King's Captive: A Dark Mafia Romance

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King's Captive: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 9

by Piper Stone

  And losing my mind.

  When he slowed his rhythm, pulling almost all the way out then sliding in as if I was a delicate flower, he brushed his jaw across my cheek to my ear. Even the way the stubble of his slight beard scratched against my skin left me breathless, my nipples aching. As he whispered into my ear, the seductive tone smooth and velvety, stars floated in front of my eyes, twinkling brightly.

  “Do you want to come, little flower?” he asked.

  “Na… No,” I lied, uncertain I would even be able to stop my body’s reaction.

  He chuckled in his dark and demonic manner as he swirled his tongue inside my ear. “I told you never to lie to me. Do you want to come?”

  I gritted my teeth, terrified of answering either way.

  But I did.

  The single word slipped past my lips before I could stop it.


  “Good girl.” He picked up his rhythm, moving in and out, the sound of my wetness pulsing in my ears.

  I tried to fight the insane arousal, doing everything I could to push the orgasm out of my mind, but it was to no avail. My entire body was quivering as the climax began to slide along the insides of my legs.

  “Then come for me, sweet Emily. Come.”

  I gasped for air, digging my nails into his arms, rocking against him like a bucking horse.

  “Come,” he commanded, his tone more forceful.

  I couldn’t resist him or what was happening deep within, as if I was awakening from a delicious dream, taken to the heights of exquisite ecstasy. As I clung to him, I clenched my eyes shut, pretending this was the beautiful start to a magical time shared.

  Instead of just the beginning of my nightmare.

  As the orgasm swept through me, building to the point of an amazing frenzy, I opened my mouth and screamed. A single climax erupted into a second, then a dazzling third. Nothing was real any longer.

  Not the moment.

  Not the fear.

  Not the anticipation of what was to come, the horrors I’d be forced to endure.

  Only this incredible, breathtaking moment. Gasping for air, I opened my eyes, blinking several times in some crazy effort to focus.

  His chuckle remained as he powered into me, his hips rocking against me in such a provocative manner. He’d risen onto his elbows, his cold eyes staring straight through me, lust swirling around his corneas. I was shocked how mesmerizing they’d become, as if he was drawing me into his world.

  Or keeping me locked down in his lair.

  Panting, I licked my lips, every cell in my body on fire. How could I feel this way? How? What the hell was wrong with me?

  There was no warning. Cristiano merely pulled out, crawling backwards then flipping me over and yanking me onto all fours. He smacked my already bruised bottom several times before pushing on the small of my back, forcing me to press my face against the bedding.

  “Now, I fuck you in the ass.”

  The words were just as chilling, the harsh sound of his tone of voice another reminder that he was nothing but an animal.

  A rush of adrenaline and apprehension shot through me, the pain from the harsh smacks coursing through every tendon and muscle. I’d never been taken in the ass before, not once. The thought was revolting, hardcore in ways I could barely comprehend.

  Then why was excitement drifting into every vein, keeping my muscles taut and the butterflies increasing?

  He caressed my bottom with both hands as he spread my legs further apart. Just the feel of his fingers was enough to create a series of moans. I was shaking all over, tears forming in my eyes. When he shifted a single finger down the crack of my ass, I tensed, trying to keep from squealing.

  “I bet you’re tight as hell,” he said, his tone dominating. So deep. So dark.

  So enticing.

  I tried to concentrate on the sound of his voice to abate my fears, but I couldn’t process what he was going to do.

  Just take what he wanted.

  Refusing to accept no for an answer.

  And while the excitement remained, the fear of the unknown sent a powerful message straight to whatever rational side of my brain was left. Before I knew what I was doing, I scampered toward the head of the bed, preparing to jump off.

  The husky growl booming into the room echoed in my ears. He snagged my hair, entangling his fingers in my long strands, yanking me backwards and closer to the edge of the bed. Several painful slaps against my backside were his way of reminding me to behave.

  I could hear his heavy breathing as he tugged again, lifting me to the point I had to steady myself on the tips of my fingers.

  “You shouldn’t have done that, little flower.”

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Can’t? Oh, I assure you that you can and you will. Like I told you, every hole belongs to me.” He delivered four additional cracks in rapid succession. The pain was excruciating, the excessive heat telling me in no uncertain terms that I would be sore in the morning.

  Or maybe for days.

  Was that his intent, to remind me that for every misbehavior I could expect a hard spanking?

  I gritted my teeth as he rolled a single finger down the crack of my ass again before sliding it into my pussy. The same ecstasy I’d felt before shot through me, but it was short-lived. He pushed the same finger between my ass cheeks, sliding just the tip inside. The feeling was uncomfortable as hell, the invasion filthy.

  He refused to let go of his hold as he pushed harder, shoving against the tight ring of muscle.

  “Oh… I…”

  “Yes, just as tight as I knew you’d be,” he growled, inserting a second finger, thrusting both all the way inside.

  The anguish was instantaneous, a ragged moan spouted off toward the heavens above. I couldn’t believe anyone actually enjoyed this. I was mortified, so damn embarrassed. There could be nothing more humiliating.

