Out of the Blue

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Out of the Blue Page 31

by Kathryn Nolan

  “We’re framing this as soon as we get home,” he said. “I love it. I love you.”

  “I love you,” I said. “So much.” We said those three words a lot, making up for lost time.

  Cope touched the picture tenderly. “Can you believe that a year ago I was standing in the parking lot outside of Aerial, waiting to see you again?”

  I cupped his cheek. “My husband the bodyguard.”

  “Ex-bodyguard,” he said, teasing. “I’m married to a professional surfer, and you’re one step closer to being married to a paramedic.”

  “A true hero now,” I said and meant every word. Trevor had helped Cope figure out how to go back to school for a new career that protected people, that saved lives and offered comfort in a crisis. He was currently halfway through an intensive paramedic training program.

  As it turns out, Cope was an absolute natural. His big heart had a lot to do with that. Although last week, his instructors had praised his bedside manner and ability to make people feel safe. Being funny and chatty now came in handy.

  “Your father would be so proud of you,” I said.

  He swallowed thickly. “He really would. I wish he was here today, sunshine. I felt him, though, all during the ceremony.”

  “Me too,” I said softly. “Would he be one of the wedding guests dancing until dawn?”

  “Oh, absolutely,” he said. “If there was anything he loved more than surfing, it was going wild on a wedding dance floor.”

  I laughed because I could picture it perfectly. And ached because his absence was truly felt.

  Cope tucked a strand of my hair back into place. “I really get it now. I get the way that you feel about surfing, like all you want to do is dream about it, talk about it. Do it.”

  “You have a calling now,” I said, so happy for him I could burst.

  He shook his head like he couldn’t believe it. “I wouldn’t have been brave enough to do it if Aerial hadn’t happened. And we’re not even the only happy ending from that story, either.”

  “We sure aren’t,” I said. “I still think it’s amazing that so much good came from a situation that was so incredibly awful.”

  In the end, Marty, David, and most of their board had been charged with fraud, among other criminal acts. But the majority of Aerial’s staff—lead by Catalina—were staying to rebuild a company that actually vowed to protect people and the planet. And Quentin, with the months he dedicated to telling this story until justice was served, was now one of the most respected journalists in his field.

  From outside the bar came a rousing cheer—a cheer that sounded like our names. Cope and I shared a look of pure excitement. Kissing my wrist, he said, “I think it might be time.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “Not at all,” he said. “How about you?”

  “This feels like the easiest thing I’ve ever done,” I said.

  He stood, pulling me with him, then bent me backwards for a Hollywood-style kiss that had the wolf-whistles starting up again. I gave in to our passion, gave in to the heady euphoria of our second chance. This new chapter of ours wasn’t a resuming of our relationship. There was no pressing play despite our long pause. We’d not only changed and grown, but our dynamics had expanded to fit that growth, allowing for new vulnerabilities and honesty.

  It was a beautiful blend of our fresh start, combined with the spontaneity of our young love.

  “We should probably get to it then,” Cope said.

  “I’m so ready.”

  He hauled me up, twirled me around. I’d ditched the heels for sandals right away, given I was planning on dancing until dawn.

  We walked through the bar hand in hand and stepped out onto a patio overlooking the turquoise ocean. Fairy lights twinkled against the sunset, and the community that loved us—our friends and our found family—let out another rousing cheer.

  “Aren’t you glad everyone was here this time?” I whispered at Cope, who had tears in his eyes.

  “Second best decision we ever made,” he whispered back. “The first being that spontaneous trip to Vegas.”

  We gazed out over the patio where our guests had enjoyed a happy hour after our wedding ceremony on the beach. And Cope and I had enjoyed a special thirty minutes alone together so we could drink strawberry margaritas before a night of dancing.

  Caleb stood in the middle of the crowd with a microphone and a cheesy grin. “Ladies and gentlemen, I am so proud to introduce our newly married couple, for the second time, Serena Swift and Cope McDaniels.”

  We laughed with silly joy as everyone clapped and cheered. My brother had officiated the ceremony. Quentin had finally gotten to be Cope’s best man. Dora, like we suspected, had bawled through the ceremony after walking me down the aisle.

  Like he promised, every table was full of tiny cakes for each guest and a sea of pink flowers.

  We walked slowly to the middle for our first dance: “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis Presley, of course. We beamed at each other as our memories became entangled with this present moment, as we slow danced to Elvis Presley five years after being married in a Vegas wedding chapel where this song played in the background.

  I wrapped my arms around Cope, and he held me so close we were barely swaying. An ocean breeze shimmered over my skin, and I knew, just beyond us, the waves broke against the sand, calling to those of us with wild spirits.

  Calling us home.

  Cope flashed me that lopsided grin. “Are we the fools rushing in in this scenario?”

  “I think so,” I said as we danced beneath the lights. “There’s nothing wrong with a little spontaneity. As long as we do it together.”

