Destiny of a Warrior (Legends of the Fenian Warriors Book 4)

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Destiny of a Warrior (Legends of the Fenian Warriors Book 4) Page 2

by Mary Morgan

  Aidan smacked his friend on the shoulder. “Save the event for when I can gather the other warriors.”

  Flynn pinched the bridge of his nose. “A spectator sport was not what I intended to—”

  A blast of power had both men stumbling back. Aidan was the first to recover, and he scanned the area below. Loman had increased the sphere of energy into a massive swirling globe, effectively showing off his power. However, he was unable to control the building orb—the sparks of energy bolted outward in all directions.

  Withdrawing his sword, Aidan emerged forth from the trees. “Release the power!”

  Slowly turning, Loman’s features went from triumphant to wariness, but he refused to relent.

  Aidan held his sword upward. “Do as I command!”

  Lightning seared the azure sky, and the other warriors took a step back from Loman.

  “Is this not what we trained for?” asked Loman, attempting to harness the energy and failing miserably. Several trees were obliterated into ashes, and one of the warriors put a protective magical shield around the others.

  Aidan’s fury grew. The warrior refused to do as he ordered. Storming down the hill, he raised his sword outward, aiming not at Loman, but the orb. As he steadily approached, he kept his focus on the warrior. “You defy me?”

  Loman refused to acknowledge him. Sweat beaded his brow, and his jaw clenched.

  Directing his blade at the energy, Aidan bellowed, “Finalen absolute!”

  The sphere exploded in an array of golden shards of light. Many of the warriors shielded their eyes from the intensity, but Aidan remained fixed in his position. His sword arm radiated with the residual effect. Lowering his blade to the ground, he forced what was left of the energy into the land.

  Loman balled his fists. “I was not ready—”

  Swiftly leveling his blade against the warrior’s throat, Aidan hissed out, “You did not heed my words. A grave error of misjudgment.”

  “Call it a learning one,” retorted Loman.

  It took all of Aidan’s control not to shove the blade into the defiant Fae’s skin. “A lesson which will haunt you in your later years.”

  He lifted his left hand, and the ceremonially dagger used in initiations appeared magically. A sliver of blue light emanated from the tip of the blade.

  Loman’s eyes widened in fear. “No,” he whispered, understanding the consequences.

  Aidan tapped the dagger on each of the warrior’s shoulders. “You are hereby discharged from all power and rights within the Brotherhood. The markings which were bestowed on you at your commencement are now stripped.” The air blistered with the energy, and he took a step back. “Flynn, please escort Loman out of the training lists and beyond the gates of the Brotherhood. We shall send your personal belongings to your home.”

  “You cannot do this to me!”

  The ground rumbled as Aidan tried to control his temper. “Furthermore, I judge it wise you spend some reflective time in the Hall of Remembrance. There, you can witness the events that led to your downfall in the Brotherhood and reflect.”

  As Flynn placed a hand on Loman’s shoulder, the warrior shrugged out of his grasp. “I shall present my complaints to the council. They will give their final order.”

  “Remove him now,” ordered Aidan with deadly calm.

  Loman had no chance to utter another retort as Flynn removed them both in a flash of light.

  Slowly, Aidan swept his gaze to the group of gathered warriors. “Did not one of you attempt to thwart this Fae’s abuse of power?”

  “To do so would have encouraged his strength and skill,” responded Conn, stepping forward. “In truth, we warned him of the consequences last evening when he bragged of the magic he had harnessed.”

  Aidan ignored his nephew. He expected Conn to be the one to give the account, but he had hoped two others would venture forward. All the warriors looked to Conn, considering he was once Prince of the Fae. In spite of his lineage, his nephew renounced his heritage the instant he became a Fenian Warrior. Ironically, Conn became the spokesperson for each situation or query Aidan posed to the group.

  “We?” echoed Aidan.

  Taren nodded. “I was in agreement with Conn.”

  The others acknowledged their agreement with a nod or voice.

  Scanning the area of warriors, Aidan searched for the two he deemed should have halted Loman’s misuse of power, along with Conn. Those three had been successful in harnessing the Fenian power quickly and assured Aidan they would assist the others in maintaining the strength to not bend to the energy’s will.

