Cocky Gamer: A Hero Club Novel

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Cocky Gamer: A Hero Club Novel Page 7

by Lauren Helms

  “I saw her at a coffee house, club, and the beach,” I deadpan.

  “The beach would probably make the most sense to return to. As you know, she’s a surfer girl.” She cocks her head like this should have been obvious.

  “I’m not going to be able to get to the beach this trip. I’m flying out on the red-eye Friday night.” I twist my lips, realizing she was on to something. But my flight can’t be changed at this point without serious fees.

  Bernie hums and pulls her bottom lip into her mouth while she thinks. “The coffee house then. Every morning before you head into Lasso, go there. And make sure it’s the same time you saw her the first time. You do it every day until you find her.”

  I volley the idea around in my head. It’s not bad. Maybe a little desperate. But fuck me if I’m not a little desperate to find her.

  “That would probably work.” I lift a shoulder, still thinking it through.

  “It will work and when you see her again, Ben, put her fucking number in your phone before she walks away.” She sighs and I roll my eyes.

  “Shut it. I know already,” I growl and she laughs.

  “Carry on, Grouchy.” She waves to my phone as she jumps right back into the book she’s reading.

  I do as she says, slightly annoyed we just had this whole conversation.

  As we near the end of our flight, I feel a renewed sense of energy for this trip. I’m going to stalk the shit out of The Melting Moon for the surfer girl who got away.

  Pulling my cup of coffee off the counter, I slowly walk through the café. I casually dart my gaze through the space, but I haven’t yet seen the brunette beauty. Not while I was waiting to order or while in line for my drink. I make my way to a table next to the door and sit down, anxious at the fact that she hasn’t shown. I peek at my watch and see it’s the exact same time of morning as when I first set my eyes on her. I’ve only got about thirty minutes until I’m due at Lasso, and this is my last fucking chance. While I wasn’t pumped about making camp here for the past three mornings, I did what I needed to do in order to find her. But damn if I don’t hope she shows up in the next fifteen minutes.

  Taking a sip of my coffee, I pull out my phone as a text vibrates its alert.

  BurndIt: Did she show?

  Me: Not yet.

  BurndIt: Patience, young padawan. She will show. I just know it.


  I pocket my phone, not wanting to miss her if she comes through. But with every person who walks into Melting Moon, I grow increasingly less sure of this plan. Minutes later, I take one last gaze of the café as I leave for Lasso.

  This was a stupid plan.

  Fate has clearly stepped in and denied me one final chance to connect with Kelly. Yesterday morning, I was able to stay a bit longer than I had on Wednesday. This morning, I arrived even earlier. And she didn’t show. Maybe her coming to Melting Moon was just a one-off. I thought I remembered her saying at breakfast how much she loved the café. Surely, we would have crossed paths. I know Garland has even been watching for her, but he hasn’t seen her either.

  Fine, asshole universe. I’ve received your message loud and clear. I’m a fucking idiot and missed my chance. Time to move on.

  I take a deep breath of fresh city air as I step out of the Lasso building. It’s nearly six, and it was a long fucking day of final edits on the game I was voicing for. I have another project coming up next month, but for now, it feels good to complete a project.

  My flight takes off at eleven forty-five tonight, so I’ve got about four hours to burn. I have the hotel room booked through tomorrow morning, but I opted to fly home late tonight because—well, there isn’t a reason for me to stay. I’ll meet Garland for dinner later, but for now, I need caffeine. So, I start my short walk to Melting Moon one last time. I notice the hours on the glass pane next to the door; they’ll be closing soon. I’m thankful I didn’t miss out on the tall black coffee I so desperately need before my flight tonight. Damn, I’d be in a bad way if I had to cut caffeine out of my life.

  As I pull open the door, a woman nearly crashes into me.

  “Oh,” she mutters. Her head is down, staring at her phone, and she has a clear coffee cup in hand.

  “Excuse me,” I say, my tone clipped. She’s not paying attention to where she’s going, and I’m not interested in wearing her coffee down my shirt.

