The Lawyer

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The Lawyer Page 2

by Jean Baker

  Crying over, the crusty dish returned the anger to the forefront of her mind. A growl grew in her chest and left her mouth in a scream. “The bloody damn bastard. At least he could have cleaned up after himself.” She took a deep breath to calm down. She leaned her back against the counter and crossed her arms over her chest. “I guess being angry beats the pants off feeling sorry for myself.” She shrugged. “Getting even is going to be a pleasure.”

  Deadly silence settled over the apartment after the self-talk. She shuddered. If only I had stayed in Miami, I could call my girlfriends and talk this misery away as they soothed and sympathized. However, the only people she knew in Chicago, other than Lawrence, were Uncle Joe and his wife Dolly. She picked up the kitchen phone and called her aunt. After getting the okay to come over, she took a quick shower and packed an overnight bag.

  She paid the cabbie, set her bag on the ground, and stepped out. Aunt Dolly waited, leaning against a Doric column on the porch steps. The rose-colored brick of the house shared the warmth of this aged, elegant woman. As Marta reached the top step, Dolly held out her arms, saying, “Welcome, child. It’s been so long.”

  As they hugged, Marta absorbed the calm and love extended to her. “Uncle Joseph invited me to stay with you a bit until I find my equilibrium.”

  “Joe told me about your misfortune. What an awful thing that man did to you.” She wrapped her arms around Marta and gave her a hug. “Let’s get cozy with cups of tea so you can tell me about it. You must be terribly sad.”

  Marta dropped her bag on the kitchen floor and watched Dolly arrange a tray. She smiled thinking of how this proper lady of the past century would react to her elevator escapade. Even as her core heated with the thought of the fiery sex, she warned herself not to let it slip. Maybe she could tell Uncle Joel; after all, he suggested she get laid as a method of forgetting Lawrence’s unfaithfulness. He probably would be a little shocked that she had managed to follow his advice within thirty minutes. As Dolly removed the tea bags, Marta waited for shame to overcome her.

  The tea and rolls were excellent, her aunt comforting, and the shame never arrived.

  “Darling, you have such a glow it surprises me. I expected to see a wilted, hurt young woman after the shock Lawrence gave you.”

  Sipping her tea, Marta smiled, acknowledging how the elevator man gave her the glow. “I’ve shed my last tear over that bastard. It’s better to know he’s a cheat now instead after the wedding.”

  “You know the old adage about getting back on the horse, don’t you? I know a couple of wonderful young men I’d like to introduce you to.”

  “That’s kind of you, Aunt Dolly, but I’ve never known anyone intimately except Lawrence and am not interested in another serious relationship.” She snapped a cookie into pieces and pushed them around the plate. “The dating scene has long passed me by, and things have changed so much, I’m not sure I could handle it. Frankly, I’m not interested now. If I decide to stay in Chicago, it will be necessary for me to keep my nose to the grindstone until becoming familiar with the court systems here.”

  Dolly patted her hand lying on the table between them. “Of course, Marta. That’s wise and I know you need time to heal.” She stood and collected the empty dishes. “You remember the way to the guest room, I’m sure. Joe will be home in an hour, and I need to prepare dinner while you settle in.”

  Marta dropped her weekender on the bed and hung a couple of suits and blouses in the closet. Leaving the other items in the bag, she kicked off her heels, flopped on the bed, and covered her face with an apple, cinnamon fragranced pillow. “Who is that man? How can I find him? Damn, she would die of embarrassment if they ever met in a public place. That she had behaved so wildly shocked her. Never had she lost control in any situation and never responded sexually with such abandon. But it was good—damn good. She had never felt so alive.

  The recollection gave impetus to her hand creeping down her body and clutching her heated mound. She was surprised at the immediate response of her body as her hips rose and a moan left her throat. Frantic with need, she tried to reach under her skirt. It impeded her efforts to increase the sensual sensations. Her bare feet hit the floor, and she jerked the skirt to her ankles, breaking the zipper. Cursing, she stepped out of her panties and fell onto the bed, her fingers already reaching for her wet pussy.

