Bound (Wolverine MC Book 1)

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Bound (Wolverine MC Book 1) Page 1

by Alexi Ferreira


  Wolverine MC (Book 1)

  Copyright © 2020 Alexi Ferreira

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or by other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in used critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses as permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author, mentioning in the subject line:

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person or persons, living or dead, any event, occurrence, or incident is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created and thought up from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.























  “Move,” I say for the second time as I try to walk past Frost, bumping into him when he doesn’t move.

  “Piss off,” he says, which shouldn’t surprise me, as Frost is always in a mood.

  “This is fucking heavy, and if you don’t move, I’m going to drop it on you,” I threaten, my anger now also rising at his stubbornness. I see him look over his shoulder for the first time since I spoke, and then grunt in annoyance when he sees the engine I have in my arms, but he finally moves out of the way.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Frost mutters as I walk past towards King’s office. My bike blew the engine the other day, and now King refuses to give me a spare until mine is fixed. Yes, I know I’m a bit rough with it, but if we are after a fucking suspect, we’re not going to crawl along as if we are driving Miss Daisy.

  I see King on his cell as I approach, pacing up and down the length of his office. As Alpha, he isn’t someone I want to toy with, but I’m climbing the walls being here the whole day. I need to get out there. I need to be in the open even if it’s just riding around, making as if I’m delivering shit as a cover while we investigate the cases we have. My muscles are starting to burn, but I ignore them as I walk into the office.

  King has his back towards me, but when I enter, he turns, and I can see his eyes start to slit when he sees the engine in my arms. I walk straight towards his desk and am about to drop it on there when his words stop me.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The warning in his tone is enough to hold me back, but when I glance at him and see the way his teeth are bared and how his eyes have changed into a deep blue, I step back a couple steps and drop it on the ground. The sound of the engine hitting the ground reverberates throughout the office.

  In the blink of an eye the phone, he was holding is on the floor and I am up against the wall, his hand around my neck as he holds me up. “Explain!” he growls, which is a bad sign when you’re the recipient of King’s ire.

  “Fuck, King, I can’t sit around this place any longer. I have shit to do, and you don’t want me to use one of the new motorcycles,” I state in anger, but when he growls deep in his throat, I lower my eyes, not wanting to make it worse.

  “You should have thought about that when you were revving the fucking bike at the speed you were, when they are not made for it. I warned you, Hunter.” He flicks his wrist, which has me tumbling to the floor. We are all strong in our own right, but as Alpha of our pack, King has all the abilities we have, but enhanced tenfold. From the ten of us in the pack, King and Goliath are the brawniest. We all work out, not that we must, as our constitutions are naturally fit, but to expend some of our extreme energy.

  “Now take this fucking engine out of here and let the others know I want a meeting later.” With that command, he turns away from me and strides towards where his cell phone had dropped onto the floor. I see him looking at the screen and then grunt. King has a quick temper, but he is also a fair leader who will die for anyone in his pack. We all have the highest respect for him as a leader and as a brother.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, as it’s clear that something is angering him.

  “They suspect narcotics are making their way through the post office again. That was the commercial director,” he mutters as he lifts his hand and strokes it through his midnight-black hair. “It’s the third time at the same depot. There must be someone higher up in the chain involved that we haven’t sniffed out.”

  “Which depot are we talking about?”

  “Black Thorn,” he mutters as he walks behind his desk and sits down. I was the one doing the rounds in Black Thorn last week. To be honest, one of the postmen there is a little dodgy, but more in line with being a perv and not so much into stealing.

  “Does he know how long it has been happening?” I ask. When I think of who the fucker distributing drugs right under my nose might be, my anger ignites.

  King shakes his head in response and then goes back to looking through some papers on his desk. I have seen way too many kids die because of drugs. The person who thought he could grow his illegal business right under my watch is in for a rude awakening. I turn to make my way out of the office, but am stopped when I hear a growl from behind me. Turning, I see King’s angry gaze. Only then do I remember the fucking engine.

  Grunting, I squat down and pick up the useless thing before making my way out again.

  “Told you,” Frost says as I approach.

  “Oh, put a sock in it,” I growl as I make my way out again. I could have just told Frost about the meeting later, but I didn’t feel like it. I will text all of them at the same time. I make my way back to the garage where we all keep our bikes. Just inside the door, I toss the engine to the side in anger and just miss Hawk as he walks from behind one of the shelves.

  “What the fuck, Hunter? I don’t need my head bashed in,” he says angrily.

  “Didn’t see you,” I grunt in apology.

  “Guess it didn’t go as you expected, did it?” Hawk asks as he walks towards his bike. He’s wearing his Glock tucked behind him in the waistband of his jeans.