  She looks up just as her shoulder rams into the doorjamb and her cup jerks out of her hand.

  Fuck me.

  Her ice-cold Frappuccino splatters over my lower torso and the crotch of my jeans. It’s cold as fuck, but the icy beverage doesn’t matter as I stare into the eyes of a startled, unbelieving Kelly.

  “Kelly,” I mumble as my name falls from her lips. God damn, I want to kiss those lips.

  “Oh my God, Ben. I’m so sorry.” She pushes toward me, and I take a few steps back. As if she suddenly remembered something, she tells me to hold on as she turns and nearly bumps into another patron who’s trying to leave. I’m still in shock from coming face to face with her, and I just stand there, holding the door open. She walks back toward me with a wad of napkins in her hands. She places her hand on my chest, nudging me back out of the café. I let her do what she wants with me and take several steps back as she wipes at my lower abdomen, profusely apologizing.

  “I’m so sorry, Ben. I wasn’t watching where I was going,” she mutters, worry laced in her tone.

  I don’t say anything as I stand there watching her attack what’s left of the frap on my shirt. When her busy hands brush at the hem of my shirt, it jerks me out of my shock. I grab both arms, effectively stilling her, and she looks up at me. Worry, surprise, and something else cloud her eyes.

  “Kelly,” is all I can manage before I’m pulling her into me and kissing her.

  The minute my lips touch hers, she stiffens, but I don’t give her time to think. Brushing my lips over hers again, I press in harder. Angling my jaw, I swipe my tongue across her closed lips. I can’t help the growl that rumbles in the back of my throat. It must jar her from her own shock, for her lips open, encouraging me to take more. She tastes of chocolate and coffee, and a fire ignites from deep within. I run my hand up her arm, over her shoulder, and wrap it around the nape of her neck, pulling her into me.

  The chemistry between us is painfully strong, but this kiss—this kiss is damn near combustible. I catch her small moan with my lips and feel her desire all the way in my bones.

  The bell of the café dings as the door opens, and I remember where we’re standing. Out in public, in the middle of a crowded sidewalk. Regretfully, I break the kiss. Her eyes are still closed, and her face slightly flushed. Both of us are struggling for air.

  “Kelly.” I smirk, taking in her downright lustful state.

  She blinks her eyes open, and they’re heated from our kiss. “Are you trying to make sure you don’t forget my name?”

  I chortle. “No, why would you think that?” I lean slightly away from her, my hands still on her. That’s when I realize there may still be heat in her eyes, but she isn’t happy.

  “You keep saying my name. I assume it’s because you forgot who I was.” She takes a step away from me and my arms drop, the last of our connection severed. The electricity between us fizzles out as if the power was cut.

  “I’d never forget who you are,” I tell her truthfully, then continue. “I just can’t believe you’re standing right here in front of me.” I take her in. She’s wearing a pair of jean shorts, a simple black T-shirt and black chucks. This look has got to be Kelly—her normal state of dress. And I can’t lie, my dick twitches at the sight.

  She looks to the sky and mutters something under her breath, but I only catch the word fate. When she zeros those green eyes back on me, she looks downright pissed. Gone is the lust-filled haze of our hot as fuck first kiss. And in its place is stone-cold anger.

  “Well, it seems as though you forgot my number.” It’s not a question. It
’s not an accusation, either. It’s a fact, and one she’s clearly pissed about.

  I lift my hands to try to calm her. “Kelly, I’m so sorry. It’s a sad, sad story. One that I’m legitimately embarrassed to share, but you have no idea how glad I am to find you.” I try not to beg, but I can tell by her stance that she may bolt and not give me a chance to explain. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  Her eyes narrow. “You have two minutes to explain.”

  I suck in a breath, knowing I have to make the next words out of my mouth count. “This is going to sound crazy, but the minute you left the diner, Garland spilled his drink and it took out your number within seconds. I couldn’t believe my fucking luck. I just got back into town Wednesday, but every day this week, I’ve come here looking for you. Hell, even Garland has had his eyes peeled for you when he comes by for coffee.”

