Jules and Bulls

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Jules and Bulls Page 19

by Chandler Ardnas

  The gate opened again, and the bull began bucking and spinning. "Much better," Royal yelled. "But you can't let your leg take some of the strength of your arm."

  I watched as Tennyson rode time after time, listening to everyone’s critique and opinion. On a particular ride, he jumped from the bull only to have it turn and run for him. Tennyson climbed onto the railing not too far from me, and I noticed the smile on his face as he looked down at the animal just missing his legs.

  He glanced along the fence and was stunned to see me sitting on Pepper. His smile faded, and he looked as if I caught him with another woman. I hated that I caused that kind of reaction in him. He was doing what he loved to do, and it was something I could never understand or join.

  Chapter 20

  Tennyson walked over to me, and I noticed how Royal dropped his head in frustration with his brother's attention taken away from the task at hand. I tried to wipe away my tears before Tennyson reached me, but it was too late.

  “Did you ride her here?” he asked, seeing me on the horse but not believing I had it in me.

  “I don’t know how to get home,” I confessed.

  “You’re riding bareback?” he asked with a slight smile.

  “She only walks,” I pointed out.

  “Do you need me to take you home?” I looked around at all the men gathered and didn't want to cause them any problems, so I shook my head back and forth. "What are you going to do?" he asked, and I felt more tears fall from my frustration.

  “I don’t know how to get off her,” I said very softly so nobody would hear me.

  “What?” He asked loudly.

  “I can’t get down,” I whispered, as I leaned toward him.

  He chuckled and climbed over the fence. He grabbed onto Pepper's mane with one hand and jumped onto her back behind me. "I'll be right back," he yelled and pulled back on the fistful of hair causing the horse to back up.

  He leaned his hand to the side he wanted her to go, and she headed in that direction. He led her to his truck and slid down before pulling a harness from the box in the back and tied her to his mirror. He held out his arms for me, and I slid awkwardly into his chest.

  “Oh God, my legs,” I cried, as I tried to stand upright. Tennyson laughed and put his arm around my waist to lead me into Royal’s house.

  "Just let me finish up a couple of things, and I'll take you home."

  I nodded and welcomed the soft couch. I was sitting there in exhaustion when Bethany walked through the door. She looked at me in surprise, and I could feel my face redden. "Sorry to leave you guys to entertain my folks," I apologized.

  “Miriam is great with strangers. She has your father eating from her hands,” Bethany said, as she came to sit by me. “What’s going on, Jules?”

  “What do you do all day when Royal practices?” I asked her.

  "I have my things. I love to read, and I love to paint. May I show you the baby's room?"

  I followed her down the hallway into a nursery that took my breath away. The walls were painted with trees surrounding the room and every animal imaginable in the scenery. Deer were drinking by a bubbling brook; squirrels climbed the trees as bunnies scampered on the ground.

  "Bethany, you have talent; this is amazing," I said, as I gawked at the room.

  “What do you love to do?” she asked me.

  “Singing is my passion,” I admitted.

  “Why don’t you write songs or something to fill the time?” she suggested.

  I smiled at her and then looked directly into her eyes and asked, “Are you worried about Royal?”

  “I’m focused on my son. I can’t make decisions for Royal, and I can only hope he wants to be here to see his boy.”

  “If something happens, will you blame Tennyson?”

  “No, Royal will do his job, but he’s not going to risk his future for Tennyson. I think their little sabbatical apart put things in perspective for Royal.”

  “Are you going to be there?” I asked her.

  "Of course, it may end up being a once in a lifetime opportunity. A bull like Diablo doesn't come along often, and a cowboy as brave as Tennyson doesn't either. I think he's got this one."

  I felt strengthened by her optimism and decided to give her suggestion a try and focus on my music while Tennyson prepared for his ride. She offered to drive me home, and I accepted since I was sure Tennyson would forget all about me.

