Presence- The Marked

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Presence- The Marked Page 17

by L J Branch

  San Diego, Magnus Manor

  August made his way toward his study when he saw Lilia approach him. With a smile, he greeted his niece who returned the gesture though it was obvious that it was more for formality if anything.

  “Uncle, how was the meeting with the civilians?”

  “Enlightening, it seems that despite their lack of magic, they still have their uses. Your uncle Enero was right all along,” August mused. “Tell me, my girl, how goes that…task…I’ve assigned you?” August questioned which made Lilia frown briefly before she quickly schooled her expression.

  “It remains a difficult one, but each day it becomes easier and easier to extract the information you seek. Honestly, at this rate, you won’t even need that blasted grimoire nor need to involve my foolish brother any further,” Lilia said confidently.

  “I see, well, a little insurance wouldn’t hurt after all. At my age, you learn quickly to prepare for all possible outcomes and claim as much control over your surroundings as possible no matter what the cost,” August said knowingly. “Should we lose the grimoire, our plans will be set back a bit, but I’m sure you will be able to succeed on your end and get the information required. You have simply far too much invested in this endeavor to fail.”

  “Our plans?” Lilia repeated incredulously as August strolled past her.

  “Yes, after all, you got us this far did you not, my girl? Whatever the future holds will be on both of us,” August said as he walked away. Not once did he notice or care about the dark look Lilia shot him. Fortunately for the indestructible mage, looks were not enough to kill.

  CHAPTER 11: Lines Crossed

  Santa Monica, Midas Towers

  It would be three days later when Abbie and the thieves regrouped to go over their findings. Fortunately for them, now that they knew exactly what their target was, their progress moved much more smoothly.

  “So, what are we dealing with?” Diamond asked the three and Jack opted to go first with his findings.

  “I spent the last three days working with the gallery’s security team, I infiltrated them by taking the place of a guard they believed was on vacation. Luckily, I was a good judge of character. The guard I replaced kept to himself, the others didn’t even seem to know he wasn’t supposed to be in,” Jack said and chuckled at the memory. “What I’ve learned is that in three days, the grimoire is being shipped into the same bay as the car we stole. Problem is security over there has increased since our last visit.”

  “So, going back there is out of the question, especially if we are going to try to keep this simple,” Diamond muttered.

  “Should we go for it when they are delivering it?” Kat asked.

  “Yes, but we can’t do it too early. Between the traffic and witnesses, attacking the delivery truck in the streets and attempting to get away will be next to impossible,” Diamond explained. “We’re going to have to wait until they unload the grimoire at the gallery. We’ll be out of the public’s eye, plus we’ll be only a few blocks from Abbie’s apartment which we can turn into a safe house. Kat, how many entrances and vantage points could you find?”

  “Too many, emergency exits, roof entries, windows, you name it. A lot of ways to break in but they’re all blocked by security cameras. I won’t lie though, they aren’t exactly placed well,” Kat said perturbed. “It’s almost like they’re for show like he just put them there with the thought that just having them there will scare off intruders. He was either super confident or he didn’t have a firm grasp on what he was doing.”

  “We’ll go with the former, he’s an Arch-Mage so we’re going to have to treat this as if anything that could go wrong, will.”

  “Gotcha, boss. All I need is a minute at most and I’m in,” Kat said and Diamond turned to Abbie.

  “Can you get her that minute?”

  “Yes, breakin’ into the system isn’t the issue, it’s stayin’ in once Haylen notices me,” Abbie explained. “I’ll be able to do whatever you need me to, but for drastically reduced periods of time when she starts fightin’ me off.”

  “Then we’ll have to use your skills smartly, you’ve told us about your sister but what about the rest of her team?” Diamond asked curiously while Abbie typed something on her laptop, after a moment she turned it around and showed them three profiles she had pulled up.”

  “Together, they’re a four-man group,” Abbie began before pointing to a large bearded man who seemed to be in his late forties. He had tanned weathered skin and black hair that was peppered with gray. “First up is Jebediah Ford, he was our bodyguard when we were younger before Haylen bought his contract. He’s almost more machine than man given the number of military-grade augments he was given during the war. The most noteworthy of his augments are the subdermal titanium nanites that both protect him and increase his strength. The safest bet would be to avoid him completely if you can.”

