Jules and Bulls

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Jules and Bulls Page 9

by Chandler Ardnas

  I was in Pittsburg when I heard the horrible news. The concert was one of our bests, and we were celebrating in the hotel room with champagne. Tenn was in Omaha, now neck-in-neck with Russell, when tragedy struck. The television was on, but our loud laughter was drowning out the volume. I happened to glance toward the screen and suddenly saw Royal's face on the news. I yelled for everyone to be quiet and I ran to stand in front of the set.

  “Mr. Weller has been a profession bullfighter for many years and considered to be one of the best in the business.” A reporter was saying.

  My legs gave out, and I fell to my knees as I grabbed the screen.

  "The family has yet to release a statement. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Weller flew in just moments ago and his siblings, All-Around Cowboy for two straight years, Tennyson Weller, and reigning barrel racing champion, Amylia Weller, are said to be at his bedside. Royal is married to Bethany Quale, and they are expecting a child in February."

  They moved on to another story, and I grabbed my computer and screamed for everyone to get out of my room. I searched for news on what happened to Royal, and the internet was full of videos. Tennyson had a successful ride, but as he jumped off the bull, it kicked and threw him into the railing. Tennyson's body fell lifeless to the ground after smashing into the metal. Royal ran at the charging bull as it zeroed in on his brother. The beast turned its focus on Royal and rammed him into the railing left of Tennyson's body. Royal spun and was hit again by the big bull, throwing him into the open. The bull lowered his head and gored Royal's body with a horn as he raised him off the ground and tossed him like a toy.

  The beast seemed to be enjoying his ability to shred the man’s body, as he mangled him more, and more. I didn’t see how anyone could survive such an attack and I had to grab the garbage can as I vomited from the sickening sight.

  I found one report which showed the family entering the hospital. Tennyson had his arms around tiny Amylia as she sobbed into his side. I figured Bethany must have gone in the ambulance with Royal and my heart ached for her. Tenn's eyes said it all. He looked terrified, something I had never seen in the masculine man before.

  I grabbed my phone and dialed his number, but his phone was shut off. I called Martin and told him I needed to cancel the next couple of concerts, and he threatened to have me beaten with a whip. I had a two-week break after the Boston show, and I would have to suck it up until then.

  I read any shred of news I could find and kept trying to call Tenn. Royal was holding on, much to everyone’s surprise, but pictures of Tennyson kept getting worse. Merritt and Miriam finally began appearing on morning shows to discuss their son’s accident.

  One interviewer asked if Tennyson was feeling guilty and Miriam responded, “Absolutely, he loves his brother very much and knows Royal is there to protect him. He doesn’t like the fact he is safe, and his brother is fighting for his life.”

  "Does Tennyson plan to continue this season?" The reporter asked.

  “He’s not making any plans right now; we are praying for Royal.”

  I sent flowers to the hospital and hoped Tennyson would call me, but I knew better. His whole focus would be on Royal, as it should be. By the time the Boston concert was over Royal had been moved home under the care of private doctors. Martin told me that meant he had brain damage, but I knew the resources the Wellers had and hoped it was just a way to help Royal heal faster.

  Chapter 9

  I arrived home for the two-week break and decided to call Miriam. I wanted to see if I could visit Tenn. Nobody answered the phone, and a message directed the callers to a family spokesman. I decided to drive to Northern California and see if I could get security to notify Tennyson I was there.

  I drove to the small community of Blue Lake and stopped at a diner to get directions to the Weller's ranch. The local people were very protective of the family's privacy, and I had to use my own celebrity for information. I posed for pictures and signed autographs and was given a handmade map to the Ranch.

  I was terrified when I reached the front gates. They were massive, made of wrought iron with a western design. Reporters were all over the place and began taking my picture as I pulled up to the guard at the gate. Luckily, the man was young and recognized me.

  “Can you please let Miriam know I am here?” I asked him.