  I don’t want to overwhelm her, so I leave my explanation at that. She studies me then says, “So you actually lost my number?” Her gaze is assessing, and I’m not sure where I stand with her right now.

  “God’s honest truth. I’m so fucking sorry, Kelly. I thought I was never going to see you again.” I reach out and snag her hand. She lets me hold it, but she cocks a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at me. “Not getting your number at the club, then losing it at the diner, has had me in the shittiest mood for weeks now. I’ve been such a grouch that both Garland and my teammate Bernie have been urging me to stalk this place in hopes of finding you.”

  “And now you’ve found me, and my drink is all over your crotch.” She waves toward my wet body, pulling her hand free at the same time. It’s not until she reminds me that I remember I am, in fact, drenched.

  “I don’t even care,” I declare.

  “Come on, this place is about to close. I need a new frap.” She turns, looking over her shoulder at me, and I follow like a dutiful puppy. She hasn’t forgiven me, but she isn’t running or pushing me away, so I follow and hope for the best.

  We stand in silence as we order and wait for our drinks. When I offer to pay for hers, she protests, but I don’t listen and whip out a twenty.

  We can’t stay in the café as it’s closing up, so we head out the door, and she steers me to a nearby bench.

  “Thanks for the drink,” she says, pulling the straw between her lips.

  “Thanks for hearing me out,” I tell her.

  “Honestly, I’d given up on hearing from you,” she scolds. She glances at me but doesn’t make eye contact.

  “I’m really sorry, Kelly.” I reach for her hand and squeeze it. The need to touch her, no matter how insignificant is nearly unbearable.

  “You’ve really been looking for me?” She looks down at my hand covering hers.

  “Yes. Grade-A stalking, sweetheart. Three full days.” I chuckle.

  She purses her lips. “And yet, you didn’t actually find me. I took you by surprise.”

  “You’ve taken me by surprise since day one, so I expect nothing less.” I smirk at her and see a flash of laughter in her face, but she shuts it down tight.

  “Fair enough.” She shrugs a shoulder.

  I intertwine my fingers with hers and let out an easy breath when she doesn’t push me away.

  She heaves a heavy sigh and slowly turns her gaze to me. “I have a confession. I looked you up. Well, my friend Aubrey did. And we found you.”

  “But you didn’t reach out,” I surmise and feel a pang of regret. Maybe I did ruin this with all my stupidity.

  “I wanted to. I almost did. I had an email written up and ready to send to your manager. But then I deleted it. For one, I didn’t like having to go through someone else to reach you. And two, I was mad at you.”

  I clench my jaw, not liking her reasons but understanding them. She continues. “The last thing I wanted to do was reach out to a guy I thought was into me, but clearly, not enough to call. I understand now that’s not the case, but that’s where my head was at.”

  I nod my understanding but decide to direct the conversation to the present. Grinning, I scoot in a little closer to her, her bare thigh and my semi-soaked one brushing together. “Damn, I’m happy you ran into me. I honestly thought I was going to head back to Chicago without seeing you again.”

  Her face softens and I know I’m forgiven. At least for now.

  “It’s sweet that you came here so much.” She bites on her lip. “But I don’t live in the city anymore. I moved to Hermosa Beach two weeks ago.”

  Not letting the news deter me, I smile. I may not know her well yet, but I know the beach suits her. “I bet you’re loving all the surfing.”

  She graces me with that beautiful smile. “It’s amazing. I missed living on the beach.”

  “Was that why you moved?” I ask, before taking a drink of my piping hot coffee.

  “A job opportunity, actually. My friend Aubrey runs an animal shelter in Hermosa and her manager is on maternity leave for a few months, so Aubrey asked me to cover for her. Normally, I would have passed—it’s not a long-term job—but to be honest, I needed a change. I couldn’t stand my old job, and the move had the added benefits of being near the beach and next door to my best friend. It felt like the right choice.”

  “That’s awesome. I think it fits you perfectly. I’m happy for you, Kelly.”

  She narrows her eyes and then acquiesces and says, “Thank you.”

