Etheric Apocalypse

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Etheric Apocalypse Page 1

by C M Raymond et al.

  Etheric Apocalypse

  CM Raymond

  LE Barbant

  Candy Crum

  Amy Hopkins

  P.T. Hylton

  P.J. Cherubino

  Michael Anderle

  Etheric Apocalypse (this book) is a work of fiction.

  All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Sometimes both.

  Copyright © 2018 CM Raymond, LE Barbant, Candy Crum, Amy Hopkins, PT Hylton, PJ Cherubino and Michael Anderle

  Cover by Mihaela Voicu

  Cover copyright © LMBPN Publishing

  LMBPN Publishing supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce the creative works that enrich our culture.

  The distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  LMBPN Publishing

  PMB 196, 2540 South Maryland Pkwy

  Las Vegas, NV 89109

  First US edition, August 2018

  The Kurtherian Gambit (and what happens within / characters / situations / worlds) are copyright © 2015-2018 by Michael T. Anderle.


  Note from the authors

  Glossary of Major Characters

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29


  Author Note - LE Barbant

  Author Note - Michael Anderle

  Age of Magic Books

  Books by Michael Anderle

  Connect with the authors

  Etheric Apocalypse Team

  Etheric Apocalypse

  Team Includes

  JIT Beta Readers - From all of us, our deepest gratitude!

  John Ashmore

  Peter Manis

  Mary Morris

  Kelly O’Donnell

  Daniel Weigert

  James Caplan

  Kimberly Boyer

  Larry Omans

  Mickey Cocker

  If I missed anyone, please let us know!


  Lynne Stiegler

  To Family, Friends and

  Those Who Love

  to Read.

  May We All Enjoy Grace

  to Live the Life We Are


  Note from the authors

  Welcome to the Age of Magic.

  If you’re a longtime fan, thanks for sticking with us this far. You are the reason we love these books so much, and we wrote the Etheric Apocalypse as a sort of love letter to you.

  Is that super weird?

  If you’re new to the universe, some context might be in order.

  Etheric Apocalypse is the 35th book in the Age of Magic (a far future spinoff of the Kurtherian Gambit Universe). EA was co-written by six authors and combines story lines from five different series.’s kind of a big deal.

  We worked as hard as we could to make this book enjoyable for those who haven’t had the chance to read the over 2 Million words that precede Etheric Apocalypse. At the very least it’s a funny, action packed adventure with the fate of Irth hanging in the balance. However, for the sake of the narrative, we chose not to rehash all the trials and tribulations our heroes overcame which lead them to the Etheric Apocalypse.

  Obviously some of the nuance in their relationships and some of their customs and powers may not make sense to readers who haven’t fully explored the canon.


  If you find your interest piqued by any of the characters you meet within these pages, and you want to know more about them, feel free to peruse the 34 books that came before it. I’ve linked here to the book that started the series, but you can find a complete list of all Age of Magic (and Kurtherian Gambit Universe) books in the back. I think you’ll find that Irth is a pretty cool place to spend some time.


  Glossary of Major Characters

  Ezekiel, AKA The Founder: Irth’s first magic user, Ezekiel is a wise old man who has spent the last half century defeating evil and introducing magic to the world.

  Lilith: An ancient Kurtherian, trapped underground in a supercomputer for centuries, and finally given a body via the combined magic of Team BBB, Lilith is the smartest creature in Irth and possesses unique access to Etheric Energy.

  Hannah, AKA The Girl from the Boulevard: Trained in three schools of magic by the Founder and infused with the blood of the Matriarch, Hannah leads her team of warriors to fight for justice across Irth. It doesn’t hurt that the world’s only dragon Sal rides by her side.

  Parker: A con-artist turned warrior, Parker’s agility and cunning makes him a skilled fighter and Team BBB’s de facto strategist. He also happens to be romantically attached with Hannah.

  Karl: A rearick from the Heights, Karl has been fighting campaigns for decades. His experience and skill at arms makes him invaluable as Hannah’s advisor.

  Hadley: A powerful mystic, Hadley has been traveling with Team BBB as their resident mental magician.

  Aysa: The youngest member of Team BBB, this Baseeki warrior uses her unnaturally long arms and legs to kick ass with the best of them. Her weapon of choice are her bolas, which she can use up close or from a distance, and a magitech shield in place of her missing arm.

  Vitali: Half cat, half man, Vitali stands out wherever Team BBB travels. But his stealth and heightened senses make him a valuable asset on the battlefield.

  Julianne: Master of the Mystic Temple, strongest mystic in this age. Julianne is young, but wise, and has the poise and strength to lead not only the mystics, but the towns she has freed along her journeys.

