Presence- The Marked

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Presence- The Marked Page 15

by L J Branch

  “But why tell me this? She’s dead right?” Diamond questioned as a feeling of dread formed in the pit of her stomach. “Right?”

  “Officially, though I have my suspicions that she might have escaped her fate. She was a mage, yes, but she was as crafty as a thief,” Roderick said darkly. “We fought her for a long time, Diamond. To even mention that she may be around would cause an untold amount of panic. Without proof, I fear my mental health will be called into question which could cost you the throne. I have to act carefully, but as of now you, Vivi, and a few choice contacts I have are the only ones aware of this possibility. You are to take my place soon, so I can no longer hide such things from you for soon they will be your responsibility.”

  “What was Romero thinking!? Killing my mother when the biggest threat wasn’t even dealt with properly!?” Diamond asked fiercely as Roderick closed his eyes, a solemn expression on his face.

  “I ask myself that every day. Romero was a close ally, yet single-handedly destroyed our only chance at victory if my suspicions are true. He and Julia have done a lot of damage to the alliance. Fortunately, the Black Moon is still in shambles, I just pray for the sake of you all that it stays that way,” Roderick said seriously. “Now let’s move on. Fortunately, you filled this year’s honor quota so spend your time training and doing what you can about this issue. I’ve informed your teacher about this, she says if you need to take a day off just let her know. Headmistress Corday has always been a close confidant,” Roderick explained. “Now, enough of all that, catch me up on how you’ve been,” Roderick said with a fatherly smile.

  * * *

  “I see, thanks for bringing this to my attention, I’ll speak to the lad,” a woman with short red hair said, her voice thick with an Irish accent. She grabbed the training robot she fought and slammed it into the ground with enough force to make it shut down immediately.

  “That’s all I wish, he has potential, I hate to see it wasted simply because of a lack of patience,” an older gentleman of Asian descent said with a frown as a much younger woman stood politely behind him. At that moment the door to the gym opened before Sebastian led Jack and Kat into the gym before he left them. As soon as Jack noticed the individuals in the room he paused in his greeting.

  “Ah, well, perfect timing,” the older man said stroking his beard thoughtfully as he and his companion began to leave the gym. “Come, Meifeng, this is a family matter.”

  “Yes, father,” Meifeng said respectfully as they left. Meifeng’s polite expression shifted into one of pure sympathy as she glanced at Jack and simply shook her head sadly. This sent a chill down his spine as he looked back at his former guardian who looked less than pleased to see him.

  “Lad,” was all Vivi said as she stalked toward them.

  “Jack, what the hell did you do!?” Kat asked fearfully.

  “Now, Vivi, I can explain,” Jack began only to be ignored when the woman grabbed him by his collar and trapped him with her vice-like grip.

  “Lass, leave,” Vivi ordered and Kat didn’t need to be told twice. All thoughts of a heartfelt reunion thrown out of the window as she realized that self-preservation came first. Jack shuddered as he watched black wisps of smoke spill from Vivi’s lips while the hand so close to his neck began to increase in temperature. The green had left Vivi’s eyes and in its place was an electric orange that shone brightly as she glared at him. Despite being a few inches taller than her, Jack felt incredibly small when face to face with the powerful woman. “What’s this I hear from Master Li about you ditching his lessons…for months,” Vivi asked once Kat left.

  “ just wasn’t a good fit,” Jack tried to explain as the woman gritted her teeth.

  “A good fit? He’s the greatest teacher for enforcers the Guild has to offer! He trained me from the ground up, and you’re going to disrespect that man by not even showing up after he offers to teach you!?” Vivi asked angrily. “In addition, you’ve been doing jobs without training? Do you have a death wish, lad? Tell me why I shouldn’t shove my foot up your ass!”

  “Because I’m still here?”


