Captured by the Centaur (Filthy Monster Erotica Book 3)

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Captured by the Centaur (Filthy Monster Erotica Book 3) Page 1

by Harpie Alexander

  Captured by the Centaur

  Filthy Monster Erotica Book 3

  By Harpie Alexander

  & Charity Wells


  Copyright @ by Harpie Alexander Romance 2020 & Charity Wells

  Editor: Jessey Mills

  Cover Designer: Starlight Covers

  This novel is a complete work of fiction. Everything included in this novel: characters, places, events, accidents, storylines, etc. are drawn from the imagination of the author, not based on real life. Nothing told in this story is based on any real events, any real person, any real business or story. Any resemblances of the characters, or events that occur in this book are completely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. Under no circumstances may this publication be distributed, transmitted, reproduced in any form, by any means (including but not limited to: recording, photos, photocopying, handwriting etc.) without the explicit authorization documented and signed by the author prior, with the exception of brief quotations for a critical review and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Chapter One


  Shivering, Erica wrapped the thin scrap of fabric tighter around her shoulders. It was late, the night dark and cold, the frigid air forming goosebumps all over her chilled body. She tried not to lean against the bars of the slave wagon since it could freeze her fragile skin. Though, she suspected her most recent bout of shivers had less to do with the weather and more with the ache below her knee. It had been magically amputated after her last failed attempt to escape. Lately, however, it had become swollen and painful, making it more difficult for her to get around.

  “Are you alright?” Adriel asked with a sad, sympathetic smile. “You don’t look so well.”

  Erica wondered once again if the tall Fae woman with the pretty pale skin and powder blue hair could read her mind. She wouldn’t have been surprised if Adriel could do such a thing. The Fae were beings of magic after all, so telepathy wasn’t that farfetched. Sadly though, their magic had been drained the moment Adriel and the others were captured.

  She could almost see the dreadful iron shackles working to drain the women of their powers. Once those terrible bracelets were clamped onto them, they lost a great deal of their inner vibrancy. It was a horrid shame. Without the evil jewelry, everyone could have been freed long ago.

  Realizing she had yet to respond, Erica shrugged, too weak to muster a real reply. Her lackluster reaction only made the worry lines on Adriel’s face deeper as the sadness in her ethereal eyes grew.

  “No, I’m fine, I promise,” Erica insisted.

  “I think you need to see the healer,” Adriel said, her face in a concerned frown.

  “I agree. You look pale,” Neela added, her tired eyes only half focused on the shadowy forest landscape that rolled by the creaking wagon.

  “Possibly, but we all know that’s not going to happen.” Erica’s tone was full of sorrow. Not just for her, but for everyone else too. Life wasn’t easy or fair, and there was no point in being angry over things she couldn’t change. Growling loudly, her stomach voiced its newest complaint for all to hear, turning the dour mood even gloomier. Erica blinked her heavy eyelids a few times while she tried to ignore her exhaustion and the unrelenting hunger. Everyone aboard the wagon was hungry, tired and cold, but there was little to be done about the barbaric conditions. No one was impervious to the constant battering of the elements as they traveled. Resigned to her fate, she went back to look at the scenery rolling by outside her cell, which was her only distraction.

  It was quite unfortunate that Narvis, her one-eyed ogre master, didn’t care about the health of his slaves as long as he was well compensated with coins. She wouldn’t admit it out loud, but Erica knew she hadn’t earned him any since her accident. Not one of his clients was interested in the scarred, crippled human with dirty blonde hair. Not when Fae women were brighter, prettier and more colorful to look at. It was clear that the males who regularly flocked the caravan wanted something exotic and undamaged. Still, it terrified Erica that he insisted on keeping her around, feeding her scraps and offering just enough water to keep her alive.

  Why bother at all? What was his plan? Why not just let her go? Or sell her? At least then he’d make some money off her.

  The answers she sought eluded her, but she had all the time in the world. It’s not like she had anything better to do. Erica couldn’t even recall when she’d had her last customer. After her accident, and the infection that nearly killed her, interest in her had simply disappeared.

  What had it been? Several weeks? A few months?

  Time was a difficult thing to tell without watches and phones, especially when trapped in a strange unforgivable place caught between worlds.

  Adriel had once explained that Erica must’ve somehow slipped through the human world and into hers, a place she called Atvain. Apparently it was the world between the human one and the next. One of their guards, who happened to be a goblin and overheard the conversation, called Adriel a lying soul-sucking slut and stated that they were actually in Grekor. This had led to a noisy disagreement between her captured Fae friends and the guards until Master Narvis intervened, threatening to cull the next slave who embarrassed him in front of his clients again. He warned everyone that the culls would be slaughtered and fed to the centaurs. Everyone had shut their mouths quickly and the subject was never brought up again.

  Well, except for when Adriel quietly admitted that there is no true name for the world because it was apparently a mixture of many, many worlds which had collided together at the beginning of time. The borders overlapped and changed constantly, sometimes swallowing bits from other worlds and sometimes spitting them out again. No one knew exactly where they started or stopped.

