Broken Angel: The Complete Collection: A Dark Omegaverse Romance

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Broken Angel: The Complete Collection: A Dark Omegaverse Romance Page 3

by Penelope Woods

  Cassian has enemies in every area of the world. It’s only a matter of time before the specialist’s safety falls into jeopardy.

  “My colleagues… Are they safe?” the specialist asks.

  Cassian studies the frail specialist. This doctor will die by his hand eventually, but now is not the time to mention the obvious.

  “You are worried?” Cassian asks.

  “No,” he says, doggedly. “But you promised me safety. A place where I could finish out my… your project.”

  The slippery, swallowing sounds that bubble inside the doctor’s mouth angers Cassian to no end. “I need this project finished more than you and your colleagues need your lives. Which is precisely why I will grant you permission to bear arms during the incoming raids of the outside provinces of the city.”

  “Thank you, sir,” the specialist says. “I believe in the struggle. Your fight. I believe in your power.”

  Lightly chuckling, Cassian faces the man and swivels his palm against his fragile shoulder blade. Admittedly, he isn’t one to tell the truth when it doesn’t benefit him. However, the specialist has been an outstanding worker, and Cassian feels he deserves some respect.

  “Thank you for your loyalty. Te Republic will reveal the terms for peace,” he says. “And when they do, I will be the sole man in power. They will be executed. You will be granted clemency.”

  Cassian will bring the ruling class home to roost, but he needs the bitch to be his bride before he can allow himself any real black celebration.

  More than anything, he yearns for a rightful heir who will someday grant his exit. “You need not worry,” he adds with rare honesty. “The alphas who raided the facility are in my possession. I found them. My men will dole out their punishments shortly.”

  “Thank heavens,” the specialist whispers. “The girl needs all the care she can get during these tumultuous times.”

  “Yes. Care.”

  Salty tears sting Rae’s eyes, and they won’t stop piling behind her sinuses. An inward, sharp and heavy shoulder pain leaves her as a pile of ragged skin. Cuts and bruises litter her body like a spoiled fruit. All she wants to do is end this everlasting nightmare.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” she asks, still asleep. Still trapped in a nightmare memory of the beginning. Of her father’s tragic death…

  The day she was finally taken.

  Cassian gives her a wicked look, yellowing teeth shining through the darkness inside the room. “Because you are nothing to me. This world offers no princesses, no heroes to quench your thirst for justice. You are alone.”

  Is it true?

  Perhaps, there is nobody willing to help her. Perhaps, she is just a sore on this earth, one that cannot be healed.

  Long ago, her father told her that God opened wounds to change the obvious outcome of the alpha’s actions. To move things forward. Every time she gazed at the flowing flower petals between her legs, she understood what she was to be used for. It made her despise the old bastard even more than Cassian did.

  God opened the universe and sent planet-shattering seed through negative space. Alphas opened the earth to plant ripe fruit. They created bullets to seed into any person willing to step toward the light as a saving grace. They created civilization to implode back into the earth with all its unimaginable sorrow.

  And then one alpha, Cassian, created Rae to keep that sorrow alive as a well-preserved, single-burning ember.

  “I am truly alone,” she whispers.

  Cassian spreads her creamy legs apart, examining her tender lips. Slowly lowering his body, he positions his widened nose over the drying secretion.

  “Mmm,” he huffs.

  Rae’s body jerks back, but heavy chains hold her against the worn stable door. Bits of straw clings to her bleeding kneecaps, and frayed strands of hair drape across her face and swelling mouth.

  “N-N-No more,” she pleads.

  Cassian raises his palm with brash excitement. Rae braces for the impact, and he hits her with the strength of a tank. She smells the rough beastly scent of both horses and Cassian’s unwashed body. He takes hold of the edge of her dress, lifting her soft, exposed ass into the air. Her nipples glide against the center of the fabric, hardened from the frigid air around her body.

  She shakes against her chains to escape, knowing it is futile.

  Cassian’s breath filters through his clogged sinuses. His large, protruding belly taps her arms. Pinning her against the confining stable, he leans in and licks up the crook of her neck.