  He radioed the house and spoke for a moment before opening the gate for me. I drove down the long drive toward the massive house buried in the thick pines. I felt tears sting my eyes when I saw Miriam on the porch waiting for me.

  She gave me a tight hug and led me into the house. “How’s Royal?” I asked her.

  “He’s getting stronger every day. Tennyson is the one I’m worried about now,” she confessed.

  “Do you think he will see me?”

  “I think you are just what he needs,” she smiled, and led me down a maze of hallways and stood me in front of a large oak door. She knocked and then opened the door for me, before walking away.

  I pushed to door wider and peeked in to see Tennyson sprawled out on the bed, lying on his stomach in only his boxers. I entered the dark room and shut the door behind me, having to wait for my eyes to adjust before walking any further. He didn't move, and I wondered if he was asleep.

  I headed to his bed and got on my knees to look into his eyes. I was shocked to see him staring back at me. "Hi," I whispered, and he smiled gently. "You look like you could use a friend," I said sadly.

  “I have tons of friends,” he whispered back.

  “Then how about a stupid girl who loves you very much,” I said through my tears.

  He reached out for my hand that was touching the bed and pulled me to lie down. I wrapped my arm around him and stayed tightly against his warm flesh. I smiled at how comforting it felt. We didn't speak, and after the long drive I was exhausted and quickly fell asleep. We stayed that way through the entire night.

  By morning, I was stiff and uncomfortable in my jeans, so I wiggled out of them and then turned to see Tennyson smiling at me. “You have plans?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

  “Only to get comfortable,” I said with a red face.

  He ran his finger down my bare leg and could feel the goosebumps it produced. "Maybe I have plans," he said with a thick voice.

  “Well, it is your bed after all,” I giggled.

  He stared into my eyes sending a chill down my spine, but he never moved to start anything. I refrained too, knowing he needed me here, not necessarily for sex, but for comfort. I ran my fingers through his hair, and he closed his eyes.

  “When was the last time you ate?” I asked him.

  “What day is it?” he asked.

  "Come on, Champ," I said, as I climbed out of bed.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “I’m going to clean up your room while you shower. Where’s your bathroom?”

  He nodded toward a closed door, and I opened it to see the most fantastic bathroom I had ever seen. I laughed and looked at the walkthrough shower with various knobs and settings before looking back at Tennyson.

  “You’re going to have to manage your own shower; I don’t have an engineering degree.”

  “Join me and I will,” he bargained.

  "Who will make the bed?" I asked as I teased him.

  “We have people for that,” he said, as he climbed out of bed and headed for me.

  “My bags are still in my car, you shower, and I’ll clean,” I offered again, and this time he agreed.

  I made the bed and opened the curtains to reveal the most beautiful scenery. The trees cleared for miles and rolling hills of grass dotted with grazing animals. A huge barn, with an indoor arena and several corrals, was off to one side and an outdoor arena with lights was on the other.

  I opened the door to his veranda to let fresh air into the room and saw Morgan pull up to the barn in a ranch truck. He unloaded a horse and led it inside.

  “You like it?” Tennyson asked, coming up behind me with only a towe
l wrapped around his waist.

  “Are we talking about the view?” I asked, and he laughed and nodded. “It’s gorgeous,” I sighed, “and huge.”

  “Are we still talking about the view?” he joked.

  "Get your ass dressed, before I do something I'll regret," I told him, and pushed him back into the room. He dropped the towel and walked to his dresser as I stared with weak knees. He dressed quickly, and as he pulled on his boots, he looked at my sandals.

  “That’s not going to work here,” he said sternly.

  “I brought my boots, oh wait, the ropers,” I clarified.

  “Ropers are boots,” he laughed.

  I finally brought up the subject of why I came in the first place, “How’s Royal?”

  His demeanor changed instantly, and he held out his hand. "He would love to see you, I'm sure."

  He took me to the other side of the massive house and walked through an open door. Royal was lying in a hospital bed with IV's and machines all over the place. One eye was so swollen it couldn't open, and the entire side of his face was a distortion of various colors.