  I almost laughed at the thought. Yes, I was certain there could be, especially if the bastard had his way. I held my breath to keep from screaming as the searing pain sent a crisscrossing of electric jolts tearing down the back of my legs. Several tears slipped past my lashes, ones of anger and frustration.

  When he forced me to arch my back even more, I gritted my teeth, refusing to give into his tyranny. This monster would not tear through a single layer. Not one.

  “Relax, little flower.”

  “I can’t relax. I’ve never…” I couldn’t even finish my statement. Why the hell would he even care that I’d never done this before? He had no conscience. He had no care, certainly not about me. I was just an object to him.

  He stopped pumping, taking a deep breath then exhaling slowly. “A virgin. How interesting.”

  A bitter laugh escaped my lips.

  The bastard inserted a third finger, still driving them into me but more gently.


  “Just breathe for me, sweet Emily. Breathe.”

  There was no other choice but to breathe, although I couldn’t control my pulse or the rapid rate I was sucking in and releasing air. The pain was biting, my muscles stretched to the limit, my body bucking as I clawed the comforter, trembling all over.

  Yet I realized in horror that I was wet, my pussy throbbing. This was actually turning me on? My God. I clenched my eyes shut.

  This isn’t real. This isn’t real!

  But it was.

  Cristiano removed his fingers, taking his time to caress my aching bottom.

  What the hell was the man waiting for?

  He ground his rock-hard cock against me, rubbing back and forth. Then he thrust his shaft into my pussy, pumping several times before sliding the tip to my darkened hole.

  I bristled, unable to stop the series of moans, my mind reeling from what he was about to do.

  He said nothing as he pushed his bulbous head inside, teasing my muscles.

  “Oh, God. Oh. Oh…”

  “That’s it, little flower. Open up for me.”

hen he continued pushing, the anguish returned, but only for a few seconds, my muscles finally accepting. He was so large, the pressure intense, yet a level of warmth I had never experienced replaced the pain.

  “That’s it,” he murmured. “Take all of me.”

  The moment he was fully seated inside, he threw his head back and roared, the sound strangely melodic.

  Blinking away the tears, I took several deep breaths as my muscles spasmed, drawing his thick cock in even deeper.

  He gripped my hips, thrusting harder. There wasn’t a cell or muscle, tendon or synapse that wasn’t on fire, tiny sparks fluttering all throughout my body. I could no longer breathe, my heart hammering to the point I fell into a dark abyss.

  But the pleasure was incredible, sensations that had never been alive awakened as if from a deep slumber.

  “Oh… Uh. Uh. Uh.” The guttural sounds coming from my throat sounded foreign, my tone husky. While I continued to claw the bedding, I was confused that a smile had crossed my face. Enjoying what he was doing to me was crazy.



  I could tell he was close to coming, his breath skipping even more than before. The second I clenched my muscles, his entire body tensed, a low rumbling sound floating into the entire room.

  Then I heard the word, one he’d said before but this time, I feared it even more.


  Cristiano didn’t move for several seconds yet his body continued to shake. When he finally backed away, I slumped against the bed, trying to catch my breath. I heard his footsteps as he padded away. A cold chill shifted down my legs, more from the loss of the extreme heat of his body being pressed against mine. Every muscle ached. I was exhausted, drained from the ordeal and unsure of what to expect next. I tugged at the covers, creating a pillow before shifting in order to see what he was doing.

  Just seeing his naked body took my breath away. I’d never seen a man so carved in all the right places. Every muscle was in perfect proportion, chiseled as if his entire body was made of the finest stone. And his buttocks? I bit my lower lip as he walked toward what appeared to be a bar in the corner of the room. I was able to envision him in a tight pair of blue jeans.

  My God. Why the hell was I thinking like some wayward waif? I purposely turned away, cringing as I heard the clink of glasses. Was this supposed to be the romantic post-sex discussion? I certainly doubted we were going to cuddle or share any niceties. I chewed on my cheek, continuing to dig at the covers in an effort to slide underneath for warmth.

  Or maybe in an effort to hide.

  I managed to find the beginning of the sheet and crawled under them, pulling the edge over my breasts. I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he poured two drinks from an elegant crystal decanter. There was something so strange about what he was doing.

  As if this was… normal.

  When he turned around, the expression on his face was stern. “Who told you that you could cover up?”

  “I…” Another blush swept up both cheeks.

  “Drop the covers.” His demand was even more authoritative than before.

  I had to bite back a retort, but I did as he commanded, allowing the sheets to fall around my waist. While his gaze was heated, filled with lust, the same cold and dangerous look appeared in his eyes as he approached.

  He stood almost stoically, staring down at me for a full five seconds before handing me one of the drinks.

  Which I refused to take.

  His sigh was exaggerated. “Take the drink, Emily. I’m uncertain why you still believe you can ignore my requirements.”

  “Because you don’t own me.”

  It was obvious he was amused by the smirk forming on his mouth. “Take the drink. Now.”

