Saved Between the Sheets: An Anthology of Stories that Get to the Point

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Saved Between the Sheets: An Anthology of Stories that Get to the Point Page 50

by R. M. Walker

  “This is just a girlfriend experience, right?” she asked. Weird. It wasn’t like her not to know every detail of what we were getting me into.

  “Umm, yes? Kind of? You made the appointment.” She looked blank for a moment, then nodded, the memory clicking. “Sorry. I’ve been distracted today. Yeah, he’s the one who wants to go on a date with his actual new girlfriend, that’s right.”

  I gave her a look. “Yeah, and I have a reservation at the next table over to sit and nullify his powers so he doesn’t earthquake the whole fucking place to the ground. I swear, I wish I knew what evolutionary fuck up happened to give morons with so little control that kind of power.” Claire nodded, not really listening to me rant.

  “You know, if you were already going to eat, we can reschedule,” she said, totally glossing over my righteous indignation.

  I waved a hand at her. “Earth to Claire, what’s up with you? And no, why put it off, I wasn’t planning to do more than drink wine and look at the new engineer’s plans. Lupita’s is like five blocks away, I can make it with time to spare.”

  “Sorry. Guess I need more sleep. Can you handle everything else? I’m gonna head home and grab a nap before dinner.” I nodded, and she wandered out. So weird, but whatever. We both had a long week.

  * * *

  There were very few jobs I took that didn’t involve some kind of fuckery, but Tremor was the heir-apparent to one of the largest crime families on this coast. I was doing this as a favor to his father, Quake, who was one of my best clients. His son had been a nineteen-year-old, pale as milk virgin when his powers had come on late. Overnight, he’d become a muscle-bound god with the power to literally move the earth, but he didn’t have the confidence to match.

  So I’d signed on to shadow him on a couple of dates until they did the deed, and hopefully that would square away his nerves.

  It was boring as shit work. Nervous virgins were the worst. If I had it my way, I’d sit them down and make them watch some informational porn, then get them drunk as fuck on cheap wine, and turn them loose on a bed in the wilderness. I actually owned property in the middle of a hundred acres of forest with certain safeguards, which I rented out to Supes whose kink ran more along the lines of letting their powers rip than keeping them contained.

  So that’s where I sat, in a chair about twelve feet away from them, drinking wine and eating breadsticks, bored out of my damn mind. I listened with disinterest to the tables around me wonder why their phones weren’t working while my noob client totally missed every signal his date sent.

  “Maybe we could hang out after dinner?”

  “Umm, don’t feel like you have to- you had a long day at work.”

  “I’d love to see what your power mark looks like.”

  “Oh, that would be difficult. It goes over my hips and into my pants.”

  “I know. You told me.”

  “Oh, well... umm...”

  I banged my head against the table, the loud crash and rattle of the silverware and wine glass drew the attention of everyone around me, including Captain Virgin. We locked eyes and I could feel the waves of his powers leaking from his pores like nervous sweat. Other powers felt like a tingle to me, almost akin to a second heartbeat. The more out of control, or harder they pushed, the faster the buzz—like a vibrator on high speed teasing my whole body into a frenzy.

  Fighting other Supes, then jumping in the sack for a visceral, demanding fuck always felt so right in the past, but it never quite satisfied me all the way. I hated the whole you do me, then I’ll do you paradigm. I needed to be in charge. I needed to fuck like I wanted, to run the show... to dominate. My powers would take nothing less.

  Claire had run the local Domme/sub club where I’d go for some fuck therapy after getting my heart broken. We’d gotten to know each other, and from there we’d decided that legal fuckery was much more profitable than the illegal kind, and the Cage had been born.

  The buzzing ratcheted up. He knew he was out of control, and I was nearly in pain with need. My clit throbbed as I clenched my thighs. I could feel that the crotch of my jeans was warm and damp, and my breasts felt full and tender.

  I shouldn’t have ended my day on a denial session. As good as it had felt to keep Major from his prize, I should have at least taken care of my own business with a deft hand in the soaking heat of the tub. I’d been stupid, and this dumbass was working me over and he didn’t even know it.

