Close To Her Killer (A Boarding Case Mystery Book 3)

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Close To Her Killer (A Boarding Case Mystery Book 3) Page 4

by Laura Greene

  The current is getting stronger and Tina can tell they’re close to the ocean body. The menacing feeling of fear returns; she tries to shake it off. She knows it’s her fear heightening that makes her think this, but the last thing Tina wants to do is run into another shark. The thought of it almost sends her into a panic. But Tina does not succumb. She is also no longer the same Tina. She has gained strength to fight. And so, she fights back the current that’s pushing her away from Ella. She grabs for Ella’s foot, but a wave of water rushes between them blocking her view, and Ella’s foot slips from her fingers. But that does not stop Tina.

  She needs a breath desperately, but she can’t lose Ella. If Ella makes it into the belly of the ocean, Tina may never find her. She pushes through, hoping her lungs won’t give out. She searches in the direction of the ocean, Ella’s foot is in view again. Tina lurches her body even deeper in the water noticing a distinct change in water pressure; the lower she dives, the harder it is to breathe. She has no idea how deep they are now, all she knows is that her lungs are on fire. However deep they are, the water is darkening all about them and that’s not a good sign. I must get to Ella quickly.

  Tina uses both hands this time to catch Ella by her foot. She drags Ella’s foot close to her body to securely hold her; already, she can tell that Ella gave in some time ago. Her body is lifeless. Still, Tina is determined to save her. She curls her arms around Ella and swims as hard as she can back to the shore. She is bursting for air. Tina’s lungs are about to give out completely. If they do, they’ll both be in grave danger. Desperately, she pushes through the water with one arm, her other arm feels heavier and heavier from Ella’s body resting on it. She sees light appear above. A glimmer of hope flickers in her heart. As her mouth releases its last breath, Tina breaks through the water barrier and ingests a gross, salty mixture of water and air. She coughs and sputters the water out of her lungs, then, when she catches her breath, she turns to call for help.

  There are reflections in the water in front of her. Tina sees the coast guard emergency rescue lights shining in the distance and nearing them at haste. A helicopter rides above them and flashes a red light on her and Ella. Finally, Tina feels comfortable enough to let go of her strength knowing that help has arrived. She lays her body back and let’s Ella’s body float on hers like she is her surfboard. At this point, even if they float into the ocean, Tina is no longer worried. She has overcome her fear, and she has faced death and conquered.

  Chapter 6

  Tina can’t get up. She feels a ton of bricks pushing her body even deeper into the ground as she tries to wriggle them off. Her fingers do not even move. Every sensation in her body is momentarily frozen in place and her eyelids seem to be glued in place. She hears beeping and shuffling, then a voice.

  “She’s waking up. Nurse!” She knows that voice. She has known it for at least three years. “Tina, it’s me, Dale. I’m here for you and I’m not going anywhere.” She does not understand why he is talking like that. She wants to tell him to stop fussing over her but, her mouth won’t comply. Whoever sealed her eyes with glue must have fastened her lips together also.

  Someone really did a number on me this time, she thinks. If they would just stop that loud beeping, she would be grateful.

  “Can you hear me, Tina?” Tina can tell Dale is talking close to her ear even though everything is dark. He caresses her arm with his warm hands and she knows he is worried. Dale is not one to show much affection except when he is concerned for one’s well-being. He prefers to show love through acts of service.

  Wait, I felt that! A feeling of triumph comes over Tina, Do something else Dale, she is ready to test the extent of her abilities.

  She feels him squeeze her arms in as he says, “I wish you knew how much I still love you.” Tina’s eyes flutter rapidly and she spots little sparks of light shining through her eyelids.

  My eyelids are opening again! She feels Dale’s breath on her cheek. He is laying beside her and resting his free arm over her stomach. His hand continues to rub her arm on the furthest side. She still feels drained, but she will try to speak now. “D… Da...” Tina is squeezing speech through her pressed lips and only getting single sounds out. She tries again. This time, she opens her jaw, then her mouth and her lips naturally part. “Dale,” she whispers. Her voice is breathy and labored.

  “Yes? Tina?” Dale rises up and sees Tina struggling to speak.

  “Where am… I?” A nurse peeks in the door. Tina can barely see her through her partially open eyelids. She continues to flutter her eyes trying to regain all her sight. The nurse walks over to the beeping noises, checks something that Tina cannot see. She would need to turn her head to see what she is doing. Her body is slowly catching up to her desire for mobility. The nurse walks out again saying she will call the doctor.

  Why do I need a doctor? Tina has more questions than answers and they are racing through her mind. She tires herself with worry trying to understand what’s going on. The beeping, which she assumes is a monitor, beeps more rapidly. Then, Dale sees the worry on her face and says, “Just rest now, I’ll tell you everything when you’re ready.” This calms her and her breathing regulates again.

  After a few short breaths, she asks him again, “Where am I?”

  “You are on Martha’s Vineyard Island.” Seeing the confusion on her face, Dale continues, “You were in the ocean, trying to save a student, uh… Ella. Do you remember any of it?” Tina’s eyes flicker from left to right. She is trying to remember which is requiring more energy than she can give right now. A slight recollection is forming, but nothing concrete. “Ella passed out in the water and if you didn’t go after her, she would be gone right now. She is still in ICU, but she is recovering. You were responsive until the coast guard arrived. Then your lungs collapsed.” Tina remembers seeing flashing lights in the distance reflecting on the water. “Tina, that was a week ago. Do you remember any of it?”

