
Home > Romance > Overlord > Page 11
Overlord Page 11

by Cyndi Friberg

  “I suppose Malik is handsome enough,” Isolaund continued the debate despite Eza’s attempt to change the subject. “But that doesn’t qualify him to command the entire military.”

  Irritated by her persistence, Eza decided to engage. “Malik has risen through the ranks through hard work and determination. He has advanced eleven times successfully. Apex entered the military as a commander because of his designation and his family’s wealth. He has only advanced through challenge twice. Malik has participated in hundreds of campaigns on planets all over the galaxy, bravely defending our colonies and allies. Apex prefers to stay on Sarronti Prime and socialize with the other Ayrontu commanders.”

  Isolaund stared at her silently for a moment, her gaze narrowed yet bright. “My brother thinks you’re a rebel sympathizer. Is he right? You certainly sound like one.”

  “I’m an Alonov,” Eza mimicked Isolaund’s haughty tone. “What an absurd question.”

  “There is another possibility,” Isolaund decided. “You and Malik are lovers.”

  Eza was about to ask if that logic also meant Isolaund was sharing her body with Apex, but a shrill whistle saved her from the pointless conversation. The whistle was echoed with various degrees of accuracy from different places all over the arena. Then the lights dimmed twice signaling the start of the advancement challenge.

  It all began with ceremonial formality. Lights flashed, and archive files of the two male’s exploits slowly rotated through the center of the arena providing an eyewitness perspective of all they’d done. In every scene, Malik was an active participant, bloodied and battered, just like those surrounding him. Apex appeared most often in command centers observing the action on holo-displays.

  As the retrospective concluded, the competitors, both wearing little more than formfitting shorts and flexible shoes, were led around the oblong floor by an armed escort. Their bare torsos, arms, and legs were gleaming with oil. As well as accenting the contours of their well-defined muscles, the scientifically formulated lubricant made it harder to land blows while preventing infection for the competitor who survived the fight.

  Both competitors had bound their hair and painted their faces and portions of their chests to make them appear more intimidating. Like either Malik or Apex needed help looking mean. Apex was slightly taller, but Malik was more muscular. They were led to the center of the floor and positioned back to back, then the escort exited the arena.

  A massive holographic image of Nyrel Xett, Governor of Riverside, flickered to life at either end of the arena. The governor addressed the audience, detailing the importance of the match and reminding everyone that the outcome would be final.

  It was a fight to the death. Eza shivered. That was about as final as an outcome could get. The presentation only emphasized the juxtaposition Eza had been trying to create, so she glanced at Isolaund and continued, “Both of their fathers are governors, but Malik’s father governs Riverside, while Apex’s father governs Lake Walker village which is much smaller and less prosperous. Riverside is the planetary capital and headquarters for the military, so does that compensate for the family not being born Ayrontu?” Before Isolaund could respond, Eza added, “If that’s not impressive enough, Malik’s mother is Prime Healer. Sarronti from all six villages frequently travel to Riverside, so they can be treated by Arpovae Xett. That’s more impressive than anything my relatives ever accomplished. How about yours?”

  Rather than continuing the debate, Isolaund simply turned back to the spectacle below.

  Enjoying the minor victory, Eza looked at Malik. He faced Apex now, and his father’s image was gone. They would fight without weapons until someone drew blood, then they were allowed to utilize any of the variety of weapons hanging from the racks on either side of the arena floor. They were only allowed to use one weapon at a time but could switch weapons as often as they liked. Needlessly prolonging the opponents suffering was discouraged, but wouldn’t disqualify the winner.

  Apex struck first, attacking with a maelstrom of blows indicating his desire to end the fight quickly. One of the punches caught Malik squarely in the face, effortlessly splitting his lip. First blood had been drawn, now they could use weapons. The realization brought Eza up out of her seat. She moved to the railing and rested her hands on the smooth alloy surface. Her heart was pounding, she already felt breathless, and the fight had just begun.

  Isolaund moved to her side, smiling triumphantly. “Apex likes Malik. He’ll make this fast.”