  “What’s wrong?” his date asked him. I guess she saw the deer in headlights look too. Pushing up from the table, I walked behind her chair and motioned toward the hallway on the far wall that included the bathrooms and manager's office. He stood abruptly, and I didn’t hear what he said, but by the time I made it into the quiet dark of the hall, he was right on my heels.

  “I’m sorry, I-” He began, buffeting me with wave after wave of oscillating pleasure. I bit my lip against a moan.

  “Save it. You’ve created a problem, now you’ve pissed me off.” I grabbed the handle of the first office door and turned. It was marked General Manager, and contained a desk, several leather chairs, a comfortable looking velvet couch, and an irate bald man with an eggplant nose staring back at us.

  “Hey! You can’t just barge in here!” he practically yelled. Then he got a good look at my face, and the face of the giant man behind me. It was an Italian place, and the Gemanotti crime family was well known in these parts. “Oh, merda. Apologies Mr. Geman- I mean, Tremor. I was unaware you needed my office. I’ll just, ah, go check on my kitchens.”

  The speed with which he backpedaled should have propelled us all into the past. It was a testament to the deliciously sordid history of Tremor and Quake’s family, and I was grateful enough to drop a couple of folded bills into his hand as he passed.

  As soon as the door clicked shut, I wheeled on Tremor. “Explain something to me, Captain Virgin. Are you actually brain damaged, or just stupid? Do you like this girl? Do you want to fuck her? Because there is no way you could be screwing up this bad otherwise. Your ineptness is causing me physical pain.” I walked over to the couch on stiff legs, clenching and trying to breathe deeply. My yelling at him had only amplified what I’d assumed was his highest setting. If I wasn’t here to cancel out his raging hormones, I was fairly sure this whole block would be a hole in the ground.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, while the big lug just stood there, all chiseled jaw and blue eyes looking anywhere but at me. A glance told me he also had an erection hard enough to cut glass. Great.

  I walked over and grabbed him by the shirt. My god, his chest was hard. He let me pull him to the couch and push him down, so that he was sitting eye level with me. He still tried to avoid eye contact, but I kept moving into his view until there was nothing left to do but look at me. He was terrified.

  “No, I’m not okay. Your stupid powers are out of control and I feel like a cat in heat.” I put the hand that had strayed to my breast down while I spoke. “Your dad said you were nervous, that you were a virgin. What else is going on here? Because I can’t be with you 24/7 while you figure your shit out.”

  I knew I was being mean, that I was projecting the super villainess that I’d become famous for. Good. He should fear me, because deep in the marrow of his bones, where the gene lived that gave him his powers, was also a defect. A weakness. I watched his face as his emotions warred, and his genetics whispered to him just what he was making eye contact with. Monster. Beast. Destroyer.

  “That’s right. Let it sink in, then calm the fuck down.” He had known objectively who’d been sent to babysit him, but he and I had never met before. I was his downfall. I was a Trojan horse disguised as a woman, dripping with sex and luring you in to devour your powerless body. I was so agitated that I had to remind myself that I didn’t murder people anymore... but I did get my rocks off other ways.

  Tremor mumbled something that ended with the word ever.

  I pulled out my Domme voice. “When I tell you to speak to me, you will
do it clearly, or face the consequences.” His eyes snapped to mine. He was used to authority figures ordering him about and responded accordingly. Good. I could use that if I could manage to stop shifting from side to side to relieve the pressure of my eager cunt.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry, Ma’am,” I corrected. I had my rules.

  “Yes, Ma’am. I’m sorry, Ma’am. I just- well, I’m a virgin, that’s correct. But I’ve never touched a woman before. Ever.” His voice was soft and husky and it cut to my core as quickly as his vibrations. “I do want Kelly, but...” He paused, his eager body at war with his nervous spirit. “But I’m terrified I’ll be bad at it.”

  Ah. That, I could work with. My tortured pussy agreed to this plan whole-heartedly as I stepped into the space between his massive thighs and reached for one of his hands.

