Revenge is Sweet

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Revenge is Sweet Page 4

by Richard Johnson


  He moved as if he were dancing, slow and relaxed and I could feel tension falling from him as he moved. I tried to follow but could not and he would just continue on, allowing me to follow as best I could. Then he stopped and said, “Try this. Stand on my feet.” And he stood behind me, his male body pressed against my smaller female one. I stood on his feet and grasped his with my tarsial toes for I was much shorter than he and he held me easily. Then he held my arms and began to move again, pulling me as he moved. I could feel his body against mine and couldn’t focus, his breath was so hot and intoxicating as he breathed near my neck, my ear. He turned and moved, taking me along and I wished I were facing him, both naked as he did. I was wet down there again and wished he were hard, I wanted to feel his member hard and pressing against my butt. I wanted more and when he had done the same moves a few times, he released me and said, “Now follow,” and he ignored me as I stood there breathing hard, wishing for his arms again.

  “You aren’t trying. Is something wrong?”

  I flung myself against him, trying to press my lips against his as I held him and then I felt him harden against my belly and that pressure gave me thrills. He held me away, at least my upper body for I held his butt with my hands, pressing my hips against his. Then he touched my lips and I couldn’t breathe. He stroked my neck and his fingers ran to my breast and I gasped as it touched my nipple.

  “I see you are healing nicely. Your lips are red and your nipples flushed. This will help so come with me please.”

  I didn’t want to follow so I refused to let go. He laughed and picked me up in his strong arms, those same arms that had killed men to protect me and now held me safe, and he carried me to the Shrine. Somehow this felt familiar as if I had done it before, many times before. He tried to go slow, to kiss me gently but I wanted more now and whatever he did, I replied faster crying, “More!”

  I don’t remember removing our clothes but somehow we were naked and I was on my back pulling him to me, pulling at his manhood wanting something but unable to remember. Then he entered easily as I opened for him and I gasped and shuddered as he slid deep into me. This I remembered, the thrusting and crying in pleasure and I wrapped my tarsial thumbs around his ankles as I clutched his ass begging for more, my shudders almost constant.

  Then I felt him go harder, then a hot wetness filled me and we both shuddered forever, then lay there, exhausted, his weight comfortably on me.

  I could hear his heart beating, his chest against mine, so loud that the fish in the ocean must have heard. I still held his butt, pulling him closer, trying to match our hips, wishing they would never part. But eventually, as I covered his face and neck with kisses, I felt him soften inside and he slipped out and rose himself and looked at me. “I gather you enjoyed that?” He was smiling and so was I so I kissed him again and asked, “Can we do it again?”

  I felt his weight lift despite my wishes and he knelt there, smiling as I stretched and he said, “Inspire me.”

  He tasted like me and more and although my jaw ached at first, I soon relaxed and grew to enjoy the sensation as he grew hard inside my mouth. I wanted to do this longer but he pulled me away and said, “later, but now”, and he kissed me long and tenderly and pulled me to his lap where I engulfed him and moaned as I learned or remembered how to move.

  This time was better, slower and not as vital and we could kiss and fondle and his lips were everywhere from mine to my neck to my breasts, each time a different pleasure until I was shuddering over and over. I remembered that a man’s second time took longer so I enjoyed as much as I could and welcomed his own as he held me so tight I couldn’t breathe. Then we sat there, him on the floor, me in his lap, our arms around each other matching our heartbeats and breathing.

  Finally, I had to say, “I’m starving. That took a lot out of me so as much as I want more, can I eat first?”

  He laughed and lifted me off and I heard a sucking sound and regretted the emptiness that followed. I could have him inside me forever and be happy. Then he stood and I watched his ass as he bent over to fetch his clothes, my nail-marks still visible in his cheeks. When he stood and pulled me to my feet, still naked and feeling him run down my thighs, he held me, kissed me again and had my stomach not been growling so much, I would have pulled him to the floor again.

  Then I brushed my hair from my eyes.. my eyes! This morning my hair was as short as his and now it was touching my ears and in my eyes. I moved my tail and it felt longer! I reached behind and felt it almost a foot long. Running after him, I pulled him around and saw he no longer wore his glasses and that his hair was darker.

  He didn’t need to be asked but offered, “Yes, Weir need air and water and food and sex. Good sex helps you heal and I benefit too. Here, I’ll show you how to cook since I’m not very good at that.”

  “My name is Miriam. I remember wishing you would call my name and I remembered what it was.”

  “What else came forward while we were engrossed with each other?”

  “What came forward were our hips,” I laughed. Then it felt so good I laughed again. I liked laughing. So far today I learned my name, that I enjoyed kissing and sex and laughing.

  I sang as I cooked and remembered that I enjoyed singing and cooking. This was the most wonderful day of my life. Sex, laughter, song and my name. Could this day get any better? Tonight, after my stomach was full, I would ride him until I was sore or totally healed, whichever came first.


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