  “Look, Vivi, I’m not knocking the man, I can see clearly that Master Li is a great teacher. It’s just his methods don’t work for me. He refuses to teach you how to defend yourself until you achieve ‘balance’ through meditation, whatever the hell that is,” Jack said dryly as Vivi released him. “According to him, it took you a week to do it.”

  “As it should have taken you.”

  “Yeah, well, it didn’t. Rose, on the other hand, actually beat your record,” Jack said and he wasn’t sure if Vivi was surprised by the news or not, she had no reaction at all to her sister’s progress. “Meanwhile, I’m sitting on my ass for a month twiddling my thumbs like a bloody idiot waiting to achieve something that personally I don’t even believe exists. I’m forced to watch your sister improve by leaps and bounds and be bombarded with praise about you when you were his student. I also have to deal with the emotions of Kat and Diamond as they feel pride from their own record-breaking growth while my progress is stagnant. I’m many things, Vivi, but you know I’m not one for inaction. I see something about myself I don’t like? I change it,” Jack said firmly and Vivi’s expression softened ever-so-slightly. “I don’t sit around looking like a fool and wait for change to come to me. You gave me one hell of a foundation on how to protect myself, Vivi, I honestly wish you could be the one training me.”

  “I can’t do that lad, I barely have enough time to maintain my own strength with all the shit I have to deal with because of the council,” Vivi said as she rubbed the bridge of her nose in frustration. Vivi took deep breaths as she tried to calm herself. Soon the smoke that poured from her mouth dissipated.

  “I understand that,” Jack said reassuringly. “That’s why I’m taking my growth into my own hands, finding ways to improve myself. The council may be full of idiots but the Guild as a whole isn’t, you’d be surprised at how many thieves are willing to sell a mod for the right price.”

  “A mod lets you use skills, that’s it. You still have to master them, lad! Do you think just buying another’s skill is enough to keep you up to par?” Vivi asked incredulously. “You need a teacher!”

  “I’m still here,” Jack pointed out. “I’ll find my way. The founders didn’t have teachers and they became legends. Besides the way the quota system works, actually learning from your teachers is optional, isn’t it?” Jack asked which made Vivi frown. “The only thing that matters is filling the honor quota for the next four years. You don’t get honor or gold from going to lessons. They just exist to make filling the quota easier.”

  “The founders may not have had teachers, but they had the Goddesses. You don’t. You can’t complete all four years like this,” Vivi said as she willed herself to remain calm. “The first year is a joke compared to the following three. Without balance, you can never succeed as an enforcer and draw out your true strength. The only way to get balance is through a teacher, and you’re trying to turn down the best teacher.”

  “The best teacher for you,” Jack countered. “His methods may work for you and everyone else seeing how the other teachers adopted his ways. But come on, Vivi, you’ve raised me for how long? You of all people know I’m not exactly the same as others.”

  “You’re serious about this,” Vivi said and the fight left her when she saw Jack’s resolve.

  “I am.”

  “Fine, no matter what I say or do you’ll just do what you want to anyway. Just like your damn mother in that regard,” Vivi said and Jack was surprised that Vivi backed off. “That said, be better than Julia. I raised you long enough. You’re my brat, if anyone can figure this out it’s you.”

  “Did you just praise me?” Jack asked cheekily.

  “Don’t push your luck,” Vivi warned reminding him that he was not in the clear just yet. “The world hasn’t been as dangerous as it is now since I was your age and that was in 1960,” Vivi
said as she wrapped an arm around him and pulled him into a strong embrace. “Just know that the world is a harsh place. Watch yourself out there, alright lad?”

  “Of course, Vivi.”

  “Come on, let’s go find the lass. Unlike you, she’s actually making me proud.”

  “I wouldn’t get so happy with her either,” Jack said with a smirk. “After all, she’s been dating for a few months, did she let you know?” Jack asked curiously and within no time, Vivi’s enraged expression returned.

  “Katarina!” Vivi boomed and within moments, Kat poked her head out from behind the door. Kat was obviously both startled and confused by the yell. Between the enraged form of Vivi that stomped her way toward her and an amused Jack in the background, Kat realized she had been thrown under the bus.