  It seemed the elevator man unleashed another side of her personality, a side never exposed before. Her head lashed side-to-side, whipping her long, blonde hair against the pillow as she massaged her Venus mound. It wasn’t enough. One hand pried her wet lips apart, and the other found her nubbin of sensitive nerves. Her breathing strangled as she flipped a finger over her raging clit. A storm percolated in her core, cramping her belly muscles. Then heat streaked down her vagina seeking release, and her body elevated to meet the oncoming storm of passion. Supported only by her feet and head, her body formed an arch. A scream rose from her throat. The hand responsible for titillating her clit grabbed a pillow to stuff in her mouth.

  Carson left Mr. Mason’s office, immediately forgetting the case they discussed. That tall, sexy blonde bombshell took over his ability to think of anything else. He thought, I must find her. Before leaving the skyscraper, he walked every hall and peeped in every door in hopes of finding her. Darkness fell before he made it to his small office.

  Stella had turned off the lights and locked the door. He knew the landscape of his little domain so well, without light, he found his office, went inside, and collapsed in his chair. Turning on a small desk lamp, he unzipped his trousers to inspect his cock, which had stung while walking so long. He carefully released it from behind the zipper for inspection and grunted. The only thing wrong with it happened in the elevator. The corona was red from the furious fucking; it would survive. He wondered if the elevator woman had the same problem. The thought of her hot pussy activated his rod and a groan in his chest.

  At the sound of heavy feet headed his way, Carson winced and shoved his erection in his pants. He threw his feet up on his desk and crossed his ankles trying to appear nonchalant. His partner and best friend knocked once and opened the door. “Hey, whatcha doing here so late?”

  “Welcome, Harv, make yourself comfy.”

  Already seated, the touch of sarcasm made Jess grin. “I hoped you’d be here. How about we hang out at McBeth’s and socialize. You know, all work and no play—“

  Reminded again of the episode in the elevator, a bark of laughter came from Carson. “I’m tired and am thinking of calling Denise to tell her I can’t make it tonight. I certainly don’t need to pal around with you and get high.”

  “The meeting with Mason that debilitating? And why, may I ask, do you keep rubbing your dick? Making a pass at me?”

  Carson’s feet hit the floor and he laughed. “Bastard. The thing is sore.”

  “I always figured, sooner-or-later, it’d get stepped on considering the size.” Marvin cackled. “You should see your face—red as a tomato. All kidding aside, you got the clap?”

  “No, smartass. It’s overused. Had an afternoon delight.”

  Marvin blinked. “And you have a date tonight to continue the rip snorting, cock destroying session? Denise must have taken off from work?” He watched his friend’s eyes turn aside and a small smile tickled his lips. “All right, buddy. Give it up; what happened? Who is she?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Damn, did you throw a sheet over her head? What an animal!”

  “I fulfilled an erotic dream I’ve had since my hormones rose into play.”

  “Not that elevator thing?”


  “In the Mason building?”


  “Are you going to see her again?”

  “I told you. I don’t know who she is. Damn it all, I didn’t get her name or phone number.”

  “What does she look like?”

  Carson grinned. “You’ll never know. With my luck, you’ll find her before
I do.”

  The office phone rang and Harvey grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “Denise, I do believe.”

  “Oh, shit.” Carson gritted his teeth and reached for the phone. He threw his middle finger up at Harvey. “Hello, Jessup and Davenport.”

  “I tried your cell. Why do you keep cutting it off?”

  “In a meeting, I shut it down, and then I forgot it. Sorry.”

  “Can you come over early? I have a special treat for you and champagne to go with it.”

  Carson swallowed trying to think of a way to get out of it. Harvey’s hand covered his mouth and his body shook with laughter.

  “You always go silent like this before letting me down. This would be the third time you have stood me up. Three times and you’re out. Please, baby, I need you. I’m so hot.”

