Rules Are Meant to Be Broken

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Rules Are Meant to Be Broken Page 22

by N. J. Nielsen

  back for the next load. By the time he final y finished and

  got inside Christian was already giving his mother and

  Gypsy a quick tour of the house. He was kind of surprised

  by everyone stil being awake. Charm was already gushing

  over Gypsy, who loved al the attention. Gypsy’s fingers had

  already reached out to play with the ends of Charm’s long

  black hair.

  “This is my family.” Christian indicated to Kerr, Doyle,

  and Charm. “Wel they’re not real y, but we al take care of

  each other as if we are, so I think of them as my family.

  Everybody, this is Peg, Michael’s mother, and this

  gorgeous creature is Gypsy — ain’t she a cutie?” Christian

  made kissy faces as he ruffled her dark hair.

  Gypsy rol ed her eyes at him, “Dumbarse! You’re only

  saying that ‘cause I look so much like Mikey.” Gypsy

  blushed deeply as her gaze fel on Doyle, who was staring

  at her, wide-eyed. Michael thought he seemed kind of

  green around the gil s. What was up with him?

  “Peg, this is Doyle, Kerr and Charm. You haven’t met

  Drack, but we’l introduce you another time as Kerr and

  Drack don’t get on.” Christian laughed as Kerr pul ed a face

  at him. “What? You know you are a big wiener when it

  comes to such a tiny little bundle of feathers.”

  Standing there dripping water on the floor, Michael

  watched as his mother spoke to everyone. Taking the towel

  Doyle had gone and gotten him, he dried off and watched

  his mother relax as Gypsy became comfortable enough to

  chat cheerful y with the others, though Gypsy tended to

  gravitate toward Charm. And it seemed wherever Gypsy

  was, Doyle wasn’t far away. For some strange reason,

  Michael didn’t like that at al . But why he hated it, he didn’t

  know. It was something else he would have to fathom out

  later. For now, he had more important things to worry about.

  He needed to work out how to set his mother’s mind at rest.

  Now that she’d seen they were al roughly the same age, he

  knew she would be satisfied Michael hadn’t run off and

  joined some brainwashing religious cult.

  At least now his mother would be less worried he was in

  trouble. She could never know she was about to leave her

  daughter in a house with five vampires. That would just be

  too disturbing even for her, no matter how much she was

  addicted to watching re-runs of Buffy and Angel.

  His thoughts returned to the present with the mention of

  the clutter in the attic. Kerr was agreeing with his mother

  about how it would have to be gotten rid of one day.

  Michael was kind of surprised Kerr also agreed with his

  mother’s suggestion of going through the items before they

  tossed them.

  Al too soon, his mother could find no more reasons to

  stay, though it seemed to Michael she could have quite

  happily spent the rest of the day with them. His mother

  kissed Gypsy goodbye, tel ing her to behave herself. She

  said goodbye to the others, even hugging Charm who she

  seemed to have taken a shine to. At last she came to

  Christian, who she kissed on the cheek and hugged and

  thanked him once again for inviting Gypsy to stay, and for

  promising to keep her out of trouble.

  Gypsy was happily sitting on the floor, sorting through

  their movies and talking to Doyle. As she chatted away,

  Doyle had a look of utter confusion on his face, but he sat

  and listened to her in rapt attention. Gypsy had always

  loved having a captivated audience; she was the more

  outgoing half of their duo. Though he wasn’t sure he liked

  the way she had latched onto Doyle, part of him was almost

  a little jealous. But that couldn’t be right.

  Michael walked his mother to the car, and hugged her

  goodbye. He stood in the rain and was stil watching her

  drive away when Christian came up to stand behind him.

  Christian wound his arms around Michael and rested his

  chin on his shoulder, his lips brushed against Michael’s

  neck, it made Michael shiver. “Does this make you happy,

  having your family in part of your life again?”

  Turning in Christian’s embrace Michael kissed him.

  “Yes, I think I would have eventual y gone crazy if I had to

  have stayed away from Gyps for much longer. I love her so

  much. I just wish…” Michael said wistful y.

  “That it was forever?” Christian tightened his embrace

  as Michael nodded.

  “In the beginning, when I was by myself, I was seriously

  considering making her the same as me, just so I wouldn’t

  be alone,” Michael admitted. “I just didn’t know how I was

  supposed to do it. Change her, I mean. Every night for the

  first two weeks I kind of stalked her. Then it got too hard

  and I was determined to purge her from my life. Afterward,

  she seemed to be everywhere and I thought I was losing my


  “What about now?” Christian asked hesitantly.

  Michael kissed Christian and hugged him tight. “Now I

  have you. I don’t feel so alone anymore.” Michael couldn’t

  help smiling as he stood in the rain kissing Christian. “The

  question is, am I al owed to keep you?”

