Chasing Arlo (Genoa Mafia Series Book 5)

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Chasing Arlo (Genoa Mafia Series Book 5) Page 3

by Ginger Ring

  “You love dancing.” Madison was always the optimistic one. “You could teach. Start a school.”

  “I took lessons for years, yes, but who’s going to want the daughter of a mob boss hanging out with their kids?” Layla became more depressed by the minute.

  “I would.” Madison gave her a hug.

  “There is one thing I’m very thankful for.” Layla’s gaze fell to the floor.

  “Yeah, what’s that?” Maddy lifted her chin.

  “I’m so happy you’re my sister. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “I’m happy too, and don’t ever feel you can’t come to me with any problem. You know I would do anything for you.”

  “I know.” And it meant the world to her.

  Madison guided her over to where Stephanie was gathering her things for the boat ride.

  “And one more thing before we go.” Madison stopped and put both hands on her shoulders. “I know you will figure out something you want to do and I know Arlo cares for you. He just doesn’t know how to show it. Be patient and good things will come your way.”

  Layla nodded but wasn’t so sure it was true. She’d thrown everything she had at the guy and nothing had stuck. “I hope you’re right.”

  “I know I am, now let’s get this show on the road—well, on the lake since it’s a cruise.” Madison waited for Layla to nod her head in agreement before kneeling to hook up the train of the bride’s dress. Maddy had owned a bridal store for years so was an expert seamstress. When she was done, she rose and kissed her sister’s cheek. “You’re next, I can feel it.” Her hand went to rest over her heart.

  “That’s indigestion, Maddy.”

  “No, it’s fate and you’re destined to be with Arlo.”

  Chapter Four


  “Another one bites the dust.” Arlo pointed his glass toward his friend, Jasper, and the guy’s girlfriend, Jackie. From the excitement on their faces and screams of joy, something big had just occurred. He knew Jasper was in love and wanted to make things official with the woman. From the way they were admiring the new ring on her finger, apparently, they just did. The pair hadn’t known each other long at all but that didn’t seem to matter to them.

  It had been a day filled with love and celebration. Dominic, the family’s cleaner, had married Stephanie, a former employee of Madison’s and daughter of a Russian mob boss, Ivan Bravikova. They didn’t usually associate with the Bratva but after Dom had won his daughter’s hand the family had joined forces with the west coast family and Ivan had settled here to be with her.

  Dominic really did have to win to get his bride. Literally, the man had to fight to the death to save Stephanie from a monster that she’d been contracted to marry. It was like something out of a movie but somewhat normal for this group. The couple had been married earlier in the day but now they were enjoying a late-night cruise on Lake Genoa. Dominic and Stephanie were very private people so it was just immediate family and friends on the boat.

  “It’s a good day.” Roman surveyed the group that was on the yacht. “I want my men to feel at home here and be vested in making things thrive in Genoa. I have no interest in ever going back to Chicago even though I must at times for business.” Roman’s father was still in good health but someday it would be Roman’s job to run things there even though he clearly had no drive to do it. That was one of the reasons they were in Genoa, Roman wanted to get away from big city life. As far as his boss was concerned, their future was here and he’d started several booming businesses to prove it. A successful winery and restaurant just to name a few. Still Roman’s father ruled over large territories in the Windy City and Roman was expected to take them over when it was time.

  “How’s that going to work?”

  “No. Fucking. Clue.” Roman returned his attention to his wife, Madison. She sat at a table with a few other ladies who were now oohing and aahing over the big rock Jasper had just given Jackie. The two love birds exchanged adoring looks and Arlo turned toward the lake. Just moments before they had enjoyed fireworks lighting up the night but now, he witnessed a flash of lightning across the dark sky. The August day had been picture perfect but there’d been talk of a late night thunderstorm.

  “Sir?” The captain of the ship appeared out of nowhere and they both gave him their full attention. “I’m sorry but we’re going to have to end the cruise early. The radar indicates a strong storm moving fast in our direction. I’ve instructed the crew to turn the boat around and head to the city dock as soon as possible.”

