The Immoral Ones- a Sinister Set

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The Immoral Ones- a Sinister Set Page 6

by Yolanda Olson

  I walk around to the front of Icarus and drop gently down on my knees. I reach up and place a hand on either side of his face and force him to look me in the eyes.

  “And no one ever will,” I whisper to him fiercely.

  He smiles, nods, and gets to his feet, holding a hand down toward me. I take it and allow him to pull me to my feet and smile hopefully as he wraps his arms around my waist.

  “I love you, Ells.”


  (Before it happened)

  We’re dancing slowly in the living room to the sound of our own heartbeats. There’s no music because we don’t need it. I hold Ella tightly in my arms, kissing the top of her head when she rests it against my chest.

  I’ve always imagined that the day we got married, we would dance something like this—in a world of our own where music holds no meaning because we’re the only ones that would matter in that moment.

  I don’t see my life without Ella and I know she doesn’t see hers without mine and that’s why I know that this is the only way. I’ll love her for as long as she’ll allow me to and I’ll give myself to her every night that she can stand it.

  We may never have our family but I think that we’re honestly perfect the way we are, and adding another person to the equation, even if it would be someone born of our love for each other, would take her away from me and I can’t stand the thought.

  I can’t stand losing Ella to anyone else.

  It haunts me at night thinking that maybe the bliss we shared that one time will be the time that she gets pregnant and I lose her.

  But Ella promised me.

  She promised me that I would never lose her to anyone else and I plan on making her keep that promise to me.

  “Rus?” she asks.

  I close my eyes and continue to sway around in a circle with her in my arms.


  She coughs and tries to push me away, but I hold Ella close and continue to dance.

  “Wait. You’re holding me too tightly,” she complains with a cough and another attempt to push me away.

  I won’t let go.

  I’ll never let Ella go and she should know that by now.

  I turn us in a semi-circle and continue to use my forearm to apply pressure to the back of her neck, kissing the top of her head again as she begins to beg me and cry.

  She’s telling me that I’m hurting her.

  She’s telling me that she can’t breathe.

  But now she knows.

  She understands how I feel every time she banishes me away from her presence because I’ve pissed her off or upset her in some way and she needs the time away from me to get her head back on straight.

  I feel like I can’t breathe—like it’s a pain that will never go away—and now she understands.

  I’ll care for her until I decide I’m tired of living in a quiet place because I want her to know she’s loved, even after she takes her last breath. I’ll love her more than ever because then I’ll know that we’ll never be apart.

  There will never be anything I can say to her or do to her that will make her angry ever again.

  A few more moments pass when she finally stops struggling against me and I let her body go. She falls into the recliner and I smile at her beautiful face. She didn’t die in pain and that’s all that matters to me.

  I lean down and place her hands on either side of the arms, push her legs together, and push her hair out of her face.

  I love Ella and now she’ll be mine forever.

  Just like I always promised her.



  Previously released in Stealing Virtue


  What I do is never for the money.

  It’s a means to an end, a way of surviving myself, and a way to keep others alive. Because I see money as the root of all evil, I help those that cannot afford to help themselves and the ones that I take from are cruel, wicked, and deserving of the end they meet.

  I place the non-woven fabric mask against my nose and mouth, then reach back and secure the ties behind my head and neck.

  This one is special and because of that, I will take extra care not to cause more harm to myself.

  While I do this to help, I do this to condemn as well. Not always the ones at the end of my blade, but the ones that my customers buy for.

  The ones that have escaped the law.

  I guess it makes me a vigilante of sorts to harvest the rotten, damaged innards of the mostly willing, and have them transported to be inserted into the ones that deserve a slow, painful and diseased death.

  Cancerous organs are my favorites for that purpose. Sometimes, I’ll get lucky and find an H.I.V. infected person that no longer wants to live and offers themself to fulfill my clients needs provided I supply a relatively painful death.

  But the subject before me is sick with something much worse. It’s infected with an incurable virus that afflicts so many people that fall head first into it’s hellacious cesspool and never find a way to recover.

  This one is infected with the virus aptly named love.

  And that’s why I need its heart.


  Chapter 1

  I look over my list before I shut my laptop off. The orders seem to be coming in faster than I can manage, and being a one-woman operation means I have no help.

  There aren’t many people I trust enough to assist me with my business so I keep it a secret and hide that part of me in the dark.

  I sigh as I open the drawer of my desk, place the laptop inside, then push it closed, locking it and getting to my feet.

  At what point I’ll have time to fill this damn order, I don’t know, but I have to go out tonight anyway and it’s easy enough to spot what I need when I’m on a time crunch.

  The order is for eyes, a liver, kidneys, the left lung, and a heart.

  All have to be collected within the next few days and all have to make their way to my contact in Beijing. Once the order is filled, and the delivery is made, I’ll get my wire transfer of fifty-million American dollars and then I think I’ll retire.

