Destiny of a Warrior (Legends of the Fenian Warriors Book 4)

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Destiny of a Warrior (Legends of the Fenian Warriors Book 4) Page 15

by Mary Morgan

  Trailing her finger over the etchings of Celtic symbols, Rose wandered slowly around the statue. As she came to a halt in the front, Rose’s attention was drawn to the writings etched down the center of the dragon.

  Recognition flared brightly within her mind. Her heart raced at the knowledge. She had seen them before in her visions. “What do these mean?” Her question barely a whisper.

  Aidan brushed his hand over the symbols. “Of a land beyond the stars.”

  “Are you teasing me?”

  His features softened. “Never, Rose.”

  She pointed to the carvings, fear holding her back from touching the wood any further. “How do you know?”

  “Writings that have been studied, catalogued, and researched by my family.”

  Taking a step back, she regarded him slowly. They had this conversation before, but not to this extent. “Then you believe others have come from distant worlds to share their knowledge with certain tribes. Have you shared your findings with the university?”

  Aidan grasped her elbow and steered her away from the dragon. “Without proof, it’s only an opinion. Many have speculated the same but have been rebuffed.”

  Rose halted their progress. “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”

  “Tell you what exactly?”

  She gestured her arm outward. “That we are not alone in this grand universe.”

  “It would be egotistical of humans to believe they are the only ones occupying the cosmos.” He moved across the entryway and proceeded to open two double-doors. Aidan beckoned her inside.

  As Rose entered, she took in the vastness of the room. The library was extensive, and her fingers itched to explore the many volumes of books resting on shelves. A large table was positioned in front of the stained-glass window—a window depicting a dragon. She gave her host a sly glance. “The Welsh and Scots have their dragons, and now the mighty Aidan Kerrigan. Or as you have proclaimed the dragons of Ireland came with the Tuatha—”

  She paused, gathering her knowledge of the myths and legend. “The Fae,” she whispered.

  Leaning near her ear, he murmured, “Precisely,” and then quickly added, “I shall return momentarily.”

  When he straightened, she noted there was no trace of humor in his features. The man truly believed. Unable to say anything, Rose gave him a jerky nod.

  After Aidan departed, she wandered around the room, taking in the massive fireplace at the opposite side of the room. Two oversized chairs flanked either side, luring her to curl up on their velvety softness. A unique collection of swords was displayed above the stone mantel. Approaching them, she stood on her tiptoes to get a better view. “Outstanding.”

  Rose continued her exploration of the library. She brushed her hand over the spines of several books on Shakespeare, Homer, and others she didn’t have a clue as to their language. Aidan’s library spoke volumes about the man—educated, masculine, and mysterious. When she drew near his desk, she became fascinated by the stone and crystal collection on a tray off to the side. Her hand hovered briefly over them. Their energy vibrated, especially from the large reddish quartz. She’d never witnessed one with this particular hue. Sunlight danced in a prism around the stone, luring her to brush her fingers over the raw edges.

  “Would you like to see more of my home?”

  Rose clasped her hand to her chest and twirled around. “You have a beautiful collection.”

  His smile was enticing. “Books?”

  “Everything,” she confessed.

  He held out his hand. “Allow me to give you a tour. Let me show you the rest.”

  Smiling, she hurried to his side. He placed her hand in the crook of his arm, escorting her to the kitchens, herb room, a small sitting room, a banquet hall, office, and then to the bedrooms upstairs. Three rooms were located on the second level and two more bedrooms on the third floor. Recalling the tour of Balleycove, or what she’d gotten to see, she paused to consider his home there was considerably more extensive than the one they were in.

  When they traveled the length of the corridor, Aidan released her hand and opened two massive oak doors. “These are my chambers.”

  Heat blossomed in Rose’s neck as she peered inside. Everything was huge—from the fireplace, armoire, desk, and the cushioned bench by the window arch. As she cast her gaze upon his bed, she fought the urge to place her cool hands over her burning cheeks. Aidan Kerrigan’s bed was by far the biggest one she’d ever seen. The wooden four-poster structure had Celtic knotwork and foliage carved into the dark grain of the headboard. His chambers reminded her of a forest. Deep rich colors of the earth filled this room—gold, green, brown, and amber.

