The Fabled Queen Sabina

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The Fabled Queen Sabina Page 3

by Matilda Martel

  “But I’m not your wife.” She sighed. “You have me. Please let that be enough.”

  Kissing her forehead, he breathed with an air of dissatisfaction. “Forgive me, but it isn’t. I’ll have all of you. Not because I am greedy, but because I cannot live without you.”

  “Malthor, you’re frightening me. You brought me here against my will. It should be enough I don’t hate you. Please don’t change that.” She curled into his chest, worried he would do something rash.

  “Please trust me. I’ll make things better for us.”

  Chapter 5

  Emperor Egon

  “Sire, we need to review the details of your coronation. It’s less than a week away and you have failed to cooperate with the Archbishop.” Egon’s chamberlain paced nervously as the young Emperor scowled angrily into the crowd overlooking his terrace.

  “Where is she? You said you would have her by today and bring her here? Why have your men failed?” Egon fixed his gaze on the row of councilors standing behind him. “Well?”

  “Sire, she is not your subject. We sent men to her parent’s home, but they informed us that she was sent away. They would not tell us where and we could not compel them.”

  “Away? What does that mean?” Grabbing him by the lapels, Egon brought him close and then pushed him into the others. “Was she sent to a convent? My Sabina? Why would they do that? Did you offer them money?” Infuriated with everyone present, Egon stormed downstairs into his private chamber. Only his chamberlain dared to follow.

  “Sire, Lady Sabina is King Malthor’s subject and he has requested to see you as soon as possible. I’m certain this pertains to his long-desired annulment. Perhaps he can compel the lady’s parents to give you her whereabouts.” He bowed as he made his exit.

  “Yes! Make the arrangements. I’ll go to Ravena in the morning.” Finally satisfied he might find her, he jumped excitedly and poured himself some wine.

  “Sire! Your coronation is in 6 days, we need to prepare.”

  “I don’t need to do anything. These things are all the same. I’ll be there to kneel and let the Archbishop crown me. The ride to Ravena is less than a day, send word that I’ll be there by midday tomorrow. Ready my things, I need to find Sabina before she marries or God forbid, takes vows as a nun.”

  “Malthor! Oh God! Stop teasing me, faster, please faster!” Sabine held on to the bedpost, reclining into the King’s lap while he thrust into her with painfully slow strokes. Edging towards her third climax of the evening, she greedily begged for another. Squeezing her breasts roughly, he took his time relishing the creamy skin of her swollen breasts as they trembled in his hands. He loved provoking her, pinching and rolling her taut nipples in his fingers while she writhed helpless in his arms.

  “Tell me you love me, Sabina. Say it, my love. I need to hear it. It’s been too long.”

  “Oh Malthor, that’s so unfair. You know how I feel.” Sabina, bore into him, trying to bring on her own release, but he gripped her waist and held her steady, denying her what she craved.

  Kissing her shoulders as he thrust slow but hard, he asked again. “Say it, please. I love you, Sabina. I’ve sent the others away. You’re all I want, all I need. I’m going to make you my queen, I promise. Please, say you love me.”

  Looking behind, she stared sadly into his pleading eyes and finally whispered the words he’d longed to hear. “I love you, Malthor. I wish I didn’t, but I do.”

  Before she could retract her words, he drew his face to hers and smothered her lips with a savage intensity, trying to kiss away all her doubts and fears. “Don’t say that Sabina. I won’t make you regret it, my love. We will marry. I’ll give you children. I’ll love you to the end of my days.”

  Although she nodded, he sensed she remained unconvinced. Enveloping her into his arms, he eased her onto the bed and brought her warm body against him. She had every reason to doubt him, but he hoped she trusted his love.

  “You don’t believe me, do you?”

  “I have no choice. Would you release me if you could not marry me?” Her smile faded as she wiped a treacherous tear.

  “Would you want me to? Is that what you would want?” The thought of letting her go made his heart ache but with Egon’s visit, he was certain things would resolve themselves soon.

