans?”

  “I have no other plans at the moment, as you clearly can see. This was the last flight to Colombia today. It’s not like I can catch a cab there. I’m stuck here until the flights are no long grounded.”

  “I promise I’m good company,” he said with a wink. “Come on.” He reached over and grabbed her bags, slinging her large tote over his own duffle bag. He picked up her sleek suitcase and, turning away, left her little choice but to follow him.

  “Let me guess. You’re some kind of athlete or something?” she asked, eyeing his arms before meeting his gaze as she walked along beside him. “American football player? Another sport?”

  “Something like that,” he said, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a smile.

  He’d tell her he was military later on. Maybe. No point in explaining that he was a Navy SEAL. Not when he knew who her father was. She’d be running as fast as she could in the other direction. It wasn�
��t exactly a secret that SEALs deployed on ops all over the world. Maybe she couldn’t care less, assuming her father and his cartel thought they were above the law—but he sure as hell had no reason to bring it up.

  Maybe he’d try to talk her into getting a hotel room with him after they’d had a few drinks—assuming they were in fact stranded for the night.

  He’d see what information he could find out about her father. Bug her suitcase and other bag with the small electronic transmitters he’d acquired.

  And the fact that she was fucking gorgeous?

  A one-night-stand with her in his bed suited him just fine.

  “Let’s grab a table at the bar over there. The place will be packed soon now that all flights have been canceled. Hopefully it’ll only be a couple of hours until they allow air traffic in and out again, but you never know. We could be here all night.”

  “Well aren’t you a master at planning ahead,” she said, tossing her long hair over her shoulder.

  “A master?” he asked with a smirk.

  She rapidly began speaking in Spanish again, and he assumed it was some sort of insult. It was hard to complain though with the way his groin tightened as he watched her.

  “Easy,” he said with a grin. “I just like to have a game plan.”

  “A game plan. See? You do sound like a professional athlete.”

  Colton chuckled. “Nope. My plan is pretty damn simple though—drinks at the airport bar, grabbing a room for the night.”

  Those chocolate brown eyes met his. “I suppose you have a hotel room already reserved as well? Just in case?”

  “That’s not a bad idea,” Colton agreed, grabbing his phone from his pocket. He stopped mid-terminal and swiped the screen to unlock it.

  “You’re reserving a hotel room?” she asked, her mouth dropping open.

  “You don’t have to stay with me,” Colton said with a chuckle. His eyes heated. “Not unless you want to that is. I wouldn’t turn down the company of a beautiful woman. But it sure beats sleeping on a bench in the airport, right?”

  She blew out a sigh. “No, that sounds less than comfortable. Should I be reserving a room for myself, too?”


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