  “Well, that is something I can definitely help you with.”


  Office Meeting

  “The rules: You will do what I say, when I say it. You are not here for your pleasure, you are here to obey me. If I tell you to stop? You had better fucking stop. The consequences for disobedience are steep. If you agree to these rules, then I agree to teach you what you lack.” I felt the Domme armor thicken my skin and add steel to my spine while I waited for his reply.

  Tremor sat frozen, his face inches from my aching breasts. I imagined I could feel his breath fluttering against them through my shirt, caressing my skin. I wanted him to say yes, needed him to agree. My rage needed an outlet, and the hunger in my body for control needed feeding.

  “This is where you say yes or no.” Honestly, as badly as I needed to fuck, I was beginning to think this one was a lost cause. My hand still rested atop his, but he was unmoving, solid as stone.

  A little prod then.

  “We don’t have much time, so make up your mind. Do you want my help? Then consent.”

  His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed, then nodded. “I consent. Ma’am,” he added that last part in quickly, but I’d take it. I was willing to bend my own rules a little in the interest of time.

  I reached down to unzip one high-heeled boot. “So your biggest fear right now is whether or not you will perform to Kelly’s expectations, correct?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He stood, his body now mere millimeters from mine and seemed to be looking for an exit to run out of. I tossed the second boot on the floor, next to the first.

  “Stop thinking of running. There is nowhere you can go like this. The second you get outside of my range, you’ll be rattling houses off their foundations. No, you’re getting the best five minute education daddy’s money can buy.” I unbuttoned my jeans and shimmied the tight denim over my hips, exposing the lavender thong made of braided silk strings. He stopped moving backwards and reached down to adjust himself without thinking.

  Stripping off the top, I stood in nothing but my matching set of light purple lingerie, and a tigress’ smile. One wrong move and I’d eat him for dinner and he knew it. “So, four minutes. Tick, tock.” He was now staring at my tits like they were some kind of alien life form. He really had zero experience—fuck me. “All right, lesson one: Confidence. Women love a man with confidence, even if he doesn’t have technique. I want you to walk over here and touch me like you own me.”

  He didn’t move, so I went to him and slapped him in the face with a resounding crack! He winced and grabbed his stinging cheek. I bet the son of one of the deadliest super gangsters had never been slapped before, and that turned on a part of my brain that wasn’t easily engaged. “I told you to do something. Now,” I walked back, “come to me and touch me. With confidence.”

  This time he didn’t hesitate. He released his reddened cheek and walked to me, and after some debate, placed one hand on my right shoulder and the other on my left elbow. “Run your hands over my body. Feel the fullness of my breasts and the heat of my arousal. Now.”

  His right hand shifted up to my neck, then made its way clumsily down to grab my breast. He was too rough, but adjusted his touch quickly. His other hand joined while a pleased expression changed his face from a scared boy to an eager young man. His eyes met mine voluntarily for the first time, as if expecting praise. He’d come to the wrong woman for that.

  “Now the rest of my body, paying special attention to my cunt. You might want to kneel.” He listened, kneeling down in front of me and running his hands over the planes of my abdomen, and behind to the rounded curve of my ass.

  I may not have a hard-on for untried virgins, but there was something to be said for the student/teacher play. I’d have to add that to my offerings. His touch was rough and clumsy, but he was quick to read what I liked. Very soon his hands dipped lower, and I widened my stance for his access.

  He ran exploratory fingers over the lavender fabric covering my mons, taking in the dips in flesh, and stroking a finger over my swollen bud. He was curious and eager, and I thought I might die of need even though his powers had calmed considerably.

  Clearing my throat, I spoke, “Most women are similar. They like it when their partner pays attention to their pleasure first. Learn what makes her feel good, learn to get her off, and you’ll be good. Now, take my panties off.”

  His eyes were hooded with desire, and even I struggled to maintain my usual level of ice princess. He reached up and hooked his thumbs into the strings, tugging them down until my manicured pussy was just inches from his face. He inhaled deeply, instinctually wanting to take in my arousal as his giant hands gripped me by the hips. Finally he looked up at me, waiting for instruction and breaking me from the haze of lust that had gripped me.