  Marcus: This thoroughly un-magical young soldier can wield a sword or spear, but his first love (after Julianne, of course) is his magitech rifle. Always eager for a fight, he’ll run into any situation if lives are at stake.

  Bette: Leader of the Tahn garrison, this rearick lass has clawed her way up through the ranks and proven herself equal to any man. Except, of course, the ones she’s better than. Which is most of them.

  Garrett: Bette’s second in command, and also her betrothed. Garrett can’t promise he won’t do anything stupid, but at least he usually does it with his heart in the right place. Garrett and Bette left the Heights to follow Julianne in her quest to free the lands east of the Madlands from an evil cult. When the freed people of Tahn asked the rearick to stay, they did so gladly.

  Abbey: First mate of the ship Storm Warrior, Abbey is able to use her magic to affect the weight of objects and people. She’s the hero of Holdgate, having saved the harbor city from destruction twice. Lately, she’s been plagued by dreams of female heroes banding together to fight a great evil.

  Dustin: As a Storm Caller, Dustin is able to control the weath
er, but unlike his fellow storm magic users, Dustin doesn’t need to be touching water to use his powers.

  Syd: The bald, hard-talking female captain of Storm Warrior.

  The Righteous Dregs: A ragtag group of magical warriors founded by Astrid, Vinnie, Gormer and their friends in a land known as The Protectorates. They call themselves The Dregs because that is the most potent part of the brew. They adventure throughout Irth righting wrongs.

  Astrid: She is a a Wellspring Knight, trained in the magical martial arts from the age of thirteen. Her magical practice gives her enhanced strength, speed and healing ability. All she has ever wanted to do was lead the life or a warrior for justice. She is sworn to protect the weak and innocent wherever she finds them.

  Vinnie: This Falstaffian figure is a scientist/mage on a quest to understand the true nature of magic. Though he weighs in at over four-hundred pounds, he is swift on his feet and handy with his fists. His physical strength is only outmatched by the size of his heart. He has the power to create earthquakes and tunnel underground.

  Gormer: He was adopted as a toddler by Rearik who found him wandering alone near the madlands. He was raised among Rearick until the age of twelve, when his behavior problems got him sent to The Heights. Gormer proved powerfully adept at the mystic arts, but his constant troublemaking got him expelled. He wandered Irth as a petty criminal and con man until he met Astrid and the Righteous Dregs.

  Boone: As a Skrima slave of the evil General Varkos, Boone was tortured into the service of his master on a quest to invade Irth. Astrid and The Dregs freed him and taught him how to live an independent life. Boone dedicated his new life to helping defend Irth and the humans to whom he feels great obligation.

  Arryn: Born in Arcadia but raised in the Dark Forest. Uses all three forms of magic and also uses magic from an ancient book found in Kemet. Extremely proficient with a bow, but great with other weapons as well. Adoptive mother to Corrine. Girlfriend to and proud pesterer of Cathillian.

  Cathillian: Druid of the Dark Forest. Grandson of the Chieftain. Powerful user of nature magic, and extremely proficient in weapons. Adoptive father to Corrine and takes pride in... Bugging the shit out of literally everyone.

  Corrine: Born a dark druid, but after fleeing her people was taken in by Arryn and Cathillian. Now she is an unbelievably powerful healer and brave young girl. She uses nature and mental magic but has little talent for physical magic. She is quick witted and spends her days trying to annoy Cathillian as much as possible--like her mother.

  Bast and Cleo: Twin dark-skinned badasses. Powerful physical magic users from Kemet. They can damn near liquify a man's insides with a single punch and move in mirrored movements while bringing large groups of enemies to their knees. The twins are closest to Corrine, and when they aren't turning enemies to mush, they like to teach Corrine how to braid her hair like a Kemetian. Oh... And they, too, like to give Cathillian a hard time. Especially Bast, who is the most sarcastic.

  Chapter One

  “Go back ta hell, ya red-arsed alien sonofabitch.”

  Karl’s hammer connected with the closest Skrim, shattering its head upon impact. The creature from beyond Irth crashed to the ground. Its lifeless corpse added to the number of fallen warriors from Hyrrheim lying in the dirt at the rearick’s feet. Karl spat alien blood out of his mouth and squinted, trying to locate his next target.

  It wasn’t hard to find, since enormous Skrima surrounded him with death in their eyes. Luckily, he wasn’t fighting alone.