  He kissed my forehead and squeezed me tight. “You are my forever, sunshine.”

  “And you’re mine,” I whispered back.

  Our past and our present coalesced as we danced, our future bold and bright and filled with new memories to be made. I blinked, and Cope was twenty-two, kissing me over coffee. And then twenty-four, marrying me in front of a stranger dressed as Elvis.

  And then a year ago, as my protector, running toward me through the waves when I needed him the most.

  Cope had returned to me, over and over again, as steady as the tides.

  Our love story was always meant to be.

  Want more Cope and Serena

  What would a second wedding be without a second wedding night? Check out this steamy bonus epilogue that picks up right after Serena and Cope’s wedding festivities end and the honeymoon begins.

  TAP HERE: To check out this bonus scene!

  **If you are having any trouble tapping on the extra scene please type “twsspub.com/bonus/ootb” into your phone or computer browser.**

  A Note from the Author

  Dear reader,

  Thank you for reading Out of the Blue. I fell head-over-heels for Serena and Cope and I hope that you did too!

  This was, by far, one of the hardest books I’ve ever written. It took three full drafts until I finally understood how to delicately pull apart the complexities of Serena and Cope’s marriage and then bring them together again in a way that resolved the issues that broke them apart. I peeked at the first draft just the other day and it’s not even remotely the same as the book you just read. And while I fretted and stressed over the journey these two took me on, I was overjoyed while writing their epilogue, because I felt like I finally unlocked the vulnerabilities that made both characters so relatable – and so compelling.

  My favorite scene to write (and rewrite) was the wipe-out scene, with Cope attempting to rescue Serena like we all knew he would, and Serena saving both of their lives in the end. I held that scene clear in my mind from the time I started outlining this book in October until final rewrites in April. It was a scene that played in my mind like a movie and gave me goosebumps ever time.

  Other favorites: Cope’s opening chapter, when he opens the folder and sees Serena’s face, their cheeseburger-and-Pacifico date, their Vegas reminisc
ing, Serena being a bad-ass on the water, their found families, the first time Serena calls Cope her husband and not her ex. The interview with Chase when Serena stands up for what’s right. When she makes Cope bacon in the morning and then he braids her hair. Okay, I’m just naming all of the scenes now – I love this book!

  I’ve been fascinated with surfers for a long time (hello, Blue Crush!) but especially so after writing my first novel Riptide – the hero, Finn Travis, makes a quick cameo in this book. An immense amount of research went into big wave surfing and the stories and struggles of women surfers. The discrimination that Serena experiences is, unfortunately, not fictional. And while Serena was able to share her personal experiences as a woman, other marginalized groups, ethnicities, and identities have spoken out about their own negative experiences, from racism, to lack of equal pay, to being locked out of competitions and other opportunities. While I was grateful to learn about so many rad big wave surfers during this time, I was especially inspired by the big wave surfer Maya Gabeira, a Brazilian surfer who was recorded as surfing the biggest wave ever by a woman in Nazare, Portugal. The wave was 73-feet high.

  There are so many amazing organizations and collectives doing the justice work that Serena and her friends commit to at the end of the book. A few that I recommend following to learn more: Surf Equity,, Textured Waves, Queer Surf Club and the All Are We Water Collective. Black Girls Surf

  For the most part, the many beaches and locations I mention as big wave surf spots are real, although the actual surf competitions held at Trestles Beach, The Wedge and Huntington do not line up in a three-week period and I had some fun shrinking down San Diego to allow Serena and Cope to get around quickly and without traffic. Any other fictional details around surfing and logistics are purely of my imagination.

  This was truly a story of my heart – one of grief and heartbreak, understanding and growth, fear and love. It’s a story about those with wild spirits, about using the gift of your anger to make real change, of allowing yourself to make hard choices. And, most of all, a story of how true love returns to us like the tides, over and over again.

  Thank you for celebrating their love story – and I hope you all get to take a spontaneous trip to Las Vegas someday. And if you see the Elvis Presley sisters at their wedding chapel, tell them Serena and Cope say hi.




  This book would not have been possible without the following incredible people:

  Faith, my best friend and developmental editor, who emotionally supported me through these tough-as-hell drafts and my endless text messages asking why I was writing another suspense novel again when they were so damn hard. I honestly could not do it without you, your brilliant ideas and your assistance with those ah-ha moments.

  Jessica Snyder, who remains exquisitely talented in providing developmental edits that kick my butt and line edits that also close up every single remaining plot hole, no matter how microscopic. Also, Walter thanks you for the Christmas (dog) cookies.

  Jodi, Julia and Bronwyn, my beta readers, who worked incredibly hard to help me put the finishing touches on this book, from scene corrections and mischaracterizations to subtle conflict adjustments that made the whole book ten times better. I literally do not know how you do it every time, but the draft they receive comes out a totally better book after they’ve worked their magic.

