Chasing Arlo (Genoa Mafia Series Book 5)

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Chasing Arlo (Genoa Mafia Series Book 5) Page 8

by Ginger Ring

  “You still haven’t answered my question.” Arlo was now looking up at her from the floor below.

  “What?” She bit her lip. Did he hear the part about him?

  “If you marry, he’s not going to want you living here in Genoa.” Arlo’s dark eyes appeared nearly black and his cheeks were rosier than usual.

  “Jealous, are you?” Layla took a stroll around the pole. “Maybe you should marry me.”

  “I heard you say you would marry who your father wants you to and he fucking hates me.”

  “Does that mean you’re interested in that position?” She slid her back down the pole. Oh, how she wished that was true.

  “No.” His denial echoed in the room loud and clear. Despite all her attempts, he still thought of her as a child. “I’d be a fool to fall for someone who’s a tease and destined to be with someone else. Just like you said.”

  Layla rose and narrowed her eyes. “You obviously didn’t hear the whole story. I was joking. I will marry who I want, when I want, and no one will tell me otherwise. I made that perfectly clear when Roman married my sister. My father got his merger and I am free to choose who I want. If you would have stayed any longer, you’d have heard that despite being an asshole who escapes my advances every time he can, it is you I want to get to know better and no one else. Happy now?” It pissed her off to have been caught saying stuff she shouldn’t have.

  Arlo shook his head and marched over to the bar where he pulled his phone out and studied the screen.

  A buzz from her cell stopped her from chasing after him. Both Roman and her father had given their okay to purchase the place. Slipping her purse over her shoulder, she prepared to leave as Vicki came back into the building. “Great news. It’s a deal if you still want to make the offer.”

  Layla held out her hand. “It’s a deal.”

  Chapter Eleven


  His stomach growled as they took the elevator up to his apartment. It had been a long afternoon. While Layla did her thing, he had a chance to study the files and one thing stood out. Despite the large salary they paid, one of the tech guys had an empty bank account and lots of debt. That was never a good sign. He’d sent Roman a message with his concerns.

  After that they’d gone from the club to the bank to the realtor’s office. It was a done deal. Layla now owned a strip club outside Genoa and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. What Layla wanted, Layla got. Except for him.

  Before he really didn’t care if she’d bought it but now it would be a constant reminder of her when and if she went back to Chicago. Actually, it wasn’t a when and if, it was just a when. He’d heard what he heard and there was no way she could skirt around it. The woman was a tease. How many other men did she have strung along? It was hard to think of her that way when she’d only ever been kind to him but some people had a dark side. He surely did. The right thing would be to just let this go but he’d had a hard-on for the dark-haired beauty for years. Even if it was wrong, he wanted her even if it was just once, even if it was for all the wrong reasons.

  Risking a peek in her direction, Layla seemed just as distracted as he was, only her mind seemed to be zeroed in on her new acquisition. The day should have bored him to death but any time spent with Layla was never that. As soon as they stopped Layla was out the door. They were safe in this building but he needed to caution her on letting him exit vehicles first.

  A plan had formed in his mind during the long afternoon. Layla had spent years chasing him anytime they were together. Basically, throwing herself at him, but he wouldn’t be made a fool of. He’d always considered himself a gentleman as far as women went. They were to be respected and treated with kindness but this was different. In all these years, he’d tried to be the honorable one but no more.

  If she wanted a plaything, he would be just that. He would be the one that made her fall in love with him. Arlo could be charming when he wanted to be and the rest, he would make up along the way. Jasper and Dom could advise him on everything else. If Dominic could bring a girl with him on a cleanup job and she still married him, it couldn’t be that hard to do.

  Maybe it was the taste of forbidden fruit that got Layla all hot and bothered. Maybe she liked slumming with those who were beneath her, like a Romeo and Juliet type of shit. Their families were united, especially now that both were targets of the Russians.

  Layla used the access key he’d given her to enter his place. He followed and shut the door behind him. She was ignoring him and it pissed him off even more. Whether it was done on purpose or not he didn’t care right now.

  “Hungry?” Arlo tossed his keys and they slid across the counter.

  “Hmm?” Her nose was still stuck in her phone, the light from the screen reflecting on her face. It was the first time he’d seen her appear vulnerable but it was just an act.

  “I said, are you hungry?” Leaning his back against the counter, he studied her from across the room.

  Her head remained in place as her eyes looked up at him. “Yes, what did you have in mind?”

  “Do you want to go to the Pier?” When she tilted her head to the side, he elaborated. “It’s a nice place to eat.”

  Turning off her phone and stuffing it in her purse, Layla stretched her arm along the back of the chair she was sitting in and crossed one long leg over the other. The image of her draping those long limbs around his waist briefly flashed through his mind. “Is this a date?”

  There it was again, the tease. The femme fatale. This time he was ready for her. “Do you want it to be?”

  The expression on her face was priceless. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Slowly she nodded, as if afraid she’d misunderstood what he said. “I do.”

  “Then get dressed,” he suggested. “Do you mind if I use the shower first?”