  “Yes, more,” he groans.

  Unsheathing his meaty flesh from his leather cock ring, he glances down at his blooming member. Small, glistening beads of lubricant drift down the spongy crown, and Rae knows what’s about to come next.

  She closes her eyes and tries to imagine a better world. She remembers when she was younger. The boys would taunt her, but she found a safe space in the shrouded silence of her father’s crops. She used to stare up at the blue sky and imagine her future.

  But as she opens her eyes again, the thug burns that future away.

  Holding her ass above his waist, he lowers her down. Inch by inch, she falls onto his cock. Rae’s screams fill the room. She turns her head left and right, causing Cassian to smack her in the jaw once more. As she collapses onto the alpha’s thick pole, her screams catch against the back of her tired throat. Earth-shattering vibrations of pain flow into a rich, burning sensation that never seem to dissipate.

  He overpowers her. Shakes her. Pumps her full of him until it isn’t a question of whether he will fit.

  Small pools of abundant slick oozes onto the alpha’s cock. As Cassian surges forward, a cherry of blood forms around the base of his shaft.

  “Break your walls,” he whispers.

  Like an egg, he cracks through the thin barrier, stewing the red yolk until it is a mash of warm fluid. Cassian slips forward and grinds his hips like a steed. The knot inside him swells and bulges, but he holds himself back from blowing.

  “No…” Rae’s voice turns into a muffled whimper as her tears hit the sordid floor. All the alpha’s ugliness pours inside her, tearing her down to another level of hopelessness.

  In her moments of choked trauma, she vows never to open her eyes again. Like a sleeping beauty, she lets his thorn prick and consume her. She falls into the void.

  Cassian lowers his lips to her ear. Tenderly biting the ridge of cartilage, he grunts and shifts the weight of his body.

  “Come,” he grunts, breath rancid in her runny nostrils. His voice rises with every word he utters. “Fucking come, you whore.”

  He traces the edge of his tongue down to her small and swollen tits. Pinching her nipples, he tugs until the spongy flesh turns a deep shade of purple. She cries out one last time, wrists cutting into the chains that hold her stationary.

  She will never come by his touch.

  He disgusts her.

  Mouth exposed in a silent shout, Cassian opens his eyes and shakes. For a second, he appears vulnerable. Weak. But as his cock bobs against her chafed and stinging walls, she feels the steamy seed flutter out in luscious waves of his satisfaction.

  The man forces his hand around the girl’s throat and manages a weak look of peace. Quickly, that expression turns deep, fading into self-righteous anger.

  He grips and crushes until he hears the rattling of her saliva against her throat. The obstructed air path threatens to cave, and she has no sense that he will ever let go.

  Rae gazes at the nightmare man who takes and kills her, night after fucking night. Locked in this false nightmare, she is forced to spread her legs until the muscles give, until she really feels his knot furrow into her belly.

  The mass twists inside her, latching onto her ovaries, tearing into every part of her. Now, she is his. She is complete.

  Completely ruined.

  No, she will never wake from this.

  The memory reduction treatments given to her by Cassian’s specialists are heavy enoug
h to sedate her for the future. She will not fight him anymore. She will wake and become his.

  But something inside the girl’s heart shines like a light tower, begging to be nurtured. To be saved.

  With a twist of fate, her eyes open. She is finally awake.

  For good.

  Chapter Four

  Cassian lingers outside the door of the prison cell located underneath the arms barracks. Horrid sounds of excruciating hammering comes from above.

  The alphas don’t want to know who is dealing out the punishment today. It’s already horrible enough to walk on the blood-covered grounds, barefoot and susceptible to diseases. If there’s anything Vash fears, it’s biological impurities.

  “How could you do this to our progress?” Cassian asks, voice hollow with honest confusion.

  Vash hasn’t heard his brother talk like this before. There’s significant pain with every word spoken, and he looks more tired than ever. Both men have experienced some level of devastation from the long-lasting wars of a crumbling Republic, but their father’s passing was the final nail in the coffin.

