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Jett Page 4

by Blair Grey

  I didn’t say another word. Instead, I turned and headed out of the parking lot and onto the sidewalk, heading home as though I was the only person present. Of course, Jett had meant what he said when he told me he wasn’t going to leave, and he followed me on his bike.

  My heart raced; my body was on fire. I tried not to let myself get turned on by the situation, but that felt impossible. I’d never found myself in such a scenario before, and it was hard not to be affected by what was going on around me.

  I tried to blame it on the fact I knew I was going to sleep with Jett anyway, but I knew that was only part of the reason he was turning me on so much. The real reason was that he was so hot, and the fact he was following me home under the guise of protecting me, but really wanting to sleep with me, really did make me feel like a sex goddess.

  He put his bike in park when we got outside the building, then he followed me right up to my door. I turned to him slightly, my heart pounding so hard I was sure he could hear it.

  He didn’t say a word.

  Looking down at me, only a moment passed between us before our lips were on each other, our hands all over each other. My chest rose and fell as I tried to catch my breath, the heat of the moment almost too much for me to handle. I didn’t fully expect this to happen so fast, even though this is what I wanted.

  We broke only for a second, long enough for him to speak.

  “I should come inside and make sure there’s no one in there who could be stalking you,” he said.

  I had the key in the door, and with a quick turn of my hand, we both stumbled through, still kissing. I kicked the door closed, not bothering to lock it behind us. There was no need with this sexy man in the room with me. No one would dare to try to break in when I had someone like Jett here. But then, that was the furthest thing from my mind.

  His lips were all over my neck and the tops of my breasts as he and I continued to make our way through the dark living room and toward my bedroom. I knew where we were going through the darkness, and I guided him along the short path as our clothes fell to the floor.

  Through the pale light coming in through the window, Jett’s hard, toned body looked like something out of a movie. He was even more tatted than I’d thought, his abs looking sculpted by an artist.

  I only appreciated the sight for a moment before he was over the top of me, his hands spreading my legs as he teased me with his thumb and his fingers for just a moment. I was already so wet, I whimpered, letting my need show through my body language alone.

  That was all the encouragement he needed. In an instant, his cock was against my pussy, then deep inside me. I knew he was big, but it wasn’t until he was all the way inside me that I realized just how massive his cock was. His body was like a rock, pure muscle pushing into me and pulling out again.

  I moaned, wrapping my legs around him and holding him close to me as he slid in and out, our bodies moving as though they were made for each other. He glided in and out of me easily, my tight pussy massaging him with each thrust.

  I dragged my fingernails down his back, leaving little trails as he took me closer and closer to orgasm.

  “You’re going to make me cum!” I cried.

  “Do it for me,” he growled. His voice was deep with passion, and it was enough to push me over the edge. I cried out, sinking my teeth into his shoulder as I came hard. The feeling of my pussy clamping around his cock was enough to push him to orgasm, as well, and he thrust into me as deep as he could, just as his dick buckled and pulsed, emptying into me fully.

  We were breathless and sweaty, and I was shocked with what had just happened. I knew this was coming, this is what I wanted, but what I didn’t know was that it was just what I needed. His cock inside me was fulfilling something in me I didn’t know I was lacking.

  And as he leaned over me, pressing into me as far as possible, it was more than I had bargained for. I wasn’t sure what I felt; I wasn’t sure what I thought. All I knew was that this was incredible. Jett felt incredible.

  And, I never wanted this moment to end.

  Chapter 7


  I hadn’t planned on spending the rest of the night with Callie. Normally, I would hit it and split, but it was late, and after how hard I came, I was drained. She was quickly drifting off to sleep, so I got comfortable beside her and settled in for the rest of the night.

  When daylight peeked in through the curtains, I pulled myself out of bed and checked the time. It was decently early still, not even nine o’clock yet, and Callie was still sound asleep. I decided I’d make coffee for her before I took off for the day.

  I certainly wasn’t going to hang around. This was sex, and that’s all it was. I might be intrigued by the kind of person she was, and I did want to know her better, but that didn’t mean I wanted to know it now or that I couldn’t figure out anything I wanted to know about her hooking up another time.

  It was dangerous hanging around women after fucking. It was much harder to get rid of them later, and considering the fact Callie was a bartender at one of my favorite bars – the bar the MC hung out at most, in fact – I wanted to keep this simple.

  Of course, I had to push down the strange thoughts I had about her when I woke. It was rare for me to think about a girl at all after we hooked up. That is, to think about her in any way beyond whether I wanted to do it again. But there was something different about this one – something that had my attention a lot more than anyone else ever had.

  And the best way to deal with this would be to push her out of my mind and continue on with the rest of my life. I’d make her coffee, we’d flirt at the bar when we were together, and I would likely hook up with her again down the road, but that was the end of that as far as I was concerned.

  It was simple, just like most things I did.

