Chasing Arlo (Genoa Mafia Series Book 5)

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Chasing Arlo (Genoa Mafia Series Book 5) Page 5

by Ginger Ring

  The meeting lasted a mere thirty minutes but it seemed more like an hour. It’d hardly seemed worth it for everyone to travel there. Roman’s father had remained in Chicago and was on speakerphone. Everyone was tired and on edge but it was important to look everyone in the eyes and see where they stood on things.

  Nothing much had been resolved except for everyone to keep their eyes and ears open. Changes would be made to shipment timings and locations. They were to vary their activities and practices. The Rinaldis were the most vulnerable, being in Chicago and closer to their enemies. The clubs would have extra security. The girls who worked there would be on high alert and there would be extra precautions to make sure they arrived to work and home safely. It may have been Alexander who attacked the woman found outside Genoa but they wouldn’t put it past Fedor to take his rejection from Layla out on someone else.

  She’d said little during the meeting except to respond to a question about what had caused her to attract the attention of the Bratva leader. Layla just shook her head and responded that she’d never met the man in her life. It was clearly a way to gain territory without fighting for it. Fedor was a coward. A weakling. Those who were afraid to get their hands dirty, often struck at those they thought least likely to fight back…thus, the extra protection for the women at Bruno’s strip clubs and brothels.

  “So, this is it?” It was Antonio who spoke up again. “We came all this way for this? Give the Russians the girl and everything will be fixed.” All eyes turned toward Bruno as the man’s face went bright red. Arlo swore he saw a puff of steam come out of the man’s ears. Why Antonio was being a bitch to his boss right now was anyone’s guess.

  Bruno stood and you could hear the soft click of the grandfather clock in the room ticking as he approached the man. “Let me get this straight. You want me to give my daughter to a madman?”

  “It’s clearly what he wants. As one of your men, I would have been killed at the restaurant if you hadn’t cancelled.” Antonio pulled at his collar. “It would be in the best interest of the family to not make matters worse.”

  “Worse for whom? My daughter?” Bruno flexed his hands and a vein seemed to pop on his forehead. “As one of my men, it’s your job to die for me and my family, and yet you want me to just hand over my dear girl to a madman?” He grabbed the man by the ears. “Well, do you?”

  “Sorry, I spoke out of turn.” The man lowered his gaze to the floor. “I had little sleep last night.”

  Bruno slapped the man across his face. The noise vibrated around the room. If Arlo had to guess, they might be wiping blood off the wood floor before this was done. “Maybe I should give them you to play with?”

  Antonio continued to stare at the carpet and sweat started to bead on his upper lip. “I apologize again. I spoke out of turn.”

  “Get out.” Bruno gestured toward the door. “I will deal with you in the car.”

  The man stood up and rushed out of the room.

  “The rest of you can leave also. I need a moment with Roman.” Attendees rose and shook hands with both Bruno and Roman. It was a show of respect and solidarity.

  As soon as the room cleared, Jasper and Arlo headed to the door. “Wait,” Bruno called. “Arlo, a word.” Jasper nodded and closed the door behind him.

  “What’s up with your man?” Roman addressed the elephant in the room. Antonio.

  “I think he’s using.” Bruno rubbed his chin. “I’d kill him this moment if he wasn’t my nephew.” He shook his head. “Imagine suggesting giving up Layla. They practically grew up together.”

  “You need to handle this today,” Roman insisted. “He’s a loose end. Either deal with it or I will.”

  “I’ll drop him off at a rehab on the way home. Antonio won’t have a choice. Get his head on straight or we’ll cut it off. Literally.”

  “Anything else?” Roman rubbed his eyes. They were all tired and needed a good night’s sleep.

  “Yes, like I said.” This time the mob boss addressed Arlo. “Layla stays here. You are to look out for her.” He shoved a finger in Arlo’s chest. “Touch her and it will be something else that I cut off on you.”

  “Bruno, your daughter’s an adult. She can be with whoever she wants,” Roman argued.

  “You got one point in that sentence right.” He turned back to Roman. “She’s my daughter, and if the child you’re expecting is a girl, you’ll feel the same way.” Bruno winked and for the first time that day, smiled. “Boys are so much easier than girls.”

  He hugged Roman and before he left, Bruno stopped and placed a hand on Arlo’s shoulder. “Keep her safe, that’s all I ask.”

  “With my life,” he promised.

  Arlo leaned his shoulder against the study doorway as he witnessed Layla argue about staying in Genoa. “I need to go home first. Make sure the businesses are all okay. I don’t even have my clothes.”

  “If you need anything special, Connie will send it to you, otherwise buy it here.”

  “For how long? And what will I do here?” His heart numbed that she was so adamant about not staying.

  “For as long as you need to be.” Bruno hugged her and then did the same with Madison, who was now standing next to both. “Maddy, dear, your sister will be remaining in Genoa indefinitely.”

  “Wonderful.” Madison bounced on her toes and sported the biggest smile on her face that he’d seen all day.

  “But Father, the businesses. Who will oversee the girls and the books?” Layla trailed her dad toward the door. Now that the meeting was done, the man seemed eager to leave.