  A plaster body cast ran up one leg, around his waist, over his shoulder, and down his arm. I had to fight my tears, and they eventually won. Tennyson walked up to the bed and kissed his brother gently on the forehead.

  “Hey, Roy,” he said softly. “Someone came to see you.”

  He raised his free hand, and I saw the scrapes and scabs on it before reaching out slowly and taking his hand in mine. "Hi, big guy," I said with a shaky voice.

  He grunted, and Tennyson looked at me to explain, "His jaw is wired shut."

  I nodded and leaned over to kiss his hand and hold it to my cheek. Bethany walked in and at first stopped in shock, but then smiled and came up to Royal’s other side.

  “Congratulations,” I said, “on your pregnancy.”

  "I hope daddy here doesn't end up a vegetable and make me raise two babies," she teased, and Royal grunted loudly in protest.

  I patted his hand and looked down at him. “Naw, he’s got too much spirit, that’s why he has such a large body, to hold all that fight he’s got inside him,” I said, and felt him squeeze my hand.

  Tennyson stared at me with an open mouth, and I wondered if he thought I was flirting with his brother or something. A nurse came in and we were all ushered out, so she could bath Royal. We headed to the kitchen to find breakfast waiting in some warming dishes. I passed on the eggs and bacon but filled my plate with fruit and toast.

  When we sat at a small breakfast table, Tennyson leaned in close to speak to me. "Jules, what you said about Royal….it was perfect. I forgot how strong my brother is and I want to say thank you for reminding me."

  “Can I ask how strong you are?” I said hesitantly.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you going back out there, to keep your title?”

  He looked away and covered his mouth with his hand as he thought about what to say in response. "I never realized how much strength it gave me to have Royal there. I knew I would never get hurt because he wouldn't allow it. I did this to him, Jules."

  “No, a bull did this to him,” I corrected.

  “And it should have been me.”

  "Did Royal allow other cowboys to get hurt?" I asked, giving Tennyson something to consider.

  Amylia came running into the room and screamed in delight to see me sitting there. “Oh, thank God, one of you has some common sense.”

  “I have a two-week break before my next concert,” I explained, and Tennyson’s eyes widened.

  “You can stay for two weeks?” he asked.

  “Um, I didn’t plan on staying here. I mean, you guys need some time….”

  "Don't be stupid," Amylia said. "You are staying here and if we have to hog tie you; we will."

  “Well, you’re just the family to do it,” I laughed.

  She clapped her hands and then grew excited over a thought. “We’ll barbeque tonight, and we can roll Royal’s bed onto the deck. He’ll love it.”

  “Cooking steaks he can’t eat will not be enjoyable,” Tennyson pointed out to Amylia.

  “I’m not eating a steak,” I interjected.

  Amylia looked at me with confusion and said, “They don’t have that many calories.”

  Tennyson began to laugh, and I looked at my body to see the imaginary rolls of flesh as I felt my self-esteem scurry away.

  “She’s a vegetarian,” Tennyson explained.

  “You don’t eat meat?” Amylia asked in shock. “Why?”

  “I don’t think eating another creature is acceptable,” I said, hoping to educate her a bit.

  “A cow or a chicken is not a creature. They are overpopulated, ugly, dumb animals.”

  “Some countries eat horse meat, what if someone wanted to eat Georgia?”

  She smiled and looked at Tennyson. “That would be some expensive steak,” she said, and they both laughed loudly.

  “We can grill you a portabella mushroom,” Tennyson offered, “Is that okay?”

  “You would do that?” I asked in shock.

  "Sure, I can't guarantee you won't be teased, but since Royal can't speak, it won't be too bad."

  I felt like Tennyson was trying to help me fit into his world. I seriously doubted he would be this open over the issue of Eric, but I was happy he widened his horizon concerning my food preferences. After we ate breakfast, he asked me if I wanted to see the ranch. I happily agreed, and he asked me to change into boots and clothes I could get dirty.