  And when she noted the three images on the carved headboard, she became dizzy. They rose in an arc over all the carvings. Three moons.

  Rose stole a glance at the man, fearing to speak. He was leaning against one of the doors with his hands clasped behind his back. Nevertheless, it was those eyes that scalded a path into her heart and soul. She desired Aidan like no other, and this frightened Rose. He was not a man she yearned to have for one night. There was more within her heart than she cared to acknowledge and even more to this mysterious man that she refused to admit.

  The air was too warm inside his chamber. She couldn’t breathe. A battle of uncertainty took root, and Rose fled the room. Bolting down the stairs, she barely heard him calling out her name. Her feet propelled her swiftly out the front doors, and she kept on running, darting along a path to the left. She went in the direction of the setting sun, letting her instincts guide her. Ducking under a trellis of ivy and jasmine, the heady floral aroma teased her as she sprinted farther down the path.

  The pathway split, and she once more sprinted to the left until she came to a cluster of giant oak trees. Peaceful serenity entered her body when she stepped inside. Rose slowed her pace, allowing her breathing to return to normal. Though the air was chilled, she needed to remove her coat. Dropping it over a fallen log, she walked to one of the tallest trees. Tears stung her eyes as she placed her palms on the tree. The last remnant of light slipped over the horizon, leaving her in darkness.

  “Impossible,” she muttered, squeezing her eyes shut. Cannot be true. Must try and find the logic. It’s all wrong, or is it?

  “What is wrong, leannan?”

  Did she hear him correctly? Did he actually call her sweetheart? She swallowed, trying to force down the emotions that were lodged in her throat. Lifting her chin, Rose turned and faced him. “I ask you again. Who are you, Aidan?”

  He closed the distance between them. Power radiated off the man. “What are you afraid of?”

  Her mind and heart were not functioning. Emotions and logic raged a war inside of her. “I asked you a question.”

  Aidan placed his hands on the tree, trapping her against the rough bark. “If I tell you, will you flee? Will it alter your feelings?”

  “I don’t even understand my feelings,” she blurted out, aching to wrap her arms around his neck. Instead, she clenched her fists so tight, her nails bit into her palms.

  He brushed a kiss along her neck. “Share them with me, leannan.”

  She melted into a muddle of mush with the soft burr of his voice. Some aspect of sanity looped its way into her thoughts. “Who are you?”

  Nudging her thighs apart with his knee, Aidan rubbed her intimately. “Say what your heart is burning to release, and then I shall tell you.”

  Desire slammed into her, hot and powerful. Rose cupped his face. “I…believe—”

  “Believe?” he echoed, pinning her with those mesmerizing eyes.

  “I love you, Aidan.” The words tumbled free, escaping from the hold she tried desperately to rein in. Brushing a lock of hair away from his eye, she added, “I can’t explain how or why. It’s too soon—so sudden.” She tapped her chest. “But it’s there wedged inside my heart.”

  With a feral growl, he took her mouth in a firestorm that sent her spiraling. Rose surrendered to t
he passion. A pulse of need drummed between her legs, and she groaned deep within him. Their tongues clashed in an erotic dance. Her hands yanked on his shirt, needing to feel his skin against her.

  His breathing was ragged as he ripped the material over his head and tossed it to the ground. “This is who I am, mo ghrá.”

  Rose’s heart constricted with his admission of the endearing words he spoke to her. She gazed upon all the tattoos across his chest and forearms, as if she had known all along what they represented.

  Taking her hand, he placed it centered to his chest. Cupping her chin, he forced her to meet his gaze, compelling and magnetic. “This is my name, which is emblazed over my heart. The markings denote my rank among my people.”

  “And the three shall rise in unison,” she blurted out, confusion straining her thoughts. “Three moons?”

  “You have unlocked the secret, my love.” Aidan’s hand skimmed across her collar bone, and she trembled from his touch.

  “What secret?” she asked in a low whisper.

