The Heart of a Wolf

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by Megan Smith

  The Heart of a Wolf

  Blackstar Guardians, Volume 3

  Megan Smith

  Published by Megan Smith, 2020.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. October 31, 2020.

  Copyright © 2020 Megan Smith.

  ISBN: 978-1393129448

  Written by Megan Smith.

  Also by Megan Smith

  Blackstar Guardians

  A Dance in the Moonlight

  The Heart of a Wolf

  And Then Came You

  One Christmas Wish

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Also By Megan Smith


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Want to know more about this magical world?

  Books by Megan Smith

  Sneak Peek

  About the Author

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  This is for all my nieces and nephews. You keep me hoppin’! Ashlyn, Andrew, Nicholas, Jordan, Jeremy, Brendan, Brian, Jeffrey, Leigha, Skylar, Marleigh, Austen, Kennedy, Jocelyn, Sierra, Jaden, Riley, Sean, Mason, Savannah, Logan, Graham and Klay. Love you!

  Chapter 1

  “WE CAN’T KEEP GOING on like this. Sooner or later they’re going to discover us.”

  “Let’s run then.”

  He turned at the desperate statement, studying her with eyes too old for his young face.

  “You’d give up everything you’ve ever known? Live the rest of your life uncertain, always hiding, running. Just to be with me?”


  Her answer was as simple and unwavering as her gaze. There was no hesitation, no uncertainty at all. She’d go anywhere, do anything as long as it was by his side.

  She’d recognized him as her Seraphin the moment their eyes met and it didn’t matter who either of them was or what obstacles lay in their path. They were meant to be. It was as simple as that.

  Her horse jostled suddenly, jerking Allandra Tathmeren back to the present. Straightening up, she pushed one hand through thick, nut-brown strands of hair while sending out an automatic search of the immediate area to check for threats, both visual and magical.

  Giving her head a hard shake when nothing came back that alarmed her, she pressed her heels into Sprite’s sides to increase the mare’s speed.

  She’d been riding through Calladoneia’s capital city of Ravenna for several hours to answer a summons from Cadrian after spending the five previous days flying through the Araphan mountains in her falcon form.

  She’d decided to pick up a horse at a Haven located near the edge of the city when it had taken her longer than it should have to recover after shapeshifting back. But she was obviously more tired than she thought if she’d allowed her attention to wander, letting memories of a time long past filter to the forefront.

  At least that’s what she told herself. In truth, there wasn’t a day that went by that she didn’t think of him in some way, usually a passing thought about something he would have loved or a flash of color that would remind her of the exact color of his eyes.

  After over three hundred years, that color should have faded, but it never did. Others talked about loved ones faces going fuzzy over time, but she remembered every detail of how he looked, the tender-rough touch of his fingers brushing her skin, the slow smile that crinkled his eyes...

  The frantic, desperate tone of his voice as they dragged him away from her.

  Frowning, she turned Sprite into the entrance for Mystic Harbor and nudged her carefully through the crowd toward one of the narrow, cobblestone side streets. She hadn’t thought of their last day together in years. She’d made a conscious effort to focus on the positive, on the moments she remembered with a quiet smile.

  Rarely did she let herself look back at the day that had changed her life forever, wrenching her onto a new course with a hollow heart and an iron will.

  Why that particular memory had risen up today, she didn’t know and it made her wonder if the new assignment Cadrian was about to give her had triggered a warning from the Gift of premonition she’d developed since becoming a Blackstar Guardian.


  Even now, his name whispered through her mind with a mixture of sweetness and unbearable pain. She’d found her Seraphin so young-and lost him after such a short time.

  She’d seen him for the first time the summer of her twelfth year when a group of Naethyrians had passed through her Domina for diplomatic talks with the Prince. They’d left behind a permanent ambassador-and a young servant more handsome than any she’d ever seen.

  His name was Kendrick and he’d been a slave since his mother had sold him when he was four years old.

  As the daughter of a nobleman, she’d been around slaves her whole life. Naethyrian slaves were often captured during wars between Dominas and kept as servants for a specified number of years before they attained citizenship in the Domina. Some, like Kendrick, were sold by family members in return for a quicker path to their own freedom. She’d never questioned the practice until she caught sight of the anger brewing deep within Kendrick’s blue-green gaze.

  She’d been drawn to him like a moth to a flame, not even trying to resist what her soul was crying out-that she’d found her Seraphin. She saw an answering response in his own gaze but he was more aware of how life worked than she was, knowing just what it would cost them both if someone thought they were becoming friends.

  So, he was careful to avoid her as much as possible during the daylight hours, knowing how disastrous it would be if someone caught them talking, dreaming and holding hands while laying on the hillside under the canopy of the forest. They were glorious hours full of laughter, innocence and the joy at having found their Seraphin so early in life.