  My bag was in the room, and after changing into my oldest pair of jeans and putting on the boots, I headed out to find him. I had to wear the boots over my jeans since the fabric was too tight on my legs to go over them.

  Tennyson came out of the barn leading his horse, and I instantly tensed. I thought he wanted me to walk around the ranch, not ride. I backed up to the deck, but he came right at me with a huge smile. "Don't be afraid," he said.

  "I'm nowhere near afraid, I'm close to all-out panic," I told him honestly.

  “Think of him as a very well-trained puppy,” Tennyson said, and I shook my head back and forth.

  He climbed up into the saddle and scooted back to reveal a large area for me to sit. “I’ll hold you in my arms the entire time.”

  “I don’t know how to get up there,” I confessed.

  “Put your left foot in the stirrup and place your knee on the saddle. When I pull you from there, let your right leg swing over his head, he’ll keep it lowered for you.”

  “What if he doesn’t like me?” I asked, knowing it sounded ridiculous but too afraid to care.

  “Then he’ll be put on the grill tonight,” Tennyson laughed.

  I approached the horse with shaky legs and placed my foot in the stirrup and both hands on Tennyson's extended arm. He pulled me up, and my knee rested on the saddle. It seemed much higher than I expected, and I dug my nails into his flesh.

  He made a noise with his tongue, and the horse lowered his head as Tennyson pulled me into the saddle. "Hold me tighter," I begged, and his arm tightened around my stomach.

  "We'll walk at first," he said and gave the horse a slight kick.

  I instantly shut my eyes and clung to Tennyson’s arm as I began chanting, “Oh, my God,” repeatedly.

  Tennyson put his mouth to my ear and kissed me several times causing me to relax a bit. “Jules, hold onto the saddle horn and let your body rock back and forth with the rhythm of the horse.”

  I felt much more secure holding onto the stationary saddle horn, but Tenn kept his arm around me tightly. He led the horse down a trail, and I was feeling better until the horse shook his head to rid a flying nuisance. I screamed, and my entire body went rigid.

  “Hey,” Tennyson said softly into my ear, “trust me, Sweetheart. I would never allow anything to hurt you, relax.”

  We kept our slow lumbering pace as we climbed higher into the hills surrounding the ranch. We made our way to an overlook, and I gasped
at the beauty before me. It was nature at its best, as far as the eye could see, and I was speechless.

  “The land looks the same as when my great-grandfather lived here,” Tennyson said with pride. “He came here looking for gold and found it in the beauty of the land.”

  “Are all the cattle yours?” I asked, looking at pasture after pasture filled with animals.

  “See the lake over there?” he asked, as he pointed in the distance. “Our land stops at the lake.”

  “Wow, that’s a lot of land.”

  "I come here when I feel full of myself, and it humbles me. I didn't achieve any of this; I need to maintain it for posterity. Someday, my sons will care for this land."

  I realized for the first time the depth of Tennyson's connection to his lifestyle. It was a part of him as much as his name. He belonged to this land and was more than just a steward of it, he breathed for it, lived for it, and would most likely die for it.

  "You're fortunate to know exactly who you are," I whispered.

  “I know I seem closed-minded and old-fashioned, but I’m as unchanging as the land sometimes,” he said with a sad voice.

  I leaned back against his chest and both of his arms wrapped around me causing me to grab the saddle horn again, “Hold onto the reins, not me,” I instructed him.

  “I’m not controlling him,” he laughed. “I’m only leading him.”

  "So, if he wanted to take off running, he could, do it?" I asked with a strained voice and whispered in case he could understand me.

  “Jules, I can read his every move. He’s being very patient right now and knows I want him to move slowly. He won’t just bolt.”

  “What if he knows I called him G-A-Y?” I spelled out, causing Tennyson to laugh loudly.

  “Then you better apologize and quickly.”


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