  He raised his hammer to defend against one of the winged creatures as it hurtled toward him, but a blast of blue energy knocked the beast out of the sky. Before Karl could thank Parker, the Arcadian was already spinning toward another Skrim, spear lashing out like an extension of his arm. Aysa fought by his side, crushing skulls and bones with her bolas. The shield covering her missing hand flashed the same color as Parker’s spear, and it burned anything stupid enough to touch it.

  She laughed angrily with each kill.

  Karl laughed too, glad to see that two years of hunting Skrima hadn’t ruined her spirit.

  She launched a pair of bolas that tangled a Skrim’s legs, sending it face-first into the dirt. Before it could move, Vitali was on top of it. His feline body moved with perfect precision, slipping a dagger under the Skrim’s dog-looking jaw, then bouncing away as the thing bled out.

  Each of them fought with a tenacity born of their love of home and hatred of any being that dared to threaten it. They’d come a long way since Karl had met them. Many of them had basically been children at the start, but now he’d gladly fight alongside any of them. They were hardened warriors energized by a righteous cause.

  Even the damned mystic was making himself useful, although Karl wouldn’t easily admit that.

  While Hadley lacked Aysa’s strength or Vitali’s speed or Parker’s fluid movements, the man from the Heights had his own strengths. He picked his battles. He could see threats coming and direct the team wordlessly. And he was getting better with his bo staff, thanks to Karl’s relentless training.

  The rearick watched Hadley trip a monster who was charging Parker from behind. The mystic must have wordlessly warned Parker, because the young man spun and the Skrim landed on the Arcadian’s spear. A blast from the magitech crystals that powered it ripped the beast to shreds.

  Karl smiled again. They were his team, and they were fucking badass.

  But a blunt force—just below the shoulders—interrupted the rearick’s admiration of their skills.

  “Scheisse,” he shouted as he stumbled to the ground. The Skrim pounced, ready to crush him, but a larger creature beat the alien foe to the punch.

  Sal landed with a scream, snapping the Skrim in half beneath his claws. The dragon was a sight to behold, but he was nothing compared to the woman who rode him.

  Hannah was magnificent, like a statue come to life. The pure energy coursing through her veins shone through the ruby red of her eyes. But it was the way she moved that still sent a shiver down the rearick’s spine.

  She leapt from the dragon’s back, landing in the midst of the action. She held no weapon, not even the knife he had given her back when they had first met. But she no longer needed the rearick’s blade.

  She was the weapon.

  Her speed put even the Lynqi to shame, and no matter how many claws lashed at her, she outmaneuvered them all. She grabbed a Skrim by the wrist and heaved it over her shoulder like a bale of hay. One came at her from the sky, hoping to sink its fangs into her flesh, but she ripped its long jaw clean off.

  It wasn’t long before the Skrima were fleeing, but they couldn’t escape her wrath. She slammed her hands to the dirt and vines shot from the ground, tangling the beasts in their growing tendrils. Then, with a wave of her fingers, the vines erupted into flames.

  Hannah stood, and pulled her hands up like she was lifting a heavy weight. The burning vines sank back into the earth, dragging the screaming creatures with them.

  In seconds, the ground had swallowed them, and the field fell quiet.

  “Damn,” Karl exclaimed as he crossed the grass to stand next to her.

  The woman turned toward him, and her stern face finally broke into a smile. It was in that smile that Karl could still see the remnants of the sassy, young girl from the Boulevard.

  “What? You think that was a waste of energy?”

  “Bollocks. Ya barely broke a sweat, lass. And wi’ the blood of a goddess runnin’ through yer veins, I bet ya have plenty a magic left fer that.” He looked up toward the unearthly tear hovering above them. The rift was like a stain on the sky, a wound in the heavens. And it was what let these monsters into their world.

  “Time to see if you’re right,” she replied with a grimace. With a slight bend in her knees, she launched herself off the ground. Sal swooped to catch her, and she landed on his back like he was a trained pony. As the dragon flew toward the rift, Hannah held her arms out wide. As she slowly brought them together, the rift re

  The dark chasm closed, slowly at first, but with increasing speed. The eerie red glow that spoke of the horrors beyond blinked out of existence.

  The threat was over.

  “There’s my girl,” Karl said as she landed back on the ground.

  Hannah just looked at him. The face of his captain was drawn, and her eyes still burned crimson. The team had been closing the damn rifts in all corners of Irth, but he could tell this one had given her more trouble than usual—even with her new body, superpowered by the blood of the Matriarch.

  She slapped him on the back. “Nothin’ to it, Karl. I’m just glad Sal stopped them before they had a chance to rip a rift in your backside.”

  The dragon seemed to smile, proud of his accomplishments. She scratched Sal’s chin, and he wagged his oversized tail.


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