  “He looks like he’s flowing with old man strength,” Jack joked. “But, I think I can take him.”

  “You’re going to have to. We can’t have him lurking around, you need to find him and keep him busy. If we’re going to be forced to fight more like civilians then it’s out of the question for either Kat or me to try to deal with him,” Diamond said as her eyes landed on a second profile. “Especially when it seems as though I’ll be needed elsewhere.”

  “Jezebel Adams, a mercenary that’s been workin’ with my sister for years. She was a decorated sniper in the army before she left. She ain’t afraid to get her hands dirty. I’ve only met her a couple of times but believe me, she is messed up in the head. It’s only because of Haylen that she’s allowed to roam free,” Abbie said with a visible shudder. “Her implants in her eyes help her hit whatever she’s lookin’ at. You all need to keep your heads down or she’ll take em’.”

  “I’ll keep her eyes off of the others then,” Diamond said before she noticed that Abbie looked as though she still had something she wanted to say. “What is it?”

  “It’s just…look, you’re an assassin, right?” Abbie asked and Diamond nodded. Abbie seemed to be troubled by something before she finally spoke. “While I personally don’t approve of killin’ anyone, I won’t blame you in this instance because you might have to.”

  “Abbie?” Kat asked startled by Abbie’s words.

  “I know Jezebel, the way she thinks ain’t right. I’m not tellin’ you to kill her,” Abbie clarified. “I’m just warnin’ you that you might have to if only to keep them and yourself alive,” Abbie said before she turned to Kat. “I can’t lose you,” Abbie said firmly. “I’ve lost enough people to her,” Abbie continued quietly and the thieves chose not ask what she meant and put it on the list of mysteries that surrounded Abbie.

  “I see, I’ll heed your warning,” Diamond said before she looked at the last profile. This one showed a man in his late twenties that had a fair complexion, and dark brown hair that was slicked back.

  “Last we have Samuel Pala, a smuggler my sister hired after traveling around down south. When it comes to escorting people and goods from point A to point B, he’s the one in charge,” Abbie said. “So, if you want to get at the Shield, he’ll probably be nearby.”

  “So, I just have to get past him,” Kat muttered. “Shouldn’t be that hard.”

  “Be careful, he’s the only one besides my sister without augments but he is very skilled,” Abbie warned. Kat smirked and pulled out her treasure.

  “He may be skilled, but I got more than enough luck to make up for it.”

  “You sure that’s a good idea?” Abbie questioned. “You kind of light up like a Christmas tree when you use that, kitten, can’t pass that off as an augment.”

  “Civilians can’t see her glow or presence,” Diamond told Abbie. “The only reason you can see it is because you bear our mark. Kat and I can use our treasures without immediately risking the Guild’s exposure. Frost on the other hand…” Diamond trailed off as the man sighed in dismay.

  “…Is shit out of l
uck,” Jack finished. “Cryo-based technology isn’t advanced enough to explain my abilities.”

  “We also need to watch how we use the ash,” Diamond warned. “It’s almost time to act. Use this time to make the preparations you need,” Diamond said before she departed to go gather her thoughts and left the three to discuss what they needed to do amongst themselves.

  * * *

  Santa Monica, Gladius Gallery

  Haylen frowned to herself as she stood in the gallery’s surveillance room with Xavier, watching the screens for signs of any suspicious activity. As she watched, she saw the guards make their rounds and patrol the grounds of the Gallery.

  “Still quiet, you sure you needed to call us out for this Stone?” Haylen heard Jezebel ask through her earpiece. Haylen looked at a screen where she could see Jezebel set up shop on top of a nearby building. “I’m actually getting bored.”

  “You’re complaining about easy money for once? Lola, we need to talk about your priorities,” Samuel joked as a large truck pulled up behind the building.

  “I told you to stop calling me that!”

  “I’ll take this over our usual contracts any day,” Samuel continued as he ignored her.

  “Agreed,” Jebediah said as Haylen watched him and Samuel exit the truck.