  “The girls will be fine and you can monitor the books from here.”

  “I’m used to working. What will I do all day?”

  The whole thing reminded him of the last scene from Gone with the Wind where Scarlett asked Rhett, ‘where shall I go, what shall I do?’ Only Bruno did give a damn about his daughters.

  He stopped in the entryway and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Layla, you can do whatever you want. Start a business here if you’re bored. I’ve got to go.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you, now be a good girl and do as I say.”

  She nodded and watched her father get in the car and drive out the gate. Maddy wandered over, shut the door, and guided her sister back to where the guys waited. “I know this isn’t Chicago but I hope you will love it here.”

  A weak smile crossed Layla’s lips. “I’m used to working. What will I do with all my time?”

  “We’ll figure that out another day. Come let me get a room ready for you.”

  “No.” It was now his turn to get into the conversation.

  “What do you mean, no?” Madison tried to hide a yawn as her husband came to her side.

  “Layla stays with me.” Arlo took a stand. “You said you told Fedor you were seeing someone.”

  “Yes,” she fidgeted with the ring on her index finger, “like I said it was the only thing I could think of to get him off my back.”

  “I doubt he would let that stop him.” Arlo folded his arms in front of his chest.

  “I picked someone no one would mess with.” Her eyes darted around the room. Everyone stood waiting to hear her answer.

  “And who was that?” he asked.

  “Like I said, the only person I could think of that would cause him to give up.”

  “Layla, who?” Arlo exhaled and shook his head. Madison and Roman watched the exchange beside them.

  “I told him I was dating you.”

  Chapter Seven


  He was even quieter than usual. There’d been a small shit storm after she announced Arlo as the boyfriend she’d told Fedor. Could anyone blame her for picking the one man she wished for? Not to mention the guy had a reputation as large as Paul Bunyan’s blue ox. They called him ‘The Shredder’ after he used a cheese grater on some poor guy’s arm to get him to spill his guts. A person would have to think twice before messing with the man and she probably should have also.

No, she would never fear him. She knew her secret crush had a soft spot for her also. Arlo’d even kissed her today but what was that really about? It was the last thing she had expected him to do. Clearly, he was trying to keep her mind off everything that had happened. He’d done that and more but did he mean anything by it? Did he care about her romantically? Layla slumped in the SUV’s plush leather seats.

  After her confession, there were a variety of reactions from the people still gathered at Roman’s home. Jasper laughed out loud and slapped Arlo on the back. After that he yelled, “I knew it!”

  Jackie then came into the room, and after a hard stare from Roman, the two left in a hurry. Arlo just ignored the guy and focused his attention on her. Was he displeased? As usual it was hard to tell. Roman appeared tense but that was normal for him. Her sister, on the other hand, couldn’t have been happier. She bounced up and down so much, her husband grew concerned. Maddy was probably designing a gown and planning their wedding…only this time there would definitely be no cruise.

  Roman basically threw them out the door saying he didn’t have time for the drama and Maddy needed to rest. The overbearing brute. Since when was she a drama queen? Layla pouted. The mob boss said if she told the Russians they were a couple, then they’d better start acting like one. Being Arlo’s woman was something she yearned for but being forced to be wasn’t what she’d had in mind. Arlo’d not given them a choice, thus, her reason for being in the vehicle on the way to Arlo’s home, and he didn’t look happy.

  Layla risked a glance at the man behind the wheel. Arlo was unreadable. If he were a book, the pages would be blank. For the last few years, she’d pursued him to no avail. Whether he responded to her because he had a fondness for her from years ago or something else, she had no clue.

  “Are you going to say something?”

  “It is what it is,” he mumbled and turned into the parking lot of a huge condo along the lake.

  Letting out a huge sigh, she rolled her eyes. “Is this where you live?” It was nice, very nice actually if the outside was any indication. From the looks of the other vehicles in the lot, it was expensive as well.

  “For now.” His lack of conversation wore on her nerves.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I just moved here. Used to live downtown, but after Jasper moved in here with Jackie, he told me there was a vacancy so I took it.” He put the vehicle in park and turned off the key. “Don’t move.” Arlo got out, looked around, and then came over to open her door. “Get out.”

  She hesitated.

  “Now,” he insisted.

  “Don’t move. Get out,” she mimicked but did as told. “You sure are bossy.”

  “Just doing my job.” He closed the door behind her with a slam. “I’m supposed to protect you. Nothing more, nothing less.” He ushered her in the building and up the stairs to the third level.

  “Don’t they have an elevator?” Layla worked out every day but the lack of sleep last night had left her exhausted. Not to mention her feet were killing her. The strappy high heels looked great in the store but beauty came with a price.

  “Of course, but those things are a death trap waiting to happen.”

  Again, she rolled her eyes. The man took his job seriously but this was ridiculous. “I doubt that Fedor has a hitman hiding in your building.”

  “I didn’t think so either but that was before you told me we’d been dating for months.” They reached the door of what must be his apartment. He motioned for her to stand to the side of the door and he did the same while unlocking it. After taking another look down the hall, he drew his gun and shoved the door wide open. Dragging her by the hand, Arlo pulled her inside and slammed the door. She shadowed him while he checked the place. When it was all clear, Layla tossed her purse on a table and collapsed on the couch.

