Let Me Love You: A Best Friend’s Sibling Romance

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Let Me Love You: A Best Friend’s Sibling Romance Page 9

by Moore, M. K.

  “Malachi? Mallory? What’s going on? Mom, Dad?” she asks in a I didn’t even consider that our unexpected visit would make her think there was some kind of emergency.

  “Calm down, Margo. Everything is fine. We have some news. It’s in-person news,” Malachi says reassuring, Margo nods and sits in oversized chair. The rude dude just standing near her, arms crossed over his bare chest, like he’s ready to pounce on any one who upsets her.

  “Oh, thank God. What’s the news?” Her hands move to her face, as a stray piece of hair falls in her deep brown eyes. She barely takes a breath. “You’re getting a divorce? I just knew it.” she says, mumbling some other shit I can’t hear under her breath.

  “What? No. What the hell is wrong with you?” I ask, unable to contain my feelings any longer. If there is anyone in this world that should piggyback off my happiness, it should be her.

  “Then why are you here?” She says tersely. I feel Malachi tense up beside me.

  Oh, this bitch and I are going to hash this out, right fucking now. I can’t contain myself anymore. Without thinking, I’m in her face and in my tone, Gwen in New York could hear me. “I’m pregnant. I thought my best friend should know, but I can see now that we were never really friends.”

  In my challenge, that rude asshat moves in closer behind her, as if he could protect her from my wrath. Her face falls when she answers, “of course, we were Mal. We are. I’m just worried about you being able to handle this in the long run.”

  “Handle what, exactly?” I question.

  “This. You and Malachi,” she says directed at right at me.

  “You mean loving my husband unconditionally?” I grip Malachi's hand so hard, my skin is getting whiter. I watch as tears fill her eyes.

  She reaches for my hand and I rip it from her grip. It doesn’t stop her from attempting to make her point. “I know you think you can, but his injury isn't going to get better. This is a lifelong commitment,” she says, wiping her eyes. I’m getting a glimpse of what’s going on in her mind. She’s wrong, fucking wrong, but she’s trying to protect Malachi, just like I’d protect him. To my dying fucking breath.

  “That’s what marriage is, Margo. A lifelong commitment. I knew what I was getting myself into.”

  “But his leg,” Margo starts before Malachi cuts her off. The more she talks the more I want to punch someone for the first time in my life.

  “I am sitting right here, Margo.” Malachi grit’s out, my anger’s getting the best of me. I am going to lose my shit.

  “I know, shit this isn't coming out right. Mallory, all I'm trying to say is that the only thing you've ever been committed to is your books. Are you ready to take on this kind of responsibility?”

  “Peaches, let them be,” the rude dude says from behind her, putting his hand on her shoulder. His voice is softer when he speaks to her and I love that. Every woman deserves that kind of man. I move out of her face and back over to my husband.

  “Fine. I’m sorry guys. I know I’ve been a bitch, I just worry about the both of you,” she says closing her eyes and leaning her head on his hand.

  “And I’m not flakey,” I say poutier than I would have liked. “I know I'm busy with my career, but nothing is more important to me than your brother. He comes first no matter what.” But, fuck, I missed her so much but I wasn’t going to let her off that easy. “If you bothered to keep in contact, you would know that there isn't anything wrong with him. He's not some broken bird, Margo. He’s a strong man who can more than keep up with me. Sure, his life is a bit different now, but whose life wouldn't be? You should be proud of how hard he has worked to not let his disability keep him from living a normal life,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

  She rolls her eyes. “Don’t break his heart, or I’ll kick your ass,” she says, standing up and walking over to me. I stand again as well, and she pulls me into a hug. I know I should give her hell for pulling a stunt like this but, honestly, I hate fighting.

  “Are you going to introduce us, Peaches?” The still half-naked guy says from behind Margo’s chair.

  “Oh yes. This is my fiancé, Mark Pratt. Mark, this is my brother Malachi

  and my best friend and my new sister, Mallory.”

  “Fiancé?” I question as Malachi and Mark shake hands.

