Run Little Prince

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Run Little Prince Page 6

by G. Bailey

  "Good idea. I could use one. Would you help me out of this dress?" I ask him, pulling the crown off my head and placing it on the dressing table as I walk to him, kicking off my heels as I go. Prince nods, his eyes are slightly wider than they were before, and I know he doesn't want to talk about the serious issues between us. I just want to be around him, and I have to hope he feels the same. I've missed him so much it hurts to feel any kind of distance between us. I turn around when I get to him, and seconds later, I feel him slowly sliding the zipper down my back. The heavy dress falls to the floor, and I don't look at Prince as I go around him and to the bathroom. It is dimly lit, thanks to the two spotlights in the room.

  I turn the dial to the side, letting water pour like a waterfall down from the shower head, falling on me, and even though the water is cold for a minute, it soon warms up. I look back to see Prince watching me, frozen where I left him, and I curl a finger at him to call him over.

  After a second, he starts undoing his trousers and pushing them off. I keep watching until he is naked, and he walks over to me, joining me under the falling water. He doesn't touch me, even though I ache for him to. I place my hand on his chest, which is moving harshly from his heavy breathing, and I feel his heart pounding away under my hand.

  "This might not be the right time, but I want to make something clear between us," I start off, lifting my head to keep my eyes on his, needing him to feel every word I say. "I've missed you so much, and one of my first thoughts when I knew you were trapped in here was that I should have mated with you. I regretted waiting, for being silly and not taking life by the horns when it was right there in front of me. I want to make it clear I'm yours whenever you want me, and nothing will ever change that. I'm in love with you, and you are my best friend. I hope that hasn't changed for us, and I know now isn't good timing, but we could die tomorrow and I needed to say that."

  "That's the first time you've said you love me," he says, sounding surprised as much as happy.

  "Didn't you know I did? I wanted to say it so many times, but I was being silly," I admit, biting my lip. I was so concerned about losing him or Erik, that I hid my true feelings about everything. It wasn't until I saw how open and honest Gold is about her life, and how she has several mates who all work together on a relationship, that I realized it could be possible for us. Sometimes fate gives you challenges which are difficult and hard to overcome. The best thing in life you can do is fight them and come out the other side.

  "I love you too. I always have, Leigh, and I always will. Whatever tomorrow brings, there is only one person whose side I'm on: yours," he tells me, and before I can answer, his soft lips are pressed to mine, and his hands are sliding around my waist. I could cry with how happy I am as we kiss while the hot shower makes the room steamy, enveloping us. Prince lowers me to the floor, the cold stone on my back a sharp contrast to his heat as he lowers his body on mine. Without warning, he easily slides inside me, making me cry out in pure pleasure. His cock feels amazing as he thrusts in and out of me, taking my lips at the same time as he claims my soul.

  "Prince, I want to mate," I gasp, moving my lips down his jaw, and he looks down at me for a second, his hand sliding to my neck. With a long growl, one more animalistic than I've ever heard, he gently turns my head to the side and slams his teeth into my neck. The pleasure is overwhelming as I come, the bite sending me over the edge.

  On instinct, the moment he lifts his lips from my neck, he reveals his neck for me to bite into. The second my teeth cut into his neck, the mating bond slams into us both, linking us for life as Prince spills his come deep inside me with a long, satisfied groan. I carefully pull my teeth away and lick the blood off my lips as I lie back on the stone and smile up at Prince who looks more than happy. Just at this moment, we can pretend the world is all fairy tales and no darkness is coming. A moment can simply be everything.

  "It's time," Prince says, tightening his tie on his tux as he comes back into the room. I stand up off the sofa, smoothing down my dress and tensely smiling at him. Erik and Aith come over to him at the same time I walk over. The crown feels like a heavy weight on my head as we all look at each other. There is no going back now. We have to see this through, one way or another. At least everyone looks amazing if we are all going to die tonight. I have my dress on from yesterday, and my hair is straightened, falling down my back. The guys all have tuxes on, with white ties which Prince chose for their love of me, Snow. I found it super cute, and they even found white roses in the gardens to pin to their jackets.