  He thought of why he didn’t want to go to her apartment. It wasn’t fair to neglect her because of a wild sex in an elevator with a woman he would never see again. “Calm down, Denise. I’ll arrive at eight but don’t expect much. It’s been a rough day.”

  She squealed. “Oh, baby, you make me so happy.”

  Carson flinched after the phone crashed in his ear, and Harvey grinned, shaking his head. “Wow, two women in one day. You the man.”

  The man groaned and cupped his hands over his crotch, which sent Harvey into another peal of laughter. Carson glared at his so-called friend until he settled down. “Your lack of sympathy could end our profitable, legal enterprise.”

  “Why don’t you jump in the shower, and I’ll run down to the drug store to get a tube of that stuff that anesthetizes wounds.” He jumped up and headed out the door.

  Clean, shaved, and smelling good, Carson reluctantly walked up to the door of Denise’s apartment and knocked. The door flung back and Denise pirouetted in a gossamer lace gown and a coquettish smile. With the light behind her and shinning through the fabric, he needed no imagination. He furtively glanced around outside and stepped inside, quickly shutting the door. She caressed his chest and lifted her face for a kiss. “Don’t you like it? I bought it just for you.”

  He gave a light kiss on her ruby lips and stepped back. Running his gaze down her body, his cock jerked in response. He grunted, bent from the waist, and placed a hand on his back.

  Her forehead crinkled and she said, “What’s wrong? Did you strain your back today?”

  Mouth dry, he nodded. The last thing he wanted was for her to throw one of her childish tantrums, but damned if he could pony-up again today. “You look beautiful, Denise. Money well spent.”

  She moved toward him, took his hand and pressed it against one lush breast. He closed his eyes and wondered if the elevator woman’s breasts looked as good. Sucking between the opening in a blouse didn’t give one a clear view. A picture of her blonde hair whipping back-and-forth as he attacked them flashed through his mind. His rod thickened and he groaned. Pleased with his reaction, Denise pushed her pelvis against him and placed his other hand against her ass.

  Her arms trapped his neck, brought his head down and ravaged his mouth. After catching her breath, she took his hand and led him toward the bedroom. “Now the surprise.” The room glowed in candle light that glinted on black, satin sheets. “Sit here, darling. Tonight is all about me serving you.” Reaching out to an ice bucket on the bedside table, she poured two full glasses of champagne and handed one to him. “Drink. You’ll feel better.” After sipping the wine, she placed her glass on the bedside table, dropped to her knees, and began untying his shoelaces, leaning forward to give him a full view of her lush breasts inside the black lace.

  Carson considered slapping himself. He courted this woman for a month while she teased him unmercifully and withheld her succulent body. Now he had it served up before him like a fancy desert, all he could think of was the blonde in the elevator. He sipped the wine and watched her as she carefully removed his clothing. After she removed everything except his trousers, she placed his glass on the table and pushed him back flat on the bed. Then she grabbed the pant cuffs and ripped them off in one deliberate move. He groaned as the zipper placket slid across his dick.

  As his boxers hit the dust, he figured he now knew how a hog felt led to the slaughter. What the hell was wrong with him? Experiencing a delight any man would give his left nut for, his cock behaved as if it was half-dead. His legs, from the knees down, hung over the side of the bed. She knelt between them, lifted his jewels in her hand and gave a gentle squeeze. “Poor baby is so tired. Let Mama suck it to life.” Her lush mouth descended and slurped his dick into her mouth. It hurt as her teeth scraped it, and he moaned again. One of her hands pumped beneath her mouth, one hand rhythmically squeezed his balls, and her mouth sucked hard enough to remove the air from a tire. His eyes rolled back in his head as her efforts bore fruit. He had a screamer hard-on, and the pain only intensified the pleasure. Maybe there’s something to the masochistic-sadism actions some people liked.

  Well, the elevator sex was rough; he had the bruised cock to prove it. The thought made his cock began pulsing. He grabbed Denise’s head and pushed his rod down her throat. She shook her head, but he could not stop shooting his cum. Oblivious to the woman latched onto his member, he envisioned the elevator woman bouncing against the walls and screaming. He roared his pleasure and his hands slipped from her mass of long black hair. She came up snarling and slapped him. “Are you trying to choke me to death, you bastard?”

