Rules Are Meant to Be Broken

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Rules Are Meant to Be Broken Page 15

by N. J. Nielsen

  he was being honest when he said he didn’t even know he

  had done it. I think someone has taken the memory away,

  not that I can work out how. I think maybe he had to make

  you, so you could save him. Love is such a strange thing

  don’t you think?”

  Charm sighed before she continued. “I think he real y

  does love you. Just as much you love him, and you do love

  him. You know that don’t you? Even though he has hurt you

  badly, and wil more than likely do so again, you wil forgive

  him every single time. Because this is what love is al

  about. In the end, he wil be the one who saves you. When

  you lose your pure happiness, he wil bring you to your

  loyalty — the one who wil be your greatest love of al .”

  “How can I love him? He’s a monster.” Michael shook his

  head. “I am not sure I even believe in the stupid dreams

  anymore. I didn’t even know I was gay and now you are

  tel ing me I wil love three different men during the span of

  my life.”

  “We’re al monsters.” Charm giggled, “And no one ever

  said that al your loves would be male. You can’t help the

  ones you fal in love with. There is something stronger which

  holds al our love together. Take Kerr; he loves me as a

  sister, even though I drive him total y insane at times. I know

  he wil always have my back. It’s the same thing which

  binds you to my angel, only stronger because the love you

  two feel is more than brotherly love. No matter how mad you

  are with him right now, you wil soon offer your life for his,

  because this is what love is al about. In the end you wil

  give up your happiness for his.” She bumped his shoulder

  playful y. “And just so you know, the dreams are real. They

  have to be.”

  They walked along in silence for the remainder of the

  journey home.

  “We’re home.” Charm cal ed out as they entered the

  kitchen. She winked at Kerr, “I found him and now he is

  going to go get Chris.” She turned her attention back to

  Michael. “Now go and find him. Remember, you promised,

  go and find my angel.”

  Michael nodded, then dropped his bag on the table and

  stared at Kerr. “Where is he?”

  “He’s gone,” Kerr said coldly, “He broke the rules.”

  The coldness in Kerr’s voice made Michael feel empty.

  When Charm had told him they had sent Christian away,

  part of him didn’t want to believe it. Part of him was hoping

  Christian would be here, waiting for him. Maybe not with

  arms open, but at least wil ing to talk, or something.

  “Any idea where he is? If I don’t find him, we’l have two

  missing people on our hands.” Michael nodded toward

  Charm. “She wants him found, and I can’t disappoint the

  lady. Besides, you heard her, she made me promise.”

  Anger rippled through the room as Kerr repeated

  through clenched teeth. “He broke the rules. ”

  “Yeah he did, but rules are made to be broken aren’t

  they? Besides, Charm seems to think he was tel ing the

  truth about not remembering. I’m not saying I’m okay with

  this, because I’m not. I’m angry, but we cannot leave him

  out there on his own. I think somehow Chris is the key to

  this whole creator thing. Why else would I dream about it so


  Fal ing silent, Michael didn’t add he also thought Charm

  was right about him wanting to forgive Christian. Even he

  didn’t understand the compulsion, or even as Michael had

  held him pinned against the wal , he had stil kissed

  Christian’s throat. Shit, if he was honest he stil wanted to

  kiss him roughly, until Christian hurt as much as he did.

  Kerr’s gaze flicked between Michael and Charm before

  he spoke. “When I first found Chris and brought him here,

  he was living in a house on Range Crescent. You can’t

  miss it — it’s no larger than a cottage. It’s made out of

  stone, and is probably about halfway along the road. It had

  belonged to his grandfather or something. Chris is probably

  there now. I think it is where he goes when he is upset.”

  Kerr stopped speaking as he gazed at Charm and then

  turned to Michael. “Do what you must.”

  Nodding, Michael didn’t say anything as he headed for

  the door. Range Crescent was only eight blocks away,

  heading toward the outskirts of town. It was in easy walking

  distance. What was he going to say if he found Christian?

  Did he want to say anything at al ? How would Christian

  take his reappearance?

  § § § §

  Sebastian sat in the stone tower and closed his eyes,

  chuckling to himself as he watched the downfal of Christian

  and Michael’s love affair. The Eldren had promised him if

  he gathered the information they needed — the information

  that would bring Michael under their control — then they in

  turn would destroy Christian’s life for his part in the demise

  of Sebastian’s lover, Ilana. Christian must pay for taking

  away Ilana. She had been his, and Christian had no right to

  dispose of her the way he did.

  “What do you want?” Sebastian snarled when he felt her

  presence enter the room.

  “I have spoken to Lucio,” she said with a sneer. And with

  her tone he knew he wasn’t going to like whatever it was

  she had come to say.

