Presence- The Marked

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Presence- The Marked Page 12

by L J Branch

  “Like I said, where’s the fun in that?”

  “You’re crazy,” Abbie said but even she couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on her lips. “Then again, I suppose that makes me crazy too, to some extent anyway. Come here, I need your opinion on somethin’.”

  “What’s up?” Kat asked as she made her way over to Abbie. Once there she saw what appeared to be a 3-D model of their car, only this one had a far sleeker appearance. “Whoa.”

  “With the parts, we picked out so far I managed to build what our car should look like when we finalize the purchases. What do you think?”

  “Looks great though despite blue being my favorite color, I say we keep it black,” Kat suggested. Abbie nodded and quickly changed the color of the car. “Much better, I love it.”

  “The car will have all the power you want without losin’ any of the beauty,” Abbie said with a grin. “That baby’s gonna be a beast, think you can handle it, kitten?”

  “Oh, you have no idea,” Kat said smugly. “I can probably get back into the street racing scene with this beauty, make a few bucks on the side, you know?”

  “You need more money?” Abbie asked with a laugh while Kat simply beamed at her.

  “Can never have too much coin. I might even test out this baby’s flight feature.”

  “Just make sure to do it when I’m not in the car,” Abbie said firmly and Kat snickered at the expression on Abbie’s face. Abbie’s newfound recklessness still had its limits it seemed.

  “Aw, okay,” Kat said with mock sadness. Suddenly, Kat snapped her fingers as she remembered something important. “Oh, we forgot to mention, we’ve invited some other thieves-in-training to stop by.”


  “Yeah, it’s kind of a tradition when a band opens up their first business. Look, not every band from our year is coming, but for sure Band 11 and our sister band, Band 12, will show up.”

  “Sister band?”

  “Yeah, like I would say rivals but it’s all in good spirit, we’re all good friends no matter how much Diamond tries to deny it,” Kat explained. “The point is if Diamond being a thief has taught you anything it’s that some of us are very famous. So, try not to freak out if you see a couple of celebrities.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem, never been much of a fan girl,” Abbie said with a small frown. “I think I handled meetin’ Diamond well enough.”

  “True,” Kat mused. “You were also scared shitless, though,” Kat pointed out and in response Abbie stuck her tongue out at her. “Just wanted to give you a heads up because they’re all very perceptive and we can’t exactly risk them knowing the truth about you. Like, it’s okay to be surprised to meet them, they’ll expect it, just try not to let on that you know too much.”

  “Should I stay home instead then? That seems like a safer bet,” Abbie suggested only for Kat to shake her head.

  “Babe, we’ve hung out, and got a bit closer,” Kat said and she smirked when she saw Abbie blush. “But I don’t think we’ve had a legit date since the Alexei incident. I want you there tonight, we all do, we wouldn’t even have this club if it wasn’t for you,” Kat said firmly. “Tonight, there’s going to be a lot of networking and deals being made. Things Diamond and Jack deal with. Me? It’s my night off and we’re going to have some fun. Besides, Band 12 will be expecting you.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I’m being taught alongside their boss who’s a close friend, and I might have let it slip to her that I was seeing someone,” Kat said nervously. “Big mistake on my part, forgot she was an even bigger die-hard romantic than Jack. Point is, she wants to meet you but she doesn’t know you know as much as you know, you know?” Kat said quickly and Abbie just frowned as she tried to dissect that last sentence Kat had rambled off.

  “I’m not sure what you just said but it sounded concernin’.”

  “The point is we don’t need ‘Abbie the gifted hacker’ to show up. You get to rest and relax for once. We need Abbie my hot older girlfriend to show up, get it?” Kat said as Abbie just raised an eyebrow.

  “So just act like I know nothin’ Guild-wise?” Abbie simplified which made Kat pause.


  “Alright,” Abbie said with a shrug. “Just to be safe though, can we find a way to limit our contact with the other thieves?”

  “No problem, you’re going to be with me practically the whole night anyway,” Kat said as she wrapped her arms around Abbie.

  “Yeah, yeah, come on you’re gettin’ me dirty, kitten,” Abbie said though her heart was clearly not in it as Kat sat on her lap. “Now help me look through some more parts.”

