Profile of the Gemini Serial Killer

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Profile of the Gemini Serial Killer Page 10

by Michael Rawding

  “Whatever happens keep the cameras rolling and bring me that contract.”

  Jon walked back into the interrogation room and gently sat down in front of Steven. Steven leaned towards the tape recorder while his eyes were still locked on Detective Jonathon Cratick. Steven grinning from ear to ear hissed,

  “Well Jonny boy? What’s it going to be?”

  An officer walked into the room with the contract and a pen placing them down onto the table, she walked back out shutting the door behind him. Jon grabbed the contract flipping to the last page and scratched his signature on the paper. He then shot the papers across the table towards Steven. Steven snickered and said,

  “Oh no you didn’t think it would be that easy did you? I will sign after you tell me what I want to know.”

  “How do I know after I tell you anything that you’re going to sign it?”

  Steven let out a snarky laugh as he said,

  “Jonny boy, do you really think that after all of this I wouldn’t sign it? I am already screwed. I gave you everything that you wanted and in good faith you give me what I want in return. Then I’ll sign your stupid little confession. Remember now, I wanted to be here. I don’t see what other choice you have in the matter? Now you know what I want to hear. I want to hear what happened that night with your brother?”

  Jon glanced away from Steven’s gaze. He could feel Detective Parsons staring at him through the two way mirror. Steven leaned in closer over the table. He could hear the shackles clinking and clanging, the metal grazing against the steel. Steven sneered and said,

  “I think you’re just like me. I think you are just like your brother. I saw your eyes on the television. A killer knows when he sees another killer Jon. Your lips can lie all day long, but those eyes, the eyes never lie.”

  Detective Parsons came bursting into the room with other officers and pulled Jonathon off of Steven. Jon had his hands gripping around Steven’s neck. She snapped at Jon’s hands forcing him to release his grasp and spun him around, shoving him out of the interrogation room. Jon started walking down the hallway to the nearest exit. Cassandra followed close behind in pursuit as Jon smashed into the bar of door ejecting it open. He walked into the back alley of the precinct and started pacing back and forth in frustration. He pulled out a cigarette lighting it and started sputtering in fits of rage,

  “Jesus Christ how I am supposed to deal with that lunatic!”

  Detective Parsons came outside pulling her black hair out of her face from her forehead and placed her hands on her hips as she replied,

  “Jon I know you are upset, however you did get him to sign his first set of confessions of those murders.”

  Jon briskly walked back to Parsons pointing the cigarette at her with his forefinger and said,

  “I don’t give a shit! Did you hear what he said in there?! That psychopath wants my career buried for some twisted satisfaction in his mind thinking him and I are alike.”

  Detective Parsons nodded her head as she said,

  “I know, I know. Look you just have to keep him talking. We need to have some more proof.”

  Jon sucked back on the cigarette and stopped pacing back and forth. He looked at Parsons with an open jawed look of bewilderment and replied,

  “Are you serious? Are you telling me that we don’t have enough on this creep? I gave you the Profile like you and the chief wanted. I got him to confess in detail what he did to those poor victims. His story corroborates…..sorry not his story, his confessions corroborates with the missing person reports. What more do you need?!”

  Parsons stared at Jon crossing her arms across her chest. Jon stared back at her sucking his smoke and said,


  Parsons kept staring at Jon and lowered her eyes. Jon took another drag of the smoke before snuffing it out with his foot. He looked back at Cassandra and realized what she wanted. He started repeating,

  “No, no, no, no don’t make me do it. I am done with that asshole. I am not doing it!”

  Parsons threw her hands in the air and said,

  “I know, I know. I know you don’t like it but you know that confessions of this magnitude need more than just what he said on tape.”

  Jon paced back and forth glancing periodically back up at Parsons as he rambled,

  “No, no, no, no, no, no I said no! I am not going to be drug all over the damn place looking for those grave sites! I am done with this guy. I got you what you wanted!”

