Aaron: A Hathaway House Heartwarming Romance

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Aaron: A Hathaway House Heartwarming Romance Page 14

by Dale Mayer

  “I don’t have to return in the morning,” he said. “Now that your senses have returned, I’ll tell you on the phone. We caught your buddy, on tape and over several beers, admitting to what he did.”

  Aaron froze and closed his eyes in relief. He’d wondered if this day would ever come.

  Levi was still talking. “I’ve handed over the tape to the brass. They’ll reopen the case and be in touch with you soon.”

  Aaron didn’t know what to say. He choked out a simple, “Oh, thank God.”

  “Now think about what you’ll say when they call. They owe you for this. You need to make sure you get something out of this.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like money, for one. You don’t want to owe me for your care? Then you can pay for the next man. If you need to get retraining, let the military pay. Don’t enter into any conversations or negotiations without someone watching your back. Do you hear me?”

  Aaron smiled. “I hear you, but I don’t have anyone like that to help out.”

  “Yes, you do. Me.” With that, Levi hung up.

  Aaron slowly passed the phone to Dani and told her everything.

  “Oh, that’s fantastic! That should take a weight off your shoulders,” she cried.

  As he stared down at her, he realized how much his life had changed since he’d arrived here—and all because of her.

  He realized another very simple truth.

  He tilted her head up slightly and gazed into her huge chocolate-brown eyes. “I love you.”

  Her eyes widened, and a little gasp escaped.

  “I wanted you back then too. But I wasn’t the man you needed yet. It took this experience to grow me into the person you really need.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him close. Against his ear, she whispered, “I love you too.” She pulled back slightly, tears coming to her eyes. “Since we were teenagers, you’re all I’ve ever wanted.” Dani kissed him, pouring her love and passion into that kiss.

  Humbled, he could do no less than give it right back. Exactly as he’d always wanted to do.

  “We have so much to talk about,” he whispered in her ear. “I feel the need to prove myself to you after all this. I have ideas, plans, to run by you.”

  “Like what?” she asked. “I’d love to hear about them. You can tell me anything, you know?”

  “I’ll get better about communicating.” He motioned to Helga, sensing their happiness and wagging her tag wildly, circling around the two of them, still sitting on the floor. “I’m good with animals. Not so good with people. But the only person I really need to share things with is you. So …”

  At his hesitation, she frowned. “Yes?”

  “Here’s what I’ve been thinking. I should probably finish my rehab here, and my team thinks I need another month …”

  Dani nodded, a big smile on her face.

  “And no telling how long the navy will take to decide on the Cain matter …”

  At this Dani’s eyebrows rose.

  “But Levi thinks they owe me some money. Maybe between that and some educational grants I hope you might help me find …”

  “Of course I’ll help,” she said.

  “I want to be a veterinarian. And since A&M is so close, I was hoping to drive back and forth.”

  “You could take my car. It’s an automatic. Plus maybe you could run some errands for me and the center while in town? You’d really be helping me out.”

  He kissed her on the nose. “You bet. I’ve got a little money saved, but it’s not enough, so I’ll barter my time for your vehicle. And, in that vein, I’d like to help Stan in the vet clinic and also you in the office—I am a bit of a computer geek—to offset my room and board, since I’ll be staying long-term. That is, if it’s okay with you?”

  “Yes! This is so wonderful.” She was in his lap, kissing him again.

  He stopped to stare at her in wonder.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Who knew I’d end up here with you after all these years?”


  Six Weeks Later …

  Dani walked to where Aaron sat on the fence. He still couldn’t believe they were together. She was so damn special. And he’d been such a heel… Still he was strong and fit and looking forward to a future with her and hopefully going to veterinarian school.

  He looked up and smiled, accepting the mug. “Midnight is enjoying being around the little one.”

  “Midnight loves everyone,” she said with a chuckle. Then held out two pieces of mail.

  He took a sip as he eyed the bigger envelope, from the DOD. He flashed it to her, and she nodded, patting his cheek this time. He opened it to find a licensing contract for his patent on Helga’s special prosthesis. He showed Dani. “Sweetheart, I’m getting paid!”

  She gasped and tried to focus on the document Aaron waved before her.

  “I’m so proud of you, Aaron.” She snuggled closer to him, dropping a kiss on his lips.

  Then he saw the small number ten envelope with the navy’s return address. He ripped it open, found the check and was speechless.

  Dani raised her head. “What is it, honey?”

  He held it before her eyes.

  “Oh, my God.”

  He nodded. Looked at it again before he faced her. “I know exactly what to do with this. I want to use some of it for someone with no insurance or donation help to come to the center.”

  Tears came to Dani’s eyes as she heard those words.

  “And I want to choose who gets it. You’ve got four coming in a few days, right?”

  She nodded, too choked up to speak.

  “Any pro bono cases?”

  “Yes, two,” she said with a sniffle.

  He smiled at her and kissed her forehead. “I’ll let you know which one then.” He waited as she reached for a tissue and blew her nose. “And one final piece of news.”

  She checked his hands, probably looking for more mail. Instead she saw the small jeweler’s box. And gasped.