  “Oh, so much has happened,” she says grinning lecherously.

  “I can see that. What happened to Michel?” I ask.

  “He is the landlord. Mark works out of Wycott in Seattle.”

  “Wow, it’s like fate or something,” I say.

  “I agree. Let me get dressed. We were, ah, busy when you knocked,” Margo says blushing.

  “I’ll bet.” My porntastic mind takes me in all sorts of directions, but I don’t

  know that Margo is ready to be so forthcoming. Last I knew, she was waiting until she got married, but I of all people know how quickly that changes for the right man.

  Now that I understand what Margo was so upset about, it’s not so terrible. Friendship is forgiveness, and I’ve missed her.

  “I’m starving. Your niece or nephew is starving. Let’s go to a cafe. I want bread.”

  “We have bread here.” She walks down the hallway and I follow her.

  “Not the same thing,” I say. “I need the real French experience,” I say throwing myself down dramatically on the very messy bed.

  “You’ll get it. There’s a cafe on every block,” she says as she grabs some clothes from a drawer and heads into the bathroom.

  “So, tell me more about what’s been going on here.” I sit up on the bed.

  “Oh my God, Mallory,” she says, coming out of the bathroom fully dressed in jeans and a sweater. She sits down next to me to put on some boots that she wouldn’t have been caught dead in before coming here. “He was already here when I first arrived. It was like a freaking movie. I swear. He looks like a Greek God, I was attracted to him from the very second I laid eyes on him. We fought like cats and dogs the first week. He took the big bedroom—he’s also a bit messy, you see. You know how I am, well was, about messes. Then one night we were arguing about dirty socks and he kissed me. Just hauled off and kissed me and it was like the whole world stopped. I swear, it was magical. Then he made love to me and I knew,” she says, shrugging.

  I smile and pull her into a hug.

  “You probably don’t want to hear this about your brother, but it was the same for me. I’ve never been happier. I get why you did what you did, but I made vows and I take them seriously. I love that man.”

  “I believe you. It snowed this morning for a little while.” Looking me up and down, she continued, “Didn’t you bring a coat?” she asks, tilting her head towards me questioningly.

  “No, I thought my big sweater would be enough.”

  “Here, wear this one.” She hands me a navy-blue pea coat.

  “Girl, when did you get so stylish?”

  “Honestly, after Mark and I had sex. I was still a child in so many ways. I grew up after that. I love him, Mallory. Like, with everything in me.” Margo looks blissful and I imagine that I look the same way.

  “Aww, girl. All of our dreams are coming true, aren’t they?”

  “Yes. Even though I don’t deserve it,” she says wistfully.

  “Yes, you do. You were looking out for your brother. Let’s drop it. I’ve missed you so freaking much. Let’s never fight again,” I say, laughing.

  “Agreed. Let’s get my niece or nephew some food.” She pats my tummy lovingly and laughs as we walk back out into the living room, where I see that Mark is dressed, finally. The guys appear to be at ease with one another and are talking quietly when we walk back into the room. That’s good. I was imagining walking back into some kind of boxing match.

  “There is a café just around the corner,” Margo says. I give Malachi a kiss and take his hand. We follow behind Margo and Mark, who are also holding hands. Fucking adorable.

  “Can you believe we’re in Paris?” I
ask Malachi. Sure, we are just on a suburban street but still, as a romance author I can feel the love and magic all around me.

  “I know, it’s surreal. In all my travels, I’ve never been here before.”

  “Are you doing okay? I know it’s a short walk, but you have to be getting stiff from the plane as well,” I ask Malachi.

  “Oh, I am getting stiff alright.” he says, laughing.

  “I’ll be sure to take good care of you tonight, babe. Don’t worry.” I say, patting his arm reassuringly.

  “I’ll hold you too that, Jez.” Best believe I am going to fuck my husband like a porn star while we are in the city of Love.

  When we enter the café, we are seated immediately. Bread is brought to the table and I am a happy girl. I go to town on the bread and this shit is orgasmic. I moan aloud.

