An Amish Deception

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An Amish Deception Page 13

by J. E. B. Spredemann

  “If it’s something we need, we can always stop at a store and buy it.”

  “Jah. Okay. That makes me feel better.” She turned in his arms and indulged in a kiss.

  “You ready to say goodbye to your vatter?”

  “I think so.” She sighed. Her dat had been trying her patience the last few days. At every turn, he’d tried to talk her into staying there with him. When had her vatter become so needy?

  “Don’t worry about him. He’ll be fine.”

  “You think so? We’re the closest family he has. I feel like I’m abandoning him.”

  “Can you keep a secret?” Jacob’s brow shot up.

  Rachel pulled back and stared at him. “What?”

  “Your vatter has an aldi.”

  She playfully slapped his upper arm. “Ach, he does not!”

  “Mm…hm.” He nodded.


  “Margaret Yoder.”

  “The alt maedel? She’s like at least ten years younger than Dat! Ach, really?”

  He held up two fingers. “I lie not.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Saw them at the hardware store. They didn’t think anyone was around. When he handed her the money from across the counter, their hands lingered a little too long. But it was the look in her eye and smile that gave it away. Jah, they’re sweet on each other for sure.”

  “Ach, I never would have thought!”

  “They kind of make a nice couple, ain’t so?”

  She shrugged. “Can’t see her being my mamm.”

  The door opened and Marlin waltzed in. Ach, did he seem joyful? Perhaps Jacob was right. Perhaps he’d just been waiting for the right time to take another fraa. “You two gonna stand there smoochin’ all day? That driver’s been waiting. Said the kinner are all buckled in now.”

  “Jah.” Jacob pulled Dat in for a hug.

  “Der Herr go with you, sohn.”

  Jacob nodded. “And may He be with you too.”

  Rachel stepped close and wrapped her father in an embrace. “I’ll miss you, Dat.”

  “I’ll miss you too, dochder.” He pulled back with unshed tears in his eyes. “Don’t you worry about me.”

  “Okay.” She shook her finger in his direction. “We’ll expect you to visit with your new fraa.”

  His eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets.

  “You don’t fool me.” She winked, spun around, and headed toward the awaiting vehicle, leaving her father with his chin on the ground.


  “You buwe will like Grossdawdi’s ranch. He has a lot of horses.” Jacob turned from his seat and looked back at the older boys in the seat behind him, Rachel, and the boppli. “Nice ones that run on the racetrack and sell for a lot of money.”

  That brightened the boys’ gloomy faces. “Really?”

  Jah, they’d been traveling too long. Thankfully, they were almost home. Home! Ach, he couldn’t wait to see Mamm and Dat. He was sure they’d love his tribe.

  “Jah, and Dinah, your Grossmammi will teach you how to make goat milk soap.”

  Dinah smiled. “She will?”

  “Ach, I can’t wait to learn.” Rachel squeezed his hand.

  “Almost there,” the driver called out. “Is everyone ready to stretch their legs?”

  A collective ‘jah’ echoed back.

  The driver pulled around the corner. Jacob squinted to see in the distance. Ach, was it Ephraim? And he appeared to have a large group of men with him, both Amish and Englisch. They looked rough enough to turn a city upside down. They blocked the entrance to the driveway.

  Jacob gulped. This might not go well. Gott, please be with me.

  He turned to Rachel. “My brother’s here. I want you and the kinner to stay in the van until I call you to come out. Okay?”

  He’d speak with the driver to make sure he stayed with Rachel and the kinner. If any foul play ensued, he’d be directed to leave at once. Because if Ephraim had in mind to finish him off, he would not harm his fraa and kinner.

  She looked to where his gaze had been, then glanced back at him. He read the worry in her eyes.

  “It’ll be okay, lieb. Der Herr will go with me.” Ach, he wished he felt the confidence his words exuded.

  The vehicle stopped.

  Jacob inhaled a deep breath and sent up another prayer. He leaned over and kissed Rachel on the cheek. “I’ll be right back.” He smiled to reassure her.