  “Our estate is close by, please stop at our dock and we’ll get off there.” Roman eyed Madison again, who was now pulling her wrap close around her shoulders. “Tell the guys to be ready to dock and get everything off as soon as possible.” His boss headed to his wife’s side and placed his suitcoat around her shoulders, dropping a quick kiss to the top of her head.

  Sitting next to Madison was Layla Rinaldi. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that she’d be here at a Caponelli event but here she was. Again. Layla hadn’t missed a one since her sister married into the family. The woman rose and walked his way. A gust of wind came out of nowhere and the turning boat hit a rogue wave head on. Several women screamed but no one was harmed.

  Arlo hurried to Layla as she grabbed hold of a nearby pole. “Are you all right?” He reached for her arm to help steady her. She had the softest skin and Arlo quelled the urge to caress her arm.

  “Yes. But we’re turning around.” Her shiny dark hair had been up in an elaborate style but now the strong winds wreaked havoc with it and strands were coming loose. Despite sitting next to each other at the reception, the words they’d exchanged today had been few. As two of the few single people in attendance, it was as if everyone was trying to push them together or maybe it just seemed that way because it was what he secretly wished were true.

  “Storm’s coming. We have to dock quickly because of the lightning.” He turned his head toward the shore. Roman must have called ahead as he could see a few men waiting on his huge dock to assist the guests as soon as the boat could reach it.

  “What time is it?” Layla leaned near as the boat continued to rock.

  Arlo glanced at his watch. Everyone seemed to rely on their phones for everything but he’d never part with the Rolex Roman had given him one year. “Quarter to eleven.”

  “That’s a shame. I know they booked the boat until midnight but at least everyone got to see the fireworks.”

  “They’ll continue the party at Roman’s. Best to gather your things so we can all get off as soon as possible and the crew can get back to the dock.” Her perfume drew him closer when he should be letting her go. Layla was never meant to be his, yet she’d taken up residence in his heart and soul ever since she’d picked him to dance with at her sweet sixteen party so many years ago.

  He didn’t see her again after that night until years later. To say she was stunningly beautiful would be an understatement. As a young lady she was pretty, as a young woman she was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. It turned out that Madison was her half-sister and they never knew it. The two did look very much alike. Both were tall, curvy, and had long dark hair. Whereas Madison’s eyes were blue, Layla’s were brown. As his boss’s sister in-law, the woman he secretly yearned for was now even more unattainable.

  They neared the wooden landing and the crew tossed out their lines for Roman’s men to secure the large boat to his equally massive dock.

  “You better get your things,” he instructed again.

  “All right but I have something I want to talk to you about.” Layla stared him in the eye. “Later.” It was one of the things that hadn’t changed in all those years. She was direct and took no prisoners.

  “Sure, but first we have to go. Now.” He ushered her back to the table with the back of his hand firmly on her lower back. The wind was fierce and the crew was busy rolling down the plastic tarps on the sides of the boat to shelter it from any onco
ming rain.

  The captain opened the side door and the guests quickly exited the boat. Roman was last. He shook the hand of the captain and handed him a large envelope of cash for the man and his team. The crew waved as they cast off toward the city’s main dock. Arlo and Roman stood on the landing watching the wedding guests rush toward the house. Stephanie’s light dress was easy to spot in the crowd. Dominic held tight to her hand as they finally reached the patio of the house. Jasper had his arm around Jackie and Roman’s sister, Valentina, walked arm and arm with her husband, Ryan, one of Genoa’s finest—as in police office Ryan Donavan.

  It was a mixed crew they had at the wedding, that was for sure, but they were all family. Some by blood and some by honor.

