Presence- The Marked

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Presence- The Marked Page 5

by L J Branch

  “A few years ago, Alexei-the monster that attacked me earlier-he killed someone close to me, he bit their neck,” Abbie explained quietly and shuddered when Diamond’s scowl deepened. “He was then shot in the head twice but didn’t die…I don’t know I always thought he was just some psycho with a vampire fetish and that he got lucky when he didn’t die.”

  “It’s possible that deep down you knew something wasn’t natural and buried that realization in your sub-conscious,” Diamond mused.

  “From what Kat has told us, you’re very smart, love,” Jack began “A strong mind mixed with that memory that was allowed to fester…it’s no wonder that mark won’t budge. To take that off would be the same as taking away a core of your beliefs now.”

  “And there is no telling what damage removing it will do to your psyche,” Diamond revealed. “Not that it isn’t worth the risk. The issue is what to do now? We can’t afford to waste our only mark on you.”

  “Diamond, it’s not her fault!” Kat snapped. Diamond turned to face her, her gaze unwavering.

  “I know and forgive me if I seem to be taking it out on her, but look at the big picture, Katarina. The job we planned to take on is all but impossible now,” Diamond said and Abbie frowned at this.

  “Job? Wait, what even is the point of marks? If you’re all thieves or whatever why do you need to drag regular people into this?” Abbie asked as she managed to not wilt under Diamond’s intense gaze.

  “In the Guild, there are three classes of thieves,” Diamond said before she pointed at Kat. “The infiltrators who break into strongholds and bring down defenses,” Diamond said before she gestured toward Jack. “The enforcers who defend the band and fight off enemy threats,” Diamond said as she then gestured to herself. “And the assassins who eliminate the key targets and threats to you, the civilians,” Diamond said as she pointed at Abbie. “Each band also has three roles,” Diamond said before she once more pointed at Kat. “The pilferer, the one who focuses on and steals the objective,” Diamond then pointed at Jack. “The grifter, who manipulates targets and gets us the information we need,” Diamond then pointed toward herself. “And the boss, who keeps the band together, makes the plans, and tries to keep us all alive on each and every job we take. We all have our uses; our own skill sets that we bring to the table. That, however, is not always enough. Sometimes we need softer skills that we have no experience in and for that we make a contract with the civilians and get their aid.”

  “The mark,” Abbie realized.

  “Exactly,” Diamond answered. “In return for their services they are paid appropriately and then forget anything that has to do with the Guild. They get paid and their mind makes up a memory to explain their sudden wealth in a way that doesn’t bring suspicion to them. Like winning the lottery, for example,” Diamond said as she shook her head. “We have a job coming up that will be incredibly difficult, we planned to steal from Magnus Financial Bank downtown,” Diamond revealed. “Their security systems are nothing to be trifled with which is why we had planned to get us a hacker since technology does not fall in any of our areas of expertise. Unfortunately, when a job is accepted, you make a vow to complete it for better or worse so we can’t fall back now.”

  “Those robberies on the news, was that you all?” Abbie questioned.

  “Maybe two of them were, we are still new recruits to the Guild, which means we have a four-year probation period where we need to hone our skills, we’ve only started a few months ago. Some of the heists were us but others were just other bands from our year. Full-fledged thieves deal with jobs that rarely show up in the public due to how sensitive they are,” Diamond explained. “Thirty-nine recruits made up our year, that’s thirteen bands. We are the 13th band formed which, believe me, says a lot of good things about us. The fact that even I can’t get your mark off means we’d have to go to a professional. Your mark budged, I felt it, so I know it’s not impossible. That said, Katarina was right to stop me, if I kept going like I was I might have crippled you.”

  “So why not get a professional?” Abbie asked in confusion.

  “Because that would mean our expulsion from the Guild,” Jack answered. “Revealing ourselves to a civilian, compromising the Guild as new recruits, is not tolerated by higher-ups. Hell, we weren’t even really supposed to start marking people until our second year when we gained a bit more experience,” Jack revealed. “It’s not against Guild rules, but it’s definitely frowned upon to do it this early.”