  He briefly spoke with his driver, then walked toward the large group of men. Like he was walking the plank of a ship. Or stepping up to the gallows. Or—

  “Jacob, bruder! Is that you?” Ephraim careened toward him at full speed, practically knocking him off his feet with a huge bear hug. “I hardly recognize you with that beard. That’s mighty impressive.”

  “You…you’re not…ach, I brought some cattle. It should have arrived yesterday. I brought some for you.”

  Ephraim waved a hand in front of his face. “Ach, I don’t need it. I’ve got tons.”

  “I insist.”

  “Jacob, you don’t need to butter me up. We’re good.” Ephraim stared him in the eye. “I don’t harbor any ill will toward you.”

  His eyes widened. “You don’t? You’ve forgiven me?”

  “Jah. Will you forgive me for being such a jerk?”


  Denki, Gott!


  Ephraim turned back and waved the men behind him over.

  Jacob blew out a breath. Hopefully, Ephraim was serious. Because, if he wasn’t…

  “Hey, guys! Come meet my baby brother!” Ephraim called out.

  The men came over and shook his hand. Amazement filled Jacob. Ach, he did not deserve Gott’s goodness!

  “Hey, he’s only older by a minute,” Jacob teased.

  “I will claim whatever victory I can get, bruder.” Ephraim slapped him on the back.

  Jacob turned and signaled to the driver.

  “Who do you have with you?” Ephraim peered over Jacob’s shoulder.

  “Mei fraa und kinner.”

  Rachel’s contented smile warmed him as she approached, holding the boppli in her arms. Dinah held the second youngest’s hand. And the boys trailed behind them.

  Jacob slipped his arm around Rachel’s waist. “This is my fraa, Rachel. And our kinner.”

  Ephraim’s expression widened. “Wow, you have nine already? You’re a stud.”

  Jacob coughed. His bruder had been in the Englisch world too long. Jacob shook his head and gently squeezed his fraa. He hoped Ephraim’s careless words didn’t harm Rachel.

  “Der Herr has blessed us.” Jacob wouldn’t explain that the kinner were from his first marriage. Rachel was their mamm now.

  “How about you? Fraa? Kinner?” He’d already known the answers due to Mamm’s letters, but he wanted to keep the conversation going.

  “Two kids. My wife’s Englisch. We’ve got a decent place.”

  “We’d like to meet them someday.” He smiled.

  “Sure. We’ll stop by one of these days.” He glanced at the children. “Well, I should let you get up to the house. I’m sure you’re anxious to see Mamm and Dat.”

  “You’re not staying?”

  “Nah, me and the guys are working a construction job and we need to finish. Dat said you were coming home, so I wanted to swing by and say hi.”

  “Denki for coming.”

  Ephraim nodded. “Welcome home, bruder.”

  Denki, Gott. Ach, but he served a gut gut Gott!


  Jacob watched as Ephraim left with his motley crew. He and the older kinner continued to the house on foot, while Rachel, Dinah, and the two youngest bopplin rode up to the house in the van. Jacob’s troop arrived just after Rachel disembarked with the boppli.

  He grasped her hand and bent to kiss her cheek. “You ready?”

  Her countenance beamed like rays of sunshine bursting through the trees lining their property. “Jah, ver

  Mamm flew out of the house and nearly crashed into Jacob the way Ephraim had, but with less force. “Sohn, I’m so glad you’ve kumm home!” She hugged him briefly, then pulled back. “Ach, look at that full beard. You are almost as handsome as your dat.”

  Jacob shared glances with Rachel.

  “And is this your beautiful fraa?” Mamm’s smile widened. “Rachel, right?”

  “Ach, jah. This is my beloved.” Jacob brought her forward.

  Mamm wrapped Rachel in a welcoming embrace. “It’s gut to have you both home. Welcome, Rachel.”

  “Denki.” Tears shimmered in Rachel’s eyes. “It’s gut to be here. I didn’t realize it would look like this. Ach, it’s wunderbaar!”

  Mamm’s arm linked with Rachel’s elbow like they were already best friends. “You know, that’s what I thought when I first met Isaac. Right here in this very spot. The day I fell in love. Just wait until you see all the property.”

  Mamm winked at him. “I’m sure Jacob will be happy to give you the grand tour.”