  I smile slightly at the possibility of being able to retire at twenty-six years old without a care in the world, but I doubt it will happen.

  The money never lasts because I have my own vices, however, this will be my biggest payout and I may be able to live comfortably off the radar for at least a few years.

  I never ask questions when I receive orders. I sometimes like to think about who gets these valuable items. This time, I imagine it’s a very important Chinese diplomat and that will help me make sure that I find only the best of pieces to fit their ailing body.

  My gift to the man or woman allowing me to keep my hands clean for a while and try to live a simple life again.

  I head into my living room and toss the key into the small plastic tray on the table near the door. I left the rock music blaring when I went to get my list and I won’t turn it off just yet. It helps me calm down, clear my mind, and sometimes it helps me sleep.

  I walk over to my couch and lie down, letting out my breath in a heavy woosh. I have a few hours yet until I should get ready and go out to find my subjects, but for now I just want to rest for a bit.

  That idea goes out the fucking window when I hear a knock at my door. I haven’t even been laying down for ten minutes and I’m already being summoned to do another’s bidding.

  I get to my feet, make my way toward the door, and press my hands on the wooden blockade. Leaning close, I look through the small peephole then smile when I see who’s disturbing me so early in the day.

  I immediately begin to undo the locks, pulling chains loose and turning bolts, until all five are undone. Before I pull the door open, I quickly run my hands back through my hair, give it a shake, then flash my best smile.

  “Hi,” I say brightly.

  The eyes that look back at me are hazel green with a ring of gold. The smile that is returned is bright, clean, a
nd charming. The arm that reaches out to wrap around my waist is strong, tattooed, and welcome.

  “Hey,” he replies, leaning close to me and kissing my neck.

  I never understood why Enoch greeted me with a kiss on the neck instead of the lips, but I never have, nor will I complain, because it makes me feel wanted just the same.

  I run my hands up the back of his neck and through his soft, blonde hair. He growls slightly as he lifts his lips from my neck and grins at me.

  “You should know better than to go for the neck by now,” he teases. “Unless you don’t want to go out tonight, that is.”

  He reaches his hands down and grabs my ass, squeezing it tightly, a wicked grin taking place of the playful one as he wiggles his eyebrows. I laugh and smack his hands away.

  “I have to go out,” I reply as I step to the side and let him in.

  He pouts for a moment as he walks past me, but by the time I close the door and put all of the locks back into place, he’s sitting on my couch with his feet up on my old coffee table, watching me with a smile.

  “I really don’t know how you can live in this damn neighborhood, Len. The offer still stands.”

  I smile, push my hair behind my ears, and wonder how I would keep my business properly attended to if I moved in with him.

  Maybe after this last payout, I think wistfully.

  “I’m still thinking about it. Does this offer have a shelf life?” I ask as I walk over and sit on the couch next to him. I pull my legs up beneath myself and gaze at him with hopeful eyes.

  Enoch looks thoughtful for a moment—almost like he’s considering putting a shelf life on my moving in with him, and it makes me slightly nervous. Until I see the corners of his lips twitching that is, and I gently swat at his chest in response, making him laugh.

  “Nah. It only expires when one of us dies,” he says as the charming smile returns to his handsome face.

  Chapter 2

  We spent an hour on the couch making out like horny teenagers and letting our hands roam all over each other’s bodies. I never felt more beautiful than I do when I’m in Enoch’s arms and I think he knows it.

  It bothers him that I don’t even consider myself pretty and when we aren’t sharing moments like his, he dutifully stands me in front of the nearest mirror and points out everything about me that sets me apart from everyone else.

  All of the things he “cherishes” about me and “loves.”

  I can understand cherishing something hideous because I do it every day. I don’t, however, understand the virus I know as love.

  I play the part and let him believe that I know how to love and that that I love him, but I don’t know if I’m capable of it.

  He tries to infect me with it every single time we’re together and I know that he has only the best intentions for us, but I don’t know how to accept it, and so I pretend.

  It keeps him happy and convinced, and it keeps me from having to tell him that I’m as close as I can get to that virus when I’m with him.

  “Mm,” I breathe when he finally pulls away from me. His breathing is labored and I can see his smile through lust hazed eyes.

  “Sure you don’t wanna stay in instead?” he asks, sliding a hand beneath my shirt and gently trailing my skin with a finger. It sends a shiver through me and I can feel my body reacting to his touch, but I have work to do tonight, and he needs to go home.

  “I can’t,” I say softly.

  His head drops, shoulders slumping almost immediately, as he lowers his body onto mine. He blows out his breath which tickles slightly since his face is resting on my now exposed belly, and I run a hand over his hair affectionately.

