Jules and Bulls

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Jules and Bulls Page 22

by Chandler Ardnas

  Russell walked up to our table and held his hand out to Tennyson to shake. "Man, Weller, you sure have control," he said, shaking his head.

  “Control?” I asked softly, feeling what I just witnessed was nothing close to control.

  “Hell yeah, I would have crippled the guy, or at least removed his teeth,” he said, with his trademark smile.

  "My fight's in the arena," Tennyson said again, and I realized I mistakenly thought everything would be okay tonight.

  “What was with the arm switch?” Russell asked.

  “I hurt my shoulder,” Tennyson lied. “Looks like you’ll have my title by Sunday.”

  “If you ride Diablo I don’t want it, you’ve earned it,” Russell said.

  “I’m not riding him for the win; I’m riding him for my life.”

  Russell nodded with total understanding and looked at me with a smile, “Congratulations on your engagement. You’re getting one hell of a guy.”

  "I know, but I need to get him to stop punching people," I said with a smile.

  “You’re not a real cowboy if you can’t give, or take, a punch.”

  Tennyson laughed and held out his hand for a fist bump. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as they both smiled at me. I was ready to leave and hoped nothing would happen before we got out of there. Tennyson seemed calm and good with how everything was turning out. Royal looked antsy and wished he could find a reason to throw a punch or two.

  We settled into bed, and I held Tennyson in my arms and listened to him breathing. I began to wonder about the job offer and if a television show was something he would consider letting me be involved with. I wasn't about to bring it up before his big ride. If he lost his focus and got hurt, I would never forgive myself.

  The next morning, we headed to the arena for Tennyson to take part in some interviews. He was anxious to ride today and see how his adjustments were working. He sat in front of a group of reporters as I stood in the back of the room and prepared myself mentally to hear Tennyson talk about Man-o-war.

  I was stunned when the very first question was, "With Jules Smith's recent TV show offer, will you be Hollywood bound yourself?"

  His eyes looked up at me slowly, and I felt the blood drain from my face. I smiled, but he didn't return the gesture, and I let my eyes drop to the floor.

  “Jules is very talented,” he said, “But, no, I won’t be heading to Hollywood.”

  "Is it true your horse died so you wouldn't ride Diablo?" Someone asked.

  "Yes, it's true." Tennyson didn't elaborate further on the incident. I knew the press would not stop without more information about the tragedy.

  "What made you decided to ride him?" Someone else asked as a follow-up.

  "I was told to Cowboy up and ride him like a milk cow." The room erupted in laughter, and I glanced to see if Tennyson was smiling, but his face remained sullen.

  “Have you spoken with Tattorsal Ranch?” Another reporter asked.

  “Spoken, no. I ran into a representative last night, but we didn’t speak, I just showed him my buckle,” Tennyson said coldly.

  I realized I was shaking and vacillated between wanting the press conference to be over and wanting it to last forever. I could tell Tennyson was angry and I had to hope he would give me a chance to explain.

  “What makes you think you can ride Diablo when nobody has been able to in the past?”

  "I realized I remained in a certain style of riding. I was expecting to ride every bull the same way, but I know Diablo is different, so I need to be different to ride him. Most bulls respond on instinct. Diablo was trained to respond without using his natural instincts. I had to do the same."

  “Do you worry about getting hung up?” Someone asked, and I wanted to thank them for making Tennyson respond to that question.

  "No, my brother is the best bullfighter in the world, and although I wrap tightly, I never suicide wrap."

  I wanted to scream at him from the back of the room. He was lying right to their faces, and I felt a chill run down my spine. Something awful dawned on me; we did not trust each other. I was too afraid to tell him about possible jobs, and he was unwilling to tell me the lengths he would go to win.

  I turned and left the room without even looking at Tennyson. We were not ready for marriage, and that took precedence in my thoughts over my need to get revenge. He would ride the bull and hurt himself or his brother, and I would take this significant opportunity, so I could face my father without feeling worthless.

