Blood and Betrayal

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Blood and Betrayal Page 19

by S. K. Sayari

  “Not your dinner,” Selena said. “I’m here on business, and we were just about to leave.” She stood from her chair, but Bruno blocked her way. His smile sent her legs into jello. Damn her for letting him get to her again—this was why she tried to stay away from this place. How’d she let Xander talk her into this? She looked over at him, but his eyes were transfixed by Bruno.

  “But the fun was just getting started. Tell me, Selena, what kind of business could you possibly have in my casino?” Bruno’s sly tone against her name sent chills down her back.

  “We’re looking for my sister, Alexi.” Xander took a step in front of Selena to stand between her and Bruno. A bold move for someone unaware of who he was confronting. Or maybe he did. Maybe Xander knew exactly what this man was. Had he planned this? But then why would he need her? Panic laced her thoughts; something didn’t feel right.

  “The deaf girl—the one my daughter speaks so fondly of? Surely you don’t think we have her here?”

  “I’d like to know what happened. What did you do to my sister?”

  Selena watched the two men and their stare-down, worried about what might happen if she let this continue. After all, she needed Xander’s money, and his death would put a damper on such transactions.

  “Oookay, I think it’s time we leave.” Selena grabbed ahold of Xander’s arm, but he didn’t budge. His strength overpowered her own, which was something else she wasn’t used to. There was no way Xander wasn’t more than he claimed to be. His strengths, secrets, whatever he was keeping from her—it was time he fessed up.

  “Oh, please stay, I was just about to have dinner. It would be an honor to have you join us.” Bruno smirked.

  “Did you turn her? Is she a bloodsucker like you? Fucking tell me!” Xander spoke through gritted teeth, his hands balling into fists at his side.

  Bruno no longer held on to his righteous demeanor, narrowing his eyes until his forehead wrinkled. Selena could smell his anger rise, and with speed much like her own, Bruno had Xander pinned against the wall with his arm across the human’s throat. His teeth bared as he hissed.

  Sweet mother of Odin, this is about to get ugly, Selena thought, rubbing her face at needing to get physical inside Bruno’s establishment yet again.

  “You dare accuse me of such things? Do you know who I am, human boy? I could slit your throat with a single fang and drink you dry. Disposing of your body would be easy, and you have no one that would miss you. Not even your sister. Your very dead sister.” Bruno cackled, a laugh so chilling Selena couldn’t move.

  The monster within her took that little weakness and burst into action. Before Selena could stop herself, she threw Bruno across the room and was on top of him. The monster surged forward, unleashing a barrage of thrashing swipes. Bruno cried out, calling for his men, who approached as fast as Selena retreated. Blood dripped from her mouth and her hands; she’d have time to worry about what she’d done later.

  Selena tugged Xander’s shirt, dragging him out of the casino and the club until the fresh air brought her back to her senses. This was really bad. Her control had faltered back there, as if someone had flipped a switch and before she knew it, she was attacking Bruno. What was wrong with her?

  Xander ripped himself from her grip. “I had him right where I wanted him!”

  “Shut up and get in your car before we both die.”

  Xander jumped into the driver’s seat just as some of Bruno’s men came hurtling out of the club. Selena slammed the door and held on as Xander swerved out of their parking spot.

  A smile played at the corner of Xander’s lips, only for a moment before vanishing. It sent both Selena and the thing she shared a soul with into a rage, but she bit it back.

  Neither of them dared say a word until they were safely back inside Xander’s home. His anger boiled within him, her own matching his and then some.

  “Did you know?” she snapped.

  “What?” He whirled around to face her, his lips pursed.

  “Did you fucking know she was dead? You asked him questions as if you were sure he had her. You told me—”

  “I wasn’t sure. I—I had a feeling, just something inside, that she was gone.” Xander dropped to his knees, cupping his face in his hands.

  Seeing his silent sobs, she swore. This was exactly why she hated dealing with humans. Though, was he human? He’d told her he was telling the truth. So why did all of this feel wrong? She needed answers.