  “A little,” she whispers. Tina can now see concern on Dale’s brow. She tries to console him also, “I’m sorry I worried you.”

  Dale’s eyes meet with hers. She sees compassion and love in his eyes. He takes her hand in his, kisses it and smiles, “I came as soon as Tim told me.” Tina did not know that Dale felt so strongly about her until now. Apart from the petty arguments and her workaholism, their relationship had not really been tested before. She wonders if she gave up on him too quickly. Her heart is torn. Tim was right, I wasn’t allowing anyone to get close to me. Tina recalls her conversation with Tim on the boat. She remembers she came to the island on a case.

  “Tim? The school?”

  “Tim was here for a few days, then he had to go back to Boston. Principal Amy,” he points outside the window, “is outside. She arrived this morning and said she would wait to talk to you when you were ready.”

  Tina feels stronger with each question answered. She nods her head, she’s ready to talk to Amy. Dale stands up to go and get Amy. “Wait, what’s wrong?” Tina may have been in a coma for a week, but she hasn’t forgotten how Dale acts when something is on his mind. His brow furrows. He bites his bottom lip. Then his hands get clammy.

  He sits back down. He is quiet for some seconds, then he says, “Do you remember when you called to tell me about the break-in into our… your home? I didn’t get a chance to tell you, but I think I may have had something to do with how they got in through the garage.” Tina is puzzled, both from recalling what happened and hearing that Dale may have been an accomplice. “Honestly the guilt of something happening to you then has been getting to me and now this.”

  “Just tell me.”

  “I didn’t mean to. I was changing the oil in both our cars on the driveway. I didn’t have a clean enough rag with me, so I went to get a new one. I know how you hate it when I walk in the house with dirty hands or shoes so I used the garage and must have left prints on the keypad that they used to unlock it. They must have been watching from a distance, otherwise how else would they kn
ow my prints were there or what the combination was? I honestly didn’t think anything of it until you told me someone broke in.” He pauses to sigh, “Honey, I don’t know what I would have done if you got hurt.”

  “It’s okay Dale, we’re both fine now and that’s what matters.” Tina is relieved to know that Dale was not involved in anything unsavory. She’s had so few people that she can trust lately, that gaining his loyalty again means a lot to her. Dale hugs her relieved to have cleared the air. Then he goes and finds Amy.

  Tina is feeling more of her mobility returning. She tries to sit up and fails to support her weight. Amy walks in as she falls back into a lying position and helps make her more comfortable. “You’re not trying to leave already are you, Agent James?” Tina would love to walk out of the hospital right now, but from the way her body gave out when she tried to sit up, she’s positive the doctor will give her at least two more days of bed rest.

  “How’s Ella?” Tina says after they both settle down and move the tubes attached to her arms out of the way.

  “She’s… okay. It’ll be a slow recovery for her, but I think she’ll be fine.” Amy readjusts her chair a couple of times.

  “You get nervous when you see needles too?” Tina attempts a chuckle and coughs instead.

  “Is it that obvious? I think I’d better say my piece and leave before I turn into a bag of nerves and they try to admit me next.” Amy’s face becomes serious. “I’m sure you’re not ready for work yet, but I thought it would be best if I told you in person instead of over the phone this time. Remember what I told you about the students accusing Nick?”

  “Yeah,” Tina remembers the phone conversation. The night when Nick took her on a date to Mademoiselle's and touring the town flashes through her mind and as her feelings for Nick come rushing back. She really enjoyed being with him. She can still feel his tender breath on her neck. Tina’s heart is perplexed; she looks out of the window at Dale standing in the hallway with tea in his hand. She is not sure if she’s ready to let go of her old flame to explore a new love or if she should stick with the man she knows loves her.

  “We’ve been searching high and low with no sign of him. Yesterday, one of the officers found his phone and wallet tossed on the side of the road.” Amy looks up at the wall with a painting of families playing on the beach with the small title, ‘Martha’s Vineyard’. “We thought he had run off, but his car is still at the school. We’re not sure what happened to him anymore.”

  It’s taking Tina a moment longer to process all that Amy is telling her, partly because of her health and partly because her heart is not ready to process what she is hearing. Regardless, none of it is making sense to her. “So, what does that mean?”

  Amy leans in with eyebrows raised and enunciates her words, “Tina, Nick is missing.”

  Tina’s heart drops.

  Want more? Click here to start reading my new series Grave Danger (Book 4) on Amazon now!

  Also by Laura Greene

  Wild Cove Mystery Series

  Murder At Wild Cove Book 1

  Susan Dern is Missing Book 2

  The Demise of Tom Hendry Book 3

  The Past Life of Jane Scott Book 4

  The Hooded Figure Book 5

  Behind The Crime Series

  The Secret Room Book 1

  The Houston Party Book 2

  The Unclaimed Dead Book 3

  Frozen In Time Book 4

  Harlan’s Secret Book 5

  A Boarding Case Mystery Series

  The Deadly School Book 1

  Buried in the Dark Book 2

  Grave Danger Book 4

  Hunt the Judge Book 5

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  About the Author

  Laura Greene is an international bestselling Crime and Murder Mystery author. She loves the outdoors. Hiking, exploring new adventures in nature and spending time with her family make for some of her favorite moments in life. When she’s not writing a new Mystery, Thriller & Suspense, she loves to connect with her readers whom she considers her friends. Join Laura Greene on Facebook.




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