  “Babe, you better cut that shit out or else I will be dragging you to the bathroom,” Malachi whispers in my ear. I just grin at him and continue to eat the deliciousness that is before me.

  “Margo says you were in the service but retired. What do you do now?” Mark asks. I'm a little intrigued by him. I've never met an alpha-as-fuck accountant. Not that they don't exist, I’ve just never met one. It's interesting watching them together. In the years I've known Margo, I've never seen her look so happy.

  “I am in cyber-security. Boring stuff really,” Malachi says draping his arm over my shoulder.

  “So, Mark, tell us about you,” I say, sipping some water.

  “I'm an accountant, obviously. I like Star Trek and I love Margo. That's all. I understand you write porn, is that right?” he deadpans and I lose my shit. I laugh like Ursula because how can I not?

  “It's a bit more than that, but yeah, essentially.”

  “What are they about?” Mark asks.

  “They’re pretty epic, actually,” Malachi says before I have a chance to answer, causing me to smile. “Raven's Submission, her second book, is my favorite. The lead male gets redemption and the sex is off the charts.”

  I turn to him, kissing him on the cheek. His support is out of this world. “Thanks, baby.” He’ll always be my number one fan.

  “Hard to believe she was a virgin, huh?” Margo asks, then turns red. “Shit, I'm sorry,” she says.

  I burst out laughing. New Margo is funny. New Margo and I may even get along better than the old Margo and I.

  “That was quite a shock, I'm sure,” I say, still catching my breath.

  While we’re eating, my phone rings. George Riley, the director of the movies, is calling me personally. Must be big.

  “Excuse me,” I say grabbing my phone and stepping away from the table. “Hello,” I answer.

  “Mal, it's George. I wanted to give you a heads up. We had to fire Chad Beesley.”

  “Oh no, what happened?” I ask, trying to hide my elation.

  “After being MIA for three weeks, he showed up this morning drunk and punched Lana. She's gonna have a shiner, so were filming scenes twelve and thirteen tomorrow. No need for makeup. He's been arrested, but I don't think it's going to fix the situation.”

  “Holy shit. Is Lana okay?” Of course my gut told me he was a creep this whole time.

  “She'll be fine. She's in her trailer right now.”

  “Okay. I'll call her. Who did you get to replace him?” I ask. I’m nervous. I can’t handle another Chad situation.

  “Lance Landon. He starts tomorrow.”

  Lance Landon? Fuck, Lana is going to be so nervous. She loves that guy.

  “Okay, thanks for letting me know, George. I'll see you when I get back to New York.”

  “Will do.”

  I hang up and call Lana next. She answers on the first ring.


  “Lana. Are you alright? Do you need me to come back now?” If I was in her situation I’d be panicking, but she sounds okay.

  “No, really I am fine. Trust me, my sister and I used to get in fights that ended up much worse than this. Besides, Marissa is with me. Enjoy your vacation. Do you have a minute though? Have you heard? Lance Landon. I can't believe it.”

  “I heard. You’ll do fine. Just don't, like, think about him so much,” I say, trying to offer some encouragement but I’ve seen fate happen a lot lately, and I’d love for Lana to get her happily ever after too. “How is your face?”

  “I'll live. I can't believe the first time I'm meeting him, I'll have a black eye,” she pauses, and I hear her a needed breath. “How do you like France?”

  “It's fantastic. We’re staying for two weeks, but let me know if you need me,” I say.

  “I will,” she says through a yawn.

  “Get some rest. Bye, girl.”

  As soon as we hang up, I feel Malachi’s familiar arms go around my waist. A moan escapes me, and I lean into him.

  “Everything okay, babe?” he asks, nuzzling my neck.

  “You’re not going to believe this,” I say, following him back to the table, where I fill him in.

  What in the actual fuck is wrong with people?

  Chapter 12


  We have spent a great two weeks in France, but I'm ready to get home. I think Mallory is too. She’s been chomping at the bit to check on Lana. I watch while she packs our suitcase. I tried to help, but she shooed me away. The additional one we had to buy for her souvenirs is already by the door. I'm exhausted.

