Quinn Family Romance Collection

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Quinn Family Romance Collection Page 73

by Cami Checketts

  “What are the names of those galleries?” He typed in the information as she spoke, and then asked, “What about people at the grocery store, takeout, whatever else you do around town?”

  She pursed her lips. “The store is small, nobody stands out to me. I usually cook at home, but I do love Café Mediterraneo for pizza.”

  His stomach growled, and she laughed. “Didn’t we just have breakfast?”

  “You wouldn’t let me eat half of mine after you spit on it.”

  Her gaze softened as if she was remembering the exchange, but then she said, “Mostly I just stay at home and paint, then on Wednesdays and Saturday evenings I go to pizza and Baldi Hot Springs, and of course church on Sunday.”

  “Today’s Wednesday.” His voice lowered, and his stomach did a dance. Was she planning on the hot springs tonight? He could have the other security guys watch them, and he could enjoy the hot springs … with Kim.

  “You’re doing it again.” She arched her eyebrows in an obvious challenge.

  “Doing what?”

  “Giving me the ‘I will make you fall for me and kiss me’ gaze.”

  Colt lifted his hands. He couldn’t even look at her. This was ridiculous. He almost apologized but instead heard himself say, “Is it working?”

  Kim stared at him for half a second, and he could see the longing in her eyes, the small part of her that still cared for him. Then her gaze went chilly, and she said, “Yanni at the hot springs.”

  Colt blinked as the hope of a moment with her shattered. He’d told her he wouldn’t give her longing glances or touch her, but could he really be faulted when he didn’t mean to look at her inappropriately? “Who’s Yanni?” he asked, typing in the name.

  “The hot guy at the bar.”

  Colt’s gaze snapped up to her. She was obviously toying with him, and it was obviously working. His gut tightened, he clenched his right fist, and his neck tensed. She seemed very pleased with herself. Colt fought not to show his reaction. “And you see him twice a week?”

  “At least,” she said.

  Colt swallowed hard and focused on the computer screen, “Any interaction outside of the hot springs?”

  Kim didn’t say anything. He lifted his gaze and realized the reason she claimed he gave smoldering looks was probably because she knew him so well that she could read exactly what he was feeling by his eyes and expression. Most of the time he simply wanted to be close to her, and the looks she claimed he made were him trying to capture her with a glance. She should be able to easily guess the jealousy that was inside him at the moment.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Kim gave him a smug smile, stood, and hurried around the table.

  Colt stayed seated but he reached out and grabbed her hand. She yanked to a stop, glanced down at his hand then over at him. She pushed out a ragged breath, and Colt knew she felt the connection that was pulsing through him at the simple touch of their hands.

  “You’re touching me,” she murmured.

  Colt arched an eyebrow. “You’re observant.”

  Her gaze narrowed, and any warmth disappeared. “You promised you wouldn’t touch me.”

  Colt sighed and released her hand. Surprisingly she didn’t run away.

  Standing, he eased toward her. Kim backed up, staying just out of his reach. He kept coming until her back pressed against the wall. He didn’t let himself touch her, no matter how desperately he wanted to. He forced his hands to hang at his sides, but he did get right in her personal space. He let his gaze travel over her face slowly, lingering on her lips.

  “Forgive me for touching you,” he said quietly.

  Kim’s pulse was pounding so fast he could see it in her throat. It took every ounce of self-restraint not to brush her neck with his fingertips or even better, his lips.

  “You’re … doing it again,” she forced out.

  “I’m not touching you.” It was technically true, although if either of them made the slightest of movements, they’d brush against each other. He wished she’d make a slight movement, but he restrained himself. Colt had learned a lot of self-control in the Army. He was putting it all into practice at the moment.

  “You’re doing the smoldering look with your eyes, though.” She flattened her hands against the wall as if she was having a hard time not reaching out to him as well.

  Colt smiled. “Forgive me … I don’t mean to smolder at you.”

  “Somehow I doubt that.”