  I was sitting in the trailer when Tennyson returned. He grabbed his gear and began getting ready for his ride later in the evening. “I’ll be working with Royal,” he said, as he headed for the door.

  “Tennyson,” I called out softly. He stopped, but he didn't turn to look at me. "You've got this," I said to his back. He nodded and walked out the door as I closed my eyes and let the tears fall.

  I decided to stop the charade and put on some clothes that were me. I grabbed a cab and headed downtown to do some shopping. I bought some designer jeans, a simple t-shirt with a funky jacket, and some converse tennis shoes. I stared at myself in the mirror and felt real, even though my world was fake.

  I called Eric and left him a message wishing him luck at the award show tonight before grabbing a bite to eat. I was deep in thought when a group of girls approached me. “Are you Jules Smith?” they asked.

  “Yes,” I smiled.

  “We’re big fans; can we take a picture with you?”

  "Sure." I stood and tried to smile as they gathered around me, but I was fighting tears. When they stepped back and saw my face, one girl said, "We're sorry to bother you."

  "Oh no, don't worry about it. I'm just dealing with some stuff right now," I admitted. The group walked away, but one girl remained. She looked nervous, and I tried to smile the best I could when I asked, "Is there something you want to ask me?"

  "I heard you might be on TV and I was wondering if you'll still make music because I love your songs."

  “I love to sing, it is my true passion, so yes, I’ll still make time for music,” I said, and watched her smile.

  I felt a warm sensation spread through me as I realized what I was saying. I could be happy merely singing. I never wanted to be an actress; Martin put that dream in my head. Tennyson wanted me to keep doing what I loved to do, but would he be willing to ride without the added danger just to win?

  “What’s your name, honey?”


  "Well, Carly, you have made me feel so much better, and I want to thank you for talking with me today."

  She grinned from ear-to-ear and headed off to catch her friends. I finished eating and hailed a cab to return to the arena. I searched for Tennyson, but I couldn't find him, so I headed to the family box. I groaned when I saw Cherry there and sat on the other side of Bethany.

  “Have you seen Tennyson?” I asked her quietly.

  “Ah Jules, what in the hell are you wearing?” She said with disgust.

  "This is me, and it is all I will ever be, so get used to it or don't look at me," I snarled. Cherry got up and left the box, and I wanted to jump for joy. I didn't want to admit having trouble with Tennyson in front of her. "So, where is Tennyson?" I asked Bethany again.

  “Last I saw he was with Royal and Morgan in a holding room behind the chutes.”

  I ran from the box and down the stairs, looking behind every open door I could find. I was just about to give up when I heard Royal's loud laughter. I ran toward the sound and pulled back a curtain to see the three men sitting with Amylia and Cherry.

  "Tennyson, can I talk to you?" I asked him and noticed how his jaw tightened as he looked at my clothing. I sighed loudly and began talking as he continued to stay where he was. I hadn't planned my words. I just spoke from my heart and tried to be completely honest. "I'm not taking that television offer, and I'm not turning it down for you, I'm turning it down for me. I'm not a cowgirl, and I never will be, but I love Pepper, and I don't care tha
t I appear disabled for riding her. I'll never fix you a meal with meat, and I will always want to know all about Eric's love life. My father will never think of me as successful and I will always have a smart mouth that gets me into trouble, but despite all that shit… I love you. I want to be your wife, and I want to be a Weller."

  Cherry laughed loudly and shook her head. “You will never be a Weller,” she said hatefully.

  Tennyson ignored her, and I didn't expect him to say anything in response, especially in front of Royal. But, he surprised me by relaxing his expression and speaking softly. "Jules, I'll always be a cowboy, and I love this sport. I love everything about it, even the traveling and the injuries. I will always eat meat, and I don't want to hear a word about Eric's love life. I will never hesitate to defend the people I love with my fists, and I will constantly be pushing you to ride better. But, I love you so much I would walk away. I would load up my trailer and never look back if that's what it takes to make us work."