  “What the hell did you do?” Kat asked Jack in horror though this time it was in concern for herself rather than Jack. She would get her answer soon as she found herself interrogated by her overly protective former guardian.

  * * *

  San Diego, Magnus Manor

  “How is Eve?” Faith asked, her concern for her brother’s servant evident as they ate lunch in their backyard and caught up with each other.

  “She’ll be fine, her core wasn’t damaged. That said, I can use this time to make some much-needed improvements, so she will be out of action for a few months,” Xavier answered.

  “What!? Will you be fine? She is your Mastercraft after all, the one feat you have that proves your right to be a mage,” Faith said worriedly. “I don’t want you to get hurt with so many thieves after you!”

  “Calm down, sorellina,” Xavier said as he ruffled his little sister’s hair affectionately. “She’s very important to my strength, yes, but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t have my fair share of spells hidden up my sleeves, I’ll be fine until she’s finished.”



  “Fine, then I will try not to worry,” Faith said as she decided to have faith in Xavier’s skills. “Can you show me some of those spells?” Faith asked hopefully.


  “Come on brother, can’t you show me just one spell?” Faith pleaded with Xavier. Xavier just looked at his younger sister with a raised eyebrow.

  “Faith, you know magic isn’t a toy, spells need to be used responsibly,” Xavier chided.

  “I know, but you cannot blame me for being amazed by the things you can do,” Faith said apologetically. “I’m a bit envious, truth be told. You can do all of these miraculous things and I’m just stuck here bound to this chair watching holovids to pass the time. All the power in the world and the Circle still can’t fix me,” Faith said before she forced a smile back on her face. “I apologize, I don’t mean to mope.”

  “Faith, you know I’m still finding a way to undo what that monster did to you. Just give me a bit more time, I’ll heal you,” Xavier swore.

  “I know you’ll try,” Faith said which made Xavier’s heart clench. “Though, now that you’re here, perhaps you can answer this question that has been pestering me.”

  “What is it?” Xavier asked with a confused frown.

  “The woman that did this to me, Julia,” Faith began as she gestured to herself and her chair. “Is she really a monster? As evil as everyone says?”

  “How can you even ask that!?” Xavier asked incredulously as he believed the answer was obvious. “I…I’m sorry, continue,” Xavier apologized as he noticed that his exclamation startled Faith.

  “It’s just I hear all of these stories about how great a man father was, and my memories of him are nothing but fond,” Faith began, clearly troubled. “So, if that’s true, how could he be involved with someone like her? There must have been some good in her for him to fall in love with her.”

  “Faith, listen to me, what that thief and what our father had was not love,” Xavier began patiently as he tried to keep his own emotions in check. “Our father was a great man but he was still just human, he made a mistake, a big one. The Thieves’ Guild, they specialize in preying on the weakness of others, and that’s what she did to him for she would never be able to face him down in combat. This is why you can’t trust them, especially with this war going on. They have to be stopped at any cost.”

  “Even our brother?” Faith asked quietly.

  “Who told you about that…er…him?” Xavier asked, his voice just as quiet but there was an undeniable edge in it.

  “Lilia,” Faith answered and Xavier scowled. “Memories of before the incident have slowly been returning to me and I remember him. I even remember a run in or two with Julia and she seemed…nice. Lilia said that I wasn’t a child anymore and as a rightful heiress in the family, I needed to be aware of our family’s current state of affairs. Especially seeing how I won’t be wedded off anytime soon,” Faith said and at his confused expression, she explained. “A bride on death’s door makes for a very weak link in aligning families,” Faith said ruefully. “I am not exactly attracting many suitors for House Magnus. Even if I was cured, it’s too late for me to use magic which has many fearful of weak heirs.”

  “I’m sorry, I had no idea you were dealing with such pressures,” Xavier said quietly which made Faith giggle a bit before she grabbed his hand reassuringly. The smile she gave him made him feel ashamed as an older sibling as he found himself being comforted by her despite not being faced with nearly as many problems.