  Not sparing Isolaund a glance, Eza focused on the fight. Rather than racing to the weapons’ rack, the males continued to batter each other with their fists and occasional kicks. Malik caught Apex’s nose with an especially vicious punch, jerking his head back. Blood spewed from both nostrils spattering Apex’s chin and upper chest. Apex wiped his forearm across his face, but only smeared the crimson gore across his cheek and the upper curve of his shoulder.

  Malik used the opportunity to quickly lift a sword from the rack and position himself for the attack. Apex chose a battle-ax, heavier but capable of lethal damage with every swing. This would pit agility and precision against stamina. Eza shuddered. This was not going to be a quick and merciful fight.

  Eza closed her eyes. She wasn’t squeamish about blood. She just didn’t like seeing others in pain and had no idea what she’d do if Apex won. Malik’s life was important. They had become quite close since he joined the Guiding Council, but the ramification of his death reached so far beyond any one life.

  He’s not dead yet! She chastised herself, forcing her eyes to open. And Sorcerer better make damn sure Malik remained alive.

  As if hearing her complaint, magic stirred all around her. She even felt her own energy responding to the silent summons. Someone was drawing power to them, preparing for a potent spell or manifestation.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Isolaund muttered under her breath. She spread her arms and opened her fingers, blocking the attempted withdrawal.

  Eza knew Isolaund was empowered, but she’d never seen the older female in action, never sensed the nature or intensity of her magic. Eza tried to scan Isolaund’s mind, but she whipped her head around and glared at Eza.

  “Where is he?” Isolaund demanded.

  “Where is who?” Eza knew Isolaund meant Sorcerer, but Eza couldn’t identify him much less point out where he stood in this teeming throng.

  “Velmar Rylin,” Isolaund snapped. “I know you felt him begin, so don’t bother playing stupid.”

  The name meant nothing to Eza, so her confusion was more convincing than usual. “I felt some sort of psychic disruption, but I have no idea what you’re babbling about.”

  All of Eza’s abilities were passive. Seeing the abilities of others didn’t allow her to interfere. That fact had never been more frustrating than it was right now.

  Isolaund continued to assess Eza through narrowed eyes, then dismissed her with a disdainful sneer and turned back to the arena. Isolaund wasn’t even bothering to shield her power now, and Eza could sense her clearly. She was not nearly as powerful as Eza had feared. Had Velmar already robbed Isolaund of her stored energy? Maybe that’s why she was so agitated. Her instantaneous frustration indicated that she wasn’t used to struggling this badly. Something or someone had weakened her.

  Concentrate on Malik, Kage cautioned. I’ll take care of Isolaund.

  Eza smiled, thrilled that Kage was with her, supporting and protecting her. I didn’t think you could penetrate our shields.

  I couldn’t until last night.

  The explanation sent heat cascading through her body, and she fought back a dreamy smile. Their mind link, the result of multiple sessions of physical and psychic joining, allowed Kage to accompany her into the world below. Never again would she be alone.

  Pushing away the delightful distraction, she brought herself back to the task at hand. Are you draining her energy?

  To some extent, he confirmed. Mostly the karrons are responsible. Isolaund used to draw magic
from them. This is further proof that she is nothing without the battle cats.

  The karrons severed the link when they followed Arrista into the world above. No wonder Isolaund was frustrated. This was the first battle Isolaund had ever fought without her feline army.

  Eza felt another surge of energy and Apex suddenly stumbled. His ankle rolled, and he fell to one knee, but immediately righted himself, maintaining control of his ax the entire time. Malik seemed surprised by the misstep, while Apex just looked angry. Did they realize they were being manipulated by magic? To her knowledge, Malik was unaware that the Shadow Circle was assisting him, but it appeared as if Apex knew.

  Tajon! The traitorous bastard must have warned Apex. The circle needed to do something about that jerk before he sabotaged the entire rebellion.

  “Indrex will contest this farce of a challenge,” Isolaund said harshly without taking her gaze off Apex. “You won’t get away with this.”