  I found the coffee and creamer in the fridge, and I started a pot. It was another sunny day, but cooler in the morning. Fall was approaching, and the days were starting to get shorter. That wasn’t saying much in the desert heat, but it was a nice break from the intense temperatures that we dealt with during the height of summer.

  The pot was small, and it wasn’t long before there were two mug’s worth of coffee. I poured the hot liquid in each one before adding a splash of the creamer, then I headed back to the bedroom. Callie was just waking up when I walked through the door, and she looked around the room, almost confused.

  “Oh!” she gasped when I walked in. She pulled the blanket up over her tits, almost sheepish about the night before. I wondered if that was the first time she had taken someone home with her. Certainly not.

  She exuded confidence. I couldn’t have been the only person she hooked up with from her job. But, I didn’t care enough to dive into it. I didn’t want to think about her hooking up with anyone else. I was too possessive for that.

  No, I only wanted to think about the way I could make her squirm under my touch.

  “Thank you,” she said as she took the coffee. “You didn’t have to make this.”

  “I was up, and thought you might need something to help get you going after being up so late,” I said with a wink. “Not that you aren’t often, anyway.”

  “Thanks,” she said again. Her blush gave her away, but I still didn’t pursue it. I enjoyed watching her squirm under my gaze, that was for sure. There was something intense about her, but something also innocent. It was as though she wasn’t quite sure what to make of the attention I gave her, but at the same time, she thrived under it.

  Oh, the things I still wanted to do to her.

  “I’m going to get out of your hair,” I said as I finished my own cup of coffee. “I’ve got things to do today.”

  “Okay,” she said. Her tone seemed almost disappointed, but she clearly tried to hide it. “Thanks for coming over last night. I mean, you sort of invited yourself, but…”

  “Was there a problem with that?” I asked, looking at her. “You seemed to enjoy it.”

  “I did,” sh
e said quickly. “Very much so.”

  My cock got hard at the sight of her smile, and I suddenly realized I hadn’t had enough of her yet. I was dressed and didn’t care to take off my clothes again, but I wanted to taste her. “Then maybe I can do something that will start your day off right.”

  “You already did,” she held up the coffee before taking another sip, but I shook my head, picking up the bottom of the sheet.

  “I’m thinking something else,” I said as I slid to my knees next to the bed. I had the sheet over my head, so I wasn’t looking at her as I skimmed my hands all the way up her legs and toward her pussy. She gasped, spreading her legs with the slightest touch of my hands, moving with me and allowing me to do as I pleased.

  I pressed my lips to her pussy, pleasuring her with my tongue. Her body was tense, and she trembled under the flick of my tongue. It only prompted me to please her further, giving her everything. I knew how to pleasure a woman in many ways, but few things were as satisfying to me as feeling her cum in my mouth. The taste of her juices as I ran my tongue over her clit made me feel like I was on cloud nine.

  And considering how much I turned Callie on, it wasn’t long before I left her in a trembling, satisfied mess on the bed. She gasped, using her pillow to stifle the moans that emitted from her lips, trying to keep her voice down to keep from disturbing the neighbors as I made her cum hard once more.

  I kept my hands on her thighs, pushing her legs down and keeping them spread as I licked up the rest of her juices, intensifying her orgasm and making her mine all over again.

  Then, I gave her pussy one final kiss and pulled myself out from under the blanket.

  “Now you’re starting the day right,” I said with a nod.

  “That was incredible,” she breathed. She had the coffee on the nightstand next to the bed, and I could see she was falling back asleep already. “I’m just going to close my eyes for a few more minutes before I get up. I’ve got to get a few things done today, too.”

  “Take your time,” I smirked. “I’m sure there’s no rush.”

  “There isn’t,” she breathed.

  I grabbed the rest of my things from around the room, and then I headed for the door. But, she was already asleep before I left, proving I still had the perfect touch. I knew how to make a woman relax, and I was glad to do it for her. There was still something about this one that was different from any other woman I’d ever been with before, but I didn’t have the time to think about what was different now – or how it didn’t matter to me, anyway.

  Almost immediately after I closed the door, my phone rang.

  “Jett,” I said as I answered.

  I already knew it was my vice president, but he identified himself anyway. It was safe to do so with how many people who were after us. We never knew what could happen, and if someone were to call from one of our phones, we wanted to make sure we had the right person before we started talking about MC matters.

  “Blade,” he replied. “Are you ready for the next run?”

  “I was just about to head home and work on the details,” I said. “Although, I think the question is, are you ready?”

  “Just making sure we’re all in the clear,” he replied.

  “Nothing holding you back on my end, but be careful. We just got Ryu back. I don’t want anyone else to end up behind bars because of this, and I really don’t want anyone to end up six feet under,” I said.

  “Hear you there,” Blade agreed. “Again, we’re set to go. I’m going to make sure it’s smooth. Just making sure you’re on board and ready with your side of things.”

  “I’m ready,” I said. “But there are a few things I would like to check on with you before we go through with the final move. Talk tonight at the bar.”

  “Sounds good,” he said.