  “Malthor, I do not want to be your concubine. Please promise me you will not turn me into one. Keep me as your mistress or make me your wife, but I do not want to give you illegitimate heirs. Please don’t do that to me.” Burying her head in his chest, she wept openly, fearful those were his plans all along.

  “Would you have someone else give me children? If things did not go as planned, I would still need an heir. Do you want me to have children with another woman? How could you want that?” He pulled away from her and glared at her angrily.

  “Malthor, it would break my heart. But that would not hurt as much as bringing shame to my children. You would always be a god to them-- you would be their king. I would be the woman who made their claim and status questionable. Please don’t do that to me.” She curled into the curve of his body and kissed his chest. “I love you, but that is why I’m afraid to love you.”

  Melting into her, he groaned with remorse. “I wish I could promise you whatever you wanted. You are the only woman I’ve ever loved. I fear I will die without you.” Too sad to continue making love, Sabina fell asleep in his arms, while he mentally prepared for the Emperor’s visit. Now more than ever, he hoped Egon stayed true to his word.

  Since they were old friends and kin through marriage, the meeting between Egon and Malthor was kept informal. Arriving with a small entourage, the new emperor came prepared to discuss the annulment but was far more eager to ask for the king’s help in finding his lost love.

  “I know what you want, Malthor. I made you a promise and I intend to keep it. My sister will be angry, but I expect you will give her some type of settlement and a place to live. She received a hefty allowance from our father as well.”

  Elated, Malthor reclined in his seat and sighed with relief. He knew Egon was an honorable man, but he feared Kirsa might have guilted him into changing his mind. With that settled, he stood to pour himself a goblet of wine and waited for his friend to continue with his request.

  “You said you had a favor, what is it?” Malthor topped off Egon’s glass and happily led him towards the large window. Sabina was out for a ride on her new mare and expected to return soon.

  “I’m looking for someone. She is a relation, 7th cousins, maybe 6th once removed, I’m not sure, distant enough to marry without having to bribe anyone. I would have married her as soon as she was of age, but my father forbade me. She is a noblewoman, but not a princess. I was able to hold him off for this long only because of his illness or I would have been force into a horrible arrangement years ago.” Egon took a sip of wine and eyed his friend suspiciously, he was far too interested in something outside. “Are you listening to me?”

  “Forgive me, I’m distracted. I plan to marry as soon as this annulment business is complete. I too am in love with a noblewoman and since I am King and my father is dead, he cannot prevent me from marrying whom I please. I’m waiting for her to return from her ride, you should meet her, she’s the most beautiful girl in Ravena.”

  A wave of apprehension washed over the Emperor. There was no prettier girl in Malthor’s kingdom than his Sabina, even her sisters paled in comparison. “Do you speak of your new mistress? Did you make a noblewoman your mistress?”

  Frowning in irritation, Malthor crossed his arms and breathed deeply. He didn’t appreciate being questioned, but he couldn’t afford to start an argument. “It wasn’t my desire to make her my mistress. I would have married her if your father had not fought my annulment so hard.”

  Fearing the worst, Egon continued. “Minutes after my father died, I sent my men to the home of the Duke of Keval in search of his daughter, Lady Sabina. Neither her parents or anyone employed in the house would provid
e them with any information of her whereabouts. I do not believe she would have gone anywhere willingly. She knew I wanted to marry her. I visited her several times, sometimes in secret. She would not have run away when she knew she could be Empress of Saxburg in a matter of months.”

  Malthor took a deep breath before responding. She’d never mentioned any liaison with the Crown Prince. Was it because he meant nothing or because the memory was too precious to share with him? Jealousy gnawed at his thoughts as he imagined Egon and Sabina together, laughing, kissing-- not making love, he knew he’d been her first lover, but had she loved him? Was this relationship all in Egon’s deluded mind? Staring down at his new rival, his face set into a vicious expression. “She is here with me. Sabina will be my queen.”

  “You have a queen!” Egon barked, enraged by Malthor’s confession. All his plans, his future with Sabina were now ruined because of his selfishness. He’d had a dozen mistresses, why did he have to make her one of the them?