  Again the hesitation, as if she didn’t know whether to shake her head or nod. “Ah, you go first. I just have a few things to finish up first.” Pulling her computer to her lap, she stole a look his way before starting to type away.

  Chuckling to himself, Arlo went into his bedroom but the sight of some of her things on his bed stopped him short. He’d never brought a woman here so as luck would have it, the woman he wanted most was the first to ever sleep in his bed. Unfortunately, she slept there alone. A touch of guilt popped into his brain before he could quickly send it on its merry way.

  Before this was over, he would sleep with her. He would have her in any way that was possible. If he had to go to his deathbed regretting the mere fact that he’d made love to her just once it would be worth it. She was a drug to him. An addiction he’d been able to control. Until now. A secret yearning that should never be. If Layla knew why her father hated him, she’d join him in that loathing. By then it would be too late. He’d have had his fill and be happy to send her on her way.

  He took a deep breath and let it out. His fingertips touched the lace nighty that lay on his pillow. Her things had arrived and were draped everywhere. Who was he kidding? Happiness would never come his way. He’d been dealt the losing hand as soon as he was born. Not able to resist, he brought the silky fabric to his nose. It smelled of her. Sweet, spicy, and oh so sexy. Regretfully, Arlo let it slip through his fingers and back onto the bed. Happily ever afters were for others, he’d have to settle for love by deceit and hope it didn’t kill him in the long run.

  The shower helped, the warm water flowing over his body and down his legs. It should have been cold because all it did was make him think about her. Layla touching his body and making him hard in all the right places. He reached for the knob and turned down the hot but the chill just made him want to seek the temperate dark-haired woman in the other room more. Giving up, he braced a hand on the wall and reached for his dick. A few strokes and he was spent, breathing hard. He finished the shower and grasped a towel.

  Arlo dressed quickly in grey dress pants, a crisp white shirt, and light jacket. It was still warm out but he couldn’t risk peopl
e seeing guns holstered under his arms. Combing his hair back, he took one more look in the mirror. Not bad, if he did say so himself. Maybe when he was done with Layla, he could find a nice girl to settle down with. Who was he kidding? After he was finished with her, there’d be nothing left of him. As much as it hurt to admit it, she was all he wanted. This whole charade was an excuse to pretend to have something he never would.

  Layla squealed when he opened the bathroom door and walked into the bedroom. He’d caught her getting ready. A dress was halfway over her head and gorgeous body.

  “A little help here,” she yelled.

  “What happened?” On closer look he could see she had the back zipper tangled in her hair. “Hold still and I’ll try and get you unstuck.” Carefully he pulled the strands from the metal teeth and pulled the dress lower. It finally settled on her shoulders and he zipped her up.

  It was a pretty orange dress with flowers here and there. Very unexpected from the fierce business woman he was used to. Her attire tended to be bold colors of black, red, and blue.

  “What do you think?” Layla surveyed the look in the full-length mirror. “I would have never tried this on in a million years. The saleswoman picked it out and I decided to give it go.”

  “It’s nice and you look beautiful.” He’d said it without thinking. She was beautiful. A garbage bag would look hot on her.

  Her puzzled gaze met his in the reflection. He’d thrown her off balance. But then a smile appeared on her face. “I think you’re trying to get me into bed, Arlo.” Her delicate hand cupped his jaw as she revolved around.

  “Isn’t that what you’ve been hoping for years?” Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close, it felt right and natural but their relationship was anything but.

  “Yes, but you’ve always been the mature one. Why now?” She leaned into him and laid her head on his chest. “What game are you playing?”

  “I know we’re supposed to pretend to be a couple but what if we really were? I don’t mean just sex. I want the whole thing. Your father be damned.” Stepping back, he guided her chin up with the tip of his index finger.

  “I’d like that. Tell me more.”

  “If you are to be mine, I’d want all of you and nothing less will do.”

  Her eyes sparkled. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, of course.” A tinge of guilt spiked in his gut. What if he was wrong and she’d really did care? Did he want to take the risk of hurting her? The memories of what she said echoed in his ears. How could he forget that it was her who just wanted to use him before going back to Chicago and the bed of whomever they decided would be the best match for her. What a crock of shit.

  “But you always turn me down.” Layla narrowed her eyes and brought him back to the present.

  “Maybe you wore me down.” He flashed her a smile but it didn’t seem to work. “Life is short. Maybe it was the thought of losing you without ever having you that changed my mind.”

  “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that.” Layla put her arms around his neck in a hug.

  A pierce of guilt edged down his spine. She sounded too hopeful to be lying. What if he was wrong?

  “I can’t believe we’re actually going on a date.” Layla smiled so big it lit up the whole room.

  “Then let’s go. I’ll call ahead so they have a table waiting.” Untangling himself from her arms, he left the room to make the call. It was a dangerous thing he was doing for both of them, but the die had been cast and he couldn’t turn back. Layla would be his, body and soul, and then he would let her go. She was a queen and royalty never ended up with the common man.

  Chapter Twelve


  They were words she’d never expected to hear. Arlo wanted to go out with her. She replayed their conversation several times over and over in her head on the way to the restaurant. It was a date. An honest to goodness date.