  His death created a vacuum of distrust between the two. Eventually, Vash caved, but he felt the throne was always rightfully his to steal.

  Vash stares at his brother like a lost lamb. “Haven’t spilled my seed in months. I merely wanted to smell the filthy cunt,” he says with sudden hunger.

  Cassian grins and drives his nostrils outward as if Rae were in front of them now. “You could have asked for permission to do that, brother. I know how to share.”

  In all his years of living, Cassian has never regarded him as his real brother. When he uses the term, he means it in the most negative way possible.

  Vash nudges his body forward, but a set of chains locks him to the metal bars of the room. “Care to loosen?”

  Cassian ignores his request, so Vash changes the subject, hoping to tire him out faster. Cassian brought his pack into separate rooms, and Vash can only think to ask of their fate. “What will happen to the rest of my pack brothers?”

  “I will give them their freedom after they complete their tour in the upcoming raids,” he says.

  “You’re shipping them out again? They’ve served for four years, Cassian.”

  Cassian turns toward a grimy sink, held in place by a single rusted pipe. Leaning over the cracked porcelain, he uses a set of pliers to pick up what looks to be a long, thin strand of fabric. However, as Cassian moves closer, Vash sees the strand curl into the air.

  It’s not fabric. It’s a parasite.

  “Don’t worry. You’re not going back there,” Cassian whispers. “Your punishment is fitting to the crime.”

  Immediately, Vash’s nerves wind rigid and tight. He claws away from his brother, sliding against the caged door, wrists burning. “Brother, you will regret this,” Vash bawls.

  “Do not tell me what I will regret,” Cassian growls and leans his head down. “Betrayal is met with death.”

  Saliva foams on the edges of Vash’s mouth. “We are the great leader’s sons,” Vash mutters through his teeth.

  “We? You are charity,” he says.

  Cassian pulls the root of Vash’s hair until he collapses onto the concrete. “Stop… squirming,” he snorts.

  “No! No-Nn-AHHH!!”

  Tormented cries leave Vash’s throat as Cassian lowers the thin worm into the white of Vash’s eye. Forced to blink, Vash allows the parasite to roam into the back of the socket where the odd pressure seems like a painful malfunction of reality.

  “I will keep your misery visible,” Cassian mutters, spit rolling down his lips.


  Why? Because he can.

  “The pressure is the first symptom of many. You will experience dry mouth. Depression. After about a week, your gut lining will erode. Your shit will spill from your insides before you can clutch your ass around a toilet seat. You will undergo minor facial paralysis before it makes its way into your central nervous system, littering your nerves with extreme tics before it shuts down. You will then starve to death, and the last thing you see will be the fading lights of my world, my universe.”

  Vash convulses against the floor, and Cassian watches with mild curiosity. Pools of spit drift around his lips. It’s strange for him to see Vash like this, like a helpless animal. Like Rae.

  Vash is behaving like the spoiled bitch Cassian keeps under lock and key. Lest he forget, Cassian has given his brother everything. He offered him a seat at the table.

  Yes, it was underneath his eminent authority their growth had occurred. Had Vash turned on him before the Republic collapsed, things would have turned out differently. Vash would have stayed silent, and Cassian could have developed the omega in peace.

  “What is she?” Vash whimpers.

  Breathing, Cassian sits next to him, sighing with exhaustion. It has been a tiring week of fighting, and Rae is almost ready.

  “She is the perfect being. But you knew that already,” Cassian says.

  “What makes her so special?”

  “Besides her three-chambered uterus?” he asks.

  Three? Vash frowns, concerned. “You’re lying again.”

  A cheap grin placates him. “No, brother. This time, I am not.”

  Although not probable, it is possible. There are omegas born with stranger deformities.

  Cassian may have the bitch under his control, but not for long. It is clear what Vash has to do. He needs to steal her before he dies. With this revelation, the whole fucking pack could breed her.

  One kin per alpha.

  There are more omegas in his facilities. “What about the rest of the filthy cunts? Do they share the same abnormality?” Vash asks.