  “You have had me from the moment I laid eyes on you,

  love. I lost myself the moment I gazed into your beautiful,

  sexy, purple eyes.” Christian wrapped his arm around

  Michael’s waist as they went back inside.

  “So, I’m your older brother now?” Kerr chuckled as they

  came back inside and stood in front of him soaking wet.

  “Does that mean I get to rake you over the coals for not

  coming home last night? No note, no phone cal . You had

  us al worried sick. Do I need to ground the pair of you?”

  Both Christian and Michael looked sheepish.

  Gypsy burst into laughter. “I can remember Dad saying

  almost the exact same thing to you, last year, when he

  caught you sneaking in at four in the morning, drunk as a

  skunk after being out al night with Gena Montgomery,” she

  teased. “Do you remember, Mikey?”

  Michael glared at his sister, who only laughed harder,

  tears rol ed down her cheeks as she told the family about

  everything. Everyone laughed except Christian, who

  seemed a little cold toward him as they both went and

  changed into some dry clothes. Michael had to wonder if

  maybe Christian was a little jealous.

  Charm snapped her fingers in Michael’s direction.

  “Being a big sister is fun.” She shifted so she now sat on

  the floor with Gypsy and Doyle. “Can we keep her?” Charm

  asked the room at large as her fingers gently smoothed

  Gypsy’s hair.

  Gypsy threw her arms around Charm’s neck and Michael

  saw Charm, Gypsy, and Doyle al frown at Kerr as he


  “I don’t think so Charm. I think after a while, even Gypsy

  would realise we’re not her real family, but it’s okay to

  pretend while she’s here.”

  Charm and Doyle smiled as Gypsy said, “
You are my

  family because Mikey and I are a package deal. You can’t

  have one without the other. So get the hel over it.”

  Michael was just grateful Kerr, Charm and Doyle weren’t

  pissed at his human family’s intrusion into their household.

  § § § §

  Sebastian ghosted within the shadows of their dreams,

  watching and listening to everything now going on in his old

  home. A plan started to formulate as he watched “the

  family” rotate around the human girl as if she was the sun

  and they were the planets who needed her to survive.

  He also saw how important this human girl was to

  Michael and Christian. This girl… he could use her to seek

  his revenge.

  His thoughts were interrupted as the boy opened his


  “Yes? What do you want?”

  “Your attendance is requested in the library.”

  “What does she want now?” Sebastian snapped in


  “I do not know, I didn’t ask. But if I were you I wouldn’t

  keep her waiting. She hates to be kept waiting,” he said

  before leaving.

  Sebastian needed to find a way to get rid of the bitch

  once and for al . She had caused him nothing but trouble

  since she got here. She, a mere female, thought she was

  better than a man. One day she would get her

  comeuppance. He couldn’t understand why the others

  made such a fuss over her.

  As Sebastian left his room, he thought of al the nasty

  things he would inflict on her if her was given free rein. He

  stopped just inside the entrance to the library.

  “You cal ed for me.” He eyed her up and down and saw

  the calculating look on her face. He knew she was definitely

  up to no good.

  “I want the ring. Give it to me!”

  “No,” Sebastian clenched his fist.

  “I want the ring,” she demanded.

  “Even if I did give it to you, it wouldn’t work. The ring is

  bound by Kincaid DNA. Christian’s DNA to be precise. You

  have absolutely none in your body.”

  “Then why does it work for you?”

  “He created me. Part of him resides in me.” Sebastian

  spoke to her as if she was a child who was having trouble

  understanding. His lips twitched and he stared in

  amusement when she lost her temper and started

  destroying books and whatever else she laid her hands on.

  Lucio was not going to be happy about her losing it again.

  Lucio prided himself on knowledge. He was not going to be

  pleased with the bitch’s temper tantrum destroying his


  When it didn’t appear as though her fit was going to be

  stopping, he turned and left the library. He had some

  thinking to do, for which he needed peace and quiet.

  § § § §

  It was unbelievable just how much one vibrant human

  being could disrupt an entire house. They were just lucky

  she had believed the reasons why they were up al night

  and slept during the day — night shift was a wonderful

  thing. She’d even bought the lie that the rest of the house

  fel into the sleep patterns of those who worked. His sister

  wasn’t dumb by any means and she would work everything

  out eventual y, but for now everything was okay. They could

  think about the repercussion of her knowing what they were

  at a later date.

  Gypsy’s favourite pastime was brushing everyone’s hair

  while she fil ed them in on details of her life, most of which

  she should have kept to herself. Gypsy’s favourite victim

  was Doyle. She seemed to love how his hair always

  seemed to be messy. Strangely, Doyle seemed to be a

  wil ing victim, which confused Michael. Yet every time

  Michael saw his sister and Doyle together, Doyle always

  had a so many emotions running across his face. It

  confused Michael and he just couldn’t fathom him at al . The

  sight of them together made him want to go over and push

  them apart. But he wasn’t sure who he wanted to tel to

  back off.