  He grasped her hips, bringing her closer to his body. The warmth of his fingers burned through the material of her dress. “You have seen me before, have you not? In another dimension?”

  Flashes of another time spiraled within Rose’s mind, and she blinked in an attempt to focus. “I’m…unsure.”

  Releasing his hold, he took a step back. She watched in a haze as he removed his boots, sinking his feet into the soft earth. “Accept or reject, Rose. I give you the proof of your visions. Wait here.”

  Slowly, Aidan turned around and walked away from her. He went to the clearing and waited. Rose could barely make out the outline of his form between the trees. She clutched her hands to her chest, unable to control the shaking within her body. The minutes ticked by in agonizing torture, but Rose held on, leaning against the aging giant for support.

  An owl hooted in a nearby tree as the first moonbeam graced the evening sky. Rose held her breath as the light of illumination radiated through her. Snapping her gaze to where Aidan stood, she watched in awe while he lifted his arms wide, greeting the full moon. When moonlight dusted his features, Rose pushed away from the tree. The blood pounded in her ears, and she feared this was another vision.

  Yet, when her hand touched Aidan’s back, she let out a gasp. Warm, solid, and very real. The same tattoos she had visualized in her visions etched his back. Even though the man in her vision had longer hair, she knew they were one and the same. Lights spiraled in an arc around Aidan, and he glanced over his shoulder.

  “You are not from here.” Rose pointed upward. “Your home is…out there?”

  “Taralyn,” he proclaimed in a hoarse voice.

  Rose removed her boots, aching to feel the land on her skin as well as the man before her. She moved around to face him. While tracing a finger over his chest, she lifted her gaze to meet his. “You are ancient?”




  “Dragons, Celtic tattoos, legends—”

  “I am from the tribe of Mother Danu, the Tuatha Dé Danann,” he admitted.

  His eyes shimmered with the light of a thousand stars as she placed her hands against his warm skin. Some part of her had always known who he was. “You are a Fae.”

  Aidan skimmed his hands down her arms. “Are you afraid?”

  “Of you?” She smiled fully. “No. But of my love for you? Yes.”

  “Then that makes two of us. For I love you, leannan.” He looked away, watching as the moon rose in all her glory. “Never in my lifetime have I ached to possess or love another. I have fought the battle since I held you in my arms that morn.”

  Heat poured off his body, and Rose leaned her head against his chest. Inhaling deeply, her head spun from the intoxicating scent of the man. A wave of desire shot through her, making her want him more than anything. She could feel the length of his desire against her body. Rose leaned away from Aidan, studying his raw profile. He was all hard lines and muscular strength—from his chiseled jaw and broad chest to the soles of his bare feet. It did not matter if he was human or Fae. She remained steady to the truth in her heart. “Take me here, Aidan. Make love to me.”

  Returning his gaze to hers, he cupped her chin and brushed his thumb over her bottom lip. “Once I make love to you, Rose, you will be mine. Forever. There shall be no regrets. Can you give me your soul, along with your body?”

  She smiled seductively and moved a step back. Unzipping the back of her dress, she slipped the material off her shoulders and let it slide down her body. After stepping free of the garment, she held his bold gaze. “A vision was shown to me, Aidan. It set me on a path to you. I do not understand its purpose, except one. Love. I will have no regrets.”

  Aidan reached for her, crushing her to his chest. His hand shook as he brushed the back of his fingers over her cheek. “I deem I have waited an eternity for you, Rose.”

  His mouth covered hers hungrily. The kiss sent new spirals of ecstasy through her. He tugged on the snaps of her bra, freeing her breasts. Lowering her arms, the lacy material fell to the ground. At the first touch of his hand on her breast, Rose moaned.

  “You are beauty beyond anything.” He breathed the words against her neck.

  When his tongue trailed a path between her breasts, she let out a hiss of pleasure. She watched in a passion-filled haze as he continued to fondle and lavish them. It was an erotic scene, making her tingle all the way to her toes. When he nipped on her nipple, she cried out in exquisite pleasure.