  * * *

  Santa Monica, Duskhaven

  “That’s loud,” Diamond said from the back seat as the newly customized car pulled up in front of the club which had a golden under glow.

  “Just means the DJ is having fun,” Jack said before he glanced out of the backseat window and whistled at the size of the line that was outside of the club. “Almost looks like you might get your investment back in one night.”

  “So far, the feedback has been great. Seems like buyin’ Al’s lot from him was a good idea,” Abbie said as she looked at her phone. “The club’s trendin’ and you haven’t even shown up yet.”

  “Let’s fix that,” Kat said as she stopped the car.

  “Let’s,” Diamond said as Jack got out of the car and held the door open for her while Abbie and Kat climbed out. As soon as she stepped out, the gathered crowd began to cheer, the camera flashes almost blinded Abbie though the others didn’t seem fazed at all. Kat slid across the hood of the car and tossed the keys to the valet. Kat warned him not to scratch it as she slid an arm around Abbie’s waist.

  “You know for someone so against receiving gifts, that dress looks amazing on you,” Kat said as she admired the black dress Abbie wore. “Good job, Diamond.”

  “Thank you, though getting her in a dress was almost as impossible as getting you in one. Which is why instead of a gift we’ll call it a business expense. That was the only way I could get her to accept it,” Diamond said as Abbie rolled her eyes in response.

  “Still don’t know why you were so gung-ho about dressin’ me up.”

  “Because if you are to be my assistant, you must look the part,” Diamond explained.

  “Translation, Kat never let Diamond dress her up so now she’s taking it out on you,” Jack explained.

  “For once, Frost, could you humor me?” Diamond asked dryly which made him laugh as they entered the club. Nearly as soon as they made it inside, they were bombarded with loud music, bright lights, and the sight of dozens upon dozens of clubbers who danced the night away.

  “Yeah! That’s right, Santa Monica! Let’s turn it up!” Eric’s voice boomed and the clubbers cheered loudly before the music somehow found a way to be amped up even more.

  “Hell yeah!” Kat cheered loudly before she turned to the other three. “Yo, this is crazy! I haven’t even shown up yet and it’s already like this!?” Kat said, a bright grin on her face as both Diamond and Jack looked on with varying degrees of surprise at how the club turned out. “I didn’t know he was this good, Abbie!”

  “He’s amazin’, just don’t let him know. Keep him humble,” Abbie said before she gestured to the back of the club where they could see a door. “V.I.P. room is right there as requested. Saw some messages about a few celebrities spotted here earlier, your friends?”

  “More than likely, come on,” Diamond said as they followed her.

  * * *

  “Welcome Diamond,” a feminine voice laced with a French accent said as soon as the door opened. When the door opened up fully to reveal Diamond and her entourage, Diamond didn’t seem amused as she looked over at the source of the voice. It was a blonde woman with fair skin that looked at Diamond with mischief shining in her blue eyes. Abbie’s heart clenched painfully for only the briefest of moments as she swore that she saw her ex. However, she quickl
y reminded herself that the woman before her was someone completely different.

  “Dominique,” Diamond greeted and turned to the blonde’s companions which were a young Japanese man and a red-haired woman. “Rose, Akira-san.”

  “Greetings, Midas-sama,” Akira said as Rose nodded toward her. It was then Diamond raised an eyebrow as she looked at the fourth and final person.

  “Michael? You’re alone?” Diamond asked as she looked at the timid man that had messy black hair, brown eyes, and a thick pair of glasses.

  “Huh? Oh no,” Michael said quietly. “Robyn’s on the dance floor,” Michael answered and Abbie noticed that all of the strangers looked a bit annoyed, even Dominique who somehow managed to keep her smile. In fact, Band 13 seemed annoyed as well.

  “And Alexander?” Diamond asked and Michael started to respond but stopped when he glanced at Abbie. Michael looked back at Diamond as if they exchanged a silent conversation. “Well I suppose he’s always off doing his own thing, regardless,” Diamond said dismissively.