  Parsons shook her head and said,

  “Yeah so far you did what you said you were going to do Jon. You came in here, got Steven to talk and confess about the killings, you made a pretty good profile and this guy matches it, but you know just as damn well as I do that those victim’s families need closure. Now this lunatic serial killer only opens up to you. We need you to get him to point out where he hid the remains of the bodies.”

  Jon shook his head as he said,

  “You have all the evidence you need inside of the house. We found teeth, hell we found half a person cut up into rump roast in his damn fridge!”

  Cassandra nodded her head and said,

  “Yeah, you’re right we have all of that. You know what would give those missing persons family’s a peace of mind Jon? Finding all of their loved ones and having a proper burial. Building a solid case so we can tack on as many years as possible to the judge. You know how this works. You know you are the only one who can get him to point them all out!”

  Jon looked at Parsons with an intensity of hatred. His face slowly began to fall as his jaw dropped. He rubbed his index finger on the bridge of his nose and solemnly said,

  “Fine, let’s get a map and get him to point out the rest of the bodies.”

  Detective Cassandra Parsons looked down to the ground nodding her head as she said,

  “I’m sorry about your brother. I had no idea he was linked to all of this.”

  Jon walked past Parsons back into the building as he grunted,

  “Like you said, we need all the evidence we can get to bury this asshole.”

  Jon walked back down the long corridor with Parsons. His heart was pounding in his chest. He knew he had to contain his anger and resentment towards Steven Willis if he wanted him to point out the rest of the victims dump sites. As much as he begrudged the psychopath he knew he would have to befriend him. Make him think that he thought and agreed that they were the same. Make him feel comfortable enough to talk about everything. Not make him feel like he was sick or disgusting, or to feel judged. No in order for this to work he would need to make him feel normal, get him excited and relive his killing frenzy fantasies. That’s how these sicko’s work. They want to relive it over and over again in their minds. For serial killers it’s almost as good as actually being there in the moment for the act. The next best thing for them is to relive it. Once they get into that mind frame of reliving their killing in their mind, they usually will agree to go back to the dump site of the victim. They want to see it and feel it all over again. Even if it means giving the FBI more than bargain for against their own case. If he can convince Steven Willis to relive those moments, he could probably get him to want to go back to the dump sites.

  Jon took in a deep breath and went back into the interrogation room. Steven was sitting at the table pleased with himself. He knew he had gotten to Jonathon and it tickled him knowing that he got under his skin. His eyes focused on Jon’s with that sick smile still sprawled across his face. He titled his head a little and said,

  “Do you hear voices Jon?”

  Detective Cratick’s eyes were still locked onto Steven’s. He looked like the devil himself the way he stared coldly back at him. It reminded him of a shark, just swimming around aimlessly looking to kill for food. Except Steven wasn’t killing for food. It was almost like a sport to him. Jon nodded and said,

  “No I don’t hear voices. But I do know what it’s like to have that deep down gut feeling of getting rid of the trash. They were all trash weren�
�t they?”

  Steven looked at Jon inquisitively and said,

  “Trash? What are you talking about?”

  Jon stood up and started slowly walking around the room and kept talking saying,

  “You know what I am talking about. That’s why you had Veronica Stanfield chopped up in those hefty bags. You were just taking out the trash. In a way I don’t blame you. You did what you had to do Steven.”

  Steven looked at Jonathon squinting his eyes and said,

  “I did what I had to do?”

  Jon nodded as he kept slowly circling back to his chair and said,

  “Yeah, just like me Steven.”

  Steven Willis leaned forward with his eyes widening. Jon could tell he had his attention now as Steven said,

  “I knew you were just like me Jon. Like I said, I saw it that day on the news in your eyes.”

  Jon nodded his head and said,

  “Yeah only ones like us can really feel and see that kind of thing Steven. You know just as well as I do.”