  "You and Aith need to walk together. It might offer you more protection in there," Prince tells me, and it makes some sense. Aith moves to my side, taking my hand in his and linking them. It makes me feel better to be holding his hand, knowing he is at my side and my other mates are super close. Thankfully Aith has fit into Erik and Prince’s friendship like the third part of the bromance they already had going on. It’s cute to watch, and I’m glad they all like each other. I imagine it could be awkward as hell otherwise.

  "Prince and I are the best fighters. No offence, Aith. Our wolves are large and good at fighting, so we will stand in front or at your sides for the night," Erik suggests, making a plan.

  "No offence taken. My powers are weaker here, but I'm not without my own talents," Aith replies, tapping his sword with one finger.

  "My wolf is just as large as yours, and I will not be pushed out of the fight because I'm a girl. I can defend myself and fight with weapons just like you two," I say, needing them to know I'm not going to be the damsel—or princess in my case—in distress.

  "I didn't know you could fight with weapons," Erik says, raising an eyebrow at me.

  "Things change when you have something to fight for, Erik," I reply, which only makes him smirk before leaning down and deeply kissing me.

  "Okay, we can all fight. The only thing I want us to agree to is that we be careful," Prince says.

  "We will," I reply, and the guys nod. It's dangerous, and none of us has a single clue what we might be walking into tonight. Erik and Prince walk out first, with Aith and me following shortly after. The castle is different tonight than it ever has been. Instead of silence, there is music and laughter coming from the lower floor. All day, we have stayed in our room, letting Prince go out and investigate because, out of us all, he is the one I doubt the queen will hurt. He is her son. Erik explained to me that Prince's father died unexpectedly one morning just before the castle ward was put up, and now Prince is all the queen has left.

  We walk down to the end of the corridor and around the corner to the stairs which lead to the ballroom below. The ballroom is massive with big chandeliers, and it is full of supernaturals. I sense that most are vampires and shifters, but in there are a few fae, I suspect, and maybe others. The music and the scent of the food on the buffet are too overwhelming for me to really tell.

  Prince told us that people have been coming into the castle all day, using their invitations. He met a few, and we quickly realised they are every supernatural of importance. Every large pack leader and so on. Prince said he hasn't seen the Bearlay alphas and Gold, or Nikoli and Harper, and her other mate, Colton. I'm thankful they aren't stupid enough to come in here with us. Aith and I can’t figure out why the queen wanted us here early, but I’m sure she has a reason.

  We walk into the room, quickly being surrounded by other people as the large doors shut behind us. We keep walking until we get out of the main part of the crowd and to the front where there has been a small stage made with a red velvet chair in the middle. The queen isn't anywhere to be seen as we all stand tensely, worried about what the hell is going on. A hand taps my shoulder, and I twirl around, meeting the green eyes of my sister-in-law. Before Gold can say anything, I wrap her in a hug, and she squeezes me back as tightly. I only just get a second to take in her black, floor-length, tight dress which has a cape. How cool is that? She looks beautiful and amazing, but I didn’t expect to see her this soon. A deeper part of me
is just glad to see my best friend.

  "What the hell are you doing in here?" I whisper to her, seeing her four mates standing in a line right behind her. I frown when a familiar blond vampire joins their side, and he smiles at me before I look to my other side. I let go of Gold to see Nikoli and Harper as they get to me. Nikoli has a tux on, looking very smart, and his blue bow tie matches Harper’s gorgeous blue dress. Harper hugs me briefly, only because she isn’t a big hugger and never has been. I look up at my brother and shake my head because bringing them here isn’t a good idea. Harper isn’t the best fighter, and no matter how strong my brother is, it wasn’t smart. Hell, I don’t even want to be here; I’ve just forced myself because I had to save my mates.