  His body still raging from the painful release, he grabbed her under her armpits, lifted her from her knees, and threw her on the bed. He twisted around, throwing his leg across her hips and scrambled on top of her. Sitting on her across her pelvis, he ripped the black lace from her shoulders. “Hah, you wanta play rough?”

  Denise screamed, “Bastard,” and slapped him again.

  Reaching behind his naked ass, he delivered three slaps to her hip. She rose from the pillow, claws extended, and going for his face. He clamped down on her wrists and pulled them above her head. She twisted her shoulders side-to-side trying to wrench her arms free. The action caused her heavy breasts to swing and bounce. Carson moaned as his cock immediately hardened and felt as if it would break through its skin while stretching around his thickness.

  His body weight flat on hers, she could do nothing to get away from him. The pain of his distended dick, her jiggling breasts, and his control over her gave the most powerful sexual feeling he’d ever had. The elevator event slipped his mind. He wrapped his hands around her breasts and squeezed. His mouth covered one and he sucked it deep into his mouth, and then nipped the nipple with his teeth. In his raging excitement, his grip on her wrists slackened enough that she pulled her head forward and bite him on his neck.

  “Aw, God damn.” Jerking back and sitting on her hips, he touched his neck and felt the indention of her teeth. “Chill, bitch. I don’t want to hurt you. Some dark part of his psyche laughed. Of course, he did. The giving and taking of pain lit up some unfamiliar part of his makeup. “Oh, baby, you’re going to get it now.” Her claws reached for him again, and he dodged to the side, grabbing a silk scarf thrown over a lamp.

  Denise, a small, delicate woman was no match for Carson’s size. He clamped his hands on her waist and flipped her face down as if she was a five-pound bag of flour. Jerking the pillow from under her face, he then captured her flailing wrists, looping the scarf around them, and tied it to the wrought-iron headboard. She screamed and bucked her ass, almost throwing him off the bed, which sent his cock into over-drive. He inserted his knees between her knees and allowed her butt to rise giving him a clear view of her pussy. It looked swollen and wet.

  Holding back his strength, he delivered a sharp, stinging slap to her rump. She wagged her ass side-to-side. “I’m going to kill you, Carson. Why are you hitting me?” The excitement in her voice held more than anger.

  He chuckled. She was beginning to enjoy the rough play. Slipping a finger through the plush lips of her pussy, he confirmed his opinion. It dripped in excitement
. He slapped her butt again and watched her cunt clamp down. A harder slap on her ass brought a moan from her. Instead of rocking away from him, she pushed toward him. The action made his cock begin pulsing, and he knew he was about to ejaculate on her ass. He scooted his knees further up her thighs, pushed his cock down and rubbed it through her slit until it rested against the opening. With one violent thrust, he filled her.

  Immediately, her juicy tunnel began massaging his dick while she whimpered. “Fuck me, fuck me deep and hard.” She rocked back on him with a vengeance. He gritted his teeth and held back until her passage went wild with strong, hot pulses. Colorful lightning burst behind his eyes. His hands gripped the cheeks of her ass, his cock shot its load so hard he felt as if his spinal column would leave his body with the cum.

  For a minute, he could not move a muscle. She grunted and curled to the side, and he rolled over onto the mattress with a groan. Breathing hard, he stared at the ceiling. Damn it, I feel guilty. One fabulous fuck in the elevator, and he felt as if he owed the woman sexual loyalty. However, his cock had no conscience.

  Marta promised Uncle Joe to take at least a week to look over his multipurpose law conglomerate before giving up and going back to Miami and return to the high paced, underpaid position in the governmental establishment. She spent her first two nights with him and Dolly, going into the office each day. It became clear to her that Uncle Joseph was tired and that Dolly worried about his health. She tried to avoid the familial pressure and make her decision based on her own needs. However, remembering how they supported her over the years, guilt became a motivating force in her decision.


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