  She’d spent endless hours dreaming of how things would be when they got old enough to marry.

  How innocent she’d been. Foolishly, ignorantly innocent.

  Just a few short years later, at sixteen, laughter had turned to anguished screams as they’d ripped him out of her arms and dragged him away. Slaves did not befriend, let alone dare to kiss the daughter of a lord. For that small, harmless act...they’d killed him.

  And forever changed the course of her life.

  Sprite came to a stop in front of a tavern with navy blue trim and large mullioned windows, a wooden sign hanging on a chain over the door proclaiming it NightShade on the River. It was a popular gathering spot with good food, tavern games and local musicians performing nightly on a tiny corner stage. It was owned by a human named Seth Nightshade, whose combination of charm and deadly Gifts made it a safe place for anyone who stepped through the scarred oak door.

  Guardians frequented it, as well as the original tavern down in Monteiria run by Seth’s father, Blade, a man similar in nature to his son who had come by his nickname because of his skill with knives.

  Stepping over the threshold while shoving the hood back from her cloak, she noted several families eating in the booths by the windows near the small, corner stage and large stone fireplace while rowdier groups were gathered on the other side in small, round tables, playing games with cards or dice. Giving a nod to Se
th, who was manning the bar, she continued without pausing, weaving her way toward the door at the back leading to a private room.

  She could feel Cadrian’s distinctive hum of power even through the closed, heavy oak door as well as a presence that felt much dimmer, but familiar. Frowning, she pulled open the door and moved into the room, the noise of the tavern fading as it closed behind her.

  Sitting at a booth in the back of the empty room, Cadrian looked up and gave her a nod but she could only see the dark brown cloak and muddy boot of his companion.

  “Allandra. You made good time” he commented, standing and motioning her into the booth. Sliding in, she noticed with gratitude that he had a tankard waiting for her on the table. She took a long drink of the cool liquid, quenching her thirst after the long, dusty ride.

  “You said it was important-“

  Stopping abruptly while setting the tankard down, her gaze collided with the man across the stable and froze as recognition shuddered through her.

  Jerking around to stare accusingly at Cadrian, he held up both hands in defense.

  “Just hear us out” he asked quietly and she pinched her lips tightly together, tension radiating out of her before nodding tightly. If there was one person she trusted implicitly, it was Cadrian Ethanael and he wouldn’t have brought a man she hadn’t spoken to in over two hundred years unless there was a darn good reason.

  Watching her with cautious, pained eyes, her brother Aaren sat with his hands wrapped around his tankard. She narrowed her own at him before deliberately taking another drink.

  “You look well, Allandra” he murmured quietly but she just tightened her lips and deliberately looked away.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Aaren is here to discuss the situation with the werewolves” Cadrian informed her calmly, pausing to take a drink of his own while she stiffened even more.

  “Is he? Is he going to explain why his Domina continues to murder an innocent group of people?”

  “Partly,” he answered, causing her head to jerk around in surprise, “but mostly, he wants you to act as intermediary with the Ascendant Alpha when you go to meet him.”

  Silence descended on the table as her head whirled.


  Cadrian just let one dark brown brow wing up as a waitress scurried in with a heavily laden wooden tray balanced in her arms. Allandra was forced to sit and try to make sense of what he’d just said as the obviously rattled waitress attempted to put plates and cutlery in front of them while sending nervous glances Cadrian’s way.

  Having been a Blackstar Guardian for several centuries now, she was used to the effect Cadrian had on most people. While he was deeply respected and even revered by most of the races on earth, the majority of individuals he came across were ill at ease with him in person. They weren’t sure what he was, exactly, and the constant buzz of power he exuded made them feel...uncomfortable.

  Allandra had long ago gotten inured to the effect-as well as any reverence she’d once had. While she still had a healthy respect for the immense power flowing through him and an occasional disquiet when thinking about what he actually was, she thought of him more as a dependable older brother now-even a father figure.

  So, there was no hesitation in her response as soon as the relieved waitress had moved away.

  “None of what you just said makes any sense” she brought up bluntly, “I’ve never met the Ascendant Alpha-no one has since he appeared centuries ago. I don’t anticipate meeting him, which makes me being an intermediary a moot point-even if I was willing to for him-which, I’m not.”

  Aaren’s mouth worked silently in mix of surprise and consternation as his dark green eyes bounced between the other two, obviously worried that her tone wasn’t respectful enough.

  Cadrian just shot her a quelling glance edged in amusement from golden green eyes before tearing off a piece of his roll.

  “The Ascendant has requested a meeting...with you.”

  Once again, Allandra felt her speech desert her.


  “I’m beginning to wonder about your hearing. Perhaps we should have a Healer check it out.”

  “It’s not my hearing that’s the problem,” she snapped back drily before sitting back and looking at him in confusion. “The Ascendant Alpha wants to meet Did he say why?”