  “Get away with what?” Feigning confusion was harder this time. Eza knew exactly what Isolaund meant and was guilty of the insinuated crime. Eza wasn’t directly responsible for Apex’s stumble, but she had proposed Sorcerer’s involvement.

  Isolaund closed her eyes and held out her hands toward the combatants. Eza cursed her passive abilities and mentally scrambled for a way to stop her.

  I’ve got this, love. Kage insisted. Try to calm down. Your frustration is distracting me.

  Eza took a deep breath and centered her being, letting all her emotions fade away. She might be forced to watch this play out, but Kage was only able to help because of his link with her. She would let that be enough for now.

  Isolaund’s features strained, and Eza felt a new ripple of energy. Velmar’s spell hit like a concussive bomb. Isolaund’s swelled gradually, the psychic pressure building like a volcano. Suddenly power burst from inside her traveling toward the combatants with stunning velocity. Eza fought her instinctual panic by trusting her mate. The spell collided with an energy shield and dispersed, scattering across the entire arena and showering down in sprinkles rather than a focused deluge. Malik still lost his grip on his sword, and the weapon slipped from his grasp. The crowd gasped, and Apex took full advantage of the opening.

  Malik retrieved the sword and raised it just in time to deflect Apex’s ax. The sharp edge connected with Malik’s shoulder opening a small gash in his tanned skin. That had been much too close.

  They continued unassisted for a few minutes and seemed evenly matched. Malik’s swings were less powerful yet faster and more agile. Apex hacked at Malik, each swing lumbering yet powerful.

  Eza sensed currents of magic all around her. The intensity ebbed and flowed, clashed and dissipated, yet none of it seemed to affect the fight. Kage had asked her not to distract him, so she tried not to react. It wasn’t easy. The fight was brutal and relentless, both males now covered in blood.

  Suddenly, Malik attacked with frenzied aggression. His expression was animalistic, yet his movements had never been more precise. Apex blocked each jab and slice with the ax handle, but blocking was all he had time or energy to do.

  “Malik looks like a berserker,” Isolaund said distractedly. She looked exhausted, and perspiration dotted her forehead and upper lip.

  Had Sorcerer switched his efforts to Malik, increasing his ferocity as opposed to compromising Apex? “I have no idea what that is,” Eza muttered, fascinated by the change in Malik.

  “Berserkers were human warriors on ancient Earth who went into a trance slaying everything in their path until the battle was over.” The answer was provided by Governor Xett. He was not supposed to be on the balcony because he was not of ancient blood, but no one was bold enough to object, at least to his face. Besides, he was the governor of the Sarronti capital. It really was foolish that he was forbidden access to anywhere within his domain. “You are not the first to make the comparison, Lady Isolaund. Malik’s friends often call him Slayer.”

  “Well, I think Slayer is being assisted in this fight.” Isolaund looked at him, anger gleaming in her crystalline eyes.

  “That’s a serious allegation.” He clasped his hands behind his back, chin raised imperiously. “What proof can you provide?”

  “Lady Eza felt the stirring of magic.” Isolaund looked at her, expression beseeching. “It’s obvious Malik is being assisted by a powerful spell caster. You’re honorable and truthful to a fault. Tell Governor Xett what you felt.”

  The governor looked at Eza, his expression grim, but warmth shone in his violet eyes. “Is this true, Lady Eza? Do you support Lady Isolaund’s claim?”

  “I felt swells of magic. That much is true. However, I have no idea where it came from or whether or not it has anything to do with the fight.”

  A mutual gasp and subsequent cheers drew their attention back to the arena floor. Malik drove Apex backward with a vicious series of blows. The sword broke through the ax handle, severing it in two. Apex swung wildly with the short-handled ax and used the broken half to block Malik’s relentless swings. Apex continued to fight, though his reach was now greatly diminished. He glanced toward the rack, but Malik didn’t give him time to switch weapons.

  “This can’t be happening,” Isolaund lamented. She made frantic gestures with her hands and muttered incantations, but whatever she was expecting to happen never took place. As Kage had said, without her link to the karrons, Isolaund was no longer a serious threat.

