Daddy: A Billionaire Baby Romance

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Daddy: A Billionaire Baby Romance Page 12

by Katy Kaylee

  I didn’t know, and I didn’t like what that particular line of thought made me think. Life was always better when my work was my center and the rest of my life was only fun. Bev wasn’t fun. She was wonder and ecstasy and warmth but not fun. She was far too intense for that.

  I groaned and draped an arm over my face, wondering if I had lost her forever. Because as much as I told myself that I shouldn’t care, that I was being stupid, I couldn’t help but feel a jagged sort of loss in my bed where she had just been not too long ago.


  I laid in my bed, staring up at the ceiling like I had a personal vendetta against it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the roof that was taxing my nerves, but it was the only thing I had in front of me to aim all my eye-daggers at.

  I knew I shouldn’t have called off of work, but I was way too mad, too hurt to see Fitz’ face again.

  Stupid. I just felt so stupid. I should have waited longer, gotten to know Fitz better. If I hadn’t just jumped into bed with him the first chance I got, then I was sure that I would have known what was up. But I had been so blinded by my lust and his charm that I had just taken a swan dive into something I couldn’t take back.

  But as I remembered his gentle hands on me, and how good everything had felt, I couldn’t bring myself to regret it that much.

  “Aw, come on, Bev. Get over it!”

  Yeah right. Like someone ever got over a gorgeous sonofabitch like that turning their world inside out.

  Growling to myself, I rolled over and grabbed my laptop from where I had left it on my night stand. I’d never heard of an NDA for sex before, which was part of why I was so blindsided, but there had to have been someone else on the big ol’ web that had experience with it.

  Expecting nothing and not certain what to hope for, I went to a search engine and started typing. It took me a couple tries to find the right sort of keywords, but eventually I had several forums and news aggregate sites all on the topic.

  I clicked the first one, which was a forum post on an article about sexual NDAs and there were thousands of comments on it. Surprised that I had found it so easily for what I thought would be an obscure thing, I read the article first.

  Its title was ridiculous. Contracting NDAs, a New Precaution for the Rich and Famous, but as I read it, I found it was fairly competently and informatively written. Apparently, NDAs weren’t that uncommon. In fact, they were borderline popular amongst celebrities and other social influencers.

  Huh. That was not what I had expected.

  The article also neither condemned or encouraged the things, just gave information, which I appreciated. But when I finished, I found myself not knowing really how to feel, so I looked to the comments.

  Some were jokes that I rolled my eyes at. Some of them were condemnations of our sexual culture. But a few stood out to me. Made on what were called ‘throw away accounts’, a couple of users explained why they used them. One had been black mailed and ended up moving his entire business to get away from all of it. Another had her personal information and photo spread online as her ex-fling had bragged to everyone, he could about her. Another had the person contacting all of his exes to say that he had given her an STD.

  As far as I could tell from the handful of comments, the absolute dickery was from all genders, all sexualities, and all ages. These people told about how they had been tricked, and used, and I couldn’t help but feel so terrible for them.

  “Huh,” I murmured to myself, absently chewing on my thumb. “You don’t think… no…” I only talked to myself when I didn’t want to believe something my mind was supplying, but before I could argue further, my fingers were already typing.

  A moment later, hundreds of gossip sites came up. The first five just had articles from the current year about his growing empire and his singleness, but going a bit further, I found posts from slightly over a decade ago.

  Huh, that was kind of a blow to my mind. The internet was old enough for stupid celebrity gossip sites to be past their tenth birthday. Wild.

  I clicked on the first article, and sure enough I saw exactly what I had thought I’d see.

  Billionaire Blackmail! The Sordid Details of William Fitzgerald’s Bed.

  “Oh boy…”

  For a moment part of me felt guilty for looking at the article. Like I was violating some sort of trust. But Fitz didn’t know what I was doing, and I found myself needing to know, needing to understand why he had handed me those papers like it was just a matter of course.

  It was exactly what I had thought.

  He’d had a woman in his bed, some up and coming model who was trying to make a splash, and she’d tried to use him to propel herself into the public eye. When he wasn’t willing to use his influence and wanted to keep their relationship purely on the pleasure side of things, she’s used… uh…. some personal, private mementos that he had shared during their tryst to try to black mail him.



  I didn’t want to read more because I could tell there was a whole mess about it. Scrolling down and skimming, I saw several lawyer’s names and about six or so pages worth of text. Whatever had happened between them was long, drawn out, and far too many people had gotten intimately involved with Fitz’ business.

  I sat back, hugging myself as I tried to think. I knew how private Fitz was because I was the same way. Hell, he was the only one that I had told I was a virgin since freshmen year of college. I could only imagine how much he hated that entire period of his life. So of course, he would want to protect himself and make sure that it never happened again.

  He was just protecting himself.

  And me.

  That thought came to me as a belated epiphany as my mind repeated one of the other comments that had been on the forum post. It had been from an actress who was just a nobody when she slept with another woman who was pretty high up a business ladder. Everything was normal for a while and she forgot about the contract entirely, but then her star had really taken off and the business woman had tried to use that to her advantage. One trip to the lawyer’s later with the NDA in hand, and the business woman backed off while the starlet was able to land her second movie roll.