  “Do you have anything to drink? Something stronger than water?”

  If there was one thing Selena knew, it was how to make the pain go away, even for a short time. And alcohol would help her nerves.

  “Cupboard above the fridge.”

  Selena found a bottle of whiskey among the many vodkas and disregarded glasses. As she turned to walk back into the living room, her eyes fell on an open door—a light green glow illuminating the dark space beyond. Curiosity sent her snooping. Selena stepped through the door, turning the corner, and covered her mouth to stop a gasp. Along the wall, glowing green paint blended into the wood. The paint, though dry, looked as if it would smear the second she touched it. It curved and arched with such a graceful hand that she barely noticed what it depicted. Two snakes, circling one another to form an ‘S’ shape, each biting the tail of the other.

  “What is this?” She stepped toward it, her hand outstretched, though the beast inside thrashed against her in protest.

  “Did you find the cupboard all right, Selena?” Xander called from the living room.

  Selena jumped back, closing her eyes tightly before opening them again. When she opened them, the paint was gone, leaving behind nothing but dark wood.

  She was clearly losing her mind.

  As Selena returned to the living room, she found Xander setting the fireplace ablaze. The glow of the flames licked his cheeks, glistening against the blue of his eyes. She could have stood there and watched him for a long time, mesmerized by the muscles through his thin shirt. Shouldn’t she have been furious, not admiring his beauty?

  Clearing her throat, she held out the open bottle to Xander, who snatched it and threw his head back. He took two big swigs before handing it off.

  “I’m trying really hard to understand you and what’s going on. I need you to tell me everything,” she said, deciding to keep her little venture to herself.

  “I haven’t lied to you. Maybe skirted the truth a little, but I do need to find my sister. I can tell that you don’t trust me and are wondering whether to take my money and walk away. I wouldn’t blame you, but I swear, I mean you no harm.”

  “If that’s true, if what you want is to simply find your sister, then I’m willing to still help you so that you can put her to rest, but I can’t say this all adds up. For starters, you’re not like any human I’ve ever known, and that tells me, whether you know it or not, that you possess magic.” The way he acted and the strength he carried was sure to be paranormal. The more time she spent in his presence, the more she knew it to be true. After all, there were many kinds of creatures, even humanlike ones, that didn’t even know what they were.

  “There have been magic practitioners in my family. A long time ago, but I assure you I’m no threat to you.”

  That would explain the vanishing painting she’d found in the room.

  “That might be true, but you’re freakishly strong, your blood tastes sweet, and something about you just feels…off.” She hadn’t meant to say that last part; it was as if her filter was gone.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say, Selena. Alexi is all that matters right now. If you don’t want to help me—”

  “No, it’s not that. My head has been spinning since we met. You make me feel different, I guess.”

  Xander huffed. “That’s one I’ve never been told before. But I assure you, I’m only paying for your special skills, nothing more.”

  Selena could feel herself believing him as his words swept through her. The desire to believe him was strong,
and even if he was a threat, Selena was much more of a predator. The monster inside agreed and wanted to rip into Xander’s flesh rather than listen to his words. Its hostility was something she’d lived with since becoming an Infuriya, but trying to hold it back just then was difficult.

  Will you chill out? What’s wrong with you? she told the beast.

  Needing a distraction, something to calm herself and the monster before they did something they couldn’t undo, she sucked in a deep breath, already regretting what she was about to say.

  “I haven’t always been like this, you know.” Selena slid down the wall, sitting close to him as the heat of the fire warmed her. She was cold by nature—the Infuriya didn’t need heat—but she still enjoyed the warmth nonetheless. “I used to be human, a long time ago.”

  “What happened?” he asked, taking the bottle from her hand.

  “It’s a long story, but my mother used to say it was the work of Hel. Cursed by my conception. A rape baby.” Selena swallowed. It had been too long since she’d told this story.