  His lips recaptured hers, more demanding this time. Heat smoldered between her thighs, and Rose ached to have him touch her down there. She rubbed against his huge erection, needing him inside her. She let out a soft hiss when he broke free from the kiss.

  With slow movements, Aidan removed his jeans. His thick cock sprang free, and she marveled at the Fae standing in front of her. “You are magnificent.” She lifted her hand out to him. “May I?”

  Aidan gave her a smile that sent her pulse racing more. He took her hands, encouraging her to explore his body. She traced the contours of his erection, soft and hard. A small trace of fluid graced the opening, so she swiped a gentle finger over the top and heard his sharp indrawn breath.

  “No more,” he demanded in a guttural cry.

  Not giving her time to utter a protest, he ravaged her mouth with a soul-searing kiss. The fever built within Rose as his hand slipped between the fabric of her underwear, touching her again in the most glorious way. With a snap of his hand, he tore the flimsy material from her body. Hypnotized by his touch, she tingled under his fingertips. “Aidan,” she whimpered, trying to grasp the elusive spark that continued to spread within her body.

  “Yes, mo ghrá. I am here, giving you pleasure.” He nipped a path along her neck. “Your scent of desire fills me. I long to taste you, tease you with my lips. I hunger for you.”

  Her breathing became ragged, and her legs wobbled. When his finger delved inside her, Rose began to tremble, and she surrendered to his masterful seduction of her body. She wanted to yield to the burning sweetness that held her captive. When Rose thought she couldn’t take anymore, she abandoned herself to the whirlwind of pleasure and shattered into a million pieces of ecstasy.

  Screaming his name, Rose was lifted into Aidan’s arms. He gently laid her down on the cool, lush grass, murmuring words of endearment over her face as his hands skimmed over her body.

  Opening her eyes, she gazed at him. The moon illuminated behind him created an intoxicating vision. “You came from the stars. You are mine.”

  Aidan grabbed a strand of her hair and wove it around his finger. Bringing it to his lips, he kissed the lock and then let it slip free. “You are a daughter of the land and mine.”

  “Do not torment me, Aidan,” she pleaded, reaching for him.

  His hands skimmed over her thighs, nudging them farther apart. When the she felt the heat of his hardness enter her, Rose hissed. Pain and pleas
ure battled each other, and she tensed, closing her eyes.

  “Relax,” he encouraged, inching slowly into her.

  She let out a whimper, and Aidan stilled. “Look at me, mo ghrá.”

  When she opened her eyes, love reflected back from his. He leaned down and brushed his lips against her mouth. The spark of desire from that one sensual and unforgettable kiss removed the ache. Tremors of excitement swept across her skin, and she arched under him, taking him fully into her body.

  He let out a groan and then pulled back out.

  “No…” she gasped.

  And then he entered her swiftly. It was a heady sensation, and she soon found a rhythm.

  The turbulence of his passion swirled around them in a multitude of dazzling colors as he continued to thrust into her. His lips seared a path over her face, finding their way to her mouth. As his thrusts became urgent, more demanding, beads of sweat broke out along his brow.

  While the hot tide of fervor raged through both of them, the fire grew between her legs.

  “Body to soul, I claim you, Rose. You are mine until the last star fades from the cosmos,” he murmured against her cheek.

  She gasped in sweet agony, raking her fingernails down his back. Aidan’s own guttural cry of release echoed within the trees, lifting her higher. The ground rumbled beneath her and for a moment, Rose thought the stars descended around them.

  After several moments, Aidan rolled onto his back, bringing her sated body against his chest. Contentment and peace flowed between them, until the night sky flashed with lightning and the clap of thunder boomed overhead.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Love is a powerful emotion for a Fae and a blade to a Fenian Warrior’s heart.”

  ~Edicts of the Fenian Warriors

  Scanning the sky, Aidan held his breath. When the first arc of lightning sliced through the sky, he had no strength left to battle any foes. He’d surrendered his body and soul to Rose, leaving him in a weakened state. If the mighty dragons dared to renounce their watch among the stars to strike a blow against him, Aidan’s only regret would be in not fully protecting his beloved.


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