  “Honestly, I don’t think this week will be very good at all. I’ll do my best to be available, but …”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he says suddenly in an irritated voice. “You have ‘work’ to do.”

  I understand why he’s become so abrasive. It’s because I haven’t told him the extent of what I do and going out almost every night after night to fill orders makes it look like I’m hiding something from him.

  “You wanna come with me?” I ask quietly.

  As soon as the words are out of my mouth I regret them because I know that Enoch won’t understand what he will see and it will make him angry.

  Seduction is a major part of my luring away a subject and sometimes it goes a little further than it should.

  I’ve never cheated on him, though, and I never will, but he won’t be able to discern that difference if he watches me with his own eyes.

  “Really?” he asks in a surprised tone.

  No, I think miserably.


  He rubs his chin thoughtfully before he gets to his feet and grins down at me. I must look miserable because his smile falters slightly, and he leans down to press his warm, full lips against my forehead.

  “I’d love to, Len.”

  Chapter 3

  The Electric Daisy Circus is my favorite place to find a subject. It’s dark, full of tweaked out ravers, and the glow lights are pretty too.

  Enoch is holding my hand firmly in his as we head toward the bar. I can tell he doesn’t like this place already but it’s not for him to like—it’s for him to understand—and possibly bring us closer.

  “Jesus Christ!” he shouts into my ear, “Is everyone in here on drugs?”

  I laugh at the utter disgust on his tone and shrug before I turn my attention to the bartender, Shelly. She’s nice, in her late forties, and one of the co-owners. I met her acquaintance when I was looking for a bladder and happened to pass her over for the small act of kindness she showed me.

  It was raining in torrents that day and the order was due that night. She saw the urgency on my face, the damp clothes that clung to my body, and offered me shelter inside her establishment.

  We talked over some freshly homemade hot soup, and after a few moments of conversation, she inadvertently pointed me in the direction I would need to go to fill my order.

  I was considering her as soon as we entered the dimly lit building, but the way she cared for me—as if I were a runaway daughter come home—I decided that I liked her and that was enough to save her life.

  “Hey, Shells!” I greet her warmly as she comes over to where we’re standing. She reaches an arm across the bar and gives me a hug, before turning her attention toward the handsome young man next to me. “This is my guy, Enoch. Enoch, this is my stand-in mom, Shelly.”

  He grins and shakes her extended hand. He knows that I never talked about my parents because I never had anything kind to say about them. They were terrible with the way they treated me and because of that, I made it a point to state that they were dead whenever asked about them.

  To introduce him as my guy, and her as my stand-in mother, shows them both what they each mean to me and how important it is that they get along.

  Not that they’ll ever meet again because this is a one-time shot with Enoch being here, but if they pass each other on the street, I’d rather they nod and smile than pass as strangers without regard for each other.

  I take the bright blue drink she hands me as Enoch takes his bright red one. She tells us it’s on the house and to have a good time. She also tells us that if any problems arise, to let her know and she’ll take care of it.

  Enoch slips an arm around my waist and gestures toward an empty couch with his drink. I nod and let him lead me there, sitting down when we arrive, and draping my legs across his lap.

  I’m wearing a red and black plaid mini-skirt, ripped fishnet stockings, and what he calls my “stomping” boots. My black sweater is cut just below my perky breasts and my black hair is pulled back in a loose bun. I’m wearing drastic make-up tonight because I need to make an impression. Sparkling, nude lips and red eyeshadow that looks more like warpaint than anything else.

  But it’ll get attention and someone will fall prey to my seductions before the night is over.

  Chapter 4

m on my third drink and Enoch is on his fifth. The room is heavy with sweat and almost insane with the amount of acid being dropped.

  Twice now, we’ve had to decline the offer of going on a “magical journey” and I know it’s starting to get to him. Each time someone approaches us, he tightens his grip around my legs and produces a damning glare.

  He’s not good for business, but I’m not good without him.

  It’s a sacrifice I have to make tonight.

  “Is this really all you do?” he shouts over the music as he leans toward me. “Sit around and drink while people try to get you mind fucked?”

  I smile at him and shake my head, using my straw to stir my drink.

  Time is getting away from me faster than I thought it would and I can’t afford to lose another minute.

  I set my drink down on the dirty, sticky floor and take Enoch’s placing it next to mine. In the next moment, I’m straddling him, pressing my body against his because I know it will draw attention.

  “Babe, what the fuck,” he breathes in confusion. A smile slips across my lips before I lean down and lick the side of his neck, feeling his dick almost instantly becoming hard.

  “Exactly,” I whisper into his ear, brushing my lips against it.

  “In front of all of these people?” he asks doubtfully.

  “Half of them don’t even know they’re on the planet Earth, Enoch,” I reply with an eye roll. “Besides, isn’t this what you wanted tonight anyway?”


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