  Roman seemed to be in deep thought, only his were probably for other reasons. His boss cared deeply for all his men and their families. Tensions were high right now with turf wars in Chicago between the Italian families and the Bratva headed by Fedor Dubnikov. They also had Fedor’s brother, Alexander, tied up in a safe house right now. The bastard should be dead after all the sick and twisted things he’d done to a woman they found near dead outside of town and had almost done to Jackie, but Roman thought the man might be useful somewhere down the line in later dealings with Fedor. That remained to be seen.

  “Let’s go.” His boss motioned him to go ahead but Arlo’d been his bodyguard for years and the man’s safety always came before his.

  “After you.” Their footsteps echoed on the wooden dock and they finally reached the grassy shore. Even on Roman’s land there was a shore path that went around the entire length of the lake. They’d just reached the sidewalk when Arlo noticed Layla coming back from the house. What did she need to talk to him about that couldn’t wait for them to get inside?

  A loud explosion sounded behind him and he tackled Roman to the ground. It was an automatic response. Heat surrounded them and the light was blinding. Layla was halfway between the house and the shore. Arlo observed her standing where she was, a look of horror on her face. His ears ached and he quickly glanced to the source of the glow to see what it was.

  The lake was a ball of fire. The ship they’d just gotten off of had exploded. Not caught on fire but exploded, and was now entirely engulfed in flames. A pit formed in his gut. No one would have survived that. He drew his gun and slowly rose. Roman leaped to his feet as several other men rushed to surround them, also with guns in hand.

  “What the hell happened?” Jasper was the first to speak. “Do you think that was on purpose?” If it weren’t for the storm, they would have still been on that boat. All would have perished.

  “Not a doubt in my mind.” Roman studied his neighbors as a few came out on their lawns. “Everyone in the house and I want extra guards at all the exits,” he ordered.

  Dominic approached, his long hair flowing in the wind. “I personally checked that ship and it’s been guarded ever since. How is this fucking possible?” His face was red and the usually calm individual appeared ready to lose his shit.

  The boat had been a risky thing to do in the first place but it was something that Stephanie wanted. “Could have come in with a caterer, a bouquet of flowers, a crew member that somehow slipped on?” Jasper suggested.

  “This is bullshit. We could have all died.” Dom kicked a nearby plant and sent it flying into the lake. They were all in shock and needed to do something.

  Ryan came running down to the shore, a phone held to his ear. “Everyone’s secure in the house and I have the authorities on the way. I called the coast guard but it’s hopeless that anyone could have survived.” A piece of blue ribbon floated by in the water. It’d been part of the decorations. A few boards from the ship had drifted nearby but it was the site of a red and white lifesaver that nearly brought Arlo to his knees.

  Layla stumbled on the grass in her high heels and Arlo rushed to her side. She held a phone to her ear and was talking to someone. Everyone and their damn phones, he wanted to break a few necks right now. The ones responsible for this disaster.

  “Layla, get in the house,” Arlo scolded but she ignored him and continued on to Roman. When she reached his side, she turned off the phone and put her hands on her hips. The wind was brutal and she had to be chilled to the bone in her thin dress. Arlo took off his coat and draped it on her shoulders.

  “What is it?” Roman studied her. “You should be inside.” Everyone with a brain could tell by her stance that the woman wasn’t going anywhere.

  “I just talked to my father.” She pulled the jacket tighter to her body. “He was feeling unwell so cancelled reservations he’d planned at a nearby restaurant. That place just blew up.”

  Roman’s gaze met his.

  “Layla, we need to get you out of sight and into the house.” Roman dragged her closer to the dock house so they had some shelter from the storm. The woman wasn’t going anywhere until she said what was on her mind but at least they would be out of the wind. A rage went up Arlo’s spine at the way Roman handled her but it was for her own good. As her brother-in-law, Roman did have certain responsibilities to her that he didn’t.

  As they neared the building, she shrugged off his hands. “I am speaking on behalf of my father.”

  “I will talk to him when we get to the house.” They were almost shouting now to be heard over the wind and thunder.