  Steven Willis nodded his head slowly saying,


  Jon smiled casually looking back at the two way mirror and then back at Steven as he continued,

  “Yeah I would’ve chopped them up just like you did. What did you use on Veronica a hack saw? Must have been pretty hard to cut through the bone?”

  Steven grinned as he placed his elbows on the table and said,

  “No I didn’t need to use a hacksaw. You just cut from the joints, the elbows, the knee caps, the wrists, the ankles, pretty much anywhere there is cartilage. You take a kitchen butcher knife and cut into the flesh and sever through the cartilage. Once the cuts are made you just twist them off.”

  Jon felt his stomach leap and gave a slight wince. He held himself steady as he leaned closer and whispered,

  “You know I was going to do that with my brothers victims, but I never thought about just twisting the body parts off after severing the limbs. Would’ve made it so much easier to move them. That’s genius Steven.”

  Steven smiled nodding his head and said,

  “Yeah you can do the same for the head too. Just cut around the spinal cord and keep twisting the head on the neck until it snaps off.”

  Jon was grinning back at Steven as he watched Steven’s eyes glaze over talking about it. He was reliving himself taking apart Veronica Stanfield. Jonathon knew he had him right where he wanted him. Jon then said,

  “Yeah it’s almost ritualistic isn’t it?”

  Steven nodded his head slightly replying in a melancholy voice saying,

  “Yeah, it is.”

  Jonathon didn’t take his eyes off of Steven Willis as he lifted his right hand up and waved his fingers at the mirror, motioning to Parsons. Cassandra was staring through the two way mirror and said to an officer,

  “Quick get me a map of North America now!”

  An officer took off out of the room and down the hallway. Detective Parsons focused back on the interrogation as Jonathon continued talking saying,

  “Where were you going to go with those bags Steven? Where would you dump the trash?”

  Steven Willis looked up at Jonathon and said,

  “Oh probably down the road through the woods. We have many dumpsites all over the place. Sometimes if we are in a hurry I just throw them in a dumpster. Let the city or town take care of it in the garbage truck crusher.”

  Jonathon nodded his head and said,

  “Yeah that’s pretty good.”

  The officer came back into the room with a map as Detective Parsons grabbed it from him. She then slowly opened the door and walked into the interrogation room and placed the map down gently onto the steel table. She looked at Jon and handed him a red marker. Jon took the marker from her and nodded. Parsons then walked back out of the interrogation room. Detective Cratick leaned in popping the cap of the marker off and said,

  “Do you think you can mark on this map where you dumped them?”

  Steven Willis squirmed in his seat, adjusting himself he looked back at Jon and stammered,

  “I, I, I, I can’t, I don’t think I should, I shouldn’t do that.”

  Jonathon then put the red marker down on top of the map and let out a sigh as he said,

  “I would take you to them. If you show me where they are, I’ll take you to them.”

  Steven’s eyes looked up at Jon with a childlike wonderment. He replied,

  “You would?”

  Jon nodded his head slowly and said,

  “Well yeah, I can’t find them all myself. You were the one who put them there. You were the one who took their last breath, took them to their final resting places. I bet you didn’t just dump all of them in garbage bags did you Steven?”

  Steven shook his head slightly no as Jonathon continued,

  “I bet you took the time to bury some of them didn’t you?”

  Steven slowly nodded his head yes as he leaned in closer to Jon. Detective Cratick knew he had him again. It was like fishing, trying to tug a line with some bait. One hard snap and he could lose him. He had to slowly tug and reel him in. Jonathon smiled slightly and said,

  “You know I bet a lot of the evidence we found in your jars in your house would jog your memory about some of those sites huh?”

  Steven looked down at the map and then back at Jon and said,

  “Oh, I don’t, I don’t know.”

  Jon was now grinning as he said,

  “Sure you do Steven. I show you your jars, I bet you know each jar, pertaining to each victim don’t you?”