  “Dani Hathaway,” Aaron said, “you’ve been here for me during the worst of my days—and my out-of-control temper and ego. Now I want to spend the best of my days with you. Will you marry me?”

  She was full-on crying now, hugging him close, trying to breathe through her mouth. And she was the most precious thing he had seen in his life. “Will you marry me, Dani?” he asked again.

  She nodded, sniffling. “I’ve been waiting for you for most of my life.”

  The four newest rehab patients arrived several weeks later, and Aaron and Dani—still staring at her engagement ring—were there to meet them. Along with George, Shane, Dr. Herzog, the major, plus Helga, Racer, Tipler, Maggie and Molly. And so many more …

  “Welcome to the Hathaway House,” Aaron said, his arms spread wide. “We are all here to help in your healing and recovery. Yes even me…”

  The four injured men seemed as dazed as Aaron probably was on his first day here. Then the three friends Dani was hoping to have in at the same time hadn’t happened. Only one was here. But it was the one he knew. He perused the four and found him.

  The first guy asked, “Where are we?”

  “Texas,” Aaron said with a smile.

  The second guy took a 360-degree turn in his wheelchair, a blanket covering his lap but not hiding the fact he was missing a leg. He checked things out with a disapproving frown firmly in place. “You can’t possibly know what I’m going through,” he nearly growled.

  Aaron raised his pant leg to show off his newest prosthesis. “Designed by yours truly.”

  The third guy was all stoic machismo silence, his one arm crossed tightly over his chest.

  But it was the fourth man who asked, “What the hell is this place?”

  Aaron whispered to Dani, “That’s Brock. He’s my guy.” Then Aaron stepped forward to address all the newcomers as the words he was given on his first day came back to him. “Right now you hate this place. You want to be an
ywhere else but here. However, in a couple weeks, you’ll never want to be anywhere else.” He studied the men in front of him. “Are you ready?”

  Brock only half listened to the conversation as he studied the man in front of him. A different man from the one he knew. Then major trauma changed a person. He didn’t know the first thing about this place. And maybe that was a good thing. Maybe—if they also didn’t know about him—he could start fresh.

  Brock knew Aaron. Not well like many others he knew, but Aaron was a good man. A solid fighter and someone Brock could trust. If Aaron had done okay here, then maybe … And if that was the case then the rest of Brock’s unit could also come. Cole, Denton, Elliot—had all been injured in a mission after Brock had been hospitalized. Brock knew Elliot the best. But doubted he’d like Hathaway House. Not his style.

  Then again, Brock’s unit had all changed. Who knew what lay ahead of them? What he did know was there was no going back. This was his life now—no matter how he felt about it. So far it had been ugly as sin.

  He waited a moment, then gave a decisive nod. “Let’s do it.”

  This concludes Book 1 of Hathaway House: Aaron.

  Read about Brock: Hathaway House, Book 2

  Hathaway House: Lucas (Book #2)

  Welcome to Hathaway House. Rehab Center. Safe Haven. Second chance at life and love.

  Former Navy SEAL Brock Gorman has been at Hathaway House for more than a month with minimal improvement to either his physical or mental health. An vehicle accident on base two months ago caused major hip, back, and shoulder injuries that and took away any chance he had of ever going on a mission again. Making it through BUD/S training and into the SEALs teams was the crowning glory of Brock’s life. Now it’s gone. Why try to get better when he has nothing left to live for?

  Physiotherapist Sidney Morning has been away from Hathaway House for nine months of specialized training. When she returns, there’s Brock. And, while she loves the tough cases, he might be more than she can handle. He’s big. He’s strong. He’s stubborn. He’s gorgeous. And he’s not making the efforts needed to get better. But, if Sidney can get under his skin and force him to jumping hurdles he’s not interested in jumping, she can help him see that there are things which still make life worth living.

  Sparks fly as Sidney and Brock fight their own emotions and each other, pushing Brock where he needs to go. … If they are lucky, he might find both healing and love at Hathaway House.

  Book 2 is available now!

  To find out more visit Dale Mayer’s website.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for reading Aaron: Hathaway House, Book 1! If you enjoyed the book, please take a moment and leave a short review here.

  Dear reader,

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  Dale Mayer

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  About the Author

  Dale Mayer is a USA Today bestselling author best known for her Psychic Visions and Family Blood Ties series. Her contemporary romances are raw and full of passion and emotion (Second Chances, SKIN), her thrillers will keep you guessing (By Death series), and her romantic comedies will keep you giggling (It’s a Dog’s Life and Charmin Marvin Romantic Comedy series).

  She honors the stories that come to her – and some of them are crazy and break all the rules and cross multiple genres!

  To go with her fiction, she also writes nonfiction in many different fields with books available on resume writing, companion gardening and the US mortgage system. She has recently published her Career Essentials Series. All her books are available in print and ebook format.

  Connect with Dale Mayer Online

  Dale’s Website – www.dalemayer.com

  Twitter – @DaleMayer

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  BookBub – bookbub.com/authors/dale-mayer


  Dale Mayer

  Valley Publishing Ltd.

  Copyright © 2019

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  ISBN-13: 978-1-773361-48-2

  Kindle Edition

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