  It seemed every time Michael turned around, Doyle was

  sitting on the floor in front of Gypsy with his eyes closed,

  listening as she played with his hair. At the moment she

  was tel ing him about going to stay at Granddad’s farm for

  holidays when they were kids. Listening unobtrusively

  Michael’s heart lurched, he had been thinking more and

  more about Grandad’s farm in the last few weeks. Now to

  hear Gypsy also talking about it made him think maybe it

  was in their minds right now for a reason. He just wished he

  could work out what the reason was.

  “You know,” Michael shook his head as he and Christian

  walked through to the kitchen. “I think Gypsy might have a

  crush on Doyle. What do you think?” He bit back the growl

  he felt building deep within him.

  “They just like hanging out is al . He’s good at listening to

  al her talking. I get the feeling he likes it. Better his ears

  than ours,” Christian grinned.

  Michael started laughing, “True.”

  Drack had retreated to the top shelf of the bookcase in

  the lounge room, just to keep out of the reach of Gypsy’s

  hands. That meant Kerr spent as little time in there as

  possible on the off chance the owlet came anywhere near


  True to his words, Charm found Gypsy to be irresistible.

  Although he hated leaving her, he was glad Charm was

  happy to stay home and keep Gypsy company so he and

  Christian could head out to feed. He hated lying to his

  sister, but he couldn’t tel her the real reason he needed to

  leave the house.

  Reluctantly, Michael left Gypsy talking with Doyle and

  watching a DVD. Somehow she seemed right at home

  among his new family. Tonight Kerr had gone out feeding

  on his own. Stopping briefly in the lounge room Michael told

  her they wouldn’t be long, and promised to bring Gypsy

  back a hamburger.

  “Do you want anything, sweetness?” Michael asked

  Doyle and then blushed because of the endearment had

  slipped from his lips. Doyle was red faced too, so at least it

  wasn’t al him.

  “I want a real one Mikey, none of Johno’s crap. You know

  I hate the food there,” she yel ed at their retreating backs.

  Walking through the darkened streets, Michael was in a

  good mood now the others had seemed to have forgiven

  Christian and Christian was now comfortable enough to be

  with him while around them. Michael personal y didn’t care

  what any of them thought. The best part was, Gypsy was

  okay with the fact he loved Christian. She didn’t seem to

  mind he was in a gay relationship and she was the only one

  whose opinion real y mattered to him.

  “Michael?” Christian interrupted his thoughts.

  “Mmm?” Michael reached out and took his hand. “What

  is it, babe?”

  Waiting as Christian thought for a moment, Michael

  caressed the back of Christian’s fingers. “What’s going to

  happen if y
our family finds out what we are?”

  Michael froze. He had never thought what would happen.

  What would he do if they found out and rejected him? There

  would only be one option. “I would leave, so my being here

  didn’t hurt them,” Michael answered honestly.

  “You would leave me?” Christian sounded upset at the


  Michael lovingly caressed his cheek. “I would hope you

  loved me enough you would want to come with me, but if

  you couldn’t, then yes. I would leave you. I wouldn’t be able

  to hurt Gypsy because it would kil me to cause her pain.”

  Christian closed his eyes as if in thought, as Michael’s

  fingers traced gently over his face and neck as Christian

  began to speak. “I would have to go with you. I don’t think I

  would be able to let you walk away from me now. It would

  kil me if I couldn’t see you, touch you, and love on you every

  day for the rest of our existence.”

  With relief flooding his body, Michael kissed Christian

  tenderly and said, “I’m glad. I feel the exact same way about

  you, babe. Come on, let’s go feed.”

  Standing outside the cinema in the mal , Michael and

  Christian perused the crowd. “Wil we be seducing

  strangers tonight, or are you in a hurry to get back home to

  Gypsy?” Christian asked. “There are two girls staring at you

  right now.” Christian’s nodded in their general direction,

  and Michael’s eyes fol owed the movement.

  “They’l do.” Michael just wanted to get this over and

  done with, Christian was correct in thinking he wanted to

  get home to Gypsy.

  Casual y, Michael took Christian’s elbow as they made

  their way over to stand near the two young women, both

  making smal talk as the line advanced. They explained that

  they were going to see the same movie, but at a later

  seating, as they were going for coffee first, and wondered if

  the girls would care to join them.

  As the conversation went on, Michael leaned toward one

  of the girls and felt her lean into him. He nodded slightly in

  Christian’s direction trying to tel him to cosy up to the other

  girl. They would need to hurry things along if they were

  going to feed and get home. He bit his lip as Christian

  rol ed his eyes in a great imitation of Gypsy.

  As they stood there with the women, Christian realised

  Michael could be quite charming when he wanted to be. It

  made him a little jealous as one of the women wrapped her


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