Deuces Wild

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Deuces Wild Page 1

by Goode, Ella


  Everyone thinks Carter is a jerk, even his teammates on the football team. The guy runs the locker room like they’re in the military, scowls at everyone on and off the field, and never, ever socializes with anyone at FU High. If Mallory had known any of this, maybe she wouldn’t have hid in his car that night after the Championship game but she was on the run and it was the first car she came across that was unlocked. But she didn’t know and now Carter won’t let her leave.

  He says she’s a hassle but every time trouble comes around, Carter’s the first one to defend her. For a guy who says he hates people, he sure is nice to Mallory. She doesn’t know what to make of it, or him. He’s a wildcard, but, then again, so is Mallory. Perhaps the two of them are meant to be together. Carter seems to think so.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32


  Also by Ella Goode

  Connect with me!

  Chapter 1


  “I can’t believe football season is over,” Fast comments, his arm slung over his girlfriend, whose name I can’t bother to remember. The two are attached at the hip, nearly literally. The only time I see Fast by himself is in the locker room and even that happens only because he thinks we are all hot after her. I couldn’t be less interested. If it’s not about football or my car or the one other hobby I have that no one deserves to know about, then it’s not important.

  “You’re all coming to my place, right?” shouts Ben. “Except you, Carter. I’m not expecting you.”

  He says it with this hope attached to the end as if I’m suddenly going to change and climb into the car with one of these guys. The confetti from the post-championship celebration crunches under my feet as I stride silently toward my car. I used to host the parties but the shit got old quick. I did it to keep an eye on the guys but the season is over. They can do what they want. I don’t give a shit anymore.

  “Carter, man, come on. It’s our last game together. We should at least have a beer.”

  “You guys have a great time. Feel free to send me the bill for the booze.”

  A huge cry of cheers fills the parking lot.

  “Least you could do, man,” bellows Josh.

  I lift my middle finger up and keep walking. The car unlocks itself as I approach. Girls? Who needs them when you have a 325 horsepower engine under your grip? I toss my bag in the virtually non-existent backseat and am about ready to climb into the driver’s seat when I hear a muffled yelp.

  “What in the fuck?” I flick on the flashlight feature on my phone and wave it in the back. A pair of frightened eyes appears for a half second before a hand comes up to shield the light. “Who the fuck are you?”

  No one, and I mean not even my grandmother, who is probably the only female of worth on this whole godforsaken planet, sits in my car. I once had a supermodel with some thirty million followers crawl into the passenger seat thinking—well, who the fuck knows what she was thinking? It was a dumb move because I had her bodyguards haul her ass out of it immediately by threatening to expose to the press that she still had white powder stuck to her nose. The paps got a picture of her being dragged away by her own people and it’s the top picture when you search her name. Serves her right for touching my baby, which is why I’m nearly struck dumb that another asshole had the audacity to break into my ride and rub their sweaty, smelly body all over my custom leather interior. I reach down and flip the front car seat forward. “Out. Get the fuck out of my car before I call the cops.”

  “Wait. I can explain—” she begins, struggling into a sitting position, still covering her face. I make out a ratty T-shirt falling halfway off her shoulder and wonder if she’s trying to seduce me. Not gonna work.

  “Do I look like I give a rat’s ass about your explanation? I don’t care if you’re running from an abusive boyfriend or from the police. I’m not the white knight type. I’m the type that gives your sorry ass a boot even when you’re already down, so get out of my car.”


  The abrupt rejection surprises me into silence for a second. “Yeah, that’s not acceptable. Get out.”


  I drum my fingers on the hood of my car. I’m not a fan of laying hands on a woman. My dad’s an asshole but even he would find that act despicable. My grandmother would rise from her sickbed and beat me over the head with her bedpan and that was after pouring her warm piss down my back—so I can’t exactly reach in and drag this girl out. Worse, I think she fucking knows that.

  “I’ll give you a hundred bucks to get out right now.”

  “Ten thousand.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Ten thousand dollars in a black satchel. Small bills, non-sequential as well.”

  “You think I carry around ten grand in small, non-sequential bills?” I gape at her.

  She shrugs, still keeping her hands up to block the light—or maybe to block my view of her. “Not my problem if you don’t. I’m fine in the backseat of your car. You’re the one who wants me to get out and are offering to pay me. I’m telling you the price. Isn’t that the way the world works?”

  That last part comes out bitter. Real bitter.

  “Hey, Carter, something wrong with your car?” I spin around to find Fast behind me. His girlfriend is craning her neck, trying to spy on the situation. I slam the car door shut.

  “No. Nothing’s happening here. I was just putting my shit away. Have fun at the party.”

  “Is there an animal in your backseat?” the girlfriend asks. “I think I see something moving.”

  “What’s going on?” asks Ben.

  “Your car broke down?” Josh comes rambling up.