  “Now, who do we have here, ma chérie?” Dominique asked politely as she eyed Abbie. Despite her kind demeanor, Abbie couldn’t help tense as she felt as though the woman stared through her very being. Something about Dominique reminded Abbie of her first encounter with Diamond. This consequently shattered any lingering thoughts Abbie might have had about Dominique being similar to her ex in any way. Though Abbie couldn’t make heads or tails of to whom the various new presences she experienced belonged, she was positive that the sense of overwhelming freedom she felt came from the French woman.

  “This is Abigail Stone, Katarina’s plus one,” Diamond introduced Abbie before she gestured toward the occupants of the room. “Abigail this is Dominique Victoire, you’ve probably seen her in some movies or modeling here and there. Next, you have Rose Ardent, she was last year’s lightweight boxing champion. Her older sister is actually the one that raised Jack and Kat,” Diamond explained and Rose gave Abbie a quick two-fingered salute. “The man next to her is…”

  “…Hattori, Akira,” Abbie finished for Diamond as her eyes glittered like stars. “Can I have your autograph!?” Abbie asked quickly. Only when she saw Akira’s look of surprise did she notice the attention on her. Abbie’s face flushed in embarrassment as Kat snorted.

  “Not a fan girl, huh?” Kat teased as Abbie’s face reddened even more.

  “Sorry, just a huge fan of your family. Your father is a genius,” Abbie said sheepishly while Jack chuckled as Kat burst out in laughter, even Diamond seemed a bit amused.

  “Seriously? That’s the one you recognize?” Kat asked incredulously. “You’re such a nerd!”

  “Shut up,” Abbie said quietly as she wished the floor could swallow her whole. “Uh…sorry.”

  “No, don’t be Stone-san, I am honored by the request,” Akira said with a smile. “I’ll make sure one gets to you,” Akira said which lifted Abbie’s mood. Diamond cleared her throat before she gestured to Michael.

  “And lastly, this is Michael Insegnare,” Diamond introduced and there was absolutely no recognition in Abbie’s eyes. “He’s heir to a large construction company,” Diamond explained and Abbie noted that she didn’t go into detail about which construction company and decided not to push the issue.

  “Wow. I won’t lie, when I went out with you, I wasn’t expecting you to have friends like these,” Abbie told Kat.

  “What can I say? I’m full of surprises, babe,” Kat said before she grabbed Abbie’s hand. “Now that introductions are done, let’s go party,” Kat said as she started for the door.

  “Wait, where are you going?” Dominique questioned and Kat froze. “You cannot just leave like that! I want details, ma chérie.”

  “Good luck,” Jack said with a sigh as he looked like a kicked puppy. “I’ve been barking up that tree for months now,” Jack said which made Dominque pout as Abbie looked at him skeptically.

  “I think there’s a big difference between the details you want and the ones she wants, Jack,” Abbie said but to her surprise, Kat was the one that shook her head.

  “No, there’s not. She’s just as bad as he is,” Kat said dryly as Dominique put a hand on her chest as if offended.


  “Seriously?” Abbie asked with a perturbed expression.

  “Uh, should I be offended, love?” Jack asked Abbie only to be ignored.

  “We have things to discuss that would be far too boring for Abigail,” Diamond interrupted them. “Katarina, go enjoy your date. The faster we do this, the faster you can interrogate them later, Dominique.”

  “All work and no play,” Dominique said with a sigh. “What happened to the little girl that used to follow me everywhere when she would visit la France?”

  “She grew up,” Diamond said dryly. “Go have fun,” Diamond told Kat and Abbie once more, though it almost sounded like an order. Kat quickly left with Abbie as Diamond took a seat. Jack just leaned against the wall behind Diamond. “Let’s make this quick.”

  “Agreed,” Jack said before smirking. “Shame Alexander is out, but make no mistake Akira, Michael, tonight the boys will play!” Jack declared with a fist-pump as Rose, in particular, looked annoyed while the men just smiled in response.

  “Frost, Victoire, Ardent, Insegnare, and Hattori, with you all at my side that makes five of the twelve families willing to work alongside me when I ascend,” Diamond began before she turned to face Michael. “What about your band?”