  Colt arched an eyebrow, and lifted his hands. He didn’t touch her; he’d fight diligently to keep that promise, though he suspected at some point he’d lose the battle. He placed his hands on the wall, framing her head.

  Neither of them said anything. Colt’s heart was hammering out of control as he stood there. This incredible woman that he’d always loved was so close yet still unreachable for him. He should probably back away, not push his luck, but as he stared into her deep brown eyes he could see that she still cared for him.

  They locked gazes, and the world settled around him, and his heart settled in his chest. His heartrate slowed, and Colt could feel them breathing together, their breaths and even their hearts seemed to be in sync. Slowly in, slowly out. They simply inhaled and exhaled together. Even though their breath was the only thing that truly inter-mingled, Colt felt so close to Kim. It was unreal to feel this attached to her, without even touching her.

  The silence and the moment stretched on. Colt had no desire or inclination to break it. Kim might push him away, or slip away, but he would stand here all day if she’d let him.

  Kim swallowed, and he got temporarily distracted. His gaze darted to her smooth neck and slowly moved up. He let his eyes linger over her lips and then met her gaze again.

  She slowly lifted her hands from where they’d been pressed against the wall, and Colt’s hopes rose just as surely. Her hand movements were so excruciatingly slow Colt could hardly stand the suspense. Would she touch him? Would she push him away? It was all a gamble at the moment, but he had to take it, had to hope he could somehow break through her barriers.

  She finally, finally rested just her fingertips on his shoulders and then lightly trailed them up his neck and along his jawline. Colt let out a soft moan. Every part of him wanted to wrap her up tight and never let her go, but he didn’t allow himself to move. Kim’s fingers wrapped around his neck, and then she allowed her palms to flatten along the side of his neck. It was heaven, having her touch him, knowing she was choosing it.

  He was semi-tempted to tease that she was touching him even though he wasn’t allowed to touch her, but no way was he risking this moment with a teasing comment.

  “What are you doing to me?” she questioned so softly he barely heard her.

  Colt licked his lips, and his self-control almost slipped. All he wanted to do was touch her with his hands or let his body press against hers, but he stayed just a hair’s breadth away. “I’m begging you to love me again,” Colt whispered.

  Kim’s breath suddenly shortened and quickened, the smooth connection between them trembled, pulled tight, and then it snapped. She released her fingers from his neck, ducked under his arm, and strode from the kitchen. She didn’t say anything, simply deserted him and pounded up the stairs. The severed connection felt like a jagged knife sawing through an open wound.

  Colt heard a door slam, and his arms fell to his sides. He groaned in pain, hurting worse than the time he’d taken a bullet through his thigh. Hope was once again shredded, but nothing was shredded as horribly as his heart.

  Kim tried to focus on the paintbrush and smooth strokes of cobalt blue, but her movements were anything but smooth. The blue reminded her of Colt’s eyes. Dang that man. That beautiful, intriguing, and frustrating man.

  How could he pull her in so easily and have her panting for him, without even touching her? I’m begging you to love me again, I’m begging you to love me again. He said those words, so sweetly, so intently, and she knew he couldn’t truly mean them. The Colt s
he used to know and love would have meant those words, but this Colt, this five years of being a womanizer Colt, she didn’t know him, she didn’t trust him, and she couldn’t allow herself to love him.

  She dropped the paint brush in the pan and stood, stretching. The canvas was a mess of different strokes. It took weeks, sometimes months for her to complete a painting. She wasn’t fast, and it was always a messy project, but she enjoyed it and creating helped her feel fulfilled and stay busy. That had been key since she’d lost Colt and everything familiar to her five years ago.

  Her stomach rumbled as she paced to the window. The sun was dipping in the sky. The incredible view from the back side of her house was a lush, greenery-filled gorge. It was rough hiking, but sometimes she threw her predictable schedule out the window and wandered down to the river that exited the waterfall. She wouldn’t mind doing that today.

