Rafe: The Dragon Knight (Dragon's Blood M.C. Book 10)

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Rafe: The Dragon Knight (Dragon's Blood M.C. Book 10) Page 8

by B. A. Stretke

  “I just got that phone, Rafe.” Noah huffed but wore a half smile.

  “I’ll buy you another.” He said and sat back down next to Noah. “They’re tracking the phone according to Cameron. They’ll be momentarily distracted when they find the phone in the long grass.” Rafe didn’t explain any further.

  Noah checked his watch. “Justin should have made it to Laramie by now.” He said.

  "They're on their way here and they are probably not alone," Rafe remarked.

  “Who’s with them?”

  “The jackals, most likely.”


  “Justin will have to pay them the remainder owed either way. He doesn’t want to stiff a jackal and have them coming after him. So he might as well have them earn it.” Rafe explained.

  “You know Justin so well and yet you’ve never met him.” Noah marveled.

  “I’ve met many a man and woman like Justin Morley, unfortunately.”


  “We’ll have to get out of the car and walk from here.” Justin opened his door and got out as Jamison did the same. “According to the tracer, the phone is about a half mile up and to our right.” He started walking and Jamison followed without comment.

  “The pack is sending at least ten and maybe more. They’re angered by the fact the human managed to hide from them for so long. They want to make him very sorry.” Justin laughed.

  “Sorry for what, not coming forward and offering himself up to death or for not dying the first time they tried to kill him?” Jamison mocked.

  Justin laughed hard as if the whole thing was never ending amusement for him. “They’re going to do some horrible things to that young man before they kill him and I want a front row seat.”

  “I just want him dead so that he doesn’t fuck up my life plans. Why do you hate him so much?” Jamison asked.

  “Because he’s stupid and I hate stupid. I think stupid should be eradicated from the face of the earth.” Justin snorted a laugh and then became very serious. “I got tired of this game with Noah over a week ago, but he kept managing to slip away from the jackals. Talking to him every night and maintaining my façade was exhausting. I want him dead and out of my hair and I want him to suffer for taking so long to fucking die already.” They fell silent and stopped abruptly when they heard movement in the trees that surrounded them.

  After a minute or two of silence, they continued on the location of the phone. Justin reached down into the tall grass and picked up the phone. "Could be a trap," Jamison whispered.

  "Noah isn't smart enough to set a trap and besides he thinks that I'm his friend," Justin responded quietly while searching the area behind them. "The jackals are here." He said and took a step closer to Jamison. "They're waiting for us to flush him out."

  “Then flush him out.” Jamison snapped.

  “Noah! I’m here. I followed the coordinates that you gave me, thought it would be easier than calling and having you meet me. Noah!” He called again and someone moved in the heavy brush in front of them. “Noah?”

  "Where you're standing is not the coordinates that I gave you. You followed the phone, not the coordinates. You've been tracking my phone since the beginning. You hired the jackals. You and Jamison orchestrated this entire thing, from Joe's murder to the cover-up." Noah spoke as he stood beside Rafe. He knew they were concealed by the heavy brush but Noah could see them. Justin looked so cocky and sure of himself and Jamison just looked bored an put out as usual.

  Justin laughed hard and loud. "It took you forever to figure it out. I don't think I've met anyone in my life as dim as you Noah except maybe Joe. Was he really in love with Jamison? What a sorry dolt." Noah understood that he was trying to get a reaction, but Noah was all out of reactions where Justin was concerned.

  After a few seconds of silence, Justin spoke again. "Come out Noah we'll talk and work this all out." He laughed again so amused at his own words. Justin stilled and watched as movement came from the brush in front of them.

  Rafe pointed at Noah, indicating that he stay put as Rafe started walking out into the open. Noah hesitated for a moment but then moved forward a half step so as to keep an eye on Rafe. Justin's face fell and fear filled his expression as Rafe walked out of the brush and into the open space.

  "Who the hell are you?" It was Jamison who spoke using his best I'm a detective and 'you need to answer me' voice. He then abruptly pulled out his pistol. "Fuck it." He said and shot Rafe. The bullet bounced off Rafe but not before Noah screamed and ran at Rafe, thinking that he had indeed been shot. Rafe had failed to tell Noah that nothing could penetrate the hide of a dragon.

  Jamison immediately turned his gun on Noah, but Rafe stepped in front of him and took the bullet which bounced off just like the first.

  "I'm sorry, Rafe, I thought he shot you." Noah was still rather emotional and Rafe took it as a sincere compliment that his mate would willingly risk death to help him. Of course, he never wanted him ever to do something like that again.

  Justin and Jamison started backing up with their eyes shot wide and confusion coloring their expressions. Finally, Justin was worried, and Noah felt a sliver of satisfaction until the beasts began to walk out of the woods. They were jackals and they were there to finish the job. Justin looked behind him and smiled and then looked back at Noah.