  Yesterday, I surprised Mallory by taking her to Disneyland Paris, which is only about twenty miles from Paris. My leg is killing me, but the look on her face was worth it. We had fun there but it's time to go home.

  Our flight doesn’t leave until later this morning, so we have breakfast near the Eiffel Tower. We’ve been here five times, but we keep coming back because she loves it so much. She says it’s a visual representation of the love people feel. I mean, I don’t get it, but she is adorable when she says stuff like that. We take the elevator to the top once more.

  “Let’s take a picture.” She bounces up and down like a kid in a candy store. I smile, and she gets close. We take a selfie and she posts it on her Facebook page. #BestHusbandEver #Paris #France #Vacay #ZeroWordsWritten.

  We go to the airport and wait for our flight. With our coffees in hand, she excitedly tells me about her next book idea.

  “So, there’s this couple. They’ve been married for a while, but unable to get pregnant. He and his wife haven’t had sex in almost a year, but they hire a surrogate to try to save their marriage, but the man falls in love with her. He is conflicted about it. Turns out the wife had been taking birth control behind his back because she didn’t love him, just his money. That makes it so much easier for him to end up with the surrogate. What do you think?” she asks, nervously biting her lip.

  As I think about it before answering, we hear the announcement for our flight to begin boarding, so we join the queue.

  “I like it. It’s very different from your other books,” I say honestly.

  “I know, but this feels more grown up, don’t you think? My readers have grown up with me, I think it’s time to give them something more,” she says as we step onto the plane and head for our seats.

  “It does,” I agree. “But are you sure you want to change up your style?”

  “Very sure,” she says, kissing me and buckling her seatbelt.

  She starts writing on her phone once we are in the air and it’s safe to do so. She writes pretty much the entire time until we get home.

  We don’t arrive home until three in the morning, so Mallory's parents will keep the dog one more night, which is good because I really don’t want to go to out to Brooklyn tonight.

  The thing about traveling in the middle of the night is that now we are so tired we can't sleep, but we crash into the bed, nonetheless. It’s still dark, but not for much longer, so I lower the custom-made blackout shades she has. The room is cool and dark, just the way we both like it for sleeping.

  We made love so many times in France, I couldn't tell if
it was France, her hormones, or all her. Personally, I am hoping it's the latter.

  Her already naked body is pressed against me. Her little pussy is soaking my thigh.

  “How many words did you write on the plane?”

  “About six thousand. It’s a good start.” I nod, nuzzling into her neck.

  “That’s good, baby. Did you have a good time?” I ask. I want to tease her before I fuck her because there is no way I’m not fucking her. The little growl in the back of her throat tells me I've succeeded in frustrating her.

  “Yes, it was amazing. I'm so happy to share another first with you,” she says, kissing my arm.

  It's my turn to growl. Fuck. Her firsts are all mine.

  “Fuck, baby,” I say, rolling over her. My hard cock is already seeking entrance into her tight body. She spreads her legs wider, but I shake my head. “I want you on your knees, ass up, face down,” I somehow manage to grit through clenched teeth. I lean back as she scrambles to her knees. I fist my cock while staring at her thick ass. Damn, I'm a lucky man.

  Lining my cock up with her opening, I slam into her. Her moan spurs me on. I pound into her faster and faster until her pussy clenches around me. Squeezing her ass, I fill her with my seed. God, will I ever tire of her? It doesn’t seem fucking likely. I pull out of her slowly. Her inner muscles grip me as I do.

  “I am going to own this too, Mallory.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  “Don’t tempt me, Jezebel,” I say, skirting a finger over her puckered hole. She tenses up. “Relax, I know you aren’t ready for that yet.” She just starts laughing. Not what I was expecting.

  “Oh my God. Where’s my phone? I have to call Gwen.”

  “What? Now? It’s four in the morning.”

  “She’s up. She’s gotta hear this.”

  “Hear what?”

  “She is all about butt sex.”

  “Butt sex? That’s an eloquent way of putting it.” I laugh.


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