  She realized she’d missed lunch. She briefly wondered what Colt had eaten, but figured he was a big boy and could take care of himself, there was plenty of food in her pantry and fridge. She was surprised he hadn’t chased her up the stairs, pushed his advantage when she’d been so close to pressing against him and kissing him. Thank heavens he’d said he wouldn’t touch her, but that would most likely be suspended when they went to Baldi Hot Springs tonight. In public, he was supposed to pretend to be her boyfriend. Her pulse ratcheted up at the thought. Maybe she should call River and see if they could change that.

  Movement came from the edge of the ravine. Pressing closer to the glass, Kim saw a flash of light off something metal, and then a person dodged away from her view.

  “Colt!” she yelled, running to the door and flinging it open. “Colt!”

  He met her halfway up the stairs. “Kim?”

  He looked so good and safe and strong, his blue eyes full of concern for her, the muscles in his shoulders and arms rippling beautifully. “Are you okay?”

  She almost threw herself against his perfect chest, but she shook her head instead. “There’s somebody out back. The sun reflected off something metal, and then I saw somebody run up the canyon.”

  Colt’s eyes widened, and he turned and sprinted down the stairs. She followed him. He made it to the back door and turned to her. “Lock this behind me and arm the system. Do you have your phone?”

  She nodded.

  “Call River, have him get the guys here.” With that he sprung out the door and into the deepening evening light.

  Kim wanted to chase after him, see who the guy was and also not be alone. Instead she shut the door, deadbolted it, and turned the alarm system on. Yanking her phone out, she pushed River’s number and hurried to the back part of the house in time to see Colt running through the small backyard.

  “Duncan,” River greeted her.

  “River! I saw some guy in the backyard. Colt’s chasing after him. Can you get the other guys here?”

  “Yes. Are you secure?”

  “I’m locked in my house with the alarm set.”

  “Go to your bedroom, lock yourself inside, and bar the door with a chair or something. Colt or I will call when you’re clear.”


  The phone went dead, and she hurried for her bedroom, her heart thumping erratically. Would they find her stalker? Her thoughts were all over the place. She was scared for Colt, didn’t like him chasing after some unknown person, but also excited at the possibility of the stalker being caught. Yet if his job was done, Colt would leave her. Despite how unsettled their relationship was, his leaving wasn’t a happy thought.

  Locking her bedroom door, she moved a heavy chair in front of it then hurried to the rear windows and tried to look out. The evening light was fading, and Colt wasn’t in her view. Kim clutched her phone and paced the darkening room, listening for anything out of the ordinary. A few minutes later she heard car doors shut then saw a couple men hurry through the yard. Maybe they’d find whoever was out there, and this would end a chapter of her life, ten years of being stalked. It’d been a long chapter, especially after she lost Colt.

  The minutes stretched on and on, and Kim was about ready to break and run outside to find Colt. Was he okay? What if whoever was out there ambushed him? What if they had a knife or a gun? Fear for Colt overwhelmed her. She should’ve just pressed close and kissed him earlier. What if he was killed and he never knew how much she still loved him?

  She saw shadows and movement down below. Was it Colt and his men or someone intent on hurting her now that her protection was gone? She waited and waited, staring out the window, praying Colt was okay, praying he would come back soon, praying her stalker would be caught.

  Her phone buzzed in her hand, and she jumped and screamed before calming down, sliding it on, and pushing it to her ear. “Yes?”

  “Kim, it’s me.”

  “Colt.” Her body relaxed and revved up at the same time. He was okay. She wanted him inside, safe with her. “You’re okay?”

  “I’m fine.” His voice held a hint of amusement, as if it were funny that she was so concerned.

  “Don’t you laugh at me,” she spit at him. “I was worried, okay?”

  “How worried?” His voice dropped low and was oh so appetizing.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him to get inside, and she’d show him, but knowing he was okay and that teasing lilt in his voice brought her back to reality. Colt was a player, and he would break her heart again, given the chance. She’d simply let her heart soften when she was concerned about him. That was natural. She could stay strong again. Maybe. If he didn’t look at her or get close to her. Apparently he didn’t even need to touch her for her to be swooning over him.