  “Pussies, am I right, Haylen?” Jezebel asked as Jebediah unloaded the Shield from the truck and gave it to Samuel who held the stone slab under his arm.

  “Focus, all of you,” Haylen ordered as she eyed the cameras. One thing she idly noted was that Xavier seemed just as focused as she was as if he too waited for something.

  “Lively bunch,” Xavier said clearly amused by the banter.

  “Forgive them, despite their attitudes they are quite capable.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt. I’ve learned by now that the most eccentric tend to be the ones you need to watch out for,” Xavier said as his eyes scanned over the monitors.

  “What has your panties in a bunch, Stone?” Jezebel questioned as she aimed her rifle at the building. The windows of the gallery gave Jezebel a good shot of each floor. If someone suspicious were to even pass by one of the windows she was ready to take them out.

  “Need I remind you that the system breach was nearly identical to methods used by Wonderland?” Haylen questioned curiously. “We cannot take this lightly.”

  “Whatever. Destroyed them once, we’ll do it again.”

  “Wonderland?” Xavier repeated as he rubbed his chin in thought. “That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time, nearly ruined my family’s businesses, you’re the group Uncle Enero hired?” Xavier asked and he sounded a bit impressed. “You have my gratitude, you stopped them before they could do irreparable damage.”

  “Think nothin’ of it, as crude as she is, Jezebel is right. If it’s them, we’ll handle it. They were dangerous but too naïve to stand on their own feet when their leader fell,” Haylen muttered. “Their second in command, who was a much bigger threat, in my opinion, couldn’t deal with the grief and as a result, the organization fell as a whole. We were just fortunate to be there at the right time to take advantage of that.”

  “An impressive feat nonetheless,” Xavier said but stopped talking when Haylen held up a hand to silence him. Xavier could see that she was suddenly completely focused on the task at hand as she began to type rapidly on her keyboard. “What’s wrong?”

  “The camera flickered,” Haylen muttered and Xavier noticed through the monitors that her team all seemed to tense up at this.

  “Well, they are quite outdated-”

  “-No,” Haylen interrupted with a shake of her head. “They’re in,” Haylen said simply. “Jebediah, Samuel, protect that artifact with your life. Jezebel, look for any sign of them and watch the entrances. Xavier, get your guards to scour the floor!” Haylen ordered and Xavier immediately put the guards on alert. “Now…where are you?” Haylen muttered as she worked on her computer.

  * * *

  As Samuel and Jebediah made their way into the gallery, Kat dropped down from beneath the truck where she had hung from since they picked up the Shield at the docks. She stayed under the truck and kept an eye on the security camera looking over the rear entrance.

  “Quick, go! She’s noticed me!” Abbie said and Kat immediately moved from under the truck and darted toward the entrance. “Good, stay close to them but be careful, those two need to be separated,” Abbie instructed as Kat silently trailed behind the two men. Kat conjured up as much skill as she could muster to avoid detection as they made their way through the gallery. As Kat followed them, she kept an eye on each upcoming security camera and stopped her pursuit just before it could detect her. “Go,” Abbie said after she took control of the camera. As if he sensed someone behind him, Samuel stopped and glanced back only to find no one there.

  “What’s wrong?” Jebediah questioned.

  “Nothing must be my imagination,” Samuel said as they continued onward. Neither noticed Kat step out from a pillar she had barely managed to hide behind before she followed them.

  * * *

  “Somethin’ is definitely wrong,” Haylen muttered as she lost control over each camera every time Samuel and Jebediah moved by them. Patterns were a thing Haylen never took lightly, and in no-time, she realized what was going on. “Jebediah, Samuel, act natural you’re being followed,” Haylen ordered. “Stop at the next camera,” Haylen said as she took control over the camera. “Not this time,” Haylen murmured as she fought off Abigail’s attempt to take it over. After gaining control over it, she forced the camera to quickly move and look behind the men but to her ire, she saw nothing.

  * * *

  Kat hid behind a display case just barely out of the camera’s line of sight and watched it and the men with wide-eyes. That was entirely too close for her comfort but thanks to her incredibly high reaction speed she managed to avoid detection.