  “Where are Liam and Rory?” demanded Aidan. As he waited for a response, he magically rid himself of the ceremonial dagger and sheathed his sword.

  “Uncertain,” replied Conn.

  Aidan leveled a hard stare at his nephew. The lie was evident in the shift within his eyes, and yet, he could not find fault for Conn protecting the two warriors. As they must be allies in the human realm, the warriors’ trust in each other was tantamount for their survival.

  Conn clasped his hands behind his back. “Give the order and I shall search for them.”

  “No,” he stated with aggravation. “Return to your quarters. Each of you will spend one day in solitary to reflect on this situation.” Aidan’s gaze settled slowly on each warrior. “Next time another warrior dares to defy an order, I will not be so lenient. Furthermore, I blame each of you for not preventing this destructive display of power. You all stood and observed, instead of preventing your brother. Enthralled by his exhibition is a ploy used by the Dark One at the last battle. Therefore, by your demonstration of not interfering, you showed how unskilled you are to face any battle.”

  “If I may interject,” offered Conn.

  Aidan shook his head. “This is not a discussion open to debate. It is a lesson to ponder and learn. The Brotherhood has lost a warrior. You all stood and witnessed the event transpire. It does not matter if you tried to oppose Loman yesterday, last week, or last month.” He pointed to the scorched marks where trees once stood. “What concerns me is that you all stood as silent witnesses. Not one of you tried to stop the warrior. Or persuade him to relent.”

  Conn fisted his hands by his side, but nodded.

  “You are dismissed,” ordered Aidan.

  In a silent whisper, each warrior vanished from the training lists. Aidan gave a curt nod to Magnar, and the wolf vanished through the pine trees.

  Only then did Aidan let out a frustrated sigh before wandering to the blackened area. Bending on one knee, he placed his palm upon the ground. “Forgive me, Mother Danu.” A breeze of roses kissed his cheek. When Aidan lifted his hand, tiny green shoots burst forth from the ashes of destruction.

  Slowly standing, he waved his hand outward and magically transported to the Angora Waterfalls.

  Mists sprayed him while he stood on the rocky ledge. Stripping free from his vest and leather pants, the echo of the falls roared around him. He rubbed a hand vigorously over his face, attempting to rid himself of the disquiet that had lodged recently within him. Frustration seethed inside him over the path and training of the Fenian Warriors, but there was something else. It was elusive—one moment he believed he had grasped this unrest, and the other times, he blamed it on his direction with the Brotherhood.

  Never before had the tides of his life been at war. Usually, there was an ebb and flow. He understood his direction and purpose. Yet lately, he was prone to discontentment. Perchance, he should visit the seer and ask her advice. Would she tell him what he was seeking?

  He shook his head slowly. “How can I seek answers when I do not know the question?”

  Glancing upward, Aidan watched the graceful flight of a white songbird. Delicate in its beauty and melody, it continued on its path through the air. He thought it odd the unique bird would attempt to fly near the cascading waterfalls.

  He stared at the bird. “Are you a portent of a new direction? A new path I must follow?”

p; The songbird gave a shrill cry and flew off in a different direction.

  As he lowered his sight to the water below, Aidan rid himself of all his frustration and dove into the waterfall.

  Chapter Two

  “Even without the sight from a Fenian Warrior’s eyes, he must be able to follow the path within his heart.”

  ~Edicts of the Fenian Warriors

  The luring tune and heady floral aroma had an intoxicating effect on Aidan as he slipped under the archway leading into the Pleasure Gardens. His body trembled with need, aching to strip his clothing free from his body and seek out the tempting carnal pleasures. He forced his gaze away from the beauty gliding her fingers over the strings of the harp as his cock swelled even more. The lyrical welcome lured him to come near, but he willed his body to refrain from reaching out to her. Her sheer gauzy robe did nothing to conceal her rosy pert nipples enticing him to feast upon them. She winked at him as she continued singing the song.