  Steven was lost in a trance for a moment looking past the map, past Jonathon as he replied,

  “Yeah, probably.”

  Jon continued talking in a slow, calming voice as he said,

  “I bet you probably could show me on this here map where those bodies are located. They were nothing more than trash anyways. You know I would really like to see that. See how some of those bodies were positioned, see how you put them in their final demise. You get to look at the jars and then I’ll even take you to the sites. All you have to do is point them out on this here map.”

  Steven then looked down at the map that Jonathon was tapping on with his index finger. He looked back up at Jon and slowly shook his head as he said,

  “Okay, but I need to have my jars first. In order to jog my memory.”

  Jon felt the table move a little. He glanced down and realized that Steven was rubbing the crotch in his pants while remembering the victims. Jon quickly moved his gaze back up to Steven. As disgusting as it was, he didn’t want to offend him and make him lose his trust. He then nodded to Steven and said,

  “Yeah I’ll be right back. I’m just going to get you those jars.”

  Steven smiled as he replied,

  “I’ll be here waiting Detective.”

  Jon got up and slowly made his way out of the interrogation room. He shut the door behind him and let out a deep exhale. The chief was furious as he said,

  “Just what in the hell was all of that? Did you see that sick pervert?! He is getting off on this! You of all people turning him on like that, you are just as sick and twisted as he is! If you think for a moment I am condoning you bringing that pervert those jars of those victims, you are sadly mistaken!”

  Detective Parsons snapped back,

  “What Jon did was lure Steven Willis into trusting him into showing us where all of those victims are. Don’t you see? If he called him out, if he offended him in any way then he wouldn’t get anything out of him. For the first time since these confessions, Steven isn’t playing games. We have him on our terms. Jonathon is making him feel comfortable enough to share, making him believe that he thinks there is nothing wrong with him.”

  Jon nodded his head as he said,

  “I don’t like hearing or playing into that as much as you liked watching it Chief. Detective Parsons is correct. That is exactly what I am doing. I need to bring him those jars as a sign of trust. Once he has the meme
ntos from his victims, his trophies if you will, he will want to show us the victim’s dump sites voluntarily. He will want to go back to look at the dump sites himself to relive the moment. It’s not what I would prefer either, but if you want the remains to the victims, that is your only option. Otherwise, he is just going to clam up and not say another word.”

  The chief paced back and forth in the room clasping his hand over his face. He looked back at the two way mirror and then back at Parsons and Cratick. Rolling his eyes he sighed,

  “Oh for the lord, okay just make sure he clearly marks the sites on the map.”

  Jonathon nodded and looked at the other officers who looked like they were in shock. Parsons then said,

  “Well what are you waiting for? Go to the evidence room and start bringing the victims jars down here. They should be in there by now.”

  The officers started making their way out of the room one by one. Parsons looked at Jon and said,

  “I know that was hard for you to do.”

  Jonathon Cratick then reached into his pocket and revealed a flask. He unscrewed the cap taking a large swill and wiped his mouth with a grimacing grunt. He then screwed the cap back on as he replied,

  “Yeah I don’t like doing it, but in order to get him to talk like that you have to think like a psychopath.”

  Detective Parsons focused on the flask as Jonathon slid it back into his pocket. Astonished she looked back up at Jon and was about to say something about his drinking and then stopped herself. This wasn’t the time or place to start getting onto Jonathon about work place policy or drinking habits. She shook her head and said,

  “Yeah, it must be hard.”

  One of the officers emerged in the room with a jar and sat it down on the table. There was some teeth floating on the bottom still attached to a piece of a jaw bone. Jonathon picked up the jar with the mandible inside and made his way back into the interrogation room. He walked over to the table and carefully placed the jar in front of Steven. Steven’s face twitched with a moment of excitement. Jon could tell he was trying as hard as he could to contain himself. Jon then leaned forward and said,

  “It’s okay, you can pick it up. It’s your jar.”


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