  “What, you don’t believe in the big guy downstairs? What really happened was my mother got sick of my crying and sent me away to the boarding school on Floyd Hill. Come to find out the owner of that school was a master Infuriya. He took children in and raised them to be his army.”

  “The crazy man of Floyd Hill was an Infuriya? I’ll be damned.”

  “After he turned us, he starved us and forced us to attack one another. He was trying to find his perfect soldier. To this day, I still don’t know what he meant by that. There was only me and one other left by the end. He tricked us, said that we’d passed all his tests and were cured. He called our parents to come get us, but really he hadn’t given us the final test.” Selena closed her eyes, recalling the events that had forever changed her. The moment she’d known nothing would ever be the same. “When my mother got there, I had been starved of human blood for weeks. The monster inside me was so hungry that I couldn’t control it. When he let her into my room and closed the door…there was nothing to stop me. My control was lost to the monster, and before I knew it, I’d killed her.”

  Selena’s hands shook as she let the alcohol slide down her throat. It burned, and she welcomed every bit of it. Flashes of her mother’s face, the terror and betrayal at what Selena had done, rushed into her mind. But most of all, she sensed the truth—could feel her mother’s truth. She was the monster her mother had made her out to be; a monster who’d killed the one who had given her life.

  “That’s tragic as hell.” Xander slurred his words, leaning his head back against the wall.

  What’s even more tragic was that Selena had enjoyed it. The monster had never felt so alive, and when it was all done—when her mother’s dead body lay still—she’d smiled. Because it was her own mother who had subjected her to this life.

  But she would never tell Xander that.

  “Yeah, well, my life is a tragedy and I’m just living its nightmare.” Selena passed the bottle back to Xander.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been upfront with you.” Xander sat up, moving closer to Selena until she could feel his breath on her face. “I didn’t know if you’d still help me. My sister is my world. I needed…I had to be sure it was the Marzdens. But I also had to be sure you were who they say.”

  Selena raised a brow. “What do you mean?”

  “I want you to bring her back.”

  “Back? You mean like, from the dead?”

  Xander nodded. “I know what happens when the blood of an Infuriya is mixed with that of someone who is gone.”

  Selena couldn’t believe her ears. It was wrong to do such a thing. Bringing her back would only create an abomination, and Selena would have no part in it.

  “I can’t do that. If I bring your sister back…Xander, she won’t be your sister anymore. When a life is taken, that soul is gone forever. There is nothing that can bring her back, not even my blood.”

  “Damnit, Selena, I have to try. She’s all I have. Please.”

  A feeling urged Selena to stroke Xander’s cheek. She raised her hand, and as soon as she brushed his skin, the desire to do much more rushed over her. She blinked, trying to focus, but even the monster within wanted more. Though she was sure their wants were very different.

  “Doing this is wrong, Xander. I won’t do it. Your sister is gone, and you don’t have to deal with this by yourself. I’m here.”

  Xander brought his gaze to Selena, hot and intense and inviting. She wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the way he looked at her, but she wanted him. Needed him. Never in her life had she felt such need. Sure, she enjoyed the occasional partner, a fun night of heat and arousal, but this felt different somehow.

  “Promise me, Xander. Promise me you will never ask me to do this again. Promise to forget about this and let your sister rest. Do this, and I will help you through whatever you need.”

  Xander leaned in closer, his lips inches from her own, until they connected. Fire blazed between them as the soft kiss turned into passion and passion turned into lust. His hands were in her hair, pulling her harder against him. Her own hands searched for the bottom of his shirt and ripped it from him. She rubbed her hands over the hard muscle of his chest and groaned beneath his kiss.

  She pulled back, only for a moment, wondering what the hell she was doing. Having someone to care for, having anything besides the beast for comfort, was a liability. She could never afford to let herself have emotions other than hatred and pain. It was the one thing her master had made sure of, that the thought of love was impractical—a weakness. To jump into bed with someone she’d just met was a mistake. Then again, hadn’t she had plenty of one night stands before? How was this one any different?