  “So, I’m stuck like this then?” Abbie asked as she now understood the situation.

  “Well we could always kill you,” Diamond said and Kat glared at her in response as Abbie looked at her in horror.


  “I’m not saying we would, just letting her know what other bands might have resorted to,” Diamond said simply. “I am an assassin, Abigail, and I have a position in our society that would require me to end you right now. That said, despite all of that, I won’t because to do so would hurt Katarina, and hurting her would hurt all of us,” Diamond reassured Abbie. “A band isn’t just three people working together. Our initiation forged a bond that’s symbiotic in nature. Closer than the closest siblings and more intimate than the most passionate of lovers. Our minds and souls are separate, but our hearts are one.”

  “That’s…that’s insane,” Abbie said breathlessly as she tried to comprehend that.

  “Kat cares for you deeply, her feelings have become an extension of my own and Frost’s as well, we wouldn’t do anything that Kat wouldn’t. That said, we’ll leave it to her to express the more…intimate feelings,” Diamond said with an eye-roll as Kat smirked at her.

  “Though if you need some help, I’m more than willing to-”

  “Shut up, Jack,” Kat said as she punched him in the arm. Jack just chuckled as Diamond shook her head at his antics.

  “Look, the job is a lost cause. We’re just going to have to take that failure. We’ve done enough to soak up a major loss like that and still stay in the Guild,” Diamond began as she glanced at the occupants of the room. “From now on we’ll pick our jobs more carefully and as we improve ourselves we can see about removing the mark when we are a bit stronger,” Diamond said as she faced Abbie. “You’re going to be stuck with us for a while. I’m afraid we must keep an eye on you after this,” Diamond said and Abbie seemed to ponder something as that reckless feeling Kat sparked in her seemed to be amplified by being so close to the rest of the band.

  “These jobs you take…do they harm the innocent?” Abbie asked suddenly.

  “We steal from mages, monsters, and civilians that are a threat to the general population. Those in need are under our protection,” Diamond answered.

  “Then…then can I help?” Abbie asked and the thieves were clearly caught off guard by her question. “If what I saw from Kat is any indication, then I can never do the things you all can do or face the things you face, but I am good with a computer,” Abbie said as Kat looked at her in disbelief.

  “Are…are you serious?” Kat asked as the corners of her mouth turned up a bit.

  “I…appreciate the offer…” Diamond began clearly skeptical. “…but we need more than someone just good with a computer, we need the best, a hacker-preferably one of those offered by the Guild…which we don’t have access to, because they are too few in number.”

  “Look I won’t lie, I’m not sure how good your Guild hackers are, but I am no slouch either. If you give me a computer, I can show you,” Abbie said firmly. “If you’re gonna to be stuck with me, I might as well make myself useful. It’s my own personal problem that led to this anyway, let me make it up to you. I refuse to be a burden.”

  “By all means, show us what you’re capable of,” Diamond said as she gestured toward her laptop, a bit impressed with Abbie’s attitude. “Though I don’t exactly have any software you could use on it,” Diamond said as Abbie turned the computer around. Diamond said nothing as they looked at the login-scr
een, if Abbie was really any good then she figured the woman could log in herself.

  “That’s fine, I brought my own,” Abbie said as she pulled off her cross. They watched as Abbie detached the bottom of the cross and revealed a hidden memory stick that she plugged into the laptop. Nearly immediately the login information filled itself in as Diamond’s desktop appeared.

  “Had no idea you were such a gamer,” Abbie joked as she took a moment to notice the games Diamond had installed on her computer.

  “Silence,” Diamond muttered as both Jack and Kat smirked at her. It was then a program began to run on the laptop.

  “Welcome back to Wonderland, Ms. Stone,” a voice on the computer said as they noticed a small white rabbit that was formally dressed on the screen. The animated bunny had a gold monocle and a matching pocket watch in his hand.