  “I don’t know what kind of monster your boyfriend is, but I sincerely doubt he will survive the attack of thirty jackals.” He sniped.

  "Oh, Justin, you sincerely underestimate my boyfriend." Rafe cut a quick glance at Noah and smiled before returning his attention to the crowd in front of him.

  Noah noticed the jackals moving forward, but they looked slightly bewildered as they took in the mountain of a man that was Rafe Adair. They couldn't identify what he was, and they were clearly worried but not worried enough to stop. They were a vicious species but not even a little bit smart.

  "They are all yours," Justin announced to the group and he and Jamison took a step to the side obviously to watch the carnage as it unfolded. Slowly someone came out of the trees to the left of them and someone to the right.

  “You need help here, Rafe or do you have it handled?”

  "I got it, but thanks for coming." He said and then added. "Guys, this is Noah Owens, my mate." They didn't seem surprised. Then he spoke to Noah, who was tucked behind him without taking his eyes off the group. "Noah, this is my brother Jude to your right and my brother Grey to your left. Is Locke here somewhere?" He asked.

  “Locke’s behind the jackals. He wanted to make sure none would escape if they decided to try and run.” That statement had the jackals reassessing their attack and turning their attention towards Justin and Jamison.

  Justin erupted in a nervous shout. "We paid you to do a job now fucking do it!" They turned back, but before they could decide their next move, Rafe had grown tired of the dance and shifted right there in front of God and nature filling the open space and soring beyond the height of the trees. His dragon roared out its displeasure at this turn of events and the apparent danger to their mate.

  The sight made Justin scream in horror and his brother nearly faint, but self-preservation took over and their feet began to move. The brothers turned and started to run away, but the jackals blocked their path. Instead of running for the trees ran for the brothers. "You fucking humans. You lured us into a dragon trap. They'll kill us, but not before we tear out your fucking throats and eat your hearts." The Leader of the jackals snarled. They were going to kill Justin and Jamison for setting them up even though they themselves were about to die. The Jackals overtook them in seconds and their screams filled the forest as they were torn apart. Blood coated the trees and the smell of death covered everything. Justin got the bloodbath he paid for.

  Rafe threw back his mighty head and blasted the area with a river of dragon fire. The ground and a few trees suffered but the intruders took the brunt of the flames. Noah watched as they were all consumed by the dragon fire. He tried to feel b
ad for their demise, but like the jackals, all he felt was relief. They would never again hurt him or anyone else.

  He looked up at Rafe and marveled at the majesty and beauty of his magnificent beast. He loved this man, this dragon, his mate. Rafe saved him and gave him back his life and his dignity but more than that he made him feel loved and truly valued.

  “I love you Rafe and not just because you saved me. I love you because you’re perfect and I know that you love me too.” Noah stated and the dragon shifted back to Rafe upon hearing the heartfelt words. Noah ran up to him and was instantly gathered into his strong arms.

  "I do love you, Noah. Never thought I was capable of such a powerful love as I feel for you, but here I am ready and willing to beg you to stay and be mine. I will defend you against all aggressors and I will love you like no one has before." Rafe implored.

  “You never have to beg, and I will always be yours, Rafe.” Noah pledged and was gifted with a sweet possessive kiss.

  Jude walked up to them and patted Rafe on the shoulder.

  “Congratulations brother.” He told him and Rafe nodded with a smile while holding Noah tightly to his chest. His dragon would not be letting go for a while. He needed the closeness of his mate to satisfy the beast that Noah was well and safe.

  “We’ll clean this up. Why don’t you go and be with your mate? You’ve had a rough few days.” Jude smiled knowingly at them both.

  "It was all worth it, brother," Rafe told him and picked Noah up into his arms holding him like a precious and coveted prize. He looked lovingly down into the face that had changed his life forever. "Let's go home."

  "I'm always home when I'm with you, Rafe." That statement earned him another heart-stopping kiss.


  Rafe and Noah took their place back on the mountain and it wasn’t long before Noah and Lyle were fast friends. Noah still grieved for his cousin, but the pain was becoming less now that his killers had met their own justice. Rafe had considered remaining at the Lodge a while longer having developed a close bond with the Clan, but his brothers implored him to return and his first duty was to his brothers and his King.

  The guys understood, but they would miss having the First Knight among them so they made Rafe and Noah members of Clan Keith and they always vowed to have their room prepared and that their door would always be open. Rafe promised to visit often and wore his title of a warrior of Clan Keith as proudly as he wore the First Knight of the Dragon King.