  Pretty soon half the team is huddled around.

  “There’s nothing to see here. Literally.” I wave them off but no one moves.

  “Are you sure? I mean, if you’re afraid of an animal, there’s no shame in asking for help,” the girl chirps.

  No wonder I never learned this girl’s name. She’s irritating. I send a look in Fast’s direction but he’s too busy gazing adoringly at her to notice that I want the two of them gone. Jesus fucking Christ. I’m going to have to drive away with that...person in the back of my car. Why can’t people leave me alone? Why is that too much to ask? You’d think I wanted to get rid of a dead body based on the number of people up in my business.

  I look over my shoulder and based on the shapes in the backseat, it appears as if my unwanted passenger has hidden herself under my letter jacket and gym bag. With a huge sigh, I wrench open the door, push the driver’s seat back and climb in. “See, nothing’s wrong with my vehicle. Thanks for your interest. Now, goodnight.”

  I slam the car door shut, punch the starter button and peal out of the parking lot, spitting loose gravel behind me. “Don’t sit up or I’ll kick you out on the most deserted stretch of road I can find.”

  “Did some animal die in your asshol
e or are you always this cranky?” I hear from underneath my jacket.

  I curl my fingers around the steering wheel and tell myself that murder is, unfortunately, still illegal in all fifty states.

  Chapter 2


  My heart pounds in my chest as I try and keep my breathing even. I’ve learned if you appear weak that’s when an animal strikes. I had no idea when I slipped into this fancy-ass sports car that it would be owned by a super extra asshole. I should have known better. My bad. I’m used to dealing with men like him. Assholes, that is. I obviously attract them from all walks of life. I think it’s a habit that I inherited from my mother. If that’s the only bad one that I got from her I’ll consider myself lucky. The last thing that I would ever want to be is like her. It’s why I’m currently sleeping in a car. My desperation has reached a whole new level.

  Also, the fact that the car was unlocked should have been a tell. It shows me that he’s so sure of himself that he didn’t even fear leaving it that way. He assumed no one would mess with it. Probably because everyone around here knows what a giant dick he is. I should have kept moving but my feet were killing me. I was only going to sleep for a few hours. I figured I’d have a little nap and be gone before the owner got back. The back of the car sounded like a good idea at the time so I slipped in. The small space hid me well in the busy parking lot. It also helped that the entire area was dimly lit. I knew if there was a problem I could easily scream and help would be near. Everything looked fancy around here so I’m sure it’s somewhat of a safe area. It’s why I ventured across the tracks to this part of town to begin with. I didn’t really care where I slept as long as it was safe. Eventually I’ll get back on my feet and be able to afford to sleep somewhere with a bed. Right now I don’t have that luxury but I have to hope that the day will come when I do.

  I was out of money with nowhere to go. I thought finding a nice area of town would be a good start. That’s as far as my plan went. Now it looks like I might be in more trouble with this guy, who is clearly a straight-up dick, than this uncomfortable car nap was worth. I don’t have time for this guy who thinks he’s better than me. He doesn’t need to say it. I can feel his judgment. His lack of care about anyone but himself and his car is clear.

  It shouldn't hurt my feelings but it does. I’m used to people treating me poorly by now. It’s essentially another person tossing me out. If it isn’t my mother wanting me out for the night because she is having a date come over, then it’s a hotel manager because I didn’t have the money to pay for another night—unless I wanted to pay in another kind of way. I always get kicked to the curb one way or another. I really hope this guy isn’t a big enough dick to actually leave me stranded out in the middle of nowhere. My phobia of the dark is one that could have me shut completely down and that is not something I can do in the middle of nowhere. I push those thoughts to the side. There is no way I’ll let him toss me out of this car in the middle of nowhere.

  I hear Deuce, as I’ve now dubbed him, curse from the front seat as he pulls out of the parking lot. I think I heard people call him Carter but the number two is plastered across his back. Between that and the bag he pretty much threw on me, I think he’s a football player. I take in a deep breath trying to calm myself. I know I’m going to have more words with Deuce in the near future and I can’t let my fear show. Out of the corner of my eye I see a half-eaten Snickers bar in his bag and I lick my lips, thinking about the last time I ate. My stomach clenches with hunger. Clearly he isn’t going to eat it because who only eats half a candy bar? My eyes flick from him to the candy bar again, trying to decide if I should shove all of that yummy goodness in my mouth.

  I think what the hell and decide that I’m going to eat it. What’s the worst that can happen? The man already said he’s dropping me off in the middle of nowhere. Which is not happening, just so we are clear. I take the candy bar out of the partly open bag and eat it in two quick bites. I think I let out a small moan when the first bite of the chocolatey caramel peanut combination hits my tongue. I close my eyes for a moment after I swallow the second piece, trying to savor it for as long as I can.