  “Do you mean to go back on your word to me?” The King stepped closer, clenching his fists in fury. “Maybe I should I have left you in the snow to die.”

  Seething, Egon stalked forward, seeking any opportunity to strike him. As his mind spun with unimaginable thoughts of Malthor and Sabina, he spotted a rider approach the courtyard below. He knew her anywhere—it was Sabina. Before Malthor had a chance to see her, Egon raced out of the room and ran towards the castle gates, leaving the King utterly confused.

  “Where are you going?” Catching a glimpse of her below, he set off after Egon, afraid he would reach her before him.

  Returning from her ride, Sabina made the difficult decision to confess. Malthor expected her to miss her cycle soon and if Uta’s tonic had been as effective as she hoped, she would not. If they were to marry, she would joyfully give him as many children as he liked, but if they continued as they were, she would need to admit to her deception. With a heavy heart, she followed the path from the courtyard into the garden, allowing him more time with his guest. Her confession could wait until the evening. He was always in such better spirits in the evening.

  While surveying her newly planted roses, she asked the gardener if he knew who was visiting. Malthor had never mentioned their name and since politics rarely interested her, she never thought to ask. However, the carriages in front were extraordinarily grand for something being treated as an informal affair.

  “Good afternoon, ma’am. His Majesty is meeting with Emperor Egon of Saxburg, he only arrived a short while ago.”

  “Egon! He’s Emperor? And he’s here? Oh no, I don’t want him to see me like this….” Hurrying away, Sabina ran towards the kitchen entrance almost reaching the door when she heard a familiar voice call out to her. For a second, she pretended not to hear. It was faint and far enough away to say she’d heard nothing. However, seconds later, when he yelled twice as loud, frightening birds in his path, her startled shudder gave her away.

  “Sabina! It’s me! It’s Egon!” His heart beat wildly in his chest as he drew closer to her perfect figure. Sabina had been his every hope and fantasy. She was too young to marry when they first met and his father would have never allowed it, but he always knew they belonged together. Malthor’s selfish indulgences would not ruin their future—he wouldn’t allow it.

  “Egon…” Wringing her small hands nervously, she kept her distance. “I’m sorry about your father. I didn’t know. Please forgive me, but I have to….” As she attempted to walk away, Malthor rushed up, angrier than she’d ever seen him.

  “Stay away from her. You will be to blame if we can’t marry and that is all we want.” Taking her hand, Malthor led her back inside, gazing down at her sympathetically as she looked at both of them with bewilderment.

  Storming behind them, Egon reached for Sabina, incurring the King’s wrath. “Get away from her. She is not your subject. If you care for her at all, you won’t stand in the way of my annulment. We love each other and it is both our wish to marry.”

  “I’ll allow your annulment, but not if you marry her. I don’t believe she loves you. You’ve had her here by force. What choice did she have but to say she loved you?” Egon blocked their path. His jealous heart prevented him from seeing the cruelty of his actions.

  “If I can’t marry Sabina, then what use do I have with an annulment?” Malthor growled with contempt.

  “You will have a chance to marry another and have heirs. Why would you deny her the chance to become Empress of Saxburg only to make her your concubine? It’s dishonorable and beneath her.” Egon gazed at Sabina. Her frightened, somber expression pierced his heart, but he couldn’t allow Malthor to marry her-- not after he’d waited so long.

  “Empress of Saxburg? Have you gone mad? She’s probably carrying my heir. You’re not marrying her. Leave, Egon. Leave the grounds, leave Ravena. If you are not going to keep your word out of spite and allow us to marry, then you and I have nothing left to discuss.”

  As they walked away, Egon left them with his final words. “Why don’t you ask her what she wants? Ask her, Malthor. Why would she give up a respectable future? She could be a wife, a mother, an Empress—I offer her everything and you will give her nothing. If she is not with child, let her have a real life. I love you, Sabina. He doesn’t love you. He never will.”

  “Leave or I will have you thrown out!” Dragging her away, Malthor’s blood boiled with madness as his heart hammered in his chest. She would never forgive him.