  “I suppose it’s been awhile, let’s see, first find any info on one Diamond Midas,” Abbie muttered to herself as she began to type rapidly on the keyboard. Diamond frowned as she saw a picture of herself pop up. “Then find some bank info…wait, Diamond, your account is frozen?” Abbie asked with a frown as she glanced at Diamond who frowned when she saw her bank information on display. Diamond could even see her social security number, credit card statements, and her pin number around a picture she used for her ID.

  “The Guild freezes accounts of new members for their probation period so that we all start on the same foot,” Diamond explained, a frown on her face. “Everything we have now is due to the recent jobs we’ve taken up together and held in the Guild Bank.”

  “Seriously? Didn’t you guys just start off or something and you can afford all of this? You really are good,” Abbie mused before raising an eyebrow. “Still sucks that all the cash you racked up from your concerts pretty much meant nothing though,” Abbie said as she whistled at the amount of money she saw frozen.

  “You can say that again, love. I think Diamond ranted and raved about that for a week,” Jack joked as he approached the desk, an impressed look on his face. “Can you unfreeze her account?”

  “Well, whoever is in charge of doing that is good,” Abbie said as she typed away. “I can see why you’d want to recruit someone offered by your Guild, but at the end of the day,” Abbie trailed off before she smiled victoriously. “They still have much to learn. There, done.”

  “Done? What’s done?” Diamond asked as Abbie smirked at her.

  “I made you an account overseas at another bank and put the money there,” Abbie explained. “Your account still looks like it has the money, that figure will be frozen in place there but it’s actually empty,” Abbie explained as Diamond pursed her lips. “I doubt I can ever do the things you all can do, but if it’s just this, then no problem. Won’t lie, I was expecting more than five million.”

  “Most of my money went to charity,” Diamond explained. “After these four years are up, I’m going to come into a lot of money. Money is a tool, nothing more, so why not use it for something worthwhile?”

  “And here I thought you were a diva,” Abbie said with a laugh. “You all are really modern-day Robin Hoods, huh?” Abbie asked before she was taken aback by the looks of disgust all of them, even Kat, gave her. “What?”

  “That guy is so overrated,” Kat complained.

  “You want to see a diva, you should see his descendants,” Diamond said with a grimace of her own.

  “Wait, hold up, you’re sayin’ he was real!?”

  “Unfortunately. Damn, you could have at least said Umbra instead.” Kat complained and in response Jack rolled his eyes.

  “She’s a civilian, Kat, she doesn’t even know who that is.”

  “Who’s Umbra?”

  “A thief fairy tale that Kat was named after that’s nearly as old as the Guild. A lone thief with the power of three that legend says still operates in the shadows till this day,” Jack began but before he could continue, Diamond raised a hand to silence him as she knew how he could get when he recited his tales.

  “That’s a story for another day,” Diamond interrupted so she could get them back on track. “For now, Abigail Stone,” Diamond said as she extended a hand toward Abbie. “Welcome to Band Thirteen.”

  CHAPTER 4: Grand Theft Auto

  Santa Monica, Midas Tower

  “We’ll need to sit down and go over the plan since we managed to get a hacker,” Diamond began as she looked at the occupants of the room. “That said, it’s safe to say that this has been a long night. Get some rest and we’ll talk about what to do next tomorrow. Abigail, you’ll stay here tonight with Katarina. I don’t feel comfortable sending you back home before the sun comes up, in case Alexei had friends. It’s unlikely, he was unstable even by vampire standards, but it doesn’t hurt to be safe,” Diamond reassured Abbie. “While we’re on the topic, Frost, what did you get from the officer?”

  “Alexei was the one who enthralled him,” Jack answered, a frown on his face. “The poor man had been hypnotized, his mind was too weak to resist it. I didn’t get much more information since he was quickly freed after Alexei was destroyed, he had no idea where he was or why.”

  “Wait, you actually found that creep?”

  “See? I told you Jack would handle it,” Kat said proudly.

  “He’s lucky he was a victim as well or I would have gladly done your job for you, Diamond,” Jack told his boss. “Abbie, between your cross and the mark you should be safe. That said, Diamond is right, it’s late and you should rest.”