  “And?” Sebastian gestured for her to continue. He knew

  he would get no peace until she had said her piece.

  “He is returning to me what once was mine.” She

  chuckled as Sebastian’s opened his eyes and stared at

  her. “Lucio is giving me Christian to do with as I wil .”

  Sebastian’s hand slammed down on the arm of his

  chair. “No! Christian is mine.”

  She snarled. “See, there you are wrong. Christian was

  mine long before he was ever yours.” She had the audacity

  to wink at him before she turned and left.

  Picking up his glass, Sebastian threw it at the closing

  door. Fury roared through him as he listened to her cal ous

  laughter fading away.

  Standing up, he paced the confines of his room. How

  could they do this to him? Christian was supposed to be his

  reward. How could they give Christian to that bitch?


  Sure I regret it — now.

  As Michael approached the house he found Christian

  sitting outside on the low wal staring at the front of the little

  stone cottage. Walking up he saw Christian had a bag of

  clothes at his feet. Hopelessness surrounded him and he

  looked devastated. The cottage was familiar to Michael,

  but he just couldn’t put his finger on why. Had he been here

  before? Michael stood close behind Christian, close

  enough to see the tremor run through his body. He fought

  the urge to wrap his arms around Christian. Honestly he

  wasn’t quite sure whether he was ready to seek comfort, or

  to give it just yet. They were silent for a long time.

  “I think this is where I did it,” Christian mutter

  Christian’s face seemed to be lost in memories and

  regrets. “I think this is where I changed you. I couldn’t bring

  myself to go inside. I’m scared shitless of what I might find.

  It smel s so wrong. Does it smel wrong to you?”

  Something held him back so Michael didn’t voice his

  agreement as Christian opened his clenched fist and held

  out the key toward him. It was obvious just how much

  Christian’s hand shook as he al owed him to take it. Taking

  a deep breath, Michael squeezed gently. He knew

  Christian wouldn’t fol ow as he walked toward the front of

  the house, his trepidation growing with every step he took.

  Memories niggled at his mind and Michael felt strange

  as he unlocked the door and pushed it open. His nerves

  almost failed him. Christian was right; the wrongness in

  smel was the first thing to hit him as stepped inside. But he

  wasn’t nearly prepared enough for what he found.

  “Holy Fuck!” Michael jumped in shock before quickly

  turning to the side, doubling over, and vomiting, his

  stomach churning at the sight before him. His gaze locked

  on the two bloodless corpses that lay at the end of the bed,

  thrown aside as if they were nothing. They looked like

  petrified wood, their clouded eyes were lifeless and staring,

  their mouths open as if in a terrified scream. Had he done

  this to them? If so, why couldn’t he remember? What was

  blocking the memories of what happened?

  Clothing was strewn across the floor. Michael wanted to

  scream when he recognised some of it was his own, black

  jeans and the dragon shirt Gypsy had given him last


  Trembling, he walked to the bed. His and Christian’s

  scents came to him, stale and unappealing. What had they

  done here and why couldn’t he remember? Michael refused

  to acknowledge the two corpses as he pul ed his matches

  from his pocket and lit one. He didn’t want to look too

  closely in case he recognized who they were. What if they

  had once been friends? Michael threw the lit match onto the

  bed, watching as the sheets caught fire, eating any and al

  sins had occurred in this house. Michael was stil feeling

  sick as he turned and fled the cottage.

  Relief hit him when Christian was stil sitting on the wal

  when he emerged. Trying desperately to calm himself,

  Michael made sure his face was a mask of indifference as

  he came out. He was determined he would never speak

  about what he found inside. It was bad. It was something he

  never wanted to think about again because whatever

  happened here, Michael knew he was a very big part of.

  Thank God there were no other houses close by. Maybe the

  cottage would burn to the ground before what was inside

  ever came to light.

  Michael tugged on Christian’s hand until he stood

  beside him and he didn’t let go even as they walked away.

  The fire inside the little house had real y taken hold and by

  morning there would be nothing left except an empty shel ,

  hopeful y destroying al evidence of what had once been

  kept secreted inside

  With his stomach stil churning, Michael shuddered as

  they approached the corner and turned onto Bushman’s hil ,

  his stomach was winning the battle to empty itself again.

  “We’re going home,” Michael stated. “We’re never coming

  here again.”

  They walked in silence to the bottom of the hil .

  “Are we even now? I took away your life so you destroy

  my home?” Christian cringed at the withering look Michael

  threw at him.

  “No, I guess we wil never be even,” Christian continued.

  “Where can I go now? The family doesn’t want me there. I

  have no where left to go.” Tears clogged his voice.