  I walked into the house to find my father sitting with an icepack on his sore back watching a football game. I sat down across from him and stared at the screen. He finally hit the mute button and looked at me. “Jules, are you happy here?”

  “Why, do I seem unhappy?” I asked him, having no idea what he was asking.

  "I worry about you sometimes, and not because you make bad decisions, but because you are my little girl. I don't understand all the spin that comes with your job; this all seems real."

  “I know what you mean, dad. But there are things about the realness here that scares me. I feel weak, and I don’t like that feeling.”

  "I'm afraid you got that from me," he said and turned back to the television. I continued to stare at him, knowing his inability to understand my world made him worry for me, just like I feared for Tennyson. I needed to give Tenn what I wanted so badly from my parents, acknowledgment that he knew what he was doing.

  I headed to our room and put on some music when I heard loud yelling coming from inside the house. I ran from the room and could make out Royal’s voice yelling for Merritt. We all converged in the center of the house and headed into the kitchen where everyone would fit.

  "I got a call from Tattorsal Ranch, they threatened Tennyson," Royal yelled in rage.

  “Did they have specifics or were they fishing?” Merritt asked.

  "Call Tarwater," Royal yelled to Tennyson, and he pulled out his phone and stepped from the room. I didn't know which conversation to eavesdrop. Royal continued screaming and cussing, but I didn't know what he was talking about, so I followed Tennyson.

  “Hey, this is Weller,” he said into the phone. “Did you get a call…?”

  “Yeah, Royal did.”

  “No, not at all.”


  He hung up, and I placed my arm out to block his exit and asked what was going on.

  "They are just playing hardball, that's all," Tennyson said to calm me.


  “The ranch that owns Diablo, they don’t want me or Russell to ride him. They want to guarantee he goes out un-ridden.”

  “They threatened you?” I asked with terror.

  "It's just a game, to see who folds first," he said and headed past my arm to return to the conversation in the kitchen.

  “Tarwater said they’re only fishing,” Tennyson told Royal.

  Royal was pacing back and forth as he tried to concentrate. “We let too many people in on this. We should have kept it quiet,” he mumbled.

  “I’m not letting it get in my head,” Tennyson announced. “They don’t know anything. Hell, I’m not even sure yet.”

  His words gave me hope. I wanted to believe I was getting through to him and he would choose a bull he could win with and be done with this danger forever. Diablo wouldn’t be an issue next year, and Bethany said bulls like that didn’t come along often.

  “How did they threaten, Tennyson?” I asked, but nobody answered. They continued talking about possible leaks and change of routine.

  I put my hand on Tennyson's arm, and he instantly threw it off without thinking. I tensed as he continued to talk to his brother, ignoring I was even in the room. I finally reached over and pushed him harshly from the side. He stumbled, remaining on his feet and looked at me with wide eyes. “What’s your problem,” he yelled at me.

  “I’m sorry, but it was the only way to get your attention,” I yelled.

  "I'm busy," he said harshly and turned back to his brother.

  I stormed from the room and headed into the bedroom and
began packing my stuff. My mother followed and asked me timidly what I was doing. “I’m going home, you and dad are welcome to come with me or head back to Oregon.”

  My mother left quickly, and I was sure she ran to my dad until Tennyson walked into the room. "Where do you think you're going?"

  “You’re too busy to talk, remember?”

  "You're irrational," he said to dismiss me, and I turned to face him.

  “Go jerk yourself, Tennyson Weller. I’m not playing Little House on the Prairie any longer. You treat me like shit!”

  “I have been nothing but respectful of you,” he screamed.

  "Just because you're polite while you dump on me doesn't make it any better," I yelled, as I pointed at him. "I will not move up here and be treated as interference in your life. I was supposed to have your undivided attention today. You forgot even to bring me home from Bethany's house."

  "Bethany brought you, we're family, one is as good as another," he said, without understanding why I would want him to be here physically.

  "I see, you don't need to see me because you see Royal all day, one is as good as another."