  "You aren't the only one who can risk everything by being here, Snow. You’re my sister, and so I'm here," Nikoli states, crossing his arms and testing me to challenge him on it. Typical alphas, everything has to be a challenge.

  "My idiot brother is here, so I am too," Gold proudly says as Erik gets to her and they hug. I feel his joy at seeing his twin, mixed in with his concern about her being here.

  "Wait, where are Arisa and Emma?" I worriedly ask them. "They can't be alone out there."

  "My sister, Belle, finally woke up and quickly mated to the healer of the pack, Tam. Being knocked out for so long did something good to her personality. Anyway, they have both taken all the children into hiding. I promise they are safe," Colton steps forward and tells me. “Belle and Tam would die to protect them. So would the wolves we sent with them for protection. A few bears went too.”

  "I wouldn't trust my daughter or niece to them if I weren't sure they are safe," Harper gently tells me.

  "The rest of the packs that can fight are outside in the forest with the elf army they found there. We are here to find out what our queen is doing and end this one way or another. You have family, Snow; you were never doing this alone," Nikoli firmly tells me, just as the music cuts out. Aith tugs me closer to him as we all look forward, watching as the queen, flanked by her two silent guards, walks into the room in a long red dress that is the colour of blood. It has a long train behind it that slides across the floor, and the front has a long dip that shows off too much. She goes and sits on the chair, placing her hands on the sides of the arms and looking around the room for a second. She meets my eyes for a brief second, and her lips tilt just slightly before she looks away.

  "Esteemed guests, I welcome you to the Shifter Castle. I know you must be ever so confused why I invited you here all together and why I have guarded my home for so long. The answer is rather simple.” We all stay silent as she pauses, drawing out her apparent answer to everything. “I have made an army, one that is going to kill the humans and place us back in our rightful place as leaders. For years, humans have ruled, and we have hidden away like sheep, following their rules, but we are not sheep. We are wolves. We are leaders, and now we will take our place in the world by killing those who do not deserve to rule. These stones were the final key in creating the creatures of my army, who only listen to my command. I spent years finding the right method to change people into soldiers with only one purpose: to kill." She stands as she finishes her crazy statement, and there is utter silence in the room. "The only problem I you all. You stand in my way as leaders, and I know you will not easily stand by as I kill the humans—"

  "No, we will not. Humans or supernaturals, it does not matter. Your plan means the innocent and guilty will die together, and that is not fair. Vampires have watched the world for many years, as have shifters, and we are the lucky ones. We have the gift of immortality, and humans deserve to live their short lives out in any way they choose without our involvement. I'm afraid, if this is your plan, there will be war between the races. I am sure I'm not the only one who will not blindly follow you down this path," the vampire king states, stepping out of the crowd. The queen just laughs, a long laugh that echoes off the walls and leaves us all silent.

  "There will be no war because none of you will leave the castle grounds. My creatures I created with these stones will take care of you...then the world, as I sit in here and listen to the screams that build a new world," she replies, and in the blink of an eye, she shifts into a massive black wolf. She howls, a long howl that sends shivers through me, and what is worse is something howls back. A lot of somethings by the sound of it.

  "We fight together," Nikoli states and starts making more plans I don't hear. I just focus on the queen's wolf as she runs out a door. Before I know it, I'm running after her, hearing my name being called, but I know I can't let her escape. I just can't.


  I watch as Snow runs after the queen, swearing under my breath that she can run so fast in that dress of all things. I run two steps to chase her through the door she disappears through, when creatures pour out of the stage and through every other door. I don't get more than a second to look at them before three of them are jumping on me, slamming me onto the floor. I shift in a moment, letting my wolf rip through my body and roll on his back, ripping his claws through the stomach of the creature on top of us first. We ignore the pain, the screams of the creatures and the people in the room fighting them as my wolf bites into the neck of the creature that jumps on us next.