  “Funny how the universe steps in, yeah?” I lean back on the bench and watch the passersby hustle down the sidewalks, the traffic hitting rush hour as the streets start to become congested. I’m not looking at her, but I can see her head tilt to the side.

  “How so?” she says, her voice full of question.

  “We ran into each other four times. I live across the country, and you moved out of the city. We shouldn’t have run into each other at all, but we did. I came here every day for the last three days, wondering if you would show up. And suddenly, on my way out of town, you just magically appear. The universe clearly stepped in. It’s fate that we’re sharing this bench right now.” I smirk, lean in, and bump her shoulder.

  “I don’t know about fate. More like pure stupidity… on both our parts. You didn’t get my number, then lost it when you had it. I doused you with a fresh cup of Frappuccino.” She eyes my crotch area, her cheeks tingeing pink before dragging her focus back to me. I wink. “How are you dealing with the wet clothes right now?” she adds.

  “It’s uncomfortable as fuck, but this conversation is more important. I don’t want to lose you again.” Shit, I’m laying it on thick, but I think it’s working.

  The side of her lips tips up. “You’re a sweet talker.”

  “Sure.” I chuckle. We stare at each other for a minute, and just as I consider leaning over and kissing her again, she speaks.

  “You kissed me.” Her voice is heavy but low, and I know it’s guided by lust.

  “I did. And you kissed me back.” I know my answering smile is affecting her when her eyes flutter to my lips.

  “Hmm,” she answers, and then just when I lean in, the moment is over when a flurry of honks and yells come from the nearby intersection. Her trance on my lips is broken when she looks away at the jumble of cars.

  “You said you’re heading home. Now? Tonight?” She doesn’t look at me when she asks.

  A feeling of dread overcomes me, and I fight through the disappointment. Of course, the universe would give us only a couple of hours. “Red-eye tonight. Have dinner with me.” I reach out, cup her cheek, and gently angle her face back toward me. “Please,” I whisper.

  “Okay.” She doesn’t hesitate.

  “Okay.” I smile, my heart ramming into my chest.

  “You should probably change, though.” She glances down and then giggles. “You probably think I’m a hot mess.”

  I love that she can laugh at herself. That she isn’t tearing herself down out of embarrassment. “Not at all. I find your clumsiness utterly adorable,” I tell her truthfully.

  She laughs
and rolls her eyes. I lean in and kiss her, stealing the last of her giggles. I want to deepen the kiss, but I don’t want to be interrupted when I do. We’re still sitting on this uncomfortable bench.

  Breaking the kiss, I pull away—but not very far. “Come back to my hotel with me so I can change. Then we’ll go to dinner somewhere.”

  Her lips curve into a smile. “Okay.”

  Grudgingly, I pull away and stand. I pull my phone out of my pocket, and fortunately, it missed out on the Frappuccino. “Give me your number.” My voice is thick and gravelly from the kiss. “Please,” I add with a smile.

  “I’m going with you. Do you really need it now?” Her voice is silky smooth.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Babe, with our luck, a stampede of elephants is going to turn the corner there,” I nod to the side street up ahead, “and we will have to make a run for it. We’ll ultimately get separated, and I’ll have to spend the rest of my life wondering if you survived or not.”

  Her head tilts back and her laugh nearly undoes me. “Oh my God, that’s some imagination you’ve got there, Casanova.” Once she gets her sexy self under control, she gives me her number and it’s finally in my phone. As we walk toward my hotel, I text her to ensure she has my number as well. I’m not going to make the same fucking mistake—a what, third time?—and lose this girl. She’s mine now.



  The short walk to Ben’s hotel doesn’t give me a whole lot of time to think through the past thirty minutes. The only thing my mind is hung up on is the scorching hot kiss in front of Melting Moon. My body burns as I relive the feel of his lips, his tongue devouring mine, and the way he grabbed ahold of me and didn’t want to let go. He must be in tune with my thoughts because his hand squeezes mine, and when I look at him, his sexy smirk tells me he knows exactly what I’m thinking.

  As we walk through the hotel lobby, I start to pull my hand out of his, causing him to slow his pace.


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