  I threw my arms around him and cried into his padded vest. Amylia jumped up and down, and Royal acted irritated. I didn't even bother looking at Cherry.

  I pulled out of Tennyson’s arms and wiped my tears. “Are you ready to do this?” I asked him.

  "Watch me show this city how it's done," he winked.

  “Nothing like screwing up his head right before a ride,” Cherry said, just loud enough for me to hear.

  I spun around and pushed her with both of my hands as hard as I could; sending her into the curtain and sliding on her ass across the floor. “I wasn’t talking to you,” I yelled, and headed back to the box without looking to see if she was okay.

  Royal’s laughter rang in my ears along with the words, “Now you’re a Weller.”

  Chapter 24

  The energy in the stadium was high. I noticed how Merritt kept pacing through the roping events and I felt my stomach in knots. I worried about Tennyson making it to the final go-round, and I was nervous something simple could take him out of the running and give Tattorsal Ranch a victory.

  When the bullfighters were announced to the crowd, Bethany stood and cheered loudly, before sitting down and holding her stomach painfully.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her.

  "Shhh," she said and glanced around the box to see if anyone was listening.

  “What’s wrong,” I asked quietly.

  "Nothing, I'm only nervous."

  “If you’re in labor Royal should know,” I said with fear.

  “I’m not in labor and Royal doesn’t need to know anything. I always get like this,” she said emphatically, so I let it drop and began watching the action.

  I could tell Royal was nervous too; by the way, he kept kicking the dirt and pacing back and forth. The very first rider came out of the chute and was thrown over the bull's head, right into his path. Royal ran up to get the bulls attention and then headed for the railing, jumping out of the way right as the considerable bull ran his horns into the fence.

  Bethany let out a loud breath of air and continued to stare at the arena. I understood it was finals and the top cowboys were here, but the bulls seemed so much larger and so much meaner. I tried to imagine what Diablo would be like and felt terror run through me.

  When Russell got up, I had to close my eyes. I heard the buzzer, and then the crowd cheered loudly. I looked up to see he scored an 89. I took a deep breath and stood to look for Tennyson. Merritt stood too, while Miriam and Bethany sat with their eyes down.

  I saw Amylia sitting on the railing in the alley, high enough to be out of any returning bull's way. Tennyson climbed into the chute and took an extra-long time to get everything set right. He lowered his hat and raised his hand as he nodded.

  He looked very stiff and did not have the usual lose movements he typically used. When the buzzer sounded, he began messing with his hand and didn't jump right down. Royal ran toward him just as he got free and jumped off.

  I couldn't hear what Royal was saying, but he was screaming with an angry face. I looked at Morgan, and he was shaking his head back and forth telling him Tennyson did not get hung up on purpose. He scored an 87 and Merritt chuckled as he said, "He is getting sympathy points."

  Tennyson walked down the alley and stopped when he got to his sister. They spoke for a moment, and he laughed and handed her his bull rope. Amylia kissed it and gave it back, making me smile. Tennyson shook his head and walked off to get ready for the next go-round.

  I sat down and could feel my entire body shaking. He made it through the first go-round and only one more ride before he would get his chance for the ride of his life. I took a moment to breathe deeply and finally looked over at Bethany. Her face was stoic without a hint of worry.

  Miriam took hold of Merritt's hand and pulled him into his seat. He seemed to be the one unable to control his nerves, and I found it sweet. I stared at my ring and felt my mouth form a smile. I pulled out my phone and texted Martin. Forget the television part. I don’t want it. I hit send and then turned my phone off.

  I could watch Russell this time, and even with my untrained eye, I could tell the kid had talent. He scored high and was almost sure to head into the final go-round in the first place. Tennyson was up, and I leaned over the railing and said a quick prayer.

  The gate opened, and he was sitting further back on the bull; taking a beating from the hind legs bucking. His hand was looser this time, rocking back and forth from the motion. When the buzzer sounded, he quickly jumped from the bull to the sound of Royal's praises. We all stood and cheered loudly. It was the best scenario we could hope for, and it bolstered us for tomorrow.