  “Oh well then, pardon the intrusion,” Abbie said and Diamond just waved off her concerns before she went to leave.

  “It’s fine, you did just make me five million dollars,” Diamond said matter-of-factly before she glanced back over her shoulder at Abbie. “That said, I know it’s been an emotional evening for you, but I value my beauty sleep. Try to keep it down if you feel the need to thank your savior.”

  “Or don’t, I can lend her my earplugs, they block out everything,” Jack said as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Diamond did not seem amused as she dragged him away and left the mortified couple alone in the study.

  “Was she serious?”

  “Diamond doesn’t joke. Uh…can we just pretend that didn’t happen?” Kat asked though it sounded more like a plea if anything.

  “Gladly,” Abbie said as she cleared her throat before they made their way toward the living room. Kat clapped her hands and cut the lights before she pressed a button on the sofa that made it shift into a bed. For a moment, Abbie thought that Kat set the bed up for her until she watched Kat fall back onto it.

  “Hope you don’t mind, but you’re bunking with me,” Kat said as she grinned. “It’ll be like a slumber party.”

  “You sleep here?” Abbie asked curiously as she sat down on the bed. “How many bedrooms does this place have?”

  “Three,” Kat answered after a moment of thought.

  “So how did you end up out here?” Abbie asked, her confusion clear, deep down wondering if Kat had managed to get screwed out of a deal by her teammates.

  “Cause’ I called dibs,” Kat said proudly as Abbie adopted a blank expression. “Got the best entertainment system to myself, quick access to the fridge and bathroom, plus a great view of the city? Easily the best room we have,” Kat said and after she thought about it, Abbie realized that Kat actually had a point in her own odd way. What was the lack of an actual bed compared to all of that? Abbie squeezed the mattress and couldn’t help but laugh to herself as she noticed how comfortable it actually was.

  “Don’t change, kitten,” Abbie said before she kissed Kat on her cheek.

  “What?” Kat asked, confused by the statement as she watched Abbie kick off her shoes before she laid back on the mattress. “You’re weird,” Kat said before she closed her eyes.



  “Thank you,” Abbie said quietly as she held Kat’s hand. Kat just squeezed her hand in response, a small smile on her face.

p; “Anytime.”

  * * *

  The first thing Abbie noticed before she even opened her eyes was a heavenly smell that permeated throughout the room along with a loud sizzling noise. As Abbie sat up, she shook her head before she looked toward the kitchen. There she found Diamond at the table, reading something on her phone, along with Kat. Jack just hummed to himself as he cooked something on the stove.

  “Good morning,” Diamond said as she kept her eyes on her phone while Kat perked up and beamed when she noticed Abbie was awake.


  “Mornin’, what’s that smell?” Abbie asked curiously.

  “Bacon, love,” Jack answered with a grin as he picked up the skillet and slid the meat onto a plate. He brought the plate over to the table, stepping over Sal who was eating his own food. “Come on, I made you some too,” Jack said as he set a plate out for her.

  “Man, haven’t smelled breakfast this good since I was a kid,” Abbie said with a smile as she made her way toward the table while Jack sat down. After they all filled their plates, Jack made one for Diamond as she continued focusing on her phone. “So, uh, what’s the plan for today?”

  “Like I mentioned last night, we’re still in training so today the three of us will have to go to the Guild and, well, train,” Diamond answered. “We finish early in the afternoon, so we can regroup then and come up with a more solid plan.”

  “Actually, I’m going to be a bit late,” Jack spoke up which made Diamond raise an eyebrow.


  “Afraid so,” Jack said apologetically.

  “Well, we can meet in the evening then.”

  “So, you guys have to go to school?” Abbie asked, not sure if she should laugh or not, as she saw how each of them looked about as enthusiastic as a regular student would be about attending classes. Well, she took that back, Diamond and Jack looked less than pleased but Kat actually looked a bit excited. “Is school for thieves that bad?”


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