  Rose Camara, who offered her insight, feedback and wisdom for the character of Marilyn Banks as well as helping to ensure Serena was able to stand up for other people while being mindful of taking up space. Any mistakes in this text are my own.

  Lizette Baez, who offered her insight, feedback and wisdom for the character of Catalina Flores – and also helped in ensuring Serena was coming from a place of allyship during some of the tougher conversations she had in this book. Any mistakes in this text are my own.

  The Hippie Chicks and their awe-inspiring support and enthusiasm; Lucy, Stephanie, and LJ for their authorly support and kind words when I needed them; Joyce and Tammy for their virtual hugs and compassion; Tim, Rick and Dan who turned all of my work into a real book and put it out in the world! And Lucy and I got to go on the best writer’s retreat ever in the Poconos (peanut butter whiskey was involved), and that’s where I first majorly outlined Out of the Blue. It holds an extra special place in my heart because of our time there together.

  Finally – my husband, Rob, who is my forever. Our love story was definitely meant to be. And if you wanted to get married again on a spontaneous trip to Vegas, I’m down for our next road trip in the van! Walter can be the ring-bearer.

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  About Kathryn

  I'm an adventurous hippie chick that loves to write steamy romance. My specialty is slow-burn sexual tension with plenty of witty dialogue and tons of heart.

  I started my writing career in elementary school, writing about Star Wars and Harry Potter and inventing love stories in my journals. And I blame my obsession with slow-burn on my similar obsession for The X-Files.

  I'm a born-and-raised Philly girl, but left for Northern California right after college, where I met my adorably-bearded husband. After living there for eight years, we decided to embark on an epic, six-month road trip, traveling across the country with our little van, Van Morrison. Eighteen states and 17,000 miles later, we're back in my hometown of Philadelphia for a bit... but I know the next adventure is just around the corner.

  When I'm not spending the (early) mornings writing steamy love scenes with a strong cup of coffee, you can find me outdoors -- hiking, camping, traveling, yoga-ing.

  Books By Kathryn


  Edward Cavendish III and Roxy Quinn couldn’t be more different. He’s a polite, wealthy hotelier from England. She’s a scowling, bad-ass tattoo artist. But when a night of heartbreak brings them together, their chemistry – and connection – is electrifying. Seeing each other romantically is not an option – until they meet again under strictly professional circumstances.


  Fiona plans to be married to her soul mate by the time she turns 30. Unfortunately, she agrees to plan a benefit concert with Max, a cocky bad boy who swears he will never settle down. But when romantic sparks fly between these two friends, will they let their rules get in the way of true love?


  Shy, nerdy Calvin inherits his grandfather’s bookstore in funky Big Sur, but has no idea whether to sell the bookstore – or take on the challenge of keeping the store’s literary legacy alive. When a bohemian-style photo shoot brings famous super model Lucia Bell to Big Sur, sparks fly between these two total opposites.


  Gabe Shaw has the perfect life in Big Sur. He’s the third-generation-owner (and bartender) at The Bar, the only place in this funky small town where the quirky locals can drink in peace. A hopeless romantic, Gabe’s only lacking one thing: his soul mate. And when a sudden storm traps a sexy, funny make-up artist named Josie in Big Sur, one night of searing passion turns into much more. Too bad Josie doesn’t believe in falling in love.


  Avery Dacosta is an ambitious property developer, intent on building a luxury hotel on Playa Vieja’s last untouched beach. And she has no time for Finn Travis, the laid-back, hippie surfer who decides to protest this hotel – and her workplace – every day. Unfortunately, Finn’s not only the most aggravating man she’s ever met – but sexy a
s hell. Can these two enemies-turned-lovers ever find a middle ground?


  A sweet, dirty collection of fourteen sexy short stories.


  Private detective Delilah Barrett is entirely unprepared for her new assignment: hunt down a stolen rare manuscript that's hidden within Philadelphia's glamorous high society. The only catch? Delilah must go undercover as a fake married couple with her new partner Henry Finch -- a devastatingly handsome librarian. But as the danger intensifies...so does the temptation to let their fake desire become real.


  To infiltrate a secret society, private detective Freya Evandale and FBI agent Sam Byrne must go undercover as a pair of thieves in a dangerous world of shifting alliances. But can these lifelong rivals close the case…without falling in love?


  While chasing a famous book thief in London, two private detectives work together while dodging danger at every turn. But can aloof, serious Abe and charming, mysterious Sloane resist their instant attraction to one another? Or will passionate temptation risk this case – and their careers?


  Luna’s cheerful, hippie reputation is ruined when her billion-dollar company is caught in a scandal. And only a burly, dog-rescuing biker can help her. As these opposites give in to their electrifying attraction – will their differences keep them apart? Or will they learn to trust their wild hearts?


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