Rules Are Meant to Be Broken

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Rules Are Meant to Be Broken Page 24

by N. J. Nielsen

  find us weird? I mean, the whole us being lovers thing?”

  “No. Wel maybe Doyle does, but you can’t help who you

  love, as Charm has told us so many times. I know I’ve never

  wanted anyone as much as I’ve wanted you. Why do you


  “I was just wondering if we would stil have felt the same

  way if these dreams hadn’t pushed us into this relationship.

  I final y get what you were trying to tel me the other week.”

  Christian looked stunned. “You think we’re here now

  because of the dreams?” Christian took a deep breath and

  continued. “I already told you that I don’t remember ever

  being gay and you told me you weren’t. I never was

  attracted to another man before. I asked you once before if

  you thought this was wrong and you told me no. What

  changed your mind? Have you changed your mind?”

  “I haven’t real y changed my mind, I have just been

  thinking about it lately. Don’t get me wrong — I love being

  with you, I have just been mul ing things over. Take the way

  you fed me. Chris, you must have realised it would have

  been easier for you to just force my mouth over the wound

  you had given the girl or fed me the way Doyle did, yet you

  chose to do it the way you did because you though it more

  fun, and then you let me share your bed.” Michael gently

  stroked Christian’s back. “You touched me in my sleep, and

  on the first night I woke up here you held me in your arms.

  You came to me in the attic,” he ended softly.

  “And I kissed you first.”

  “What? When?” Michael chuckled as he remembered

  the night they had come out to the family, “I think you have it

  backwards, babe.”

  “Wel maybe,” Christian laughed and snuggled closer.

  “What about you?”

  Rol ing onto his side, Michael kissed Christian’s cheek.

  “I wasn’t gay either. Wel , I didn’t used to think I was,”

  Michael said. “But you just seemed to be so near, fil ing me

  with your scent, driving me to distraction. You made this

  way of life bearable for me.” Michael chuckled. “And the

  first time I was aware of kissing you, was after you stood up

  to Kerr for me. But you were asleep when I kissed you,”

  Michael admitted shyly.

  “If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be here, you would be at

  home, maybe introducing a girlfriend to your family, the way

  it’s meant to be, or you would be out on a proper date with

  Gena and not getting grounded,” Christian said archly.

  Lying there, Michael thought about Gena, wondering if it

  was true. “Maybe. But maybe if I had met you when I was

  human… I think I would have stil been attracted to you.

  Even being human, I always felt something was missing,

  and now here with you I feel complete. I feel whole. Does

  any of this make sense?”

  They lay there silent for a very long time. Michael had

  thought Christian had fal en asleep, so he softly kissed the

  top of his head and Christian turned his face to meet his


  § § § §

  Sebastian had been walking around with a smile al day.

  He had been informed this morning the Eldren had begun

  on making the changes within Christian. He didn’t know

  how and he didn’t care. Just as long as whatever they did

  caused Christian as much pain as possible. He even

  grinned brightly at the bitch as they passed each other

  during the day. He loved knowing his good mood confused


  § § § §

  It had been almost two weeks since Michael had

  discovered the truth about his creator. With every day that

  passed Michael felt a little guiltier, knowing Christian was

  wil ing to al ow him the use of his body over and over again

  when he knew Christian believed it wasn’t real, that it was

  some sort of spel . Also, Michael knew Christian was

  adamant that even if the dreams told them he was to be

  Michael’s first true love, it somehow wasn’t going to last,

  and that hurt deep down inside. He got the feeling Christian

  was already planning for them to break up.

  Today Michael knew they should be helping the others

  with the research. He just wished his need for Christian

  would begin to settle because these urges were going to

  be the death of him — yet another reason Christian had

  begun thinking and talking about what was to come.

  Pushing it al from his mind, Michael stretched his body

  out beside Christian on the bed. He had his leg hooked

  over Christian and he was amazed at how much he could

  get turned on just by Christian kissing him. It was almost as

  if Christian was a drug for him, something he needed as

  much as possible with no thought to any consequences

  which might fol ow.

  But best of al , Christian had a way of using his fingertips

  to drive Michael wild and crazy with lust. It had gotten to the

  point where they could hardly touch each other outside of

  their bedroom without wanting to rip each other’s clothes

  off. This feeling of want was so strong that he wondered if it

  had been the same for the others. If so, how long would the

  feeling would last? Even though he wanted to know he was

  too embarrassed to ask anyone.

  Slowly, Michael manoeuvred himself until he lay directly

  over Christian and stared into his eyes. As Christian locked

  his legs around his thighs, Michael couldn’t stop the groan

  from fal ing from his lips. It was such a powerful feeling,

  knowing Christian needed him.