  "Jules, I don't need this right now," he yelled as if I was a child needing scolding. I grabbed my keys and my purse and headed out the door without taking any of my things. Tennyson ran after me and grabbed my arm as I reached my car. "Where are you going?" he asked in anger.

  "I'm going somewhere I might be appreciated, go play with your animals, Tennyson, and call me if you live."

  “Acting like a Hollywood princess won’t get my sympathy,” he said harshly, and I wanted to punch him right in the jaw.

  "I don't want your sympathy, you ass. I want to be part of the conversation occasionally. I want you to come home while I am still awake, and leave after eating breakfast with me. How is that being a princess?"

  "I need to focus right now," he said exasperatedly.

  “Fine, go focus yourself, Tennyson.” I got in the car and screeched the tires as I sped away.

  I was stunned when I saw his massive truck in my rearview mirror. He sped in front of me and stopped at an angle to block my path. He jumped down from the seat and stomped toward my car. I was a little afraid of him. He opened the door and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me from the car and throwing me over his shoulder. “Oh please, tell me you are not acting all caveman,” I screamed at him, as I tried to get out of his arms.

  "Shut up," he yelled and pushed me into his truck. I immediately reached for the other door, but he grabbed my arm and kept me close to him.

  “You are crossing a line here, Tennyson,” I yelled, as he started the vehicle.

  “I said, shut up,” he said again.

  I expected him to drive back to the house, but he continued heading toward the gates and then toward town. I sat with my arms folded tightly across my chest and refused to open my mouth any further.

  He pulled into a hotel, and I turned to glare at him. "What in the hell do you think you are doing?"

  “I am doing something I can’t do with your father in the house. I’m going to appreciate you, Jules. I’m going to give you my undivided attention. I am going to focus on you until you can’t remember any other man ever focusing on you before. Now, get your ass out of the truck.”

  I followed him into the lobby where he got us a room before grabbing my hand harshly and pulling me down the hallway. As soon as we entered the dark room, Tennyson pulled off his shirt and looked at me challengingly. "I'm having your body the way I want, Jules?"

  My mouth fell open, but nothing came out, so he grabbed me around the waist and lifted me off the floor as he kissed me aggressively. I knocked his hat off as my arms circled his head and my fingers plunged into his hair.

  He pulled on my leg causing me to wrap them around his waist, feeling his buckle against me. His hands ran up my back, bringing my shirt up and then over my head. I was gasping for breath when he spun around and posted me against the wall. I let my legs fall, and he quickly began unfastening my jeans as I worked frantically on his. He brought his hands to my arms and pushed them away from his pants. "Nuh-uh," he moaned and continued working on my jeans. He knelt as he pulled them from my legs, letting one leg completely free, before placing it on his shoulder. I fell back into the wall and hung on as I tried to breathe; this was a new side of Tennyson I hadn't experienced. He wasn't slow and methodical or needing a rush. He was utterly giving himself over to the need he was feeling, unrestrained and not trying to use control. His entire focus was on me, and I cried out for him in a whole new way. He was panting as he pulled me to the bed and finished removing my clothes.

  He quickly disposed of his belt and only freed himself from his jeans without removing them. He fell onto me and yelled out when I moved to accommodate him. He rolled onto his knees and held my legs in the bend of his arms as I became lost in the feeling of him again. This time he screamed out first as his neck muscles clenched tightly.

  I expected him to fall to the bed in exhaustion, but he pulled me up and headed to the shower. I wasn't sure if I could take any more. He removed his clothes and stepped into the water, pulling me with him. I was weak, and my legs were shaking, but he held me and kissed my shoulders lovingly. I sighed and relaxed against him, listening to the sound of his heart beating.

  “I love you, Tennyson,” I said softly.

  “Then stop leaving me,” he said adamantly.

  He grabbed the soap and began running his wet hands over my entire body, concentrating on the most sensitive spots. I couldn't believe he thought he was going to reduce me into a screaming mess again, but that was what he did. He was right; I couldn't remember any other man ever touching me. My body only knew Tennyson from that moment forward.