  “Are you headed out?” I ask instead of answering. Hawk is our best tracker. When we have a case of a missing person or are looking for a suspect, he’s the one who tracks them down.

  “Yeah, I have a feeling about that missing girl that I want to follow up.” Like all of us, we rely a lot on our intuition, which never lets us down.

  “King wants to meet later.” Hawk looks over his shoulder at me as he straddles his bike, a frown marring his forehead, but he nods and then starts his bike and rides away. Something that I would like to be doing. Looking around the garage, I grunt. The only bikes still here are King’s, Frost’s, and Goliath’s. The others all seem to have left already. Looking at my Ducati Monster in the corner, I can feel myself glaring at it.

  “It’s not its fault, you know.” I look over at Goliath, who has just walked in. His long dark-brown hair is tied up and away from his face, which tells me that he’s not going out yet. His hazel eyes don’t miss anything as he look
s at me.

  “I know,” I mutter as I shake my head to try to get rid of this feeling of restlessness surrounding me.

  “Don’t stress, I’ve ordered your engine and King approved the one you wanted,” he says, which has my mood instantly improving. My bike is going to be faster than before. “That made you smile.” He bumps his shoulder with mine as he walks past.

  Goliath is a mountain of a man. When he walks into a room, he does not go unnoticed. You would think a giant like him would be slower than others. Not a chance! Goliath is faster and stronger than most of us here. He is also very difficult to hide something from. Because of our high span of intuition, it is always impossible for someone to lie to us for long, but with Goliath, he just knows when someone is lying from the onset.

  “I’m going into town to get it; do you want to come?”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice; I’m climbing the walls just hanging around here,” I state, already making my way toward the pickup that we use sometimes to transport stuff. Grabbing my kutte from the hook by the door, I put it on to hide the bulge of my Glock at my back. Because of the life we live, all of us carry weapons, not just because of the assholes we go after but also because of the Hades MC, whom we are at war with.

  As soon as we are on our way, I pull out my phone and send a text to everyone, informing them of the meeting. The last thing I need is for King to jump down my throat for forgetting. Opening the window, I stretch out to feel the wind blow through my hair. Closing my eyes, I savour the feel of freedom that only open spaces and nature can give me.

  “Has Blue said anything yet?” I ask. Blue has been away for over two months now, and the place doesn’t seem the same without him. His last gig was supposed to be last week, but he hasn’t come home yet, which to be honest also has King on edge. He doesn’t like it when we aren’t within kicking distance to make sure that the club can get to any of us if we need help.

  Blue can sing the birds out of the trees. Every now and again, he will get restless and then shoot out to sing in a few places before coming back home. He could be a well-known musician if he wanted to, but he has shut down every opportunity that has come his way, and there have been a few.

  “Nope, but I sure hope he’ll be home soon,” Goliath mutters as he turns onto the main road. Some kind of emotional magnetic wave suddenly crashes into me. My senses sharpen, my heart starts to race, the hairs on my body rise in reaction. My vision sharpens as I look around, up and down the road to try to see where this onslaught is coming from.

  “What’s up?” Goliath asks as he looks over at me.

  “Can’t you feel it?” I ask in surprise. A pull like the one I’m feeling he should have been able to sense.

  “No,” he says with a frown, and I know he’s trying to sense anything different in the air. The pull that I’m feeling is getting stronger, to the point that I want to jump out of the pickup and rush towards it. What the fuck!

  “Stop,” I growl, which has Goliath immediately pulling over and looking around for a threat.

  “What the hell, Hunter? What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know, but something is messing with my senses.” I’m trying to pinpoint where it’s coming from, but I can’t pick up on the source yet.

  “Is it danger?” Goliath asks as he continues to look around. His question makes me analyse the pull that I’m feeling and the reaction I’m having.

  “Fuck me!” I growl when I realize what is happening.

  “What?” Goliath places his hand behind his back, preparing for any eventuality.

  “It’s my mate!” I state as my mind and senses align, a feeling of desperation to go and find her overtaking my body. We all know that once our wolf senses its mate, it will drop everything and go out to claim her. I can feel the desperation within me, the hunger of the chase. We become volatile at this time, as all we want is our other half. It’s the most dangerous time in our lives. When we find our mate, our wolf becomes predominant. Our animal instincts take over, and we only have complete control once we claim our mate.

  “Shit, are you serious?” he asks with a concerned tone in his voice. I nod but don’t respond, as my senses are all on trying to find my mate. I have wondered a few times if I would ever find her, have tried to imagine what she would be like, what I would feel once I found her. I could never have imagined this overwhelming feeling. Even without having seen her, my soul knows that my other half is close.

  “I need to go,” I say as I open the door to the pickup. Stepping out, I feel Goliath’s hand on my shoulder. Looking around, I see his worried expression.