  “Did you just eat my fucking candy bar?”

  My eyes pop open and annoyance immediately takes up residence inside of me. He says it as though I’ve just killed someone inside of his fancy car. Maybe there is a no food rule in the car. I wouldn’t be surprised, as uptight as this guy is. He probably does everything neat and tidy. I’m not the one who brought the candy bar. It was in his bag. The car jerks, coming to a hard stop. I slam forward, my head hitting the seat in front of me. I try and fight a whimper, not wanting him to know I’m in pain.

  Another round of curse words comes from Deuce before I’m being pulled from the car. I breathe a small sigh of relief when I see that we’re in a parking lot flooded with light. I let him finish guiding me out of the car because it looks safe here. At least we’re not in the middle of nowhere. My hand covers part of my face. I stare at his broad chest. I didn’t realize how tall he is. I focus on the number two that’s bold in my face.

  “Let me see.”

  I shake my head no. He reaches for my elbow to remove my hand himself and out of instinct I flinch back. His hand stops in midair and he doesn’t make another grab for me. “I could call the cops.”

  “For eating your Snickers?”

  “For breaking into my car.”

  “It was unlocked,” I toss back. My head throbs more. Did I really hit it that hard or is it a mix of lack of sleep and hunger? Either way I’m starting to feel faint.

  “Doesn’t mean you can just crawl in and make yourself at home.”

  Home. The simple word rattles around in my head. Have I ever thought of anywhere as home? “Call the cops. At least they’ll feed me and give me somewhere to sleep for the night.” This time it’s him that flinches. I don’t care at this point; it’s the truth.

  “Get in the car,” he demands.

  “You’re an asshole. Maybe I don’t want to get back in your car so you can assault me again.” I let my hand drop away from my face.

  “I didn’t assault you. I—" He stops speaking when his eyes lock with mine. We move to the front of his car. The headlights along with the parking lot lights make it easier to see each other. Of course he’s handsome. No wonder he’s a cocky asshole. “Get in the car,” he says again.

  I shake my head no. He reaches up, running a hand through his hair, almost pulling at it. He looks more frustrated than when he found me in his car in the first place. He really is handsome. Even more so when he gets flustered. I’ll have to remember that.

  “Please.” The one word comes out coarse. It’s as though he’s never had to say it before and it’s left a bad taste in his mouth. I can tell it took everything in him to utter that word.

  “Fine. But I want Taco Bell.” I turn to stomp back to his car. I don’t know how he does it but he beats me to the passenger side door to open it for me. So he’s a cocky jerk who’s still a gentleman.

  “Name’s Carter,” he informs me.

  “Too late. I’ve already been calling you Deuce.”

  He looks at me like I’m crazy and I point at his shirt.

  “It’s Carter,” he says again.

  I shrug. “Okay, Deuce.” I watch his jaw tick. He hates it. Perfect. There is only one way to beat an asshole at his own game. Be a bigger asshole. I hate doing it because I don’t like to play games but I learned early in life sometimes you have to play them to survive.

  “You going to tell me your name?” he asks.

  “Nope.” I grab the door he’s holding and yank it closed before he can shut it for me. I watch him stomp around the front of the car. All six foot four inches of his handsome self. If I had to guess his height I would say that I’m pretty close. He isn’t handsome. I was mistaken when I described him before. He is beautiful. He has the kind of face you see in magazines.

  “Where do you live? I’ll take you home,” he offers.
  “Taco Bell,” I repeat.

  “You do not live at Taco Bell.”

  “Just drop me there.” I sigh. He glances into the back seat, his eyes going to my backpack and duffle before coming to me. His eyes roam over me. My body heats as he takes me in. I shut that feeling down immediately. I’m not in a place to even think about a man that way. Especially not one who’s a dick.

  “I make better tacos,” he says as he pulls out of the parking lot, heading in the opposite direction of Taco Bell. Or at least the one I know of. I don’t say anything to that. I remain silent as I watch the landscape through the window. I’m enjoying the quiet. I put on a tough façade for Carter but inside I’m fragile. My head is throbbing and my ire is growing by the second. The world hasn’t been the kindest to me but that’s not his problem. Well, it wasn’t until I climbed into his car.

  Chapter 3


  “I can’t fucking believe I’m browning hamburger meat at ass o’clock for some random chick who decided that eating my food and sleeping in my car was okay.” I slap a bag of lettuce onto the counter. Fortunately for the waif, tacos are one of about five foods I’ll eat.

  “I told you to drop me off at Taco Bell, not be a Taco Bell,” the waif chirps from the bar stool. She’s wearing my old practice jersey and it’s nearly swallowing her up. I can see her head, a lot of her throat and then nothing so it shouldn’t get me heated and my dick shouldn’t be hardening into a half chub, but it is. I blame the post-game adrenaline rush.


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