  His time away among the humans had taught him plenty, but essentially Rafe was the same man he always was. He was still demanding, difficult, focused, a little narrow in his thinking sometimes, and unceasingly loyal to those he loved and served. Those parts of him were engrained, but Noah had managed to tap into a piece of his heart that warmed the fierce warrior. It allowed him to share and experience emotions he never knew that he possessed and it lightened his existence.

  It was late afternoon and Rafe was sitting with Duncan and Jude on the deck drinking tea and planning the construction of out-buildings for the Gatehouse and some adjacent domiciles. The Circle would continue to get larger as members found their mates and families began to grow once again.

  "It's good to have you back with us Rafe," Duncan admitted.

  "Calum and Clan Keith were good to me and I will forever honor my commitment to them, but it's good to be back with my brothers," Rafe responded.

  "It wasn't out of spite or anger that I sent you down the mountain," Duncan explained. "As First Knight, you have so many responsibilities. If something were to happen to me, you would take my place as King and as such you would need to be prepared to accept everyone in this Circle. A King cannot show prejudice or even the slightest hint of bias or judgment based on race. You needed to understand and accept people all people as individuals first and not identify them only by their race." Duncan paused for a moment, but everyone remained silent.

  “You were always my finest warrior, Rafe but now you are my finest successor as well. You learned your lesson well and I applaud you for your discoveries and congratulate you on your beautiful and gracious mate.”

  “Thank you, Duncan.” Rafe accepted that he was back where he belonged but also recognized that he was a better man for having made the journey.


  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this newest adventure with the Dragons of Laramie and Clan Keith. Please rate and review! -B.A. Stretke

  About the Author

  B.A. Stretke is a Gay Romance and fiction author who publishes through Dreamspinner Press, LLC, and Amazon.com.

  B.A Stretke began writing as a hobby. He read his first Jane Austen novel as a teen and was instantly hooked. The age-old dream of being a novelist took hold. Now long into adulthood, and a few years as an editor under his belt, B.A. is a full-time writer.

  B.A. spends his days reading, engaging in sarcasm, and plotting the next storyline, often leaving little head space for much else. He loves hiking through the Northern Michigan woods he calls home, often finding inspiration for his books. Writing and finding that perfect cup of coffee occupy the rest of his time.

  B.A. Stretke lives in Northern Michigan with one royally spoiled cat and his dear friends and family.

  You can connect with B.A. Stretke on his website: www.bastretke.com

  Follow him on Twitter @BAStretkeWriter

  Like him on Facebook! B.A. Stretke

  More Books from B.A. Stretke:

  Pittsburgh Vampires

  Meant To Be

  Bad Reputation

  Blond and Broken

  Master DuCane

  Love Is Danger

  Surrender To Me

  Eyes of Darkness

  The Vampire and the Witch

  The Vampire Next Door

  Never Let Me Go

  Blood and Bones

  Dragon’s Blood M.C.:

  Apex: The Dragon’s Mate

  The Dragon’s Heart

  Loving The Hellhound


  The Bad Boy

  The Call of the Dragon

  Finding Forever

  The Dragon Twins

  King of the Dragons

  Crimson Vampire Coven:

  ● Crimson Love

  ● Trusting Fate

  ● For Now and Forever

  ● My Vampire Lover

  ● The Vampire Code

  ● The Crimson Sorcerer

  ● The Crimson Omega

  ● The Crimson Alpha

  ● The Crimson Beta

  ● The Dragon King

  ● The Demon Lord

  ● The Dragon Knight – The Crimson War

  ● The Crimson Redemption

  ● Crimson Christmas

  ● Come Back To Me

  ● Love and Magic

  Pack Rules – Rue Pack Wolves:

  ● Mine

  ● Alpha Mate

  ● The Enforcer’s Mate

  ● Forever Mine – The Beta’s Mate

  ● Lost and Found

  ● The Omega’s Mate

  ● The Doctor’s Mate

  ● Finding Home

  ● Owen’s Mate

  ● Saving Jeremiah

  ● Jackson’s Journey

  ● Jesse’s Love

  ● The Master’s Beloved

  ● The Vampire’s Chosen

  The Wolves of Belle Fourche:

  ● The Wolves of Belle Fourche – The Alpha’s Claim

  ● Surprised by Forever

  ● Healing Scars

  Lonepine Wolf Shifters:

  ● Lonepine Wolf Shifters

  ● Reluctant Mate

  ● Jamie’s Mate

  Superiorland Wolf Pack:

  ● The Werewolf’s Mate

  The Dark Side:

  ● The Dark Side - Vampire Romance

  Sparrow Ridge Wolf Pack:

  Omega Mine

  The Omega’s Love

  Other Stories:

Risk and Reward: A Gay Love Story

  ● Bound By the Gods

  ● Signed and Sealed

  ● The Art of the Deal

  ● Save Me - A Supernatural Romance




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