  “No. But, there’s a good chance that with the werewolves being hunted by both Naethyrians and humans, maybe he’s feeling out how we feel about them.”

  “Makes sense,” she agreed slowly, “but why me specifically? He’s their leader, why not request a meeting with you?”

  “Good question. You can ask him that when you meet him. It could be as simple as he knows of your reputation advocating for their right to live peaceably.”

  A ripple of interest flickered through her at the thought of finally meeting the shadowy leader of the werewolves. For over two hundred years, since werewolves had appeared as a new, distinctive race, their leader had been a powerful, but hidden entity. A man capable of literally controlling every werewolf, no one had ever seen him-or at least would admit to seeing him.

  There were whispers of the strength of his Gifts, of a personal power and dominance so strong it had echoes of Cadrian’s. Allandra had been fascinated by the stories of him and what he’d accomplished with the Packs for years and had wondered just how much was truth and how much was legend.

  To actually meet him in person...well, to say she was intrigued was an understatement. But a kernel of reason, kept a sliver of unease inside her. The Ascendant Alpha was known for being highly intelligent, cunning and ruthless.

  So, why did he suddenly want to meet her?

  “And Aaren?”

  “Aaren would like to open a channel of communication.”

  “Aaren is not the prince of his Domina. He has no authority to ‘open a channel of communication’-nor would any of the lords let him-especially our father. He’s been very vocal in his belief that all werewolves should be eradicated” she answered tightly and Cadrian raised another eyebrow at Aaren, obviously expecting him to take up the conversation from here.

  Dragging in a deep breath, Aaren began to speak. “Yes, father has let his opinion be widely known. But not everyone in the Domina feels the same way and there is a group of us who have been working behind the scenes in an attempt to change things. I’ve been in many secret discussions with our Prince to change the way things are done. It’s one thing if they’re committing a crime-it’s another to kill someone just because of what they are.”

  He paused and waited a heartbeat in case she wanted to respond before going on, “Prince Rafael feels that the time might be right to reach out some feelers and open beginning discussions with the werewolves. The problem is, we can’t get to them without it being taken as a trap or attack. Then I had a vision of you as the one who could and reached out to Cadrian.”

  She studied her brother silently, wondering how much she could trust him. Aaren hadn’t been one of those who had dragged Kendrick away from her since he’d been away at the time, but he also hadn’t offered much beyond mild sympathy either.

  “You’d defy father?”

  He sat back and speared her hazel gaze with his steady one. “Yes. You’ve been away from the Domina for a long time, Allandra, but we’ve been working to change things. It’s not easy to get those who have been doing things the same way for thousands of years to accept another way, but we have succeeded. They may be small changes, but every one is a step in the right direction. Rafael feels the first step in stopping the war with the werewolves is to open up communications-which is why we need you. Guardians are seen as neutral and one acting as intermediary would be accepted by most of the lords.”

  She sat back and absently sipped at her tankard while thinking it over. If her brother was telling the truth and Prince Rafael was serious about ending the ongoing conflict with the werewolves, it could be the start of a domino effect.

he Domina she’d grown up in was one of the more powerful in the east. Despite what her brother seemed to think, she’d kept an eye on it and had been impressed with the new prince who had taken control just after she’d left it and all the positive changes he’d made.

  Rafael had been ruling the strong-willed lords of the Balrine Domina with an iron hand for centuries now, despite being fairly young himself, and if he decided to publicly end the war, other Domina’s would follow.

  For the first time since they’d been appeared, the werewolves would have the opportunity to live openly without fear.

  If there was a chance she could help make that a reality, she would do whatever it took. Though, she silently admitted with a glance toward Cadrian and his waiting eyes, she really didn’t have much of a choice. It was obvious this was her new assignment.

  “When does he want to meet?”

  Aaren looked visibly relieved while Cadrian just calmly took another drink before speaking.

  “Four days from now in Kalvara.”

  “Four days!”

  “I told you to come quickly” he pointed out with a shrug of wide shoulders and she shot him a glare while her mind whirled on how she was going to travel endless miles across two countries in just a few days.

  She’d go faster by air, so she’d have to spend most of the journey in her falcon form.

  “What else do I need to know?” she questioned with a look between the two of them. Cadrian usually included a host of details to help with whatever assignment he handed out and she expected no less for this one.

  A shiver of mixed excitement and unease slipped down her spine as she considered that she would be the first Guardian to actually meet the elusive Ascendant Alpha.

  He had to have had a reason for asking for her. The question was, what was it?

  Chapter 2

  EXACTLY FOUR DAYS LATER, Allandra lazily circled above the entrance to the Kalvara Pack’s village, located in the center of their territory. Her sharp falcon eyes took in the sentries guarding the edges of the area, both in human and werewolf form, and marked the dirt road that wound through the heavily forested path to the main house.


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