  “I’ll take her everywhere. After we rest a bit. I’m sure Rachel’s tired.”

  “Now, let me take a look at these grossbopplin! Ach, Jacob, they are schee. Let’s see if I can remember…this boppli is Zeb, right?”

  Rachel nodded. “Would you like to hold him?”

  “I’d love to.” She nestled the little one close to her chest. “Ach, he’s a little doll.”

  “Jah, he is.” Rachel grinned.

  Mamm looked up at the other kinner. “And which of you buwe is the oldest.”

  “I am,” Reuben declared.

  “You must be Reuben. Then, let’s see. Simeon. Levi. Judah.”

  Each of the boys nodded as she said their name. She promptly shook their hands.

  “And this sweet princess must be Dinah.” Mamm pulled his only dochder into a hug. “You and I are going to have a lot of fun. I never had a little girl.”

  Dinah beamed.

  “And these younger buwe must be Dan, Gad, and Ash.” She greeted the younger boys. “And I bet these kinner would love to have a cookie or two.”

  The kids exploded in excitement. Jacob chuckled. “I would like a cookie or two.”

  “I wanna see my room!” Dan exclaimed.

  “Kumm, let’s all go inside.” Mamm suggested.

  Jacob touched her shoulder. “Where’s Dat?” He thought he might be out there to greet him and his family. Disappointment turned his lips down.

  “Ach, I told you he’s been weak lately. I wouldn’t let him kumm outside. He’s sitting on the couch waiting for you.” She shook her head. “He must not be feeling gut, because I didn’t think I’d be able to keep him in the house. All he’s been talking about is Jacob coming home.”

  That lifted Jacob’s spirits. So Dat wasn’t indifferent to his return. “Let’s go say hello, then.”

  They all followed Mamm into the house. Jacob draped his arm around Rachel’s shoulders. Ach, he couldn’t wait to show her everything.

  Dat apparently had fallen asleep on the couch. Mamm shook his shoulder. “Isaac, Jacob’s family is here.”

  Dat’s eyes flew open. “Jacob?”

  Jacob rounded the couch and planted himself next to his vatter. “Yep, it’s me.” He smiled, reached for Dat, and pulled him into a hug.

  “Ach, you’ve grown into a man, sohn. And look at all these kinner.”

  Jacob rattled off their names in five seconds.

  “You have some fine kinner, Jacob.” His father smiled. “And I see you found yourself a beautiful fraa, just like your mamm.”

  Jacob pulled Rachel near. “This is mei fraa, Rachel.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” Rachel looked to Mamm and Dat. “Jacob speaks very highly of you. I couldn’t wait to meet you.”

  Ach, but she was a blessing from Der Herr indeed. His love for her would never die.

  Mamm brought out the plate of cookies and called the kinner to the table. They all took a seat. Mamm gave them each a glass of goat milk too. Not everyone cared for the strong taste, but Jacob had grown up on it and came to appreciate it. Many times he’d heard the verse from Proverbs twenty-seven about having goat milk.

  “Your vatter and I have since relocated downstairs, so the master bedroom is all yours,” Mamm said, bringing a plate of cookies for Jacob, Rachel, and Dat.

  “Ach, I want to show Rachel.” Jacob beamed. “Do you two mind watching the kinner?”

  “Ach, we’d love to. I know your vatter is dying to hold this boppli.”

  Jacob stood and reached his hand toward Rachel. “Kumm, fraa.”

  He led the way up the staircase to the open loft. Rachel turned around and surveyed the activity below them. They had a full view of the large living area and the dining room and kitchen.

  “Kumm.” Jacob opened the double doors to the bedroom. “This is our bedroom.”

  “Ach, Jacob.” She gasped. Tears filled her eyes. “It’s wunderbaar.”

  She went to the bed, admiring the large wooden posts. Then she jumped on the bed, spread out her arms, and sighed. “This is the best.”

  He joined her. They laid down, staring up at the ceiling.

  She turned on her side, propping her head on her hand. “You didn’t tell me you were wealthy, Jacob.”

  “We are wealthy.” He shrugged. “And you never asked.”

  “I can’t believe all this is ours! Ach, Jacob, I feel like one of those princesses in a fairy tale.”