  “They all serve a different purpose. The worst copies go to the nightclubs. We let the men pay for flesh. The others stay frozen in the cryo chambers,” he says.

  The thought of all those omegas locked away in godless machines… It makes Vash’s stomach turn. “You’re a monster,” Vash growls.

  Cassian stands, but he takes Vash’s jaw in his hands and squeezes. Pulling out a small flashlight, he shines the beam into Vash’s eyes.

  His vision shrinks into a sharp pin of red.

  “You see? That’s what I cannot understand,” Cassian says. “Decades ago, alpha cloned the fruit, then multiplied your tasty vegetables, so we would not starve. It is our destiny to continue the growing process. The long tradition of paving the road to the gods is almost complete. Imagine what we can make if we keep going.”

  “All of that effort failed the generations before us,” Vash argues.

  Vash doesn’t know how to react. Everything he’s hearing is too much for him to take in.

  His pack was right. They warned him, but he relied on his authority to force them to keep going.

  He led them astray.

  Just like Cassian…

  He can see a key ring buried near the opening in Cassian’s small satchel near his waist. As his brother taunts him with nightmarish visions of his death, Vash strains his arm forward. He keeps careful eye contact with his brother so as not to be obvious.

  Finally, Cassian gets close.

  “They will stop you. Eventually, someone will match your evil,” Vash mutters.

  He lowers a finger into the bag and threads his finger through the ring.

  For a brief second, Cassian’s eyes flash with murderous rage. Luckily, Vash’s new infection seems to please his brother enough not to kill him on the spot.

  “I have hundreds of enemies. I crushed them all,” Cassian roars.

  Vash runs his tongue against the front of his teeth and lips. A slow and methodical laugh emerges from his throat as he shrouds the key into his palm.

  “I have heard of an army,” Vash reveals.

  “You know nothing.”

  “They’re rebuilding the Republic’s militia,” Vash whispers through his laughter. “They have weapons. Technology you’ve never seen before.”

ponders this for a second and nods his head. “The warriors of the old Republic. They were a grand army, but their insolence destroyed them. The leftover soldiers are no match.”

  “So. You have heard the rumors.”

  “Rumors are exactly what they are. They might utilize some of the best technology in the world, but they will be no match against alphas whose only wishes are to die for their pack,” Cassian argues.

  What wouldn’t Vash give to watch their army penetrate through the outer forces’ walls? He would have given a lifetime of torture to see that happen.

  “Regardless,” Vash continues, “you will die, eventually. We all will.”

  “The goal is immortality,” he growls.

  And then Cassian beats him.

  Each blow pulverizes his face like a juiced fruit. Swollen, disregarded, and left to die, Vash chokes on his own blood.

  Cassian swings the door open and roars with sanctimonious craze. “Close your eyes, dear brother. Fate has caught up to you.”

  Vash doesn’t dare move. For minutes, he doesn’t make even a sound. Sucking in his pain, he spits out a molar and tastes the blood pooling inside his cheek. Every bone aches, but he will not be silenced.

  Unlocking his wrists, he stretches his fingers against the stale air from the cell. A few are broken, but they will heal soon enough.

  When he sees his reflection in the splotched mirror, he groans in pain. He appears on the outside as Cassian did on the inside, disgusting.

  “Fuck,” he whispers.


  He spends the next hour listening to the guards’ footsteps outside his cell. He does not know what they are doing to his pack brothers, but he starts to believe what Cassian told him. Lucas and Killian are useful soldiers with high kill counts, so sending them off to the war fields isn’t such a terrible idea.

  But fuck that. They need the girl. The fate of the world depends on her.

  When the guards’ conversations fizzle, Vash knows this is his only chance to escape. He drops to his knees, peeking underneath the door.

  The door inches open. The hallway, silent. Is this a ploy to get him killed?

  No, if Cassian wanted him dead, he would have killed him right then and there. There’s something else afoot. Someone is leading him somewhere important, but he has no time to stop to weigh the consequences.


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