  “I am speaking for him.” Layla stood her ground. “As Bruno Rinaldi’s first born, I am passing on this message for him. I speak for him.” She pointed at her chest. “This is the work of Fedor. This is war and we want you to win it.” Layla now pointed her finger at Roman’s chest. “Do you accept the challenge or do I go back to Chicago and settle this for us?”

  Arlo couldn’t take his eyes off the woman; he’d never been so turned on before in his life. It was hinted that Bruno had at one time been priming his daughter to take over the family but a woman boss was unheard of. With her hair completely undone, her dress whipping in the wind, and her hand clutching his jacket, she looked like a warrior. A fierce goddess.

  Roman stepped closer to her. His jaw twitched as he gritted his teeth. “Challenge accepted, now get in the damn house.”

  Her eyes narrowed as lightning flashed again and thunder clacked as if it had just hit next door. Arlo put an arm around her waist and pulled her with him. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  They all rushed to the house as quarter-size hail and huge drops of rain surrounded them. Ryan stayed by the dock house to watch the boat for any survivors that might have jumped in the water but so far there were none.

  Finally inside, Arlo still did not let go of Layla. She trembled, whether it was from the cold or fear he could only guess. The guests stood around, their faces pale and eyes wide. The tension was thick and the room quiet. Everyone had been minutes away from being killed. It was a tragic end to an otherwise beautiful day.

  What Fedor had started, they would finish. Arlo tightened his fists and his resolve. Not tonight, not tomorrow night, but it would be done. Someday he would stab a knife through that man’s heart. The problems with the Bratva had been escalating for weeks and it had finally come to a head. Things were only going to get worse. People would die on both sides. Layla’s lower lip trembled as she looked up at him. Arlo did what he’d been wanting to do forever. He hugged Layla tight to his chest and kissed her lips.

  Chapter Five


  Her father would be there any minute, as well as a few other high-ranking members of each family. The ones not in attendance were on high alert and guarding family interests and properties both here and in Chicago. It was anyone’s guess where the Russians would strike next.

  Layla fidgeted in her seat as she witnessed more and more comings and goings from the window of the library. They’d all gotten little sleep the night before.

  “Layla, come sit down.” Madison patted the seat on the couch next to her. “These pastries that Jackie brought from the Java Shop are amazing.” She licked her fingers. “And I’m no
t just saying that because I’m pregnant.”

  Layla’s heart filled with love. It finally dawned on her that she was going to be an aunt. The next generation of the family had already begun with Valentina’s baby and now Roman and Madison’s would be the next. “Do you know if it’ll be a boy or a girl?” Layla dragged herself away from the window to grab a coffee and blueberry scone.

  “No, not yet but Roman’s positive it’s a boy.”

  Settling onto the sofa, Layla patted her sister’s knee and smiled. “I’m so excited for you.”

  “I would be too if I wasn’t scared to death,” Maddy admitted and took a sip of water.

  “You’ll be fine. Women have been having babies for years, everything will be okay.” Living in a house with only her father for years, Layla didn’t have the first clue about taking care of a baby either. “Valentina’s a great mother and she’s right next door.”

  “That’s the only thing keeping me sane,” she joked. “And when it gets closer, Mom said she’d spend more time here.”

  Madison’s mother, Connie, had rekindled her romance with Bruno and had even moved into their Chicago home. It felt weird at first having another woman living there but their complex was so huge, they didn’t run into each other that often anyway. Having a new woman in her father’s life after so many years had been a good influence on him, and the man definitely seemed more relaxed and happier.

  “Layla, I have a favor to ask.” Her sister took another bite of her chocolate-filled pastry.

  “Sure, anything you need. I’m here for you.”

  “Would you consider moving here for a while? To Genoa? You could stay here in the house with us.”

  “Ah, I’ll see what I can do.” She helped oversee most of her father’s businesses and there was always charity work to do but there was nothing stopping her from doing that from this location. “When Father gets done with the meeting, I’ll ask if he can get by without me for a while. If so, I’ll pack up some things and come back this weekend. Is Roman cool with me being here?”


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