  “Did you find him?”

  “No.” His voice got all crisp and military. “He disappeared, and it’s too dark to track anything. The guys will look again at first light.”

  “Okay.” She should be more disappointed, of course she wanted this person caught, but spending more time with Colt wasn’t something she’d complain about. Maybe she should, but she wouldn’t.

  “Can you come unlock the door?”

  “Locks don’t keep you out,” she teased, but she was already shoving the chair out of the way.

  “True, but your deadbolt took me ten seconds to maneuver open when I first got here,” his voice lowered all sexy and appealing. “And I just want to be close to you right now.”

  Kim swallowed hard, she thought of a hundred too-intimate responses, and she hung up the phone rather than let herself give any of them. Her thoughts lingered on how she loved the way he talked, the way he looked at her, the way he smelled, everything about him really, except for the way he couldn’t be faithful.

  Pushing out of her bedroom door, she ran down the stairs, turned off the alarm, turned the deadbolt, and threw open the front door.

  Colt stood on the porch. His form was outlined by the glow of the porch light. His blue eyes filled with warmth, for her. “Kim,” he said softly.

  Striding into the house, he shoved the door shut, deadbolted it, and then turned to her. His gaze was intense and put all his previous glances to shame. He swept her off her feet and against his chest. Kim’s breath came out in a rush. She inhaled his musky scent and let herself fully appreciate his manly shape. Slow moments of joy passed as he simply held her close. She buried her head against his shoulder so she didn’t look up and press her lips to his.

  “I’m sorry we didn’t find him,” he said, his lips against her forehead.

  “It’s okay. I’m just … glad you’re safe.”

  Colt lowered her onto her feet, released one hand from her lower back and used it to tilt her chin up so she had to look at his handsome face. “Are you now?” His lips tilted up in an undeniable smirk. It was charming and irresistible and helped remind her of what a player he was.

  Kim stepped back, safe out of his reach, for the moment. “You weren’t supposed to touch me,” she reminded him, not sure what else to say and hating that she’d brought it up.
/>   Colt’s face tightened. He studied her for a beat and there was a war going on in his eyes. He wanted to touch her again, but he also was afraid she’d retreat further from him. “Are you going to call River?” his voice was low and humble. Oh, how she loved him humble.

  She didn’t know at the moment. Getting Colt reassigned would prevent a lot of heartache for her, but if she was honest she’d already fallen for him again. Simply seeing him in person did that to her, but being in his arms sealed her fate. She had to be stronger, somehow. “Is River your boss?” she asked to avoid his question.

  “No. Sutton’s my boss, but River’s his son-in-law and one of his most trusted men.”

  She nodded. “I won’t call River … but please don’t touch me again.” She loved every time he touched her, but her poor battered heart needed some kind of reprieve. She felt like a brat, but she couldn’t admit to him how his touch affected her and how close she was to declaring her love.

  “I’ll have to touch you when we’re in public,” he said, not really giving her a firm promise.

  “I know.”

  “You still want to go to Baldi tonight?” he asked, and she was relieved it was him changing the subject this time.

  “If you want me to stick with my normal schedule.” She liked her schedule and appreciated that they wanted to stick with it to avoid tipping off the stalker.

  “Hot springs and pizza?” He smiled, and her heart thumped faster.

  “Yes, sir. Wednesday and Saturday. Best nights of the week.”

  “Being with you would make every night the best.”

  Kim’s eyebrows lifted, and her stomach seemed to take flight. How was she supposed to respond to that? “I’ll just go … get ready.” She didn’t wait for a response but hurried back up the stairs. Being around Colt Quinn had her more confused and excited than she’d been in … five years to be exact.

  Chapter 7

  Colt finished the last bite of the delicious pizza. His personal pizza had been stacked with pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, and onions and cooked in a wood-fire oven. Kim’s pizza looked like a salad with chicken, every veggie they could put on it, and arugula covering the top. It was fun to tease her about ruining pizza with something that resembled spinach.


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