  “That was close but they’re focused on you now just like the boss said, which means we can move on to phase two,” Abbie said before alarms began to ring throughout the building.

  “There you are, hurry, there was an attack in the east wing!” a guard shouted frantically to Jebediah and Samuel. “It happened near the Renaissance exhibit, come on!”

  * * *

  “What?” Haylen muttered before she looked at the exhibit’s camera to find six guards unconscious in the area. One in particular who must have sounded the alarm collapsed before her very eyes. She had been tricked, that much was obvious. Haylen had been tricked to focus on the Shield’s security and failed to watch over the cameras in the east wing of the building. With them hacked without her notice, there was nothing to stop the intruders’ attack on the guards. This threw Haylen for a loop for Abbie was incredibly intelligent but nowhere near that devious. “Who am I dealin’ with?” Haylen muttered. “Jebediah go with them, Samuel keep your eye on that artifact, go!”

  * * *

  “Jebediah’s far enough away now, Umbra, go!” Abbie said as the Change of Fate began to spin. When it stopped, Kat grinned when she felt a surge of luck fill her body. Kat soon darted from behind her cover and charged Samuel. Startled, Samuel backed up in surprise at her sudden appearance and tripped over himself which made him fall onto his back.

  “I’ll take this,” Kat said as she snatched the artifact from his grasp and ran away with it under her arm. “Hey, this thing got some weight to it,” Kat said as she ran with the Shield. “It’s slowing me down.”

  “Hang on tight and go for the exit like the boss said, right now the grimoire is the priority,” Abbie said as Kat ran through a corridor.

  * * *

  “Stone, the Shield!” Haylen heard Samuel shout before she looked toward his position and saw him chase after a masked woman whom now had the Shield in her grasp.

  “God damn it!” Haylen cursed as she realized she had been outplayed again.

  “Focus on the one that took the Shield, anything else will be a distraction,” Xavier said as if
he spoke from experience. “Remove them from the equation and this whole plan goes down.”

  “Jezebel west wing corridor, you should see one of the intruders approachin’ it soon with Samuel in pursuit. Neutralize them,” Haylen ordered as she glared at the screen.

  * * *

  “Gladly,” Jezebel said with a smirk as a holographic visor appeared in front of her eyes. Within no time she found the corridor just as Kat ran into it. The crosshairs on the visor locked on to Kat before Jezebel held her breath and took aim. Locked on to Kat’s head she pulled the trigger and the bullet ripped from her weapon immediately and blasted through the window. To her surprise, however, the shot simply missed the masked woman by mere inches. Kat seemed completely caught off guard by the sudden attack but did not slow her movements as she continued to run. Irritated, Jezebel took aim again and fired shot after shot into the corridor. Jezebel grew increasingly irritated by her inability to eliminate the intruder. “Are you serious!?” Jezebel growled as Kat comically dodged each attempt on her life before she left the sniper’s line of sight.

  “Did you just miss every shot!?” Samuel asked incredulously as he continued his pursuit. Before Jezebel could respond she suddenly found herself snatched backward courtesy of Diamond who put the woman in a powerful chokehold.

  * * *

  “How did she miss? She never misses!” Haylen said as she slammed her fist down on the desk while Xavier rubbed his chin in thought.

  “That thief seems to be incredibly…lucky,” Xavier trailed off and his eyes widened as realization sunk in. “Really the rookies?” Xavier muttered to himself quietly before he turned to face Haylen. “Your team won’t stop them,” Xavier said matter-of-factly and Haylen could tell he hadn’t dismissed her team’s ability but rather it was as if he had praised the abilities of the intruders. “They’re the same people that robbed my bank, the moment they catch you by surprise it’s too late.”

  “Like hell, Jezebel what’s your status!?”

  * * *

  “A bit…preoccupied…” Jezebel forced out as she tried to fight off her attacker to no avail. Quickly Jezebel reached to the side of her leg and unsheathed a hunting knife before she stabbed backward at Diamond. Diamond immediately released Jezebel in order to avoid being stabbed in the eye. “You should have killed me when you had the chance, you won’t get the drop on me twice,” Jezebel said as she drew a side-arm.


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