  The Pier was a restaurant that was near the beach of Lake Genoa. It was packed with locals and tourists but Arlo’s call had managed to snag them a prime table close to the beach yet still in the shade of the building. Apparently, the staff knew who they were or else Arlo had paid them well in advance because they were given the star treatment as soon as they walked in the door.

  Her companion was the perfect gentlemen. The touch of his hand to her lower back as he guided her to the table left her legs tingling. Neither liked to sit facing the wall so he joined her on the same side.

  “Do you come here often?” Taking the menu from the server, Layla asked for a glass of water.

  “No, but I hear it’s nice.” It didn’t take him long to decide as he placed the large list of options on the table.

  “Where do you usually eat?” She just realized she didn’t really know that much about Arlo’s day to day life.

  “Home, Firenza, or I grab something with one of the guys at a local bar.”

  “There’s no sense in asking what you recommend then.” It was a tossup between the sea bass and the salmon for her.

  “I’m having the New York steak.” Arlo leaner closer and draped one arm across the back of her chair. He still smelled fresh and clean from the shower.

  “A meat and potatoes kind of guy?” She fidgeted with the hem of her dress while glancing around the room. It shouldn’t be but the whole experience of being here, being on a date was just weird. If she were back in Chicago, she’d be at home working on charts and figures. All around her were people, normal people having a good time eating out with friends or family. A life so normal to others, yet so elusive to her.

  From where they sat, they could see boats float up and dock. Their passengers laughed as they disembarked and walked toward the bar. All her life she thought she’d had it all. Money, security, and a future but there was so much else she’d missed. A private school and lessons of every kind did not prepare one for real life.

  The waitress returned to take their order. She’d decided on the salmon and her date had the steak. Conversation was light as both were unused to this new situation. Surprisingly it didn’t seem odd, they were both alike and yet different. The silence was comforting instead of awkward, as if he was giving her time to think things out in her mind. What did one do when they finally got a shot at what they’d always wanted? It was hard to believe it was real. Going slow and easy was probably the best. Layla risked a glance his way. Yes, slow and easy was exactly what she wanted him to do.

  The food was delicious and she’d cleared her plate in no time flat. When Arlo pulled her chair closer to his, her mind was a blur. So much for being the self-assured, strong business woman. He had her floating in the air above her chair with only a touch and a nod.

  “Dessert?” Arlo whispered near her ear. His warm breath on her neck sent a shiver down her arm. “Are you cold? I’d give you my coat but I’m packing. You’ll just have to sit closer.” He put an arm around her to share his heat. It worked. The big man was a furnace.

  “I’m fine. Do you want something?” Their heads were close and the urge to touch his scruffy jaw got the best of her. The first two fingers of her right hand traced along to his chin. He’d shaved this morning but his five o’clock shadow was sharp to the touch. His hand covered hers and he pulled it to rest on his thigh as the server returned.

  “We’ll have the cookies and cream. Two spoons,” Arlo ordered. The waitress cleared their table and left.

  “I never pictured you as a cookie kind of guy.” With her hand still covered firmly, she had to lean closer, which had her mostly across his firm, hard chest. A woman could get used to this.

  “I have a huge sweet tooth.” A grin cut across his mouth as a large dish of vanilla ice cream and chocolate chip cookies was placed between the two of them. He let go of her fingers and handed her a spoon. When she didn’t take it, he put a scoop of ice cream on the utensil and placed it between her lips. It was sensual and sweet.

  Layla closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of the surgery goo
dness and the handsome man. After the first taste, she dug in eagerly. The plate was almost gone when Arlo’s phone beeped.

  He answered it, saying few words. From the expression on his face, it wasn’t good news. “We’ll be right there.” Waving the server over, he asked for the bill. Their fun evening had come to an end.

  She barely kept up in her heels as they rushed out of the place. A few heads turned their way with their hasty exit. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll find out soon.” Arlo opened the vehicle door and helped her in.

  He soon joined her in the SUV and started it up. “They found the leak.”

  “Did they say who?” This was good news as far as she was concerned.

  “Not sure, but we’ll find out soon.”

  It was a surreal experience driving through the town of Genoa. The street was bursting with happy tourists even at this late hour. How she wished they could have stayed longer at The Pier and maybe walked along the lake. Maybe another night. She’d be spending a lot of time here now that she’d bought a business. It wasn’t her intention but things were falling into place.

  Soon the restaurants and shops were behind them. The vehicle slowed as they turned down a dirt road. There in the distance a large building, or what might have been a garage business at one time, stood. Several other vehicles were parked out front, Caponelli vehicles. Something big was going down and they’d find out soon what it was.

  They parked and Layla was out before he could open the door for her. “Are you sure you want to go in?”

  Her outside voice said yes but inwardly she was screaming no. Layla’d heard bits and pieces of what the family did to traitors but as the future head of the Rinaldi famiglia, she needed to be strong. Her palms started to sweat. Bruno always kept her out of sight of the blood and guts but things were going to get real, fast. It was time to buck up and get her head on straight.

  “You look pale.” Arlo put both hands on the tops of her shoulders. “Are you sure? Things can get messy in here but I can’t leave you alone.”


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