  “It’s fine, I’m stronger than I look,” Faith said confidently. “But back to my question, is brother evil? I have few memories of him. He was…cold but he was the only one to get Lilia to smile, even now she smiles thinking about him.”

  “Jack is complicated. He doesn’t care about anything, even when father made his mother-that monster-bring him over to visit he just spent most of his time waiting for her to pick him back up,” Xavier explained with an uncomfortable expression on his face before he sighed. “We never got along, but he did entertain whatever you or Lilia wanted to do no matter how rudely. You were also the first person he gave a nickname to, he called you little bird,” Xavier said before he shook his head to clear it of the memories and despite everything, he smirked. “Even when you wanted to play dress up. But enough about him, those days have long since gone,” Xavier said before he looked back and forward as if searching for someone, which confused Faith greatly. Xavier winked at her before he cupped his hands together and Faith looked at him in amazement as she saw a bright blue energy shining from between the cracks of his fingers. When Xavier opened his hands, Faith gasped when a dove with a blue flame-like appearance flew from his hands. She laughed as she watched the bird fly around her head for a bit, warmly nuzzling her cheek, before it faded from existence.

  “That was amazing! But I thought spells needed to be used responsibly,” Faith teased.

  “We call that a rule, Faith. Lilia is…right,” Xavier said and Faith giggled at the look of disgust he had on his face after he said those last three words. “You aren’t a child anymore, so you’re old enough to learn that there are times rules need to be bent.”

  “An important lesson,” a voice said that startled them before they turned to find an amused August.

  “Lilia and I have finished our work for the day, come we must hurry or we will be late for the meeting we are to have with that security team Enero hired,” August informed Xavier who grimaced at the thought.

  “I have no idea why he enlisted civilians, surely the Circle is more than capable enough to handle a security breach?” Xavier asked skeptically.

  “You know how it is, no one loves civilians like Enero Prospero,” August said with a chuckle. “Though I must admit, in an age-dependent on their technologies more than ever, never before have they been so useful…or profitable.”

  “Now you sound like a thief, Uncle,” Xavier said dryly and Faith giggled at the offended look on August’s face.

  “Come now, my boy is that any way to treat your elders?”

0: The Gladius Gallery Job

  Santa Monica, California

  “Hey baby, wanna come have the time of your life?”

  “Hey! I got some shit that will blow your mind, twenty bucks!”

  “Come on, boy,” Abbie said as she tugged on Sal’s leash. Abbie ignored the streetwalker and drug dealer as she made her way through the slums of Santa Monica. A simple walk through the city was exactly what she needed to clear her mind. Abbie desperately tried to figure out how to deal with not only Haylen’s reappearance in her life but also her employment by Mage’s Circle. Unlike her, Haylen knew nothing about her employer’s true nature. It was in this fact alone that Abbie found solace. This gave her a much-needed advantage in terms of information which Abbie would sorely need in order to handle Haylen.

  “Quick! Heed my warning my children! Forsake your false gods before it’s too late!” a voice shouted hysterically. Abbie looked over and found a homeless man at the end of the street she and Sal were on. “The Black Moon is coming and it will drown out the light along with the heretics!” the man screamed as many people tried to ignore and walk around him. Abbie tried to ignore him as well but unfortunately, the crazed man seemed to have a particular interest in her. “You, my daughter, it’s not too late!” the man said as he grabbed her roughly by her shoulders. The action scared Abbie as others shouted in protest at the sight. Sal snarled and barked viciously at the man before he bit him on his leg. The crazed man screamed as a passerby pulled him away from Abbie. “You are marked by heathens! The Black Moon will eclipse you with its darkness girl! Calamity is coming soon and you will lose everything!” the man screamed as Abbie looked at him, visibly shaken by his sudden attack. “You can’t resist! Your light will be snuffed out!”


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