  As he directed his sight elsewhere, Aidan noticed the lovers under a tree heavy with peaches. The woman straddled the man in a provocative pose, feeding him portions of the fruit. She trailed a piece over her lush breast, enticing the man to taste both—fruit and flesh. Aidan fought the urge to join them and suckle the sticky juices from her skin.

  Averting his gaze, he followed the dewy grass across the bridge to a more intimate part of the gardens. He stepped around the fountain of ambrosia, bubbling with the cool, sweet scent of honey and spices. More lovers were crowded around, enjoying the delights of the enthralling liquor. Wildflowers dotted the scenery, encouraging some to gather the flowers and arrange them into garlands for their lover’s head.

  When the magical whisper of a soft kiss touched the back of his neck, his skin tingled. A groan escaped his lips, and he turned around.

  Her smile was seductive as she approached. “It has been eons since you’ve visited, Aidan Kerrigan. What brings the mighty leader of the Fenian Warriors into the Pleasure Gardens?”

  “Mina,” he acknowledged, trying not to take in her luscious form—minus any clothing. “Perhaps you can assist me?”

  She laughed, and Aidan realized his mistake in the question he posed.

  Trailing her fingers over his silver torc and down his chest, she whispered, “I have long waited for this day. You shall be my greatest conquest. To give you pleasure like no other.”

  The sensual atmosphere clouded his mind. Aidan was not making himself clear. He clasped his hands behind his back, not trusting himself. “I’m in search of the elusive MacGregor brothers.”

  Mina pouted, brushing her hand over his agonizing erection. “Can they give you better pleasure than I?”

  He choked on the laughter and held his palms up in surrender. “I am not a Fae prone to the likes of other males. I’m merely here to escort them back to the Brotherhood.”

  Taking advantage of his weakness, Mina took his hands and placed them on her full breasts. “A pity you do not have the time to indulge in what the gardens have to offer.”

  Aidan smiled. “Time to partake in these pleasures is something I no longer can afford.” Squeezing her breasts slightly, he released his hands and cupped her chin. “Where are they?”

  Sadness briefly flashed in her eyes. “Is this not their time to quench their sexual desires before you send them into the world with humans?”

  Aidan fought the barb he wanted to lash out at the woman. She was deliberately avoiding his question. Furthermore, Liam and Rory had no right discussing their status outside the walls of the Brotherhood. “If they are unable to quench their lustful thirst within a twenty-four hour time period, I deem they are not suitable to remain warriors.”

  “Do not pass blame on them,” she protested and quickly added, “They were given a special cup of the ambrosia elixir.”

  He arched a brow in disdain. “Why were they given the invigorating drink? Surely they did not need any assistance in seeking their pleasures.”

  Mina looked affronted. “Of course not! They offered to sample the ancient mixture, so it was made available to them.”

  “But you neglected on explaining the effects of the ambrosia,” mused Aidan, watching her reaction to the truth.

  A blush stained her cheeks, and she shrugged. “We wanted them to remember their experience in the gardens while they were above.”

  “We?” Aidan almost choked on the word. Once again, he found the word distasteful.

  “Yes.” Annoyance passed over her features. “The maidens who are skilled in techniques in maintaining an erection for—”

  “Enough!” Aidan bit out. “I am well aware of their…unique talents.”

  Her sensual smile returned. “Then you can comprehend how the days have blurred in the arms of these Fae women. You cannot find fault with your warriors.”

  “Your logic is sound, but you did nothing to explain the potent effects of the ambrosia. Without it, I am confident the MacGregor brothers would have achieved their satisfaction and returned in the appropriate amount of time.”

  Mina studied him for several moments. “You are correct, Aidan. Regardless, the blame is mine, not theirs. I gave them the drink without supplying the knowledge. If your order must be to punish someone, I will happily surrender my body into your care. I will become your personal submissive slave.”

  “What a grand proposal.” Leaning near, he whispered, “My punishment for you is one year banished from the Pleasure Gardens?”

  She gasped and staggered back. “You…you would not dare?”

  “A challenge?”

  Lifting her chin in defiance, Mina glared at him. “I retract my earlier suggestion. Follow me.”