  “You are my princess, Mrs. King.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.

  “It’s all so schee, I don’t even know what to say.”

  “So you’re happy?”

  “So, so happy.” She kissed him with her smiling lips. “Can you believe we’re married? And we have our own place? It was a dream I thought might never come true. And now it’s here.”

  He kissed her back, but forced himself to stop before they got carried away. “None of that yet. I still have much to show you.”

  “There’s more?” Her eyes widened.

  He hopped off the bed and reached for her hand. “Kumm, lieb.”

  He pulled her to a set of double doors, then opened them.

  “Ach, Jacob!” Her hand flew to her lips and tears surfaced in her eyes. “It’s so…so beautiful. We have our own porch?”

  He chuckled. “It’s called a balcony.”

  “We can come out here and watch the stars twinkle at night.”

  “Or you can put on your bathing suit and sit out in the sun.” His grin stretched wide, knowing it would get a rise out of her.

  She lightly punched his arm. “Jacob! Ach, you know I would never do that.”

  His mouth curled up into a half-smile and he raised his eyebrows. “I wouldn’t mind.”

  She shook her head. “Nee. I would never.”

  “Maybe not here. But tomorrow I’ll show you a place where you can wear your bathing suit.”

  “For real?” Ach, he’d never tire of seeing the smile on her face.

  “Yep. Tomorrow.”


  Rachel grinned as Jacob led her by the hand. She had no idea where he was taking her to. He’d just said he had something to show her. All these new adventures were so exciting. It almost seemed like she and Jacob were on a honeymoon without the kinner present. Having occasional babysitters would be nice.

  “Don’t worry about the kinner. Mamm said they will be just fine. She has them working on a project.”

  “A project?”

  “Jah. They’re making their own candles. Well, the older ones are. But the boppli will be asleep for another hour at least and Mamm’s got the two littlest ones occupied in a playpen in the kitchen.”

  “Sounds like she has everything under control.”

  “She sure does. I think Mamm would have liked to have more kinner, if she could. But Der Herr only blessed her with twin buwe.”

  Rachel frowned. “I know how she feels.”

tightened his grip on her hand and glanced at her. “You know, the doctors said my mamm couldn’t have kinner either.”

  “Really? Then…what happened?”

  “Dat prayed.”

  “That’s it?”

  He nodded.

  “Do you think maybe he would pray for a boppli for me?”

  “You mean for us.”

  “Jah.” She frowned. “It just…it seemed so easy for Leah. I mean, you didn’t do anything different with her, did you?”

  He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, something different, something special to have a boppli.”

  “Do you think I’m purposely not helping you get in the familye way?” Frustration simmered in his tone.

  She shrugged, fighting back her tears of jealousy.

  “Lieb.” His tone gentled. “I loved your schweschder the same way I love you. Well, physically speaking. There’s not a thing I do different that I can think of.”

  “Maybe there are no bopplin left for me.” She swallowed hard.

  “Ach, Rachel. These things are not something we can control. It’s not up to us whether you have a boppli or not. But I will pray for it, if that’s what you want. We could ask Dat too.”

  “Ach, Jacob, wouldn’t it be wunderbaar to have our own bopplin?”

  “I’d love to have a boppli with you. I can only imagine how beautiful he or she will be if they look anything like their mamm.”

  “Or their dat.”

  He shook his head in denial.

  “Where are we going again?” She ducked her head under a tree branch and attempted to stay on the cleared path along the wooded trail.

  “Our favorite spot. Just wait until you see it. I’m sure you will love it.” He grinned. “Take a deep breath.”

  They were now ensconced in a utopia of lush greenery. “Ach, it smells so sweet!”

  “Okay, I want you to close your eyes and take my hand.”

  “Okay.” She held her hand out to him and allowed him to lead her.

  “It’s okay, I won’t let you fall. I’ll catch you if you stumble.”

  She heard the sound of something. Was it a stream? Nee, she felt mist.

  “Alright. Open your eyes.”

  They’d come to a clearing. A lovely waterfall cascaded into a small pool right in front of her eyes. “Jacob! Ach, Jacob. This is like paradise.”


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