  “I…uh… I think I messed up,” I murmured to no one in particular. Because I was always alone. And I was always alone because I never really trusted anyone to get close enough. If I didn’t trust anyone enough to be a friend, how could I blame Fitz for not trusting anyone to leave his bed without proof that they wouldn’t try to hurt him?

  I groaned and flopped back on the bed, feeling silly for having assumed the worst. But how did I go about making up something like this? Had I ruined everything?

  I was too experienced to know, even though I felt like it was a yes, so I supposed that all I could do was try.

  “But how?” I asked myself and the ceiling above me.

  Unsurprisingly, the ceiling didn’t answer.


  I strode into work with a storm cloud over my head and I could feel everyone that I passed trying not to stare.

  I was late, which hadn’t happened unplanned in three years, but I just hadn’t wanted to come into work. I hadn’t wanted to see Bev’s empty desk. Hadn’t wanted to come to terms with the fact that I had chased her off without really trying. Hadn’t wanted to think about why her absence affected me so and why I was so upset.

  I could have gone on vacation. I was the CEO and owner, I could do whatever I want. But somehow the thought of galivanting off to where I would have nothing to occupy my thoughts was even worse, so instead I headed in.

  But not before dragging my feet about it.

  I was braced for another sour morning to bleed into another sour day, nearly throwing open the door to my office, but I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a steaming cup of coffee from my favorite place sitting on my desk.

  I looked behind me. Neither of my secretaries were there.

  But if not them…who?

  “Morning, sir.�

  I looked over to see Bev dutifully filing the papers that I hadn’t bothered with during her absence, already so familiar with my filing system that she didn’t need instructions from me to do so.

  “You’re here,” I breathed, so surprised that I wasn’t quite sure what to say beyond stating the obvious.

  “Yes, and just in time, it seems. You have a meeting in fifteen minutes with an investor, and then Charlie after that. Do you need me to fetch you some breakfast?”

  “Uh, no. I ate.” I said, still in a bit of shock as I went to sit behind my desk.

  “Ah, is that why you’re late?”

  Her tone was gently curious but… there was something else there. “I had things on my mind.”

  “I see.”

  She went about continuing her task, and I could see from her profile that she was concentrating fairly hard. I opened and closed my mouth several times to talk to her, but in the end, I had no idea what to say so I just didn’t say anything.

  Why was she here? What had happened? Had she decided that her job was worth more than caring about the horrible ending to our coupling? Were we both supposed to pretend that nothing had happened? Could I pretend that nothing had happened?

  I didn’t know.

  And I didn’t feel like I could ask.

  Time slipped by painfully slowly and yet I was still surprised when she looked up from your task. “It’s about time for your meeting sir. Will you need me to take notes?”

  The thought of her sitting behind me in the meeting room, so close that I could hear the scritch of her pen across her notebook or feel her gentle breathing, was far too much. “No, that should be fine. Finish what you need to up here.”

  “Of course, Sir. Shall I bring you your usual for lunch, or will you want me to order a whole spread for the investor?”

  “No, it’s too early for that. Just bring my usual order when Charlie’s here. Have the secretaries give you his usual as well.”

  “Yes sir, I can do that.”

  I nodded, mouth far too dry considering how polite and relaxed she was acting, then headed out. A million and one thoughts were going through my head, but I couldn’t concentrate on a single one of them, each one flying along the tracks of my mind for just a second before disappearing to make room for the next.

  I tried to dismiss them as I headed down to the conference room, but that was like trying to dismiss fog. Every time I went to concentrate, the ephemeral things would slip out of my hands like little wisps of nothing only to crowd back in the moment I let my guard down.

  Naturally the day seemed to go by at a snail’s pace, and when it was finally over, I practically bounded back up to my office. To my annoyance, Bev wasn’t there, no doubt off running some errand that was actually important.

  But I didn’t want her running errands. I wanted her in front of me in the vain hope that somehow she understood and that I hadn’t ruined everything.

  As if life were reading my mind, I heard my office door open and close behind me, then the distinctive click of a lock. Turning, I saw Bev standing just in front of it before she went to close what few shutters I had left up. After just a few more seconds, we were cut off from the rest of the world.

  Just her and me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, putting all the authority I could in my voice. Although her absence had certainly affected me, and although I ached for her like a drug, I wouldn’t budge on the NDA. My body might have been calling out for her, begging to sink my hands into her lush, opulent softness, but I couldn’t trust her beyond that. I couldn’t trust anyone. The NDA took care of that. It protected me so I could just be myself and she could be herself. Without it, I was too…


  She continued to walk towards me and I braced myself to rebuff her advances. It would hurt like hell and my hind brain was clamoring for me to give in, but I had worked far too hard for far too long to let a little tryst ruin the empire I had built.

  Even if she felt like so much more than just a tryst.

  But before I could even speak, she dropped a fat stack of papers on my desk.

  “What’s this?” I asked, looking between it and her like either one of them might spontaneously combust.