  Aidan’s mouth twitched in humor. Though her offer was tempting, he would never submit another Fae to quench his own pleasures. They came willingly with their own carnal desires, and not as a bargaining chip. Unfortunately, after he took leadership over the Fenian Warriors, women stopped appearing at the door of his chambers. The truth reached him one day when he bumped into an acquaintance who had frequented his bed many an evening. When he asked why she never returned, her response was she and others feared he would find human females to sample. They had no wish to share the great Aidan Kerrigan with a human. They considered it beneath him to take a female from the realm above. He called the rumor preposterous and sealed his chamber doors to any further liaisons within the Fae realm.

  Watching Mina stroll seductively down a moss-covered path, Aidan almost called her back to him. He’d take her rough and quickly, sating both their needs. He shook his head to rid himself of the lustful image of her body bent over and his cock thrusting deep into her slick folds.

  His hand shook as he wiped it over his brow. Taking a deep breath, Aidan released it slowly. “Perchance another time,” he uttered softly and did his best to harness the sexual tension within his body.

  “I am waiting,” she announced with impatience.

  Aidan kept silent as he proceeded to make his way to her. Mina stood at a door carved within a massive oak tree. She bent and retrieved a golden key at the base of the giant. After opening the door, she stepped aside. “Do not tarry too long, or you may find that your body will betray you and stay with the others,” she warned.

  “Leave the door open,” he commanded as he swept past her.

  “It is not done,” she countered.

  He glanced over his shoulder. “Must I remind you of your past failure?”

  Narrowing her eyes, she responded, “As you wish, Aidan Kerrigan. I shall stand guard.”

  Giving her a curt nod, he followed the narrow, wooded path filled with song and enticing scents.

  His cock strained even more against his pants. Fighting the urges that plagued him the moment he entered the gardens, Aidan swept his gaze around the sensual interior. Water lapped gently over the stones within the stream. Scents of lovemaking and soft groans filled his being, and he swallowed.

  Annoyance became his shield. “Present yourselves, Liam and Rory M

  The ground rumbled beneath him, and a muttered curse came from beyond a cluster of amber trees.

  Liam was the first to stumble forth, clutching only his tunic. “Aidan?” His tone a mangled version of itself.

  Ignoring the warrior, he pointed to a position where he wanted the Fae to stand, and bellowed, “I will not order you again Rory MacGregor!”

  Feminine laughter floated toward Aidan, and Rory staggered forth from the trees. “By the hounds, can we not have privacy?”

  “I deem five long days is enough seclusion to slake your need, MacGregor,” protested Aidan.

  Rory had donned his tunic and ran a hand through his hair. “One day,” he corrected.

  Without warning, Aidan leveled a burst of power at Rory. The warrior slammed into a tree, gasping for breath.

  Aidan shot Liam a warning look when he attempted to retrieve his brother from his prone position on the ground.

  “Is your head now clear, Fenian Warrior?” snapped Aidan, fisting his hands on his hips.

  “Yes,” he grumbled, rubbing a hand vigorously over his face.

  Aidan regarded Liam. “And yours, warrior?”


  “Good. Let us depart.”

  As they made a hasty departure through the Pleasure Gardens, Mina followed. When they reached the exit, she touched Aidan’s arm. “Do not be a stranger. Your body is meant for exquisite passion and enjoyment.”

  Grasping her fingers, he placed a light kiss over her knuckles. “Farewell.”

  She dipped her head and closed the door behind him.

  Inhaling deeply, Aidan cleared the last remnants of the gardens from his body and mind. He turned and observed the strained expressions on the MacGregor brothers. Each had the appearance of too much intoxication—from drink and women. He was sorely tempted to order them directly to the training lists.

  Aidan folded his arms over his chest. “Who suggested drinking from the ancient well of ambrosia?”

  Both warriors straightened, but remained silent. Wariness showed within their eyes.

  Shaking his head, Aidan fought his impatience over their lack of response. “Since your minds remain clouded, I will indulge you with this information. After drinking the potent elixir, you lost all sense of time and place. In reality, your one day of leave consisted of five.”


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