  Apex’s back slammed against the wall surrounding the arena floor as he weakly fended off Malik’s blows. Malik advanced with ruthless focus, appearing every bit the Slayer his friends named him. He swung the sword with lethal skill, driving it into Apex’s gut and then his chest in quick succession.

  “No!” Isolaund screamed. Her emotions seemed real as she sagged against the railing.

  Malik delivered the final blow, a deep thrust to Apex’s heart, ensuring that he died quickly and with minimal pain.

  Isolaund began to sob, a heartrending sound Eza hadn’t realized she was capable of making. Unsure why she was comforting the bitch, Eza stepped closer and awkwardly patted her back. “I’m sorry for your—”

  “Don’t touch me,” Isolaund snarled. “Velmar did this. I know he did, and somehow, I will prove it!” She ran from the balcony, shoving others out of her way as she went.

  Now that was more like the Isolaund Eza knew. Had there been something between Isolaund and Apex? Her reaction certainly made the loss seem personal.

  Is it over? Kage asked, his presence surging within her mind. She felt concern and affection, both wonderfully comforting.

  It is, and Malik won. Thanks to you and Sorcerer.

  Thanks to Sorcerer and the karrons, Kage corrected. I was able to do very little.

  Neither was I, Sorcerer told them.

  Anger and protectiveness poured into her mind. Why do you have access to this link? Kage snapped. How dare you invade—

  Peace, brother. I mean you no harm. Seer needs to hear this.

  Go on, Eza encouraged, but she too was bothered by his easy access to a private link.

  After my initial spell, all of my efforts were sabotaged. Were either of you able to sense who was blocking me?

  Isolaund tried, but I don’t think she accomplished anything either. Eza replied.

  It wasn’t Isolaund, Sorcerer agreed. This entity was infinitely stronger than Isolaund.

  I thought what I was sensing was you, Eza confessed. Then Malik’s skill alone had been responsible for this win. He would likely be relieved if she told him, but that would mean admitting that the rebel leaders doubted his ability to win in the first place. No, it was better if he remained unaware.

  After a tense pause, Sorcerer said, Find a quiet place so we can summon the others. We’ve secured the military. Now we must figure out a way to gain control of the Guiding Council.

  Less distracted now, Eza sensed the subtle change in the link as Sorcerer withdrew. Was that Velmar Rylin as Isolaund believed? Eza would know very soon becau
se she was going to insist that everyone unmask. Anonymity was no longer an option.

  Will you return once you’ve spoken with the others? A ripple of restlessness accompanied Kage’s question.

  Of course. There is nowhere else I’d rather be.

  Make it soon. I miss you already.

  His presence withdrew, but the link remained active. Clearly, he was still concerned about her safety.

  The governor was in a swarm of well-wishers, so Eza turned to go.

  He caught her arm, maintaining the contact only long enough to gain her attention. “It was a clean fight.” The family resemblance was striking. Malik got his rugged handsomeness and striking pale purple eyes from his father. “No one will convince me otherwise.” He looked at her meaningfully. He seemed unsure if she would accept the outcome.

  Allowing herself a pleased smile, Eza nodded to the governor. “Congratulations to your family on yet another social victory. Malik is now the first Jintta general in Sarronti history.” Nyrel had been the first Jintta to be elected governor. His mate, Arpovae was a midlevel Sestaul, yet she had been chosen Prime Healer because of her extraordinary abilities and the sincere compassion with which she treated her patients and their families. And now their son commanded the entire military. It was far more impressive, in Eza’s opinion than being born of ancient blood.

  “I appreciate it, and I’ll pass on your congratulations to Malik. He respects you very much, and there are not too many of the Ayrontu I can say that about.”

  “If you’ll excuse me.” She started to leave, but he stopped her again.

  “My mate would like to speak with you. She’s waiting beyond the archway.”

  Eza nodded, but the situation disgusted her. No one dared to confront Governor Xett about trespassing on Ayrontu territory, but a mere Sestaul would have been unanimously cast out. Even if she was the governor’s mate. It was long past time for the designations to be abolished, but that was the long-term goal. They must start by passing the merit-based proposal.


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