  Adriel’s answers hadn’t made much sense to her, and now, many moons later, they still didn’t. Not really. All Erica knew was that she was never going back to the human world. She’d never see her home, family or friends ever again. The only thing she could do was try to make the best of a hopeless situation.

  Well that and avoid pissing off Narvis. After what he said about the centaurs, she didn’t want to risk being thrown to them. For all she cared, they could keep their rabid carnivorous selves the hell away from her and her friends!

  Giving up on trying to convince her to ask their master for mercy, Adriel sighed and went back to quietly humming an old Fae song, though she did scoot closer to Erica in an attempt to offer her some warmth and support, at the very least. Erica, who still sat silently watching the scenery, did appreciate the kind gesture. However, their serenity was short lived.

  “Move out of the way!” Narvis shouted in anger as the wagon came to a sudden stop, lurching everyone in the cage forward. Without concrete and paved roads, traveling was always a bumpy ride, especially when Narvis’s favorite was behind the wheel.

  “For Heaven’s sake,” Erica grumbled irritably. Smashed against the front of the cage along with everyone else, she peeled herself off the bars and crawled out of the way as much as she could, careful not to irritate her leg.

  “Dragek probably hit something again. I wish he would learn to fucking steer,” Uulula muttered, then sat up straight and righted herself, looking between the bars to see what was going on. Unfortunately, Narvis’s private carriage sat at the front and because it was so large, it always blocked out the view. No one could see past it.

  There was no doubt about it, Dragek was truly a lousy driver, but he was the only one Narvis trusted behind the reins when he wanted to rest hi
s eyes. Dragek was so painfully loyal to Narvis that it was laughable. The twisted little troll practically licked the master’s boots if he so much as looked at Dragek. As a result, he was viciously protective of the wagon and had been known to maim any male dumb enough to get too close without paying. He was also overly watchful of the slaves and not in a kindly way.

  “I don’t think that’s what’s happening here,” Neela complained, also trying to see what was going on. “I think we’ve arrived at a settlement of some sort. Look, wait a second, I was right. There’s the wall surrounding the village. It blends so well into the surrounding wood—Oh for fuck’s sake.”

  “What is it?” Erica turned her head in the direction of Neela’s finger. “What do you see?” she asked, but no matter how hard she squinted, Erica just couldn’t make out what the Fae woman was talking about. That didn’t surprise her all that much, her night vision sucked.

  Moments later, over Narvis’s angry shouting to wait until they fucking parked in the settlement, a crowd of males surrounded the wagon, forcing it to crawl toward the town. It was no surprise they had caught the males’ attention—they probably saw them coming from miles away. Everyone, including Erica, was barely clothed, with exposed flesh anyone would find tantalizing. Eager, hungry eyes stared at the women inside.

  The wagon swayed violently as males pushed and shoved each other, trying to stick their hands through the bars of their cell for a free quick grope to ‘test the products.’ Erica’s stomach churned. This part always made her sick, and it didn’t help that every which way she turned, hands grabbed at her face, hands and breasts. Angry cries escaped the other women, but not Erica. She was silent as night. No point in fighting what couldn’t be fought. Everyone had to endure the aggressive, unwelcome touches, which wouldn’t stop until Narvis could placate the males and somehow gain control of the crowd. What they really needed was more security while on the road and to hunker down for the night.

  That’s when they were supposed to be working. Everyone except for her, that is.

  When the time came, Narvis would park the caravan in a sheltered area and let the horses have a well deserved rest. Once that was finished, then he would sell everyone off to the waiting males who wanted a few moments of lust in exchange for some coins. And after that male was done, another took his place. It went on and on until Narvis was satisfied with the night’s profit and was ready to seek his own pleasures and rest.

  A fresh wave of tremors rolled through Erica’s body as she spared a quick, nervous glance at the crowd again. ‘People’ was honestly a rather gentle word for what they were. While most of them appeared humanoid in some way or another, none were entirely normal. Many resembled creatures and beasts conjured up from her worst nightmares. There were even a few that were…well, there were no proper words to describe their monstrous forms. She just considered them a demonic group of wings, horns, scales and tails, greedily eyeing them like sacks of meat. Though really, who was she to judge? Maybe they were nicer than they looked?

  It’s not like they would pick her anyway. Just a few grabs until they realized the truth. No one wanted a cripple and strangely enough, that bothered her. Why wasn’t a girl with a perfectly good pussy not good enough to fuck despite her missing leg? She didn’t understand it. They weren’t paying for a forever mate. A few coins for a short fuck, or maybe even the night, not a lifetime.

  Pity, she thought to herself, then she scoffed at the strange direction her train of thought had taken. One of these monsters buying her? Hah.

  What she wouldn’t give to be rescued from this horrid half life she’d wound up in. To have someone who loved and cherished her, protected her from the other monsters in this world. Hell, what she wouldn’t do just to fall into the bed of one of these bastards, even if it was just one night. Erica wouldn’t deny that she found many of them too beastly and downright monstrous to ever lie with, but she was incredibly lonely and that changed things.

  She craved touch, even if it was to be used callously and then be discarded in the morning. It had been far too long since she’d had the chance to snuggle up to someone and share their heat. Have them wrap an arm around her, maybe hold her close while she pretended that everything in the world was fine, that she wasn’t a slave, that she wasn’t a whore forced to spend her life in a cage and fuck monsters for their money.