  Even with the precautions we took identifying ourselves on the phone before we spoke, neither of us said out loud what it was we were doing. There were too many eyes and ears everywhere. Even in my own house, I would be careful how much I would say out loud, and I knew the other members of the MC felt the same way.

  That’s just how it was when it came to drugs. And, considering the amount of cocaine we dealt with and the people we had to work with because of it, there wasn’t any way we could be too careful.

  I wasn’t exactly thrilled with that side of life, but it was part of the package. I didn’t make the rules, but I had to follow them. My father built this MC on the drug trade, and that’s what kept us going through some of the hardest times of our lives.

  We got more money from that than what we could hope to make doing anything else, and it also helped us establish our territories. Though I wouldn’t have chosen to get into dealing drugs if I was the one who founded the MC, I understood why my father did what he did, and I wasn’t going to change it now.

  God knew I couldn’t do it alone, anyway, and I wasn’t about to fight that battle. Anyone who was questioning the way the MC operated was just asking for problems, and we all knew it.

  Besides that, Blade was the one who took care of a lot of the dirty work anyway. Sure, I was the one who said what to do and when to do it, but he was the one who had to get his hands dirty more often than not. And, that was fine with me. He didn’t seem to mind it as much, and if that was okay with him, then I wasn’t going to question that, either.

  I knew the key to happiness came in living life to the simplest. There was no reason to complicate things that were really straightforward, and so far, I’d done pretty well in life.

  But with the drug run on the horizon, I knew I had to get a few more things done before I talked to Blade that night. I could sound a lot more confident on the phone than I really was, and I had a feeling he could sense it. I had to pull my head out of my ass – or, rather, my dick out of the pussy from the night before – and get my head in the game.

  This was far more important than a lay. There were lives depending on this run, and it came down to each person pulling their own weight to make it happen. We’d meet at the bar later to discuss the final details before we put this into action, but I already knew I had some work to do before I’d be ready to talk about it.

  I had to get going. I’d be ready by the time I met with Blade and whoever else he brought along that night, so I had to push any more thoughts of that hot woman out of my mind and focus.

  After all, I was a lot more like my father than I wanted to admit, and it worked to my benefit.

  We knew what we were doing, that was for sure. We were naturals, many said.

  I was okay with that.

  Chapter 8


  I gave myself one last critical look in the mirror before heading out the door for work. My mind was still spinning over how the day before had gone, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

  I was sore, which was one thing, but that wasn’t the only thing on my mind.

  The fact of the matter was that I’d envisioned hooking up with Jett to go far differently than it had. I thought we would do something crazy like hook up right there at the bar, and that would be something we’d keep secret between ourselves – something that would work long enough for me to get him to lower his guard at least a bit.

  I didn’t think I would take him home – to my own bed, in fact – and that we would have the best sex of my life when we got there. I wasn’t in the habit of taking men to bed with me. It had been a couple of years since the last time I’d gotten laid, and right now, my body was certainly feeling the effects of that.

  Sure, I’d been the wettest I’d ever been when Jett entered me, but his dick was so big, it was hard to believe it actually fit. The way he moved over me made me feel like I belonged to him, yet, there was a connection between us that never existed with anyone else I’d ever hooked up with before.

  Then, to give me the oral pleasure that he had before he left that morning was like the icing on the cake. He did it purely for my own enjoyment before he left, not asking for anything in r
eturn. It was amazing to me. So many of the men I’d hooked up with in college were more worried about what they would get out of a sexual encounter, rather than what they could put into it. I was left in shock.

  I spent most of the morning lying in bed and thinking about what had happened. Although the biggest thing I had on my mind was to stay focused, I knew this was going to be harder than I thought. That is, if Jett were to continue to treat me like he had that morning.

  After all, I wasn’t sure what the next step would be. I knew I wanted to hook up with him, and I knew that would be the first step in getting his attention, but I wasn’t sure, even now, how I was going to keep it. I was certain it was the same song and dance throughout the MC.

  I had already seen several of the other members at the bar go through a few women in just the couple weeks I’d been working there. They seemed to take women home, have their way, and then cut them loose. And, if that is what Jett had done to me, then I wasn’t sure how I was going to continue to get information on the MC.

  I had to figure out a way. After all, as amazing as that was the night before, I couldn’t let that be the only thing that happened between us. After all, I was convinced these were the men who killed my father, and the last thing I was going to do was hook up with one of them and leave it at that.

  No, there had to be more to come. There would be more to come. I’d have to be smart about it, but I’d figure it out. That was for damn sure.

  Satisfied with how I looked, I headed back to the bar. As always, I went on foot. It was just a few blocks away, and it was a lot easier to make the choice to drink at the end of the shift if I knew I wasn’t going to drive home. The last thing I needed was to deal with that on top of everything else I was trying to do here.

  So, being on foot seemed like not only the safest, but also the cheapest option. And considering the way things had gone the night before, walking clearly helped me get what I wanted with this person I had in my sights.


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