  Sabina sat quietly on her bed as Malthor paced furiously across their room. While his thoughts raced, her silence was unbearable. He broke his promise. It wasn’t entirely his fault, but he broke it nonetheless. Yet he couldn’t let her go. The thought of her leaving was unthinkable. His heart and soul were hers. If she left, she would take them with her.

  “Malthor…” Her voice was only louder than a whisper.

  “Sabina, no. Please don’t ask me. My love, please don’t ask. We’ve made love daily and I’ve been infinitely careless. You are most likely with child. I know you said you didn’t want to have children, but this was before. I can’t let you go.” He knelt before her, pleading with her to understand.

  “I’m not with child. A healer gave me a tonic, a preventative tonic to keep me from it. I would have stopped taking it if we were married, but I was afraid. I’m sorry.” She tried to move passed him, but he held her knees firmly, hugging them to him with desperate need.

  “Why wouldn’t you tell me?” Shaking his head, he dismissed his anger. “I need heirs and I don’t want to have them with anyone else, do you want to give them to Egon?”

  “I want to give them to my husband. You can’t marry me, Malthor. I love you, but I don’t want to be your concubine, I’ve told you why.” Wiping away her tears, she choked on every word, swallowing her despair.

  “I cannot marry you because of him! You want to reward him?” The grief in his voice tormented her.

  “Would you punish me?” She looked away in anguish, deep sorrow tearing at her heart.

  “Sabina! I love you more than life, please don’t leave me. I promise I’ll treat you as my queen. I’ll never allow anyone to disrespect you. I’ll pass laws if I have to!” Clutching her legs, he was driven to tears.

  “I’m at your command, Malthor. I have no power to do as I wish.” She closed her eyes, miserable and disconsolate with the thought of her future.

  Gazing up at her, he could see her spirit breaking as fast as her heart. From that moment forward, he would forever be responsible for her misery. She would never love him the same way again. Soon, she might grow to hate him, and that was worse than losing her. He promised to make her a queen, and not only did he fail, he kept her from becoming an empress. No, this wasn’t love. He would not prove Egon correct. Even if he had to lose her, she would know he loved her more.

  “Sabina…forgive me for failing you. I won’t do it again. If you wish to leave with him and marry him, I won’t stand in your way.” Malthor stood and offered her h
is hand.

  Shocked by his words, she fell into his arms and wept. “You don’t mean that, do you? You’re trying to trick me.”

  “I do, my love. I want you with me always but of your own free will. If you want to leave with him, I release you. In four weeks, you made me happier than I’ve ever been, and I’ll never forget you. I want you to be happy.” Overcome with emotion, he kissed her goodbye, before walking away. As raw grief threatened to overwhelm him, he wouldn’t use pity to keep her.

  The King arranged to send her belongings to Saxburg, but knowing how much she loved her new mare, Malthor insisted she be allowed to leave with her. Their farewell was brief with Egon watching over them, but there was nothing more that could be said. Malthor asked him one more time to allow his annulment for both their sakes and he refused, vowing to never allow it. And it was those words that kept replaying over and over in Sabina’s mind on their journey. As much as he wanted to be with her, Malthor loved her enough to let her go for the sake of her happiness. Egon had the power to allow her to marry the man she loved but was refusing her most cherished wish. He didn’t love her. Perhaps he never would.

  “Stop the carriage, please.” Sabina jumped to her feet and yelled at the coachman.

  “Sabina, what are you doing?” Egon stared at her, baffled.

  “I need to check on my mare. I don’t think they attached her properly, allow me to see if she is well.” Jumping off the carriage, she ran to the back, detached the horse and quickly mounted her.

  Puzzled by her actions, Egon stood in her way. “Are you returning to Malthor? I’m not changing my mind. He won’t marry you. I love you. How can you choose to be his concubine when you can be my wife and empress?”

  “Allow us to marry. If you love me, allow us to marry. I love him, I only wish to be his. I want to be his wife, but if the only way I can be with him is as his concubine, then so be it. I won’t allow you to destroy my happiness because you didn’t get your way. He loved me enough to release me—if you love me, you’ll grant me this.”


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