  I headed to the back area and ran into his proud arms. He hugged me tightly and when I whispered, “You did it.” He whispered back, “No, we did it.”

  We pulled apart, and his family descended on him with hugs and kisses. I noticed how Bethany kept her movements small and slow and I debated whether to tell Royal or not. I walked over to a wall and leaned against it as I continued to observe her. A strange man approached me and said, "Are you engaged to Weller?"

  I smiled as I prepared to answer and noticed the stitching on his jacket. It was a brand with a T and R in the middle. “Who are you?” I asked him instead.

  “I’m the only friend you’ve got,” he said with a sneer.

  “Leave me alone,” I said, as I felt my legs getting weak.

  “We only want to talk to….”

  He was grabbed from behind and thrown against the block wall of the arena. His face smashed against the concrete as he screamed out in pain due to his arm being twisted awkwardly behind him. Tennyson's eyes were enraged, and he spoke into the man's ear.

  "You speak to her again, and I will kill you, understand?"

  The stranger didn’t answer so Tennyson backed up a step and punched him in the kidney, causing him to slide down the wall in pain. He knelt to look directly at the man’s face. “This is the only warning you guys get. You don’t look at her, you don’t speak to her, and you don’t even breathe next to her. I let you get to my horse, but I won’t let you get to her.”

  He wrapped his arm around me, and I clung to him in fear. I was terrified of what these people were capable of, and I wanted out of there. "Are you okay?" he asked, as he led me away.

  “I’m scared,” I said with a shaky voice.

  I could hear Merritt on the phone screaming to somebody about lousy security, and Tennyson stopped walking and looked at my eyes. "Jules, I need you to do me a favor." I nodded and began to grow frightened when I saw his expression. "I need you to stage a fight with me and then spend the night in Russell Tarwater's trailer."

  I couldn’t speak and could only feel my head shaking back and forth. He placed his hands on the sides of my head and held me in his stare. “Jules, I have to know you are safe or I can’t do this. It hurt like hell to lose Man-o-war, it would destroy me to lose you. I trust Tarwater, as crazy as that sounds he is the only person here I trust.”

  “You have security,” I
said, not sure if he knew or not.

  “Yeah, that guy I just hit was supposed to be one of them.”

  I felt the tears fall down my face and I hugged him tightly. “Tell me what to do.”

  He led me to his trailer, and I cried as we made love. The danger was more profound than I realized and Tattorsal was willing to do anything to stop Tennyson from riding their bull. He held me in his arms and kissed away the tears before softly telling me the plan.

  We showed up at the dance, and I sat next to Bethany as she sipped her juice. "Are you okay?" I asked.

  “Are you? I bet you are scared shitless,” she said.

  “Yeah,” I whispered, not qualifying which part of her sentence I was answering.

  “Morgan’s staying with Sarsaparilla,” she informed me, “Although, I doubt Amylia will be too upset if something happens to him.”

  “What about Colossus?”

  "They are both together; Morgan will check both feed bags before allowing them to eat."

  "Do you think they could poison the horses?" I asked in shock, and Bethany only shrugged.

  "Be prepared to have Merritt in your trailer tonight; I doubt Tennyson will be allowed out of his sight."

  I only nodded and felt my hands shaking, knowing what I had in front of me. Tennyson came over and sat stiffly next to me. We waited for the first slow song, and Russell walked up to the table and asked me to dance. Bethany glared at him, and when I agreed and stood, she glared at me.

  It felt weird to have him fold his entire body around me as Tennyson would. I could feel myself stiffen in his arms and he laughed softly. "Relax, Jules; I won't hurt you."

  "I'm feeling a bit lost," I admitted, and he tightened his arms; making me feel worse.

  “We’ve got this handled. I may be young, but I’m big,” he said, and I had to bite my lip from laughing at the thoughts going through my mind. He finally said, “I didn’t mean it like that.” And I burst into laughter. “God, now I feel like I have to prove myself,” he said with a huge grin.


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