  “Robyn and Alexander said that they are fine with following whatever decision I make,” Michael said a bit nervously.

  “So that makes Hood and Grimm with me as well, that gives me the support of seven families then,” Diamond said sounding a bit pleased at the news.

  “Yes, but remember, we have far more outsiders than we have members of the twelve families. The outsider seat has the power of three of our seats. Since it’s an elected position, that also makes it a wild card,” Dominique reminded Diamond. “Excluding the royal Midas family, there are eleven seats for the ancient families and three for the outsiders. Fourteen votes of which you have control of only seven. Not to mention it will take some time before you can reestablish the Frost family’s position which brings you back down to six in the worst-case scenario. If you want to have a smooth reign, Diamond, I suggest you try to get at least one more seat on your side.”

  “She’s right,” Jack spoke up as he glanced at his boss.

  “Indeed, but I’ve already taken that into consideration. If tonight goes smoothly, then I will have one more seat locked down,” Diamond revealed which surprised all of the occupants of the room except Dominique whom just laughed.

  “So that’s why you took on that impossible heist, yes?” Dominique asked. “Ma chérie, I almost can’t wait for these four years to go by so that we can see what you’re made of.”

  “I’ll try not to disappoint,” Diamond said before she released a long sigh. Diamond’s expression genuinely softened for once as she looked at the occupants of the room. “Now, before we continue, let me just say that I cannot thank you all enough for your support. I can’t promise I’ll be as successful as my mother, or hell even my father, but with your support, I’ll try to run the Guild the best I can.”

  “Diamond, I think I speak for us all when I say we don’t want you to be like them. We want you to be better, to be you,” Jack said firmly and Diamond could see that the others shared his sentiment.

  “Seeing how hard you’re trying now, years before you ascend, gives us our faith in you because it shows you’re trying,” Dominique said before she grabbed Diamond’s gloved hand. “Which says a lot because your family gave up the ability to fully express their emotions for the sake of the Guild. So, for you to show as much emotion as you do is a testament to how you really feel.”

  “Well said,” Michael said with a smile.

  “Thank you,” Diamond said before her expression hardened once more. “Now let’s get down to business.”<
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  * * *

  After the meeting the thieves dispersed and decided to enjoy themselves at the party. Rose made her way towards the bar while the men left to mingle with some of the clubbers. Diamond decided to find a place to relax and opted to rest for a moment on a couch that overlooked the dance floor. She leaned back in her seat and relaxed as she spotted Kat and Abbie conversing with Eric about something as he continued to play music. Her eyes rolled in annoyance as she saw a brunette woman cheer loudly as she crowd-surfed.

  “Damn Hoods,” Diamond muttered as she shook her head at the sight of Robyn who had decided to ditch the meeting. Deep down she wondered if Michael ever truly would get a handle on his band. That said, that was his burden, not hers.

  “So, she’s your secret weapon?” Dominique questioned as she sat next to Diamond.

  “What are you going on about now?”

  “Abigail, of course, she’s more than Kat’s lover,” Dominique said knowingly. “I won’t lie, she’s a good actress but she’s no Frost,” Dominique said with a laugh. “Don’t feel too bad, you know as well as I do how hard it is to keep secrets from a member of the Victoire family. I wonder, just how much does she know?” Dominique wondered. “You know, if I were hiding a civilian no one would know until I wanted them to. You need to keep your cards closer to your chest. Then again, I always was the better thief, no?”

  “Then why aren’t you leading Band 13?”

  “Because you’re stronger,” Dominique admitted easily. “Strength and skill are two very different things.”

  “What do you want?” Diamond asked Dominique whose smile dropped.

  “Advice,” Dominique answered. “We’re almost at the half-way point for our first year, and my band is still having problems with shadow synch. You wouldn’t mind helping your friend out, would you?”

  “What happened to having more skill?”

  “As a thief? Yes. As a boss? Debatable.”

  “I’m surprised,” Diamond said honestly. “Being Band 12, I figured you’d have it down by now.”

  “We can do it, but making it last for extended periods is, how do you say, a bit of a challenge for us,” Dominique explained. “You all make it seem as easy as breathing.”


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