  They have fur-covered skin, pus-filled yellow eyes, and they stand like humans instead of running on all fours like wolves. Their heads don't look like wolves though, they look like people covered in fur, but their mouths are longer. Their teeth are sticking out of their mouths, and their claws are long, digging into my fur as I fight them off me until I can stand up.

  I hear my sister whine, and I turn around to see her knocked to the floor, the mouth of a creature around her arm, and as I run to her, two bears rip the creature away like a toy and tear it to pieces before protecting her. Aith is behind me, floating in the air with a sword and cutting through creatures like they are ham. I search for Nikoli and Harper, finding them with the vampire and holding their own as they fight in their wolf forms. For the next god knows how long, I fight, tearing the creatures apart with my teeth and claws, but they are never-ending. I jump and rip a creature off Prince, whose wolf shakes it off as he stands up at my side.

  "We need to lower the ward and get the army in. Everyone, draw the army outside into the land and towards the ward. We will kill the queen and drop it!" Aith shouts, making his voice echo.

  "How the fuck are we meant to get out, mate?" Colton shouts back as I rip more creatures to pieces and know he has a point. We are trapped. Aith doesn't reply, but I look up as he holds his hands out to the big door, and a massive gush of wind slams out of his body, sending the door flying off its hinges and sliding down the steps. Everyone in the room doesn't need to be asked twice; they start running out the doors, effectively leading the creatures with them. I spot Gold's wolf with Harper's at her side running first, with three bears and Nikoli right behind them.

  "End this. We follow your plan, don't get us all killed!" the vampire king shouts up as Colton helps him pull a creature off his back. They both run out the room as I see Aith nod to them. Suddenly Prince and I are floating in the air, and my wolf whines and struggles, not liking being off the floor.

  "We are taking another route. Hold on," Aith tells us, and I can only think, hold on to what, before we are flying straight into the glass windows.

  "You can run all you like, but I will always follow you," I shout as we run up the tower that just keeps going up and up, never-ending. The queen's wolf only growls back, and I have a suspicion she is just leading me up here for her own reasons. I’m think she wants to kill me herself, or at least I can’t think of any other reason. I hear the screams and inhuman howls of the army she threatened. My mates shout in my mind, but I can't understand them all. I have to cut them off for a second because, unless I do this, we all will die here. The queen has lost the plot, and this all has to end now.

  My dress catches on my shoes, which I end up kicking off as I follow her up the tower. Fin
ally, the tower steps come to an end where there is an attic room with no windows. It's dusky and dark as I step into it, searching around for the queen's wolf. Seconds later, a fire burns into light inside a lantern, and I turn to the left to see the queen covered in an old blanket as she lights the lantern, hooking it on the wall.

  "You should have stayed with your mates and pack," she tells me, raising a pretty eyebrow at me. "I didn't ever suspect you would be the one to run away, Snow." The queen is pretty but crazy, and I just wish she would change her mind about this mad plan. Would it be an easier world if shifters ruled? Yes. But would it be a fair world I’d want my child to grow up in? No.

  "I didn't run; I came to end this," I tell her. “I want to end this, and I don’t want Prince to have to be here for it. He loves you still. I’m his mate, and I feel it.”

  "End me, you mean?" she asks, chuckling low, but I see the worry in her eyes. She is alone, without guards, and I am not weak. I’ve never been weak, not since I first shifted into a big white wolf. I was born on a stormy night when snow fell thick on the ground, and every winter, the storm came back for my birthday. Nikoli told me this story when I was once scared of the storm and the coldness of the snow, and he told me that we are alphas. Alphas are not scared of anything but losing those we love. That is the way it should always be. "That can't happen, I'm afraid."

  "I wasn't going to give you a choice," I reply to her, and she smiles as she lets the old blanket fall to the floor. I keep my eye on her as I pull my crown off, sliding the jewel out of it before gently dropping it to the floor near my feet.

  "Lower the ward, give me the shifter stones, and then you can leave. It will break Prince's heart for me to kill you, and I don't want that. You can't want that, right?" I ask. “He is your son, and he loves you.”


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