  “Do you want me?” Michael asked in between kisses.

  “Always!” Christian lifted his face toward Michael, his

  mouth seeking Michael’s throat. Michael began his slow

  rhythm, thankful Christian was mostly stretched from their

  earlier lovemaking. It crossed his mind how the others

  could walk in on them at any moment, yet somehow he

  couldn’t bring himself to care. They were supposed to be

  searching through the attic for any information on Sebastian

  they could find. They had only made it as far as the bed.

  Panting, Michael held tightly onto the rails in the bed

  head as his momentum built inside him. His back arched

  as Christian dug his fingers into his flesh. “You’re so

  beautiful, so goddamn beautiful,” Michael whispered.

  Pul ing Christian’s lower lip into his mouth, he began

  sucking gently before moving on to his tongue. Michael had

  discovered one week ago this one little thing was so erotic

  for Christian. Shivers raced along Michael’s spine as he

  enjoyed the feeling of Christian groaning in pleasure

  beneath him.

  It was intoxicating when Christian held him tighter and

  Michael began to slow his movements. Michael knew

  Christian always hated the ending, as it meant being apart

  for but a few minutes, and he always complained how it

  was torture for him. The good thing was that now he was a

  vampire he didn’t have to wait long between bouts of sex.

The bad thing was that vampires had great hearing so the

  rest of the house would know exactly what they were doing.

  “You have ruined me. You know that, don’t you?”

  Christian mumbled breathlessly. “We’l never get through

  sorting out this damn attic.” Sitting up, he kissed Michael

  who was stil straddling him. “Is it my turn now?”

  “No.” Instead Michael lifted himself only enough as he

  al owed Christian entry. This time his pace was more

  precise and he held Christian’s face so their gazes were

  locked. They had had so much sex in the last couple of

  hours that stretching was no longer needed and Michael’s

  body hummed at the sensation of Christian fil ing him.

  “Fuck.” Michael loved how Christian’s hands sat lightly

  on his waist as if guiding him with every movement, their

  bodies were so attuned to each other knowing exactly just

  what touch the other needed.

  “Are you enjoying this?” Michael panted, staring down

  into his lover’s eyes.

  “Very much so. You would not believe how good this

  feels to me.” Christian moaned again, and al Michael could

  do was rock deeper into him, giving Christian as much

  pleasure as possible.

  Letting go of his face, Michael al owed Christian to lie

  back on his elbows. Using his forearms, Michael held

  himself slightly aloft as Christian planted his feet on the bed

  and began to drive himself up into Michael’s welcoming


  “Are you enjoying this?” Christian asked, one hand

  resting on his thigh. The movement was driving him insane;

  he needed more. Laying back on the bed, Christian thrust

  up into him, begging to be al owed to go faster. Michael

  wouldn’t al ow it.

  “Yes, I’m enjoying it, and no I won’t go faster.”

  Deliberately keeping his rhythm slow, drawing it out,

  Michael moved Christian’s hand until it was wrapped

  around his rock-hard cock. Holding Christian’s hand in

  position, Michael set the pace so they moved in unison.

  Then he slowed even further and his own body moved in

  sync with Christian’s as he pul ed his lover up into a sitting


  It felt so good and Christian wrapped his free arm

  around Michael’s back, his other was stil busy. Closing his

  eyes in concentration as every thrust and pul brought them

  both closer to the edge, Michael knew they were close.

  Fal ing over the edge of their pleasure Christian cried out

  Michael’s name as he came, squeezing gently as Michael’s

  warmth once again flowed between them.

  “You turn me on so damn much that sometimes I find it

  very hard to think coherently,” Michael breathed.

  “Ditto!” Christian panted, before wrapping both his arms

  around Michael. “Don’t!” Christian demanded as Michael

  went to move. “I just need this for now.”

  Panting slightly, Michael lowered his mouth to Christian’s

  knowing exactly what Christian meant. The gentle

  movement of their kissing was enough to let Christian

  orgasm again before they were both satisfied enough to


  The only thing they had real y found in their search was

  the photo of Sebastian. There were just too many boxes to

  go through and honestly they didn’t have a clue what they

  were looking for. Or maybe it was just because every few

  minutes they felt the need to caress each other or to stop

  for a lingering kiss. It was hard to fight their bodies’ urges.

  This made the whole “something out there was pushing

  them together” theory seem true, because the craving just

  could not be natural.


  Damn the consequences

  Scratching his head in amusement, Christian sat back

  and watched in awe as Gypsy once again took over the

  household for the weekend. To Christian it seemed like she

  was staying at their house more than at her own and

  Michael absolutely loved every minute of it. Today on this

  latest visit that they discovered exactly what ful sunlight

  could do to them. It al happened so fast that it seemed

  almost impossible to believe.