  Her eyelids weighed a ton. Closing her eyes, she nearly fell asleep. A nudge to her shoulder brought her wide awake. “Here, drink this.” Arlo towered over her with a tumbler in his hand.

  “What is it?” She took the glass and sniffed it. It was filled to the brim.

  “Whiskey. Now.” The leather chair creaked as he settled in the seat across from her.

  “What’s with the attitude?” Layla winkled her nose and took a small sip. A shiver rippled through her body.

  Arlo brushed a hand over his hair and she took the moment to study the man across from her. Exhaustion was written all over his face. His shoulders were slumped in the chair and there were bags under his eyes. Even tired, he still caused her heart to soar. His full lips always made her stomach flutter and just thinking about that kiss…

  “I’m fucking tired. While you ladies went to bed, we stayed up all night.” He took a deep breath and placed first one and then the other foot on the table between them. “We made sure the authorities had recovered all the bodies and we went over all the surveillance tapes from the dock.”

  “Did you notice anything?” Unbuckling the ankle straps of her heels, she slipped her aching feet out of the shoes, and placed them on the table next to his.

  “No, nothing.” Resting an elbow on the arm of the chair, he leaned his chin on a fist. “It doesn’t make sense.”

  “How so?” Taking another sip, the liquid burned going down her throat but her limbs started to relax.

  “If they wanted us dead, we’d be dead. It’s too much of a coincidence, something doesn’t fit.”

  “Do you think they know about Alexander?” It was the only thing she could come up with except for the fact that if she were dead, he couldn’t gain their territories by marrying her. Then again, with all of them dead, it’d be easy to go in and just take it.

  “Good possibility but no one outside the family knows about that.”

  Choosing her next words carefully, Layla drew her toe closer to his foot. “What if it was someone inside the family that leaked his whereabouts and ours?”

  “Roman keeps a close eye on who and what does everything.” Arlo rubbed his chin, the scruff of his whiskers nearly causing her eyes to roll back in her head. The short beard just added to the sexiness of the man. “But…”

  “But what?” Layla set her glass on the table. The condensation caused it to move on its own.

  “Just a feeling that you might be right.” He reached for her glass and finished off what was left.

  “I know Maddy said he has cameras all over town. Does he have them here?” She’d grown up being watched but they didn’t have them in her home. It made her adjust her skirt just thinking about being watched.

  “They monitor all the exits and hallways but there’s nothing in our apartments,” he volunteered before yawning. “So, you don’t have to worry about us appearing to be a couple.”

  “Who says I’m worried?” This time she trailed her toe up his pants leg. Did she have no shame? Guess not.

  Arlo shook his head and picked up his phone, obviously trying to ignore her advances.

  “What are the plans for the rest of the day?” Not an anxious person, Layla still wasn’t used to just sitting around.

  “We are to stay here and you are to make a list of everything you need from home and send it to Connie.” His eyes reflected the light from his screen but he never looked up as he spoke.

  “Aren’t you going to show me around?” She arched an eyebrow but he still ignored her.

  “What’s there to see?” He finally raised his head and let out a deep breath. “We’re in the living room, the kitchen is the room with the stove in it.”

  “Smart ass.” It wasn’t like him to act this way. “I meant if I am staying here, where do I sleep? What am I supposed to do?”

  “You can take the bedroom.”

  That got her attention. “I thought you’d never ask.” She winked.

  “I didn’t. I’ll sleep out here and you can bunk in there.”

  Layla plopped her head back on the couch.

  “And as far as what you’re going to do, Bruno is sending
your laptop. He wants you to keep up with your businesses here.” It was like she was just a chore to him and it was pissing her off. For weeks, months, years, she’d pined for the man and he was treating her like a job. A freakin’ job.

  “Can I ask you a question?” Layla put her feet on the floor and leaned her elbows on her knees.

  “Yeah.” He finally set the cell phone to the side.

  “What’s with this?” Waving a hand between the two of them, Arlo shrugged his shoulders.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ugh. Arlo, you know I want you and yet you never take the bait.” He turned his head to gaze out the window. “And then you kissed me today, out of the blue. What’s up with that? Do you like me or what?” There, she threw it out on the table along with her heart and her pride.

  “I was trying to distract you.” He shifted in his seat. “Take your mind off things.”

  “That’s all?” Her heart just dissolved like bath bombs in a tub of water.

  Arlo groaned, got up, and wandered over to the window he was suddenly so interested in. Layla rose and followed to see what was so exciting with the view. It was a nice spot to watch the lake but nothing different than at Roman’s.

  “No, it’s not. I’d almost lost you without ever having you. I had to taste your sweet lips just once before I die.”

  That brought the smile back to her mouth. He did care. Layla leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “But right now, your safety is my main concern. My only concern, and I can’t be distracted by anything else. So, until we figure out what’s going on, this relationship stays the same as it always has been and should be.”

  Layla stood back. “What do you mean, as it should be?”


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