  “The NDA,” she said matter of factly. “It’s signed. All of it.”

  “But you left it behind…” I muttered, my mind trying to wrap itself around her sudden about face.

  “Actually, you have a copy of it on your legal file server that you gave me access to, so I printed it and signed it all while you were in your meeting.” Her tone shifted from entirely professional to something warmer. Softer. “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions in your kitchen. I thought you were saying something about me, but you really weren’t. It’s just to protect you.”

  Tension bled away from me and arousal quickly took its place, giving me a sort of internal whiplash. She got it. She really got it.

  “Wanna know what changed my mind?” she asked, tilting her face up at me and looking oh so similar to when she had been spread across my bed.

  “Not really,” I answered gruffly, crossing around the table and yanking her to me so I could crash my mouth to hers just how I wanted to.

  She let out another one of those perfect little gasps and my tongue swept in after it. She tasted so sweet, so her, and I felt my body react to it instantly.

  My hands were all over her, feeling, caressing, pushing and sinking. I loved the give of her body. I loved the way it felt as it pressed into me. But it was a greedy sort of pleasure, one that made me demand more and more and more.

  As much as I wanted to treasure every moment, to let each touch, each caress linger, I couldn’t contain myself. My hands wrapped around her soft, enticing waist and then I was setting her on my desk once more.

  It was a faint echo of what we had done that first time, when I had been on my knees worshipping her like she deserved, but I didn’t have nearly the same amount of patience at my command as I had then. I shoved her skirt up then greedily yanked her panties to the side, thrusting two fingers into her before she could even breathe a word.

  She let out a little yelp, but I quickly swallowed it up with a bruising kiss. For a fleeting moment I worried that I was being too hard, vaulting too far past the line of pleasure-pain, but she just hissed as she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me so tightly to her that there was barely room for my hands.

  “Yes, just like that, sweetheart,” I soothed as I pulled my lips away from hers. But my mouth didn’t leave her long, my fingers undoing her buttons, so I could get at her hidden, creamy flesh. I wanted to taste her again, to mark her as proof that I had been there, that I had moved her as only a competent lover could. I was so caught up in my lust at the idea that I found myself jolted from my thoughts when I always saw reddish-blue little bruises littering her perfect skin.

  Those were my marks. Little love bites and small hickeys dotted both of her shoulders and the sides of her neck that her shirt had been covering. Some of them were almost faded completely, more yellow than anything else, but it made me burn so hot that I was surprised I didn’t combust right then and there.

  “More,” Bev whispered, so quiet that I almost didn’t hear her.

  “You like them?” I answered, my voice little more than a growl, wild and feral and surprising even myself. She nodded mutely, her eyelids fluttering closed, and she was entirely too pretty to be real.

  My free hand, the one that didn’t have two fingers still rocking in and out of her, caressed her face. It was surprisingly tender considering the whirlwind like nature of what we were doing, but I just wanted to touch her beauty, to memorize it in that tactile way that she brought out of me.

  Gentle, oh so gentle, my thumb stroked her bottom lip, the one she chewed on whenever she was thinking too hard. I hadn’t had a particular goal in mind with the gesture, just wanting to feel her, but then she drew the digit into her mouth and flicked her tongue against its calloused pad.
r />   My full body shuddered at that, my other hand stilling as I breathed raggedly. “Little girl, do you have any idea of what you do to me?”

  She looked up at me with those perfect green eyes. “I dunno, Daddy, why don’t you show me?”

  Those words, that tone, everything about the moment was like a lightning strike and I suddenly couldn’t be inside her fast enough. I pulled my fingers from her, earning another hiss, and both of my hands were working myself free of my pants.

  I didn’t even get them down my thighs in my rush to free myself. I freed myself enough for the job and then I was buried inside of her, her squeezing down around me like a vice.

  She let out a little gasp, somewhere between pain and ardor, her hands coming up to grip the front of my shirt.

  “Fitz,” she breathed. Or maybe whimpered. I couldn’t say. All I knew was the plaintive sound threatened to send me over the edge right then and there.

  “No,” I growled, feeling like I might come apart at the seams. “Call me what you said earlier.”

  “Daddy?” she questioned, voice hazy.

  I signaled my affirmative with a roll of my hips, pushing deeper into her. I could feel her body just starting to give, trying to make room for me pretty valiantly considering it was only Bev’s second time.

  “Okay,” she drew in a shaky breath and I could feel her flutter around me. When she seemed to have more of her wits about her, she pulled herself up so that her full lips were almost brushing my ear. “Ruin me, Daddy. Please?”

  How could I deny a request like that?

  I rutted into her, not holding back as she met me in kind. My hands went to her hips, gripping her hard enough to bruise as I held her in place for each of my wild thrusts.

  Bev, to her credit, kept up a chorus of moans and heady whispers, her hand clamped over her mouth so that the secretaries might not hear us but still letting enough through so that I knew she liked what I was doing. As if I already couldn’t tell that by how her womanhood was flooding me with slickness and her walls were clamping down on me like they wanted to keep me inside of her forever.


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