  “If you don’t want this, I under—”

  Selena was on him, closing her mouth on his to keep him from speaking anymore. She’d have time to regret her choices in the morning. As he laid her down in front of the fireplace, ready to take her on a trip to Valhalla, he whispered into her ear.

  “I promise.”

  Selena woke to rays of light casting through the slit in the curtains. She left her eyes closed for a while, basking in the euphoria of last night’s pleasure. Even her monster slept peacefully, though that would only last for a while. Before long it would require her to feed again, since last night had only just been enough to get her by. Tonight, she’d have to find someone to feed from. Until then, however, she would enjoy the day with someone who made her heart feel again. It seemed silly, to feel this way about someone she’d just met, and maybe it was just the aftereffects of sex—which was a human thing she never could get tired of—but she didn’t think so. With anyone else, she’d have refused to even stay the night. Selena huffed; what had she gotten herself into?

  She opened her eyes and rolled over to find a single white rose on top of the pillow Xander had been sleeping on. Her lips curled into a smile as she brought the flower to her nose. Something weird fluttered in her stomach, and she pressed her empty hand to it. She’d never felt this way before, as an Infuriya or a human. The odd feeling vanished the second Selena noticed the small puncture mark on the inside of her arm. She dropped the rose, anger replacing the wash of emotion she’d been having. Something—no, someone—had drawn her blood.

  “Xander?” Selena cried out. She scurried to her feet and rushed through the house, searching every room. Her gaze fell on a piece of paper that sat on the kitchen counter.


  I hope one day you can forgive me.


  She crumpled up the paper and threw it into the fireplace. How dare he take her blood and use her like this. Inside her, the monster thrashed and begged to be let out. It wanted blood, and not just anyone’s. It wanted his. She couldn’t allow it, not when they’d been doing so good at keeping it in since leaving the boarding school. She needed to track him down and stop him before he did something stupid, but she barely knew him. W
here would he go? How did he even know where his sister’s body—

  “Son of a…” Selena ran out of the house and, using the strength of the Infuriya, raced toward Fangs. This time of day the entire place would be closed, but Bruno would still be there with whoever he’d bedded that night. If there was one thing for certain, it was Bruno’s habits.

  Fangs came into view. Several people stood along the sidewalk, all with terror-stricken faces. Selena slowed and approached the crowd. Cliff gave her a nod.

  “Hells, am I glad to see you. Your friend is in there with Bruno.”

  “How did you—”

  “Remember? Yeah, remind me to thank you later for that. Bruno has a witch on retainer who cleared my mind. Apparently he wanted to know more about your friend—who I didn’t know was a warlock.”

  “A warlock? No, I would know if he were. Even I can tell the presence of a full-fledged warlock.”

  Would she? After everything, she didn’t know if she could trust her instincts. Xander had said his family were practitioners, but even the taste of his blood had brought no sign of such potent magic.

  And then it hit her, like a wave clearing the clouds from her mind. She thought about his smooth words on the rooftop—the way she’d fallen for him harder than any man before. The snakes on the wall, the way he smiled after nearly starting a brawl in Fangs. How he’d been able to seduce her and steal blood without even the monster knowing. Most of all, that he’d been able to hide it all from her. He was more than she could have imagined, and that scared her to her core.

  She pinned her red curls up and out of her face before pushing past the crowd. While entering the club, rather than pulling out the dagger, she let the monster free. It accepted her offer with pleasure and launched itself through the cage. Selena looked to her left, where a mirror hung on the wall. Her once bright blue eyes were now as red as the fire that had warmed her just hours ago. She made her way into the main room.

  Furniture lay in shambles across the floor, with broken glass and spilled drinks strewn about. How long ago had this happened? It couldn’t have been that long if everyone was still outside. Yet, no one was in this room, and the quiet worried her. The monster didn’t care as flashes of killing Xander entered her vision.


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