  “Not everyone wants you gone, Chris. Charm wants you

  back at home, she sent me out to find you. She made me

  promise to find you and bring you home.”

  Michael must have sensed Christian’s confusion

  because he squeezed his hand in comfort. “Don’t think I

  have forgiven you, because I haven’t. I don’t know if I can,

  but I need you to come home. I want you there.”

  “Why do you want me there?”

  Michael was silent for a moment. “I just do. It may just

  take me a little time to work through being angry with you.”

  “Then why are you stil holding my hand?” No sooner

  were the words out of his mouth than he regretted saying

  them. Pain rushed through him as Michael realized they

  were and let him go.

  Christian’s face crumpled. “No one wil ever forgive me.

  We were never ever meant to make another of our kind —

  that was the golden rule. It’s the reason why you were so

  much of a shock. And al along it was me. Do you think I

  created the others? Do you think I murdered al of them


  “No. Sebastian is pissed at you for making me. That’s

  why he wants to destroy you and why Charm thinks I wil die

  for you. Not because I’m in love with you, but because you

  created me.”

  Christian felt so confused. “I don’t understand.” Michael

  must have thought he was talking about something else, not

  realising Christian was real y asking if he was stil in love

  with him.

  “Nobody does, and the only thing we have to go on is

  some crazy arsed dreams. Until this whole mess is sorted

  out, you will be coming home with me and you will be

  staying,” Michael said with conviction as they walked up to

  the house.

  Fear wracked him and Christian balked as Michael

  pushed him through the front door.

  The moment he entered the house, Charm threw herself

  at him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “You came

  back. Thank God.” It was as if Charm had been standing

  just inside the door, waiting for them. “Don’t you ever leave

  again,” she growled with force. As weird as it seemed,

  Christian loved the fact Charm wanted him back in the

  house. It was Doyle, Kerr, and Michael he had to worry


  Feeling the need for some distance, Michael grabbed

  his bag off the table where he had left it earlier and headed

  straight to the attic room. Right now he didn’t want to watch

  as Christian awkwardly tried to comfort Charm. The attic

  room would now be his. Real y, Michael was stil too angry

  to even think about returning to his old room and too

  disgusted in himself for wanting to be there, wanting to be

  wrapped within Christian’s embrace, wanting to feel

  Christian’s skin against his own, and wanting to do so

  much more. Why did Christian’s body stil cal to him even

  after he discovered it was Christian who had fucked up his

  life beyond repair?

  Sleep was far from his mind as Michael spent the rest of

  the night stacking everything against the wal s so he had

  enough space to breathe. By dawn he was exhausted and

  fel eagerly onto the bed. As he lay there relaxing he
r />   realised the journal was gone. He hadn’t seen it while he

  was cleaning. As tired as he was, he didn’t want to sleep

  because he knew the voice would be back. But it was a

  battle he lost.

  Michael watched the fog roll across the ground. It

  seemed as though it was alive. It wound itself around his

  body like living tendrils of smoke coming up to kiss him.

  In the silence the voice waited for Michael to speak.

  “I know who you are. You created the rest of them, all

  except me. Are you scared?” Michael waited for a

  response and when none came he continued. “You

  should be. I’m going to destroy you. One way or another I

  will see you dead.”

  “Ha!” It was short and simple, and very childish. “You

  don’t know what you are talking about. You have no power

  over me. The one time you did, you let the pain of the

  truth get in your way. Now you have lost him.”

  “You’re wrong,” Michael spat back. “Chris will always be

  mine. Just because I’m angry doesn’t mean I have lost

  him. We will—” Michael stopped, struck by a sudden

  realization, “Is this why you told me what you did? So I

  would push him away? It’s not me you are frightened of is

  it? It’s the two of us together. I wonder why.”

  Michael woke as an angry scream ripped through his

  entire being. There was now a clear understanding in his

  thoughts. It was not he who was going to be the creator’s

  undoing, it was going to be him and Christian together.

  Christian! What was he going to do about him? Stroking

  the empty spot beside him, Michael pushed himself up off

  the bed and descended down to his other room.

  Christian was snoring lightly, sprawled across most of

  the bed. A smal bunch of feathers was perched on the

  pil ow beside his head. Rubbing his arms, Michael watched

  them for a few moments, deciding what to do. Careful y,

  Michael moved Drack back to his perch. Standing beside

  the bed he hesitated for only a moment longer before he

  stripped off his clothes, and manoeuvred himself into bed.

  As he snuggled closer, Christian stirred in his sleep but

  didn’t wake as Michael wrapped his arm around him.

  Satisfied that Christian was stil asleep, Michael pul ed

  Christian close, spooning him, gently kissing his shoulder,

  and then closed his eyes fal ing into a dreamless sleep .


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