  Her first few weeks in this world had been the hardest. She’d fought viciously, tried to escape, tried to regain her freedom. They tried to beat her spirit out of her. They nearly succeeded and she had the scars to prove it. Eventually, laying under a monster while he used her was just something she endured to survive. After some time, she got used to it. She even encountered a few who liked her pleasure as much as their own. Those moments had been almost nice. Heavens, she was so fucked up now.

  She knew she shouldn’t want comfort or even love from a monster. She should want to go home and find a human man to settle down with, but that option was no longer available to her anymore. That ship sailed the moment she randomly decided to go for a jog because she wanted to lose some weight. She lost weight alright, just not from jogging.

  Erica sighed, thinking about the common phrase, if life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. For fuck’s sake, she just wanted to find a tiny bit of happiness and make some damn lemonade. Was that so terribly wrong?

  She could live with her choices. What she couldn’t live with was that niggling little bit of jealousy she sometimes felt toward the other women. She knew her companions didn’t want to be there anymore than she did, but that didn’t change the gnawing envy she felt when they sometimes returned in the morning with a glow and a satisfied smile on their faces. She couldn’t help it.

  She wasn’t foolish enough to believe that everyone enjoyed being with their clients. Some came back injured, extremely pissed, or horrified by their encounters, like Jada and Neema often did. The two younger Fae girls were rather popular with some of the more aggressive species that came around. Erica was still willing to risk a bad night for the chance at a night of passion with someone who actually wanted her to enjoy it as much as he did. To have them caress her skin and touch her in places that hadn’t been touched in who fucking knew how long. Just to be touched at all.

  Desperate to be a whore. Her. Erica shook her head at the ridiculous thought as if it would somehow make it untrue.

  Stupid accident…stupid infection…stupid healer for taking my leg instead of fixing it!

  She took a deep breath and exhaled, then glanced down at the stub of her left leg. It had been removed just above the knee after she broke it falling in a deep trench while trying to escape again. Her foot had become lodged in between the rocks as she tumbled down the embankment, twisting her leg until it cracked under the pressure and tore through her skin just below her major joint. It had taken Narvis and his trackers hours to find her, but by then infection had set in, causing a fever and delirium.

  For whatever reason, luck was on her side. Somewhere in this sick, twisted cosmos she was meant to survive. Sometimes though, she almost wished that she hadn’t because her life had become so much more complicated after the incident. For starters, she couldn’t walk without assistance and it’s not like she had a pair of crutches lying around, nor would Narvis provide her with them or a prosthesis.

  At least before, when she was earning coin for Narvis, she was getting more food and occasionally getting off, if she was lucky enough to have a partner who enjoyed pleasuring her. Though that was fucking rare, there had been a few perks to her sorry excuse for a life.


  Not long after chasing off the eager crowd of males with promises that the women would be available later and passing through the village’s gates, Erica overheard Narvis directing Dragek to turn down a particular road to set up for the night. Soon they were parked next to a warm, cozy-looking inn, which was most likely done on purpose. It was likely that Narvis had made a deal with the innkeeper.

  Narvis always got a
discount on the cost of using a hostel’s courtyard in exchange for encouraging his clients to use the inn. The innkeeper kept the profits from any of Narvis’s customers who wanted to bed a female inside, so they were always willing to give Narvis a good deal. It was smart, but it was also cruel. Erica could almost imagine the feeling of laying down on a soft bed with a plush pillow to rest her head on.

  Observing the inn and the people milling about, Erica found herself drawn to its familiar appearance. It was a two story, cabin style building with oversized double doors and blue-tinted glass windows that glinted in the moonlight. It was rustic and quaint, which reminded her of something she’d expect to see in a small community somewhere in Europe. Erica’s heart lurched from homesickness.

  The charming exterior, as simple as it was, was the most advanced architecture she’d come across so far. She didn’t pretend to know how to make glass, but it was the first time she’d seen any glass since she somehow crossed through the boundaries separating the worlds. It was rough and primitive, but it still gave her some hope.

  Maybe this inn was close to one of those borders? Who knew how many other little towns and villages there were and what kind of technology they had? Maybe there are places even more advanced than this…

  As soon as Narvis was set up, Erica found herself sitting in the back corner out of everyone’s way, watching morosely as women around her were chosen for fucking. One by one her friends were let out for a few hours—or longer, depending on how much Narvis was paid—and disappeared into the night.

  The emptier the cage became, the more anxious Erica felt. The warm light of the inn beckoned her, but she was helpless to answer its call. Noisy, horny males surrounded their cage, all eyes checking out the inventory.

  Erica did her best to appeal to their carnal natures, but they didn’t seem all that interested in a skinny human female. She hated how she was lonely and desperate enough to want to be chosen, but she squared her shoulders and thrust out her chest anyway, trying to accentuate her feminine features in the only way she knew how. If she could catch someone’s attention and incite a haze of lust, perhaps she could find a male who didn’t care about her injury and wanted to spend the night with her.


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