  I finally reached out, wrapping my hand around the glass, loathing not only the fact our fingers touched but that electricity skittered down every inch of me. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but tonight whatever was in the glass was appealing. I hid behind the crystal, licking the rim and looking away as he crawled onto the bed, plumping the damn pillows before placing two of the four behind his back and shoulders.

  As if he was king of the hill.

  Cristiano crossed his legs at his ankles and sat back.

  I shifted my gaze anywhere but at the man, trying to nurse the bitter liquor. Maybe if I got drunk, I would be able to handle the rest of the night.

  “Look at me, Emily.”

  His voice was even gruffer than before. I gulped hard, taking not one but three sips of the drink, barely able to swallow. I did as I was told, finally turning my head, hating that my lower lip was now quivering.

  He studied me as he swirled his drink, finally sucking down half of it. When he placed the tumbler on his leg, folding his arm behind his head, only then did he say anything else. “You were in the restaurant.”

  His words were in the form of a statement, not a question. “Yes. Picking up a to-go order.”

  “Interesting since you don’t live anywhere near the area, a place full of fleabag motels and seedy clubs.”

  I shook my head. “I work around the corner. I had few options for employment, and I needed a job.”

  “What were you doing there at night?”

  How the hell was I supposed to answer that? “I was working late, which is something I’ve done several times. And I was hungry.”

  “Which is why you walked by yourself to a shithole of a restaurant in what is one of the highest crime areas in the city.”

  “The office is on the outskirts in a new complex and I really love… or loved…” I realized I was whispering.

  He took another sip of his drink, his stare even more intent; however, I could tell he was trying to place the location. Damn, the man made me nervous. “I know the building. I guess I should have paid more attention to the businesses located in the surrounding area.

  “The name?”

  My first thought was surprise that his battery of attorneys hadn’t told him part of the information. Then I realized it was in some crazy effort to keep me safe.

  You failed. You failed. You failed.

  My inner voice nagged at me, laughing as if I was nothing but a fool. “Bayou Market Analysis.”

  I could see such surprise on his face as well as another round of amusement. “What the hell does that make you, an office administrator?”

  To be incensed that he thought I was only smart enough to be an administrator was ridiculous. What the fuck did I care what the asshole thought? I snorted before I realized it. “I was the lead market analyst for the firm.” The firm. There were eight employees, two of which couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag. While I’d been the fool to volunteer for additional work, the kind that kept me locked down in the office until all hours of the night, only my boss had any kind of real title.

  As if I had to tell the jerkoff anything.

  “Well, one formidable lady on all regards,” he said quietly, laughing softly to himself.

  “I’m sure that by now one of your goons already figured out almost every aspect of my life. I graduated with honors from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in finance, earning my bachelor’s in three years. Subsequently, I went on to earn my master’s degree in one year. You are absolutely correct that I am one formidable woman.” The defiance in my voice was likely to piss him off. What the hell? Why not shoot the moon.

  “Very impressive indeed.”

  The quiet that settled between us was just as horrifying as the man barking orders. I tried to concentrate on the glass, realizing the damn thing was Waterford crystal. Jesus.

  “This bed, the entire bedroom doesn’t suit you.”

  “You mean a killer.”

  While I knew we weren’t going to have normal discussions, getting to know each other like a couple, I was curious. “A self-appointed ruthless man.”

  He chuckled. “The truth is that the bedroom suite came with the house. I thought about trashing every piece, but I’ve
grown used to it. Does that mean you like it?”

  “Every piece is beautiful, majestic, but I’m not certain it fits the house.” I realized I had a smile on my face as my hand moved to the nightstand, fingering one of the carved sections. I felt the heat of his stare and cringed.

  “Why did you agree to testify?” he asked, his voice almost inaudible.

  So much for the small talk.

  “Because it’s my civic duty.”

  It was his turn to snort. When he jerked off the bed, I cringed, prepared for whatever new form of punishment he was going to issue.

  He took his time pouring another drink before returning to the bed. “While I do understand that there are people who feel it’s their requirement to testify even for violent crimes, I’ve known few people in my life that actually volunteer to testify against certain factions of criminals.”

  “You mean mafia members.”

  Chuckling, his eyes lit up. “Exactly.”

  “That’s because people like you threaten anyone who dares to cross you.”

  “We do what’s necessary to keep our business going, Emily, but I have never threatened a witness.”

  “Until now.”

  He thought about my two little words, finally nodding. “There’s a first time for everything, especially when it’s necessary.”

  “Why did you kill him?” I knew he wouldn’t be honest with me and what did it matter anyway?

  His face pinched, he appeared to be thinking about my question. “My family is most important to me. They are the fire that fills my soul, the only love I’ve ever known and the very reason I’ve considered myself so lucky all these years.” He shook his head, his upper lip curling. “Lucky. Well, maybe that’s not the correct word. Family means everything. When one member is challenged, there is nothing that will stop me from protecting my own. Nothing.”

  “So you’re saying a member of your family was hurt?” I could see some crazy kind of sincerity in his eyes.

  “It was a necessary and vital decision. That is all I’m going to tell you. What I find interesting is why you would volunteer for this civic duty. You obviously knew the reputation that the King family has acquired.”


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