  “I’ll be close,” he says, but I know that he won’t come anywhere near my woman or me until I have claimed her, or I will kill him. I grunt in anger at myself. Goliath is one of my brothers. He would never do anything that would betray me. This claiming situation is really messing with my head. He squeezes my shoulder in understanding and then lets go. “Well then, what are you waiting for? Go get your mate.”

  He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I set out down the road, following my instincts with each step I take. An overwhelming drive to possess pulls me. Then, suddenly, I know exactly where I’m going. A light fragrance catches my attention, and I start to follow its exhilarating power. My senses are all alive, the hard-on I got when I realized that my mate was close becoming painful with its intensity. Thank goodness my T-shirt covers my crotch, or I would be arrested for indecent behaviour.

  Realizing that my mate is at the hairdressers, I stop. Shit! Of all the places, she had to be here. The owner, Gloria, has been in and out of my bed more times than I can count. I know she wants a commitment from me, but I have always told her that we weren’t exclusive and that our connection was only physical. Now that I have pinpointed where my woman is, the drive is stronger than ever. I know that in my right mind, I would wait to talk to her until she was away from Gloria, but it’s stronger than me and I’m not going to wait.

  I walk up to the door and then enter. The first person I see is Gloria behind the counter. When she sees me, her face lights up. Fuck, I don’t feel like this right now. “Well, look what the cat dragged in,” she says with a big smile. I see movement from the corner of my eye as someone walks into the salon from the back, and then everything stands still. I know Gloria is talking to me, but my every sense is focused on the woman who has just come to a standstill.

  I can hear my heart racing; she is so beautiful, more than I could ever wish for. Her long auburn hair curling all around her, her light-green eyes staring at me in curiosity. I hear her accelerated heartbeat, telling me that she is as affected by me as I am by her. I can sense her heartbeat start to change its rhythm, matching mine.

  “Hunter?” I finally hear Gloria, and by her tone, I can tell that she has been trying to grab my attention for a while. I don’t know how long I have been staring at my mate, but I have the feeling it has been a few minutes. I see her cheeks redden with colour, which tells me that she is caught in the same pull as I am.

  “Yeah?” I answer, not taking my eyes away from my woman.

  “Are you here for a reason?” I can hear the irritation in Gloria’s voice, but even if I wanted to, I can’t pull myself away from my mate; that is, until Gloria comes to stand right before me. Focusing on her, I see the anger in her eyes and the way her lips are pulling in anger.

  “Mmm, I’m here to cut my hair.” What the hell? Since when do I cut my hair at the hairdressers? I see her look of surprise, as she has been hassling me for ages to cut my hair and I have kept away. In general, I keep my hair long, not long enough to be in the way, but not in any way short.

  “Really? What brought about this change of heart?” she asks suspiciously, making me shrug in reply.

  “Are you going to introduce me to your new girl?” I ask instead of answering her question.

  “Leave Dakota alone. She’s not interested,” Gloria says angrily, but when I want something, I get it, and with Dakota, I definitely intend to not

  Dakota! That’s a unique name, as unique as she seems to be. Dakota doesn’t know it yet, but she’s mine, and she will know that soon enough.


  When I hear Gloria call to Hunter, I tense. What the hell am I doing staring at a client like this? I can’t afford to lose this job after just two days. I’m tired of running. Maybe just maybe I’ll be lucky and I won’t need to leave another town again. Haven’t I learned my lesson? After all, this is why I’m in trouble now. Bad boys!

  To be fair, I think any hot-blooded woman would stop and stare at this man. Not just because of his looks but his very presence that dominates as soon as he enters a room. I want to slide my fingers into his hair just to feel its silkiness. The dark brown has a slight auburn tinge to it as he moves his head. His dark eyes feel like they look right into my soul, baring all my secrets and cravings.

  Cravings? Where does that come from? For the last three years, I’ve had no cravings, but being stalked by a crazy ex will do that to anyone. Just the thought of Jason has me sobering, a chill running down my back. Three months ago, he nearly caught me again. I don’t know how he keeps finding me, but the truth is, he has found me twice before and I will do anything for that not to happen again.

  “I want her!” At Hunter’s words, my attention is brought back to the conversation before me. The name Hunter suits him. His magnetism is like a wild animal when on the prowl.

  “What do you mean you want her? She’s busy,” Gloria states angrily, which has me quickly moving towards the products shelf I was headed to earlier and placing the items I have in my hands on the shelf. I was so distracted that I even forgot that I was holding the hair gels.

  “Gloria, I want her!” There is a tone of command in his voice that has chills running up my back. No one in their right mind would contradict what he just said and how he said it. It seems like Gloria knows him. For some reason, the idea doesn’t sit well with me, but looking at him, I’m sure he knows a lot of women, and well.


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