  “Three minutes.” He nodded, finally on board with Mistress Null’s Sex Education Course. “Now, everything I allow you to do to me, you will ask: Would Kelly like this? Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He still knelt in front of me, poised on the edge of sexual liberation, and I couldn’t wait to tip him over the edge.

  “Then we’ll begin. First, my breasts.”

  Tremors hands ironically no longer shook as he stood, then slipped one of the straps off my shoulder, peeling the rows of knotted strings down until my dusky, peaked nipples hung before him like a ripe fruit. “Would Kelly like this?” He asked me, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to the nipple. I inhaled and counted to five. Slow was not my preferred speed.

  “Yes, but she’d prefer you to draw the whole nipple into your mouth and suck on it like a piece of candy.” A small smile, coy and dangerous, visited his features. Oh yes, that is something Kelly would like.

  He drew me to him, one arm around my waist, and suckled until the whole plump nipple disappeared into his mouth. He rolled it around on his tongue, forward and back until it’s peak was stiff like a pencil eraser. “Yes, what’s next?” I prodded him, eager to move on. He turned and flicked a tongue at the other nipple, teasing it as he stood, leaning over to match my height.

  “Would Kelly like this?” He pressed soft lips against mine. I usually wasn’t a fan of kissing clients unless it was my idea, but this was an education after all. I parted my own, allowing him to guide the kiss, exploring my mouth and learning how far and deep to taste me. He was a natural kisser, which meant he’d be a natural with most oral ministrations.

  I bit his lip lightly, just a nip, and pulled back. We were body to body now, and he rocked his thick erection against me instinctually and held me tightly to him. “Two minutes. Moving on to the most important knowledge you’ll need to make sure Kelly leaves satisfied.” An eager look crossed his face, and as much as a good dicking sounded, I’d leave the final deflowering to her. He’d already reached to unbutton his fly, and I stopped him.

  “This isn’t about you getting some, dipshit. This is about you pleasing Kelly.” He shifted uncomfortably. Now he was beginning to understand how I felt.

  “Yes, Ma’am.” I nodded, pleased. He’d be trainable if he ever wanted to be a full-time submissive—he’d make an excellent fuc
k toy. Not for the first time, I wish I’d brought my whip, just for the pleasure of seeing my stripes claiming his skin. He waited patiently for me to give him instruction.

  “You’ve touched her, undressed her, kissed her, and paid close attention to her sensitive breasts. Now it’s time to bring her to orgasm without your cock all over the place.” I turned, stepped over my clothes to the couch, and sat on its edge, reclining into the fat pillows. “Let’s see what you’ve got in one minute.”

  He kneeled quickly, eager to explore this undiscovered territory. He was a settler in the Wild West, an explorer hurtling through outer space... My cunt was his bold new world, and I could see he was eager to chart a course.

  With a hand on each of my parted thighs, he lowered his face. “Would Kelly like this?” It was a whisper against my skin as he pressed cool lips to heated ones. The sensation was electric, and I could feel blood rushing to the area, swelling my pussy while the juices of my arousal ran down my slit.

  “Would Kelly like what?” The voice coming from the opened office door had Tremor jumping nearly out of his skin as his tried to stand, but tripped over my boots.

  “Kelly!” he exclaimed, adjusting his giant erection and tossing me my clothes while he positioned himself in front of my lounging nudeness. “It’s not what you think!” Oh my god, like every man who ever got caught hadn’t used that one.

  I rolled my eyes and leaned around him. “Hey Kelly. Your virgin was murdering me with his powers, so I decided a quick education on How to Please Kelly might kill two birds with one stone.”

  She shut the door against prying eyes and walked around him, while he stood holding my panties and looking as if he might be hallucinating. “Which two birds?”

  I chuckled. She always did have a good sense of humor. “His total lack of control, and my painful need to come.” Kelly reached a hand over and ran it down the smooth skin between my breasts to my navel.


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