  Watching the others joking around in the kitchen

  Christian realised the dynamics of the house was changing.

  Gypsy was so vibrant and ful of life and Kerr just loved

  taking the piss out of her. Kerr couldn’t help teasing her

  every chance he got. Why the hel were they arguing about

  girls not climbing trees?

  Slamming her chair back, Gypsy yel ed, “Oh yeah? I wil

  show you,” and headed out into the backyard.

  Standing up Christian watched through the window with

  the others as Gypsy went outside to prove she could climb

  to the top of the damn tree, no matter what Kerr said about

  her being too much of a girly girl. Michael was in the middle

  of them al grumbling about just how idiotic his twin was and

  how he got al the brains in the duo. His heart just about

  stopped — again — as Gypsy lost her hold on the tree and

  fel when she was no more than half way up. The family

  watched in horror as her cries died out; she hit so many

  branches on her way down before final y finding the ground.

  She was lying there, unmoving, and panic set in. Before

  anybody could even think enough to stop him, Doyle raced

  out to help her.

  “Doyle, no!” Christian watched as Michael made a grab

  for Doyle and missed.

  “What the fuck?” Christian was gobsmacked.

  One minute Doyle was there and the next he was

  completely and utterly gone.

  Chaos erupted in the kitchen Kerr had dropped to his

  knees howling in pain, while Charm screamed. Michael

  stood in what seemed to be in shock. But Christian wasn’t

  sure if Michael’s reaction was over his sister fal ing or

  Doyle disappearing and somehow that just didn’t sit right

  with Christian. If he stil had a heartbeat Christian knew it

  would have stopped beating in fright, and he didn’t know if

  the feeling was for Gypsy or Doyle. For some reason losing

  either of them would hurt like hel . He breathed a sigh of

  relief as Gypsy yelped as she was lifted into the air, then

  began giggling through her renewed curses as she was

  carried toward the house. The moment Doyle walked into

  the shadows he slowly reappeared, and the world seemed

  to start turning again. Doyle was hugging her tightly to his

  chest and laughing as Gypsy planted a sloppy kiss on his

  cheek. Again, Christian’s heart lurched. What the hel was

  up with that?

  This new discovery stunned them, and each of them took

  turns walking out into the sun to test it out for themselves. It

  had felt amazing.

  “I’l be able to watch the sunrise.” Charm smiled

  beatifical y at Christian.

  Gypsy had clapped and marvel ed how her new family

  were al superheroes. She’d wanted to know al about them

  and was more than a little pissed when they put her off.

  Turning away from her crankine
ss Christian bit his lip to

  keep from laughing as Gypsy forced Doyle to carry her to

  Michael’s room so she could sulk in peace.

  “Even at twenty-fricken’-two she is known to pout with the

  best of them,” Michael said as they watched Doyle carry

  Gypsy from the room.

  After about an hour Christian and Michael went and sat

  in the bedroom to talk to Gypsy. There were a few things

  they needed her to understand before she went home.

  Things she would never be able to tel anyone.

  “Knock-knock, can we come in?” Christian asked as he

  stuck his head into their room, he quickly averted his eyes

  so he wouldn’t laugh when he saw she was stil pouting and

  stil very much pissed off.

  “I don’t see why not — it’s your room after al . By al

  means some in, sit down, and don’t tel me what’s going

  on,” she said in mock formality.

  “Gyps, stop being a drama queen. There is only room for

  one of those in the family and we al know it’s me,” Michael

  said as he flopped on the bed beside her.

  Exhaling loudly, she rol ed her eyes. “Fine, what the hel

  do you want?”

  Christian walked over and sat on the bed on the other

  side of Gypsy. He took her hand within his own and studied

  her as he thought about what he was going to say. Or, more

  to the point, how he was going to say it.

  “Gypsy, I need you to promise me that what you saw

  today wil remain a secret. I mean you can’t even tel your


  “Like I am real y going to tel my mum that you al can

  disappear. What do you think I am? I tel Mum and Dad

  something like that and they would have the men in the little

  white coats lock me away.” Christian could see that she

  looked hurt.

  “Gyps, Chris is just making sure that you don’t blab,

  because if you do it could cause a great deal of hurt to

  everyone that lives in this house as wel as for Mum and

  Dad. If Mum and Dad ever find out about what you know

  then I would have to leave and I would never be able to see

  them again.”

  As they talked Christian felt Gypsy’s grasp tighten in his.

  Reaching out with his other hand, he brushed the tear away

  which was slowly making its way down her face. “None of

  us want that to happen, love. So we need you to promise

  that what you see in this house stays in this house,” he said


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