  I fell asleep in his arms, exhausted and unable to form a sentence, and remained there all night. I woke to the sound of his gentle snoring and smiled at how exhausted he must be, too. I kissed his chest, and he moaned and tightened his arms.

  “Jules,” he said softly.


  “I think I’m dying,” he groaned, and I laughed loudly.

  “Hey, playing king of the body was your idea, not mine,” I pointed out. “And just so you know, I will have to be carried out of here.”

  “Don’t make me laugh, my abdominals can’t take the strain,” he said in obvious pain.

  “It kind of ruins the illusion if you are comatose the day after,” I laughed.

  "Last night was no illusion, Sweetheart; it was real. I challenge any other man to do that three times in less than an hour."

  "Honey, it isn't an event where you try for the least amount of time," I pointed out with amusement.

  “Be quiet, or I’ll do it again,” he threatened.

  “Oh God, no, please no more sex, Tennyson,” I cried out, and he chuckled before moaning in pain.

  He put his finger under my chin and pulled my lips to his, kissing me softly as only Tennyson could. "I won't ride Diablo if you ask me not to do it," he said, as he looked at my eyes.

  I was so torn. I wanted to reward him for all the loving he gave me, but I wanted him alive and breathing for repeat performances. I took a long breath and said, "Tenn, how sure are you about riding successfully?"

  “Honestly, about seventy-five percent,” he admitted, and my heart tightened in my chest.

  “I don’t want you to ride him,” I said, and watched for the reaction in his eyes.

  “Okay, I won’t.”

  “Why the sudden change?” I asked suspiciously.

  "I want to ride him, Jules. I feel like a coward for not doing it, especially now they are threatening me. But I can't let my pride ruin us. I'm not losing you over a stupid bull, no matter how adamant I feel about it."

  “Will you start to resent me?” I asked, knowing there was no way he wouldn’t.

  “I’ll get over it,” he said with a smile. “What do you want to do today?”

  “I get you the entire day?” I asked with shock.

; "You get me for forever, but let's plan out today," he laughed.

  I kissed him with all my strength, which wasn't much, and felt like the luckiest woman in the world. A gnawing feeling buried deep within my soul was quickly pushed back down as I planned the entire day with my fiancé.

  Chapter 21

  I got to spend an entire week with Tennyson. He was attentive and loving, making me feel we could have a life together. Amylia worked non-stop with Sarsaparilla, and Tennyson began focusing on bronc training. We spent every evening under the lights of the arena working on my riding skills. I was beginning to love Pepper but enjoyed watching Tennyson and Man-o-war the most. They had a unique bond that was almost telepathic. Tennyson could anticipate his horses every thought and Manny, as I called him to myself, loved Tennyson deeply.

  My favorite thing to watch was when Tennyson was riding bareback; he would lie on his stomach, bringing his feet together on top of Manny's rear, and rest his head against the horse's mane. His arms would drop around Manny's neck, and he would talk to the horse as if they spoke the same language. Manny would whinny and raise his head up and down as if they were speaking heart-to-heart.

  The night before Tennyson had to turn in his bull request for finals; he seemed a bit agitated. I tried to give him some space and noticed how he relaxed around Manny. He was taking extra time brushing him and kept giving him sugar cubes from his hand.

  He kissed the horse on the jaw and said, "We're in this together, boy. I need you with me on this one." The horse pulled back his lips to expose his large teeth, and Tennyson laughed. "I'm not giving you tongue, buddy."

  He led him into his stall and watched as the horse drank from his trough. I put Pepper away and came over to hug Tennyson. “I love to watch the two of you together, you’ll be a great father,” I said softly.

  He pulled me to his side and rested his head on mine. "I knew we belonged together the moment I saw him. He was just a foal, but he was stubborn and hated the rope. I